
    The Deep State Plotters Had a Backup Plan & That’s Failing Too (Ep 1094)

    enOctober 23, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Spygate Investigation: Steele's Dossier and CIA ConversationsThe hosts discuss the potential implications if Christopher Steele admits his dossier was not entirely his work and he had earlier conversations with the CIA, increasing panic among those involved.

      The hosts of the Dan Bongino show are continuing their investigation into the Spygate scandal and the role of Christopher Steele's dossier in the Russia probe. They discussed how the panic among those involved increases if Steele admits that the dossier was not entirely his work and that he had earlier conversations with the CIA. The show also featured a sponsor, Ali, promoting their high-quality dog food made with human-grade ingredients. The hosts emphasized the importance of good nutrition for dogs and shared testimonials about how Ali's food has improved the health and energy levels of their own dogs. The listeners were offered a discount and a free bag of treats by using the promo code "Bongino" on Ali's website. The show also touched on the media reaction to the latest developments in the Spygate investigation.

    • No clear evidence of quid pro quo in call transcriptThe call transcript between Trump and Ukraine leaders does not support allegations of a quid pro quo regarding military aid and Biden information.

      Despite claims of a quid pro quo between the Trump administration and Ukraine regarding military aid and information on Hunter Biden, the transcript of the call between the two parties does not support this allegation. Bill Taylor, a former US official in Ukraine, testified to such an exchange, but text messages between him and Gordon Sondland do not definitively prove a quid pro quo. The media's portrayal of Taylor as having a vendetta against Trump due to the recall of Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador, adds to the controversy. However, the transcript itself does not contain any evidence of a quid pro quo, and it is essential to separate fact from speculation.

    • No clear evidence of quid pro quoMSNBC and some Democrats claimed a deal between Trump and Ukraine, but texts and testimony show no quid pro quo. Sondland confirmed there was no deal, and Taylor admitted no firsthand knowledge.

      Despite claims from MSNBC and some Democrats about a deal between President Trump and Ukraine, the text messages and testimony from key figures indicate there was no quid pro quo. Sondland himself stated clearly that there was no deal, and Bill Taylor admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of the military aid being withheld or Ukraine knowing about it at the time of the July call between Trump and Zelensky. It's important to remember that extortion involves informing the target of the extortion that they're being extorted, and it's unclear how military aid could have been withheld without Ukraine knowing. The ongoing investigation and media coverage should focus on the facts and evidence, rather than speculation and fabrication.

    • Speakers clash over accusations of wrongdoing and lack of transparencyDespite strong accusations, lack of clear facts and biased interpretations hinder trust and consensus between the speakers.

      The conversation between the speakers involves strong accusations and counter-accusations regarding the legitimacy of certain actions and motivations. The speakers express doubts and suspicions towards each other, with one suggesting potential extortion and the other denying any wrongdoing. They also reference political figures and events, including the Ukrainian president and allegations of racism towards President Trump. The conversation also touches on the idea of transparency and the importance of knowing the facts. However, the speakers' biases and emotions cloud their interpretations of events, leading to a lack of clarity and consensus. Ultimately, it seems that trust and credibility are major issues at play, with each side questioning the motives and integrity of the other.

    • Discovering Valuable Insurance Resources and Russian Collusion AllegationsPolicygenius.com simplifies insurance comparison and purchase process, while it's crucial to scrutinize the origins and motivations behind Russian collusion allegations

      During a recent podcast discussion, it was emphasized that Policygenius.com is a valuable resource for those seeking to compare and purchase various types of insurance, including life, home, auto, and disability. The platform offers a user-friendly experience, allowing individuals to easily compare quotes from multiple insurers and handle the application process online. Additionally, the podcast highlighted the history of attempts to create political scandals involving Russian collusion, specifically referencing the attempts against John McCain in 2007 and later against Donald Trump. The discussion underscored the importance of understanding the origins and motivations behind such allegations.

    • Australian diplomat's tip about Trump campaign aide's Russian dirt leads to investigationDuring the 2016 election, opponents of Trump used false info to lure Trump associates, leading to an investigation based on unverified claims.

      During the 2016 election, there were allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. To strengthen their case, those against Trump sought to gather more evidence by pushing false information into the Trump team's orbit. This was done through human intelligence assets, or "lures," who would try to elicit information from Trump associates. One example of this was the encounter between George Papadopoulos and an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer. Downer reported Papadopoulos' comments about Hillary's emails and Russian dirt to the authorities, which was used as justification to begin investigating the Trump campaign. However, it's important to note that none of the information in the initial dossier, which sparked the investigation, was verified, making the entire situation a potential setup or entrapment.

    • Did Mifsud have connections to Western forces?New evidence suggests Mifsud, a key figure in the Russia investigation, may have had connections to Western forces, casting doubt on the narrative that he was a Russian agent and potentially reframing the entire investigation.

      The allegations against Joseph Mifsud, a key figure in the origins of the Russia investigation, hinge on whether he was acting as a Russian agent or a Western friendly asset. If he was working for Russian interests, there may be evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. However, if he was working on behalf of Western friendly assets, there are strong indications of an entrapment scheme against George Papadopoulos. The Washington Times reported that Mifsud spoke at a terrorism conference in Riyadh in May 2017, where he was on a panel with counter-terrorism expert Michael Hurley and former defense secretary Ash Carter. This suggests that Mifsud may have had connections to Western friendly forces, casting doubt on the narrative that he was a Russian agent. The implications of this discovery are significant, as it could potentially reframe the entire Russia investigation.

    • Discussion about Mifsud's interactions with high-level Western officials raises concerns for potential damage assessmentDespite Mifsud's reported contacts with Western officials, no publicly available damage assessment has been conducted, fueling ongoing speculation and debate about his role and influence

      During a discussion about Joseph Mifsud, a Russian figure who allegedly attempted to interfere in the US election, there was a concern raised about his presence on a panel with former US defense secretary Ash Carter and other high-level Western officials. The implication was that there should have been a damage assessment conducted regarding Mifsud's interactions with these individuals. However, despite Mifsud's reported contacts with Western officials, no such damage assessment has been made public. Another takeaway is that Mifsud was also reportedly in contact with various diplomats, Intel, and Defense Department personnel, leading some to question the extent of his influence and the potential damage he may have caused. However, there is ongoing debate about whether Mifsud should be considered a Russian agent, with some arguing that there is insufficient evidence to support this claim. Ultimately, the lack of a publicly available damage assessment has fueled ongoing speculation and debate about Mifsud's role and influence.

    • Joseph Mifsud: A Western Intel Asset?Mifsud's interactions with US, UK, French officials and teaching Middle Eastern intel officers suggest he's a Western asset, not Russian spy. Yet, Russian collusion proponents ignore this evidence.

      Joseph Mifsud, a man believed to be at the heart of the Russian collusion investigation, may in fact be a Western intelligence asset rather than a Russian spy. Evidence of this includes his interactions with officials from the United States, United Kingdom, and France, as well as his teaching of Middle Eastern intelligence officials and his appearance on Capitol Hill. Despite this, those pushing the Russian collusion narrative have shown little interest in investigating Mifsud further, instead focusing on baseless claims against President Trump and Ukraine. This discrepancy highlights the importance of thoroughly examining the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

    • Skepticism towards Ms. Sood's manipulation of Minnesota loansSpeaker questions if everyone involved in the Minnesota loans scandal was outsmarted by one person and shares his family's positive experiences with Genucel, offering a special deal and money-back guarantee.

      During a discussion about potential manipulations in Minnesota loans and the involvement of certain intelligence people and the State Department, the speaker expressed skepticism towards the idea that everyone involved was so incompetent that they were all outsmarted by one individual, Ms. Sood. He also shared a personal anecdote about his family's use and positive experiences with the skincare product Genucel. The speaker's family names all begin with the letter J, and they all love the product. The speaker encouraged listeners to try Genucel for themselves with a special offer and a 60-day money-back guarantee.

    • FBI's Complex Role in Russia InvestigationThe FBI's involvement in the Russia investigation during the Trump presidency was more complex than initially thought, with possible explanations being CYA purposes or recording their own guy in the case of George Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud.

      The FBI's involvement in the Russia investigation during the Trump presidency was more complex than initially thought. According to Dan Bongino, there seems to be a missing link in the story, specifically regarding George Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud, who was believed to be a Russian spy, had allegedly offered Papadopoulos dirt on Hillary Clinton. The FBI, suspecting Russian interference, approached Papadopoulos in January 2017 and asked him to wear a wire to record his meetings with Mifsud. However, this raises questions. If the FBI was setting up an entrapment scheme to gather information about Russians in the Trump orbit, why would they ask Papadopoulos, their own source, to wear a wire? Two possible explanations are that the FBI wanted to cover their own bases for potential CYA purposes or they wanted to record their own guy. This intricate web of events has left many reporters puzzled, and Dan Bongino has received multiple calls from journalists trying to make sense of it. The Washington Examiner article from March 2018, which is available in the show notes, provides more details on this topic.

    • Potential rogue operation by US intelligence officials regarding Trump-Russia investigationIntelligence officials like Lisa Page and John Brennan may have withheld info from FBI, leading to false origins of Trump-Russia investigation

      There are indications of a potential rogue operation involving intelligence officials in the United States and elsewhere regarding the handling of information related to the Trump-Russia investigation. The discussion points to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer who was intimately involved in the case and had an affair with the lead FBI agent, and John Brennan, who is suspected of lying to the FBI about when he first obtained the dossier information. The implication is that these intelligence officials may have withheld information from the FBI, leading to a parallel construction scheme where false origins of the information were given to the Bureau. The discussion also mentions the strained relationship between James Comey and John Brennan, and how Comey was allegedly misled by the intelligence community about the origin of the dossier information.

    • FBI's interest in Papadopoulos wanesThe FBI initially showed interest in George Papadopoulos' connection to Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, but later interviews revealed new information or tips, leading to less interest in Papadopoulos.

      The FBI's interest in George Papadopoulos and his connection to Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud seemed legitimate at first, but later appeared to wane. According to Dan Bongino, the FBI interviewed Papadopoulos again and suddenly showed less interest in him. Bongino suggests that this could be because they had uncovered new information or were tipped off about Mifsud's true intentions. Bongino emphasizes the importance of staying informed and encourages listeners to share the information they've learned. He also mentions that he has been approached about running for Congress but has decided against it, preferring to continue exposing "hoaxers and conspiracy theory lunatics" through his podcast and book. Overall, Bongino's shows on the Papadopoulos case and the FBI's involvement are significant, and he encourages listeners to subscribe to his YouTube channel and follow him on social media for more information.

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    Beck: https://www.glennbeck.com

    Callahan: https://www.DailyMail.com


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