
    The Defining Moment of Devolution

    enMarch 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Affordable Health and Political InsightsUnitedHealthcare's supplemental insurance plans help manage costs. Mint Mobile offers a cheap wireless plan. PlushCare provides online doctor access for weight loss meds. JK Rowling's stance on Sturgeon's women's rights views is debated. SNP leadership campaign nears end. Trump's arrest anticipation continues.

      UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, are essential supplements to primary health insurance plans that help manage out-of-pocket costs. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile offers an affordable wireless plan for just $15 a month, with a reverse auction adding to the savings. In the health sector, PlushCare provides online access to board-certified physicians who can prescribe weight loss medications for those who qualify. JK Rowling's opinion on Nicola Sturgeon's stance on women's rights remains a contentious issue, but the speaker in this podcast maintains that Sturgeon has been supportive. In the political sphere, the SNP leadership campaign is approaching its conclusion, with key figures like Geoff Aberdeen (former chief of staff to Alex Salmond) and Andy McKeever (former director of communications for the Scottish Conservatives) providing insights. The podcast also touches on the anticipation of Donald Trump's arrest in the US, but the outcome is yet to be determined. Listeners are encouraged to email their thoughts and questions to the podcast, and to follow and subscribe for analysis of the SNP leadership campaign results.

    • SNP Leadership Race: Two Distinct Visions for the Party's FutureThe SNP leadership race is a high-stakes contest between Kate Forbes and Hamza Yousaf, offering contrasting views on economic growth, public service reform, and the coalition agreement with the Greens. The outcome will shape the future government and Scottish devolution history.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) has experienced significant shifts in the past six weeks, transforming internal politics into a high-stakes contest between two distinct visions for the party's future. This change was unforeseen, as Nicola Sturgeon's resignation led many to believe Angus Robertson would be the favorite to succeed her. However, Kate Forbes and Hamza Yousaf emerged as the leading candidates, presenting contrasting views on economic growth, public service reform, and the coalition agreement with the Greens. The outcome of this election may not only determine the next SNP leader but also shape the future government, making it a pivotal moment in Scottish devolution history. The rapid transformation of events underscores the complexity and unpredictability of political dynamics.

    • SNP Leadership Election Marred by Chaos and MisstepsThe SNP leadership election has been marked by organizational chaos, lack of transparency, and controversy, casting doubt on the party's credibility and discipline.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) leadership election has been marred by organizational chaos and missteps, leaving many disappointed within the party and raising questions about its credibility and discipline. The shortened election period, lack of press access to hustings, and membership figure controversy have been major sources of frustration. The campaign itself, while expected to be contentious, has been overshadowed by these issues. The SNP, once seen as a well-run and effective political force, now faces criticism for its handling of the leadership contest. The outcome of the race remains uncertain, with no clear front-runner emerging, and the party will need to learn from these experiences to regain its footing. The public perception of the SNP as a slick and competent political machine has been shaken, and it remains to be seen how the party will recover from this organizational calamity.

    • Scottish Labour Leadership Contest: Kate Forbes's Appeal to Undecided VotersKate Forbes emphasizes truthfulness to undecided voters for securing Scottish independence, contrasting Hamza Yousaf's stance of continuing Nicola Sturgeon's work.

      The Scottish Labour leadership contest between Anas Sarwar, Monica Lennon, Kate Forbes, and Ash Regan is a close race, with Kate Forbes making a strong appeal to undecided voters by emphasizing the importance of securing soft unionist support for independence. Previously, Forbes was criticized for questioning the need for a party refresh, but she is now using her campaign to argue that being truthful to undecided voters is crucial for achieving independence. This contrasts with Hamza Yousaf's earlier stance of continuing the great work of Nicola Sturgeon. The contest's outcome is uncertain, and internal party dynamics, including allegations of bias towards Hamza, may influence voter decisions. Ultimately, the undecided voters' opinions will likely determine the outcome, and the candidates' approaches to persuading them will be key. The unpredictability of internal leadership contests in political parties has been demonstrated in the past, as was the case with Boris Johnson's unexpected rise to Tory party leadership.

    • SNP Leadership Contest: Uncertain OutcomeThe SNP leadership race is uncertain, with new socially liberal, economically left members potentially favoring Hamza Yousuf. However, their commitment and voting power are unclear, while candidates might hesitate due to party fragmentation and public unfavorability.

      The outcome of the Scottish National Party (SNP) leadership contest remains uncertain, and it's essential not to believe rumors about the internal numbers or favorite candidates. The party has seen significant growth in membership since the 2014 referendum, with new members being socially liberal, economically left, and potentially favoring Hamza Yousuf. However, it's unclear if these new members will vote in large numbers or if they'll be as dedicated as the older guard. The candidates, Hamza Yousuf and Kate Forbes, might have reservations about taking the job due to public unfavorability and the challenge of uniting a potentially fragmented party. Ultimately, the SNP leadership contest points to several questions, including the candidates' motivations, their ability to progress the party, and their potential to win back disillusioned voters.

    • SNP Leadership Transition: A Defining Moment for Devolution in ScotlandThe new SNP leader faces significant challenges in keeping the party together, establishing a cabinet, addressing divisive policy issues, and maintaining voter support during a crucial time of transition.

      The upcoming leadership transition in the Scottish National Party (SNP) will be a defining moment for devolution in Scotland, as the new leader will face significant challenges in keeping the party together, establishing a cabinet, and addressing divisive policy issues. The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the success of the new leader's tenure, with important decisions on policy and cabinet appointments looming. Additionally, the SNP is facing pressure from both within and outside the party, as they hold a large number of seats but struggle to maintain voter support. The threat of losing seats to Labour in the upcoming election adds to the urgency of the situation. The role of respected figures within the party, such as John Swinney and Stephen Flynn, may be crucial in helping to stabilize the party during this time of transition. Overall, the new SNP leader will need to navigate these challenges with skill and diplomacy to ensure a successful tenure.

    • Expectation management challenges for SNP leadersBoth Kate Forbes and Humza Yousaf face unique expectation management challenges as SNP leaders. If Humza wins and loses seats, critics may question his approach. Kate's more radical policies require a longer runway to be successful, risking conservative and Labor voter defections.

      Whichever SNP leader, Kate Forbes or Humza Yousaf, wins the upcoming leadership contest, they will face significant expectation management challenges. If Hamza wins and loses seats, critics will question why he tried to replicate Nicola Sturgeon's approach when she couldn't achieve more. On the other hand, if Kate wins, there's a risk that social conservatives and Labor voters may leave the party due to her stance on issues like gay marriage. Moreover, Kate's more radical policy direction requires a longer runway to be electorally successful, especially with an election just a year away. However, if she manages to win over conservative and Labor voters with her policies and the public responds positively, the party might rally behind her. Ultimately, both leaders face unique challenges and will need to manage expectations carefully to maintain the SNP's electoral support.

    • John Swinney's Role in SNP Leadership TransitionIf Kate Forbes wins the SNP leadership, John Swinney is expected to play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition and party unity.

      If Kate Forbes wins the Scottish National Party (SNP) leadership election on Monday, John Swinney is expected to play a crucial role in holding the party together. Swinney's long-standing relationship with Forbes, as well as his reputation and influence within the party, make him a key figure in ensuring the smooth transition of power and the unity of the SNP. This role could involve making crucial phone calls and having important meetings with prospective cabinet ministers and other key figures to prevent the party from imploding. Swinney's commitment to the SNP is absolute, and he is likely to take on this role willingly if asked or even if not asked. The potential instability ahead makes Swinney's involvement all the more important. The comparison is drawn to the situation 12 years ago when David McLeach played a similar role in helping Ruth Davidson form a shadow cabinet after her election as Scottish Conservative Party leader. Swinney's rapport with Forbes and his experience make him an ideal candidate for this role.

    • Elder statesmen play crucial role in SNP party's internal fracturesJohn Sweeney and others are vital in bringing SNP party members together amid leadership contest and potential fallout, while Nicola Sturgeon's legacy is debated beyond her election wins

      The SNP party is currently experiencing internal fractures and the role of elder statesmen, like John Sweeney, in bringing people together and facilitating reconciliation is becoming increasingly essential. This is particularly evident in the ongoing leadership contest between Kate Forbes and Humza Yousaf. If Kate wins, there may be a need for significant self-reflection and potentially damage control among party members. However, if Hamza emerges as the winner, the need for elder statesmen to help manage potential fallout may be lessened. Regarding Nicola Sturgeon's legacy, her ability to win elections is undeniable, but the discussion around her tenure has recently been dominated by the party's readiness for life after her leadership. Whether this is her lasting legacy remains to be seen.

    • Understanding Nicola Sturgeon's full impact on Scottish politicsDespite controversies, Sturgeon's role in bringing SNP closer to independence and leading Scottish government (2007-2014) significantly impacted Scottish politics.

      While Nicola Sturgeon's legacy as the First Minister of Scotland is undeniably marked by her electoral successes, the full extent of her impact on Scottish politics may not be fully understood for years to come. Her role in bringing the Scottish National Party (SNP) closer to independence and her instrumental part in the 2007-2014 Scottish government are often overlooked due to recent controversies. These controversies, including the gender recognition issue, Peter Murrell's leadership of the party during her tenure as First Minister, and her own personal scandals, remain live issues and their ultimate impact on her legacy is uncertain. However, it is important to remember that legacies are shaped by historical reflections, and only time will tell how Sturgeon's will be remembered beyond her electoral accomplishments.

    • Nicola Sturgeon's Legacy: A Mixed BagRemembered for strong COVID-19 leadership and electoral success, but overshadowed by education gap and ongoing investigations

      Nicola Sturgeon's political legacy will be a mixed bag. She will be remembered for her strong leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, which set her apart from the chaos in Westminster. Her electoral success, particularly in the context of Scottish politics, is also unprecedented and will be a significant part of her legacy. However, there have been negative aspects to her tenure, such as the education and attainment gap not improving as intended, and ongoing public policy issues and a police investigation. Overall, her legacy will likely be marginally positive, but she may reflect on certain decisions differently in quieter moments. With her stepping down as SNP leader and likely First Minister of Scotland, the focus will shift to the next leader and what they bring to the table.

    • Special Mother's Day Promotion at 1-800-FlowersShop Mother's Day gifts at 1-800-Flowers, save up to 40% on handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts. Order now to express gratitude and celebrate various types of moms.

      1-800-Flowers is offering a special promotion for Mother's Day where customers can save up to 40% on handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts. This is an opportunity to express gratitude and celebrate various types of moms, including bonus moms, office moms, and moms of moms. The offer is valid for a limited time only, so it's recommended to place orders at 1-800flowers.com/acast as soon as possible to take advantage of the discount. By choosing 1-800-Flowers, customers can ensure their loved ones receive fresh, high-quality gifts that are sure to bring joy and appreciation on this special day.

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    To Bet Or Not To Bet

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    Plus, if IndyRef2 becomes a fading prospect, what is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Who's had a good election campaign? And who's had a bad one? All in today's episode. 

    This episode is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen. Find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 20, 2024

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    We're diving deep into the various economic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Scotland.


    Kate Forbes MSP (SNP), Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

    Murdo Fraser MSP (Conservative), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Business, Economic Growth and Tourism.

    Michael Marra MSP (Labour), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance.

    Willie Rennie MSP (Liberal Democrat), Spokesperson for Education, Economy and Communities.

    We'll be discussing key concerns raised by investors regarding infrastructure projects, planning, and the general business environment. Plus, we'll address the ambiguous terminology often used in policy-making, like the phrases "wellbeing economy" and "startup," which can hinder real progress. Our discussion today will also cover persistent issues of poverty and social mobility, the critical state of Scotland's education sector, the impact of Brexit on skilled workers, and the urgent need for immigration policies that support economic growth. We delve into the energy sector, focusing on offshore wind development, the fiscal constraints facing green prosperity plans, and the importance of a just transition from oil and gas to renewables. Moreover, we'll explore the impact of tax policies on the economy and public services, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the taxation system to foster growth and retain talent.

    Holyrood Sources is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen, find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    This special episode is brought to you with our delivery partners, Scottish Financial Enterprise and in association with EY.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 19, 2024

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    Ipsos’ first Scotland poll since the General Election indicates the SNP and Labour in Scotland share 36% of the country's voting intention. Managing Director of Ipsos in Scotland, Emily Gray, joins the podcast to discuss what it means. Plus, after predicting it would happen, Calum, Andy and Geoff assess what next for the Scottish Conservatives after Douglas Ross announced he would stand down as leader.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 12, 2024

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP
    Douglas Ross has U-turned on a pledge to quit Westminster to focus on leading the Scottish Conservatives at Holyrood and will once again stand as a candidate at the general election. He will replace David Duguid, who was sacked last night as the candidate for Aberdeenshire North & Moray East because he suffered a serious spinal injury.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 06, 2024

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 05, 2024

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    The podcast episode features post-debate analysis with the deputy leaders of Scottish political parties.


    5:05 - Jackie Baillie (Labour)

    The discussion covers the recent debate, party strategies, and key messages. It also delves into the topic of GB Energy and its potential impact on the energy sector. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Keir Starmer's U-turn on Diane Abbott's candidacy.

    23:02 - Kate Forbes (Deputy First Minister, SNP)

    The conversation covers party positioning, funding, oil and gas, campaign strategies, the SNP's election prospects, and EU funding. The discussion also delves into the SNP's economic policies, alliances with other parties, and the implications of Michael Matheson MSP maintaining the support of the party.

    49:55 - Meghan Gallacher (Conservative)

    The discussion delves into the performance of Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party's approach to campaign issues, and the impact of UK politics on the Scottish election. The conversation also explores the role of Rishi Sunak and the timing of the general election.

    1:05:17 - Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat)

    Wendy Chamberlain from the Liberal Democrats discusses the recent TV debate, the party's stance on Brexit, and their strategy for the upcoming election. The conversation also delves into the relevance of the Liberal Democrats in the current political landscape and their approach to environmental issues.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 04, 2024

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
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