
    The Delightful History of Steam Technology

    enAugust 18, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Different States of Water and Personal SharesThe Capital One Venture X Card offers 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits, while eBay Motors guarantees fit parts for affordable prices. Chuck from Stuff You Should Know shares personal stories on Facebook, and water's liquid, solid, and gaseous states have unique properties.

      The Capital One Venture X Card offers unlimited 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits, while eBay Motors provides guaranteed fit parts for car enthusiasts at affordable prices. Chuck and Josh from Stuff You Should Know recently returned from a successful UK and Ireland tour and Chuck started a personal Facebook page to share more about himself, including his horse Gancho. Water is a great example of the three states of matter: liquid, solid, and gaseous. When water is in its liquid state, like when washing Gancho, it has a different density than its solid state (ice) or gaseous state (steam). By harnessing the pressure of water vapor, one could potentially generate steam power.

    • Ancient Greek Mathematician Hero of Alexandria's Steam-Powered InventionsAncient Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria imagined steam-powered inventions, including a sphere turning with steam, a steam-powered bird, and more. These ideas laid the foundation for future steam-engine technology.

      Hero of Alexandria, an ancient mathematician, is credited with the concept of using steam as an engine around AD 75. He envisioned a hollow sphere filled with water over a fire, which would turn into steam and spin the sphere. Although he didn't have the technology to make it a reality, his ideas laid the groundwork for future steam-powered inventions. Hero had various theoretical inventions, including a steam-powered bird, which later inspired movies like Clash of the Titans. However, the nostalgia for these classic movies can be a double-edged sword, as modern adaptations may disappoint fans and ruin the original experience. Despite the limitations of material science during Hero's time, his steam-powered ideas were far more advanced than what was practically achievable, making him a pioneer in the field.

    • The Early History of Steam PowerFrom Japan to Europe, pioneers like Hiroshige and de la Porta theorized about steam power, leading to the invention of pressure cookers and the foundation for more advanced engines, but societal norms and availability of materials impacted their progress

      The history of steam power is a cumulative process built on the innovations of many pioneers. Hiroshige in Japan was among the first to envision the potential of steam power, but lacked the materials to make it a reality. In Italy, Giovanni Batista de la Porta theorized about creating a vacuum with steam, leading the French to apply this concept to cooking and invent the first pressure cooker. Denis Papin, a French chef, further developed this technology by adding a pressure relief valve. These inventions laid the groundwork for more advanced steam-powered engines. However, it's worth noting that the progress of steam power was limited by the societal norms of the time, which restricted women from contributing to scientific advancements. Additionally, the availability of better materials often determined the practical application and success of steam inventions.

    • 17th century coal mining crisis solution from an unlikely sourceA woman's idea led to the development of the first steam-powered water pump, though it initially failed to revolutionize mining, it paved the way for future advancements.

      Necessity breeds innovation, even when the solution comes from an unexpected source. In the 17th century, England faced a coal mining crisis due to hitting the water table. After years of inaction, a woman named Agnesi (mentioned in the background but not named directly) suggested a solution: a steam-powered water pump. Thomas Savory, a military engineer, developed the "miner's friend," a steam-powered pump that used boiling water, steam, and valves to extract water from deep mines. However, due to its limitations, it was more successful in draining rich people's swampy estates than mining operations. Despite its initial failure to revolutionize the mining industry, Savory's invention served as a proof of concept for future steam-powered advancements.

    • The Newcomen Engine: A Steam-Powered Revolution in MiningThe Newcomen engine, invented in 1712, revolutionized mining with its steam-powered piston, leading to the Industrial Revolution and further technological advancements.

      The Newcomen engine, created in 1712 by Thomas Newcomin and his assistant John Calley, revolutionized the mining industry with its steam-powered piston. This engine, an improvement on earlier designs, combined elements of Savory's separation of the boiler and Papineau's steam-driven piston. The Newcomen engine went through hundreds of cycles per minute, making mining more efficient. However, engineers continued to refine the engine, with James Watt being a notable figure. Watt separated the boiler and condenser, keeping the piston chamber hot and the condenser cool, resulting in increased efficiency. The Newcomen engine marked the beginning of the industrial revolution, paving the way for more advanced engines and technological advancements.

    • James Watt and Matthew Bolton's Partnership: Steam Power InnovationsJames Watt and Matthew Bolton's inventions, including the separate condenser, fly ball governor, and double acting engine, revolutionized steam power usage, leading to resource efficiency, automation, and the Industrial Revolution.

      James Watt and Matthew Bolton's partnership led to significant innovations in engine technology during the late 18th century. Their inventions, including the separate condenser, fly ball governor, and double acting engine, revolutionized the use of steam power and paved the way for the Industrial Revolution. These advancements allowed for more efficient use of resources and the automation of processes, transforming industries like textiles and manufacturing. Despite patent issues that hindered widespread adoption, other inventors like Richard Trevithick continued to build upon these ideas, pushing the boundaries of steam power technology even further.

    • Innovations in steam engine technologySignificant advancements in steam engine technology by Trevor Thomas and Arthur Wolf led to increased efficiency and productivity in transportation and manufacturing.

      The industrial revolution was driven by advancements in steam engine technology. Trevor Thomas in England and Arthur Wolf in America made significant contributions by using better materials to create engines with higher pressure and compounding mechanisms, allowing for more efficient energy use and increased productivity. These innovations led to the widespread use of steam engines in transportation and manufacturing. However, attribution for the first steam-powered vehicle is debated between inventors like Ferdinand Verbiest and Nicolas Josef Kunigk, with Kunigk's creation in 1769 being the most widely recognized. Despite these advancements, steam-powered cars did not gain significant traction. Overall, these inventors tapped into the zeitgeist of the time by delivering on the desire for faster transportation and greater efficiency.

    • The Steam-Powered Locomotive: A Game Changer in TransportationThe invention of the steam-powered locomotive revolutionized transportation by enabling efficient movement of goods and people over long distances, leading to the industrial revolution.

      The invention of the steam-powered locomotive was a pivotal moment in history, marking the beginning of the industrial revolution. Before this innovation, transportation was limited and reliant on animals like donkeys and horses. Trevithick's portable steam engine, named the "Puffing Devil," demonstrated the potential of steam power for transportation, leading to the development of the first town-to-town railway line. This breakthrough allowed for the efficient movement of goods and people over long distances, revolutionizing industries and changing the course of history. The steam engine's design, which involved a piston moving horizontally to power wheels, was a significant departure from earlier vertical designs. The invention of the steam locomotive not only transformed transportation but also set the stage for further technological advancements in the field of engineering.

    • Steam Technology Revolutionized Transportation in the 19th CenturySteam technology led to the invention of steam locomotives, steam boats, and steam-powered ships, revolutionizing transportation and opening up new possibilities.

      The development of steam technology revolutionized transportation in the 19th century. From steam locomotives to steam boats, this innovation transformed the way people traveled and opened up new possibilities. The steam locomotive, in particular, captured the imagination of people and led to a subculture of train enthusiasts. The first steam-powered locomotive, named "Locomotion Number 1," was a hit, and it paved the way for further advancements in steam technology. Robert Fulton is credited with creating the first steam-powered paddle wheeled boat, while William Simington is known for the first fully steam-powered passenger boat, the Charlotte Dundas. The integration of steam power into sailing ships also proved successful, leading to the first transatlantic crossing by a steam-powered ship, the Savannah, in 1819. Despite efforts to stifle the technology, steam power proved to be a game-changer and forever altered the transportation landscape.

    • From steam pistons to turbines: Technological advancements bring change and uncertaintyTechnological advancements lead to new industries and opportunities, but also come with risks and require constant safety measures

      Technological advancements, such as the shift from steam-powered pistons to steam turbines, may initially displace certain industries and jobs, but they also pave the way for new industries and opportunities. For instance, the development of steam turbines enabled the mass production of electricity, which transformed industries and economies. However, it's important to note that these advancements come with risks, such as the potential for dangerous boiler explosions, which require constant safety measures and improvements. In summary, while technological progress may bring about change and uncertainty, it ultimately leads to innovation and progress.

    • Discovering the Unique Properties of Supercritical Fluids for Energy ProductionSupercritical fluids, such as water or CO2, exhibit unique properties at high temperatures and pressures, allowing for more efficient steam power generation and potential energy savings.

      Scientists have discovered that when water or other fluids reach their supercritical state, they exhibit unique properties that make them more efficient for generating steam power. This state, which is between a liquid and a gas, occurs at extremely high temperatures and pressures. For water, this point is at 705 degrees Fahrenheit and 217 atmospheres. By using supercritical fluids, such as water or potentially CO2, power plants can extract more energy with less initial input. This is significant because previously, we didn't have the technology to contain these high-pressure fluids. Now, with advancements in materials science, we can harness this energy source more effectively. Additionally, CO2, which has a much lower critical point, is being explored as a potential alternative to water for supercritical steam generation. This could lead to even greater energy efficiency and sustainability. Overall, the discovery and utilization of supercritical fluids represent an exciting advancement in the field of energy production.

    • Safe and creative social media for kids vs Convenient and affordable entertainment solutionZigazoo offers a safe and moderated social media experience for kids, allowing them to share and showcase their creative videos. Philips Roku TV provides a convenient and affordable solution for accessing a vast range of entertainment content, including live TV and streaming apps.

      Zigazoo offers a safe and moderated social media experience for kids, allowing them to share and showcase their creative videos without the risks associated with traditional social media platforms. On the other hand, Philips Roku TV provides a convenient and affordable solution for accessing a vast range of entertainment content, including live TV, streaming apps, and premium picture and sound quality. For parents, Zigazoo can be a reassuring alternative to traditional social media, as it offers a controlled environment for kids to engage with each other through creative expression. The absence of comments and messaging features reduces the risk of cyberbullying and online trolling. Meanwhile, Philips Roku TV offers a one-stop-shop for entertainment, with built-in access to popular streaming apps, live TV, and high-quality picture and sound. It caters to various budgets and room sizes, making it a versatile option for consumers looking to immerse themselves in a world of entertainment. Overall, both Zigazoo and Philips Roku TV offer unique benefits that cater to different needs and preferences. Zigazoo provides a safe and creative social media experience for kids, while Philips Roku TV offers a convenient and affordable solution for accessing a wide range of entertainment content.

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    This episode was hosted by James Adomian, written by Heidi Coburn, and produced by Randall Lawrence and Robot Pirate Media. Original theme music was written and recorded by Luke Messimer. 


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    055. Tobias Rees: Transforming the Human

    055. Tobias Rees: Transforming the Human
    Dr. Tobias Rees is CEO of Transformations of the Human School, and was formerly the William Dawson Chair at McGill University and the Reid Hoffman Professor of Humanities at the Parsons School of Design. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and holds degrees in philosophy, anthropology, and neurobiology.


    In the early 2010s, he recognized that contemporary technology not only disrupts our historical established ways of thinking and doing, but also creates new ones: radically new possibilities that unfold beyond what we take for granted. This, he believes, is not only a sweeping event in the history of thought, but also a major opportunity; technology itself has become philosophical, and it has become possible to “do” philosophy by building and inventing new technologies.


    This led him on a path to building a new institution, dedicated to the interplay of philosophy, art, science, and engineering, and to the way they blur the lines between the human and nonhuman.




    In this conversation we talk about:

    • Growing up with no books and few words in a small peasant village in Southern Germany.
    • The importance and uses of silence which stayed with him ever since.
    • How he became interested in philosophy, and the big questions after his grandfather's death.
    • Moving freely from philosophy to comparative religion to anthropology and art history.
    • The happy accident that led him to studying neurobiology and learning to see himself as a brain.
    • The importance of concepts in framing our day-to-day experience.
    • What do terms like human and humanity mean? When were they introduced? How did they evolve?
    • What is the relationship between nature, humans, and machines?
    • His work with some of the largest technology companies who are building a future to bring philosophy and art into the room.
    • Where does creativity lie with AI algorithms like DALL·E 2?
    • And the need to always reexamine our assumptions about the world and our values. 


    This conversation with Tobias is one of many weekly conversations we already have lined up for you with thinkers, designers, authors, makers, activists, and leaders who are working to change our world for the better. So follow this podcast on your favorite podcast app, or head over to RemakePod.org to subscribe.


    And now let’s jump right in, with Dr. Tobias Rees.




    [5:18] Life in the Present

    [7:00] Early Childhood Silence

    [13:44] An Educational Journey 

    [22:49] The Importance of Concepts

    [32:04] A Period of Growth and Sadness

    [40:47] An Opening of Doors

    [44:55] The Term 'Human'

    [56:12] Anthropology of Machines

    [1:11:35] Merging Philosophy with Engineering

    [1:17:55] A Short Sermon



    532: Crypt Bros

    532: Crypt Bros

    Happy Thanksgiving; spam season; Jason's pivoting; scooters back in the news; Zillow's AI disaster; Tesla app locked people out of their cars (except for their keys); Zipline; trolling NFT owners; the NFT Bay; Crypto.com Arena; Apple on right to repair; OpenAI GPT-3; the Orville; Star Trek: First Contact; Jagged, Alanis Morissette; Discovery; Foundation; Wheel of Time; Bored Ape Yacht Club; Buy Nothing Project; ear wax; AirPods are out; Super Agent cookie monster; Twitter Blue; smart dimmers.

    Show notes at https://gog.show/532/

    This week we’re sponsored by Feals. Become a member today by going to Feals.com/gog and you’ll get 50% off your first order with free shipping.


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