
    The Demise Of Google Stadia (And Cancelled Games)

    enOctober 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing canceled games and their impact on the industryCanceled games don't always mean the end, as some may resurface with new opportunities. The internet's memory is long, but mistakes can lead to learning experiences.

      Canceled video games are a common occurrence in the industry, often due to various reasons such as creative differences, financial issues, or controversial content. The discussion on Triple Click podcast focused on canceled games like Project Titan and Silent Hills, and how the internet never forgets the past mistakes. The podcast hosts also addressed the recent controversy surrounding Stadia and its potential cancellation. They emphasized that canceled games don't necessarily mean the end, as some of them may resurface in the future with new opportunities. Triple Click is a listener-supported podcast, and becoming a Max Fun member can help keep it going while providing access to bonus episodes. The podcast also discussed their previous bonus episodes on formative games and Better Call Saul spoilers.

    • The allure of cancelled gamesFans are intrigued by cancelled games due to the mystery and potential of what could have been, leading to intense speculation and discussion.

      The cancellation of video games, like Microsoft's Scalebound, can spark intense fan interest and speculation due to the intrigue surrounding what could have been. The lack of official information about the reasons for cancellation leaves room for imagination and rumors. Games like Scalebound, which were announced with high expectations, leave fans wondering what could have been if the project had been completed. This phenomenon is not limited to Scalebound, as there are numerous examples of high-profile cancelled games throughout gaming history. The allure of cancelled games lies in the mystery and the potential for what could have been, fueling fan obsession and endless discussion.

    • The allure of cancelled gamesCancelled games spark intrigue due to hype and offer insights into game development processes, despite potential lack of gameplay.

      Cancelled games can evoke a unique sense of intrigue and allure due to the hype surrounding them, often crystallizing the excitement around them forever. However, the reasons for cancellation can vary, with some being due to development issues and others being the result of corporate decisions. While some may find discussing cancelled games to be fun, others may find it less enjoyable due to the potential lack of actual gameplay to experience. Ultimately, the discussion around cancelled games can lead to fascinating insights into the game development process and the potential paths that could have been taken.

    • The Impact of Cancelled Games on Gaming CultureCancelled games leave a lasting impact on gaming culture due to the hype and anticipation surrounding them, shaping the industry's history and fueling fan imagination.

      Cancelled video games hold a unique place in gaming culture due to the hype and anticipation that builds around them before their cancellation. Games that are announced and then cancelled leave a lasting impact because fans have already imagined what they could be, and the sudden disappearance of the game from the conversation leaves a void that can't be easily filled. These games become a part of gaming history, even if they were never released, and their legacy continues to be discussed and debated for years to come. It's important to note that while cancelled games receive a lot of attention, there are likely many more games that are quietly cancelled without ever being announced. Additionally, there is a distinction between cancelled games and vaporware, which refers to games that are announced but never released. The narrative around vaporware can be just as intriguing as that of cancelled games, with fans eagerly waiting for these games to eventually be released. Overall, the impact of cancelled games on gaming culture is significant, as they continue to shape the industry's history and fuel the imagination of fans.

    • Games that never make it to completionThe video game industry faces challenges with projects getting stuck in development hell, internally or publicly canceled, vaporware, or cancellation in the age of games as a service.

      The video game industry is known for having projects that get stuck in development hell or never make it to completion. These games can be categorized as internally or publicly canceled, vaporware, or cancellation in the age of games as a service. For instance, Rockstar's Agent and Blizzard's StarCraft Ghost were internally canceled despite never being officially announced as such. Duke Nukem Forever is a famous example of vaporware, a game that was in development for over a decade before finally being released. As for games as a service, platforms like Google Stadia can be canceled when they are shut down, leaving players without access to the games they once enjoyed. The industry's ever-evolving landscape keeps fans guessing, with some projects taking much longer than expected to come to fruition or being canceled altogether.

    • The Impacts of Game CancellationsGame cancellations can result in disappointment and loss for players, whether it's a game that was never released or one with shutting down servers.

      The cancellation of games, whether it's a game that has yet to be released or one that's been live for years, can have significant impacts on players. While the terminology and implications may differ, the essence of cancellation remains the same - a product that was once available or promised is no longer accessible. The discussion touched upon various examples, including games that were canceled before release and those with shutting down servers. The cancellation of a live game can feel like a modern version of cancellation, as it can be perceived as a loss, even if updates and improvements continue. It's essential to remember that there are numerous games that get canceled without public knowledge, and it's healthier to keep that perspective in mind when reflecting on high-profile cancellations.

    • The Life After Cancellation of Video GamesCancelled video games can lead to new projects, learning experiences, and unique gameplay. Despite disappointment, the potential for future developments keeps hope alive.

      The cancellation of video games, unlike movies, can lead to the reuse and development of certain aspects, such as characters or mechanics, in new projects. This can be seen in the case of Bully 2, which focused on social engineering and was canceled, but its ideas influenced future games and designers. The cancellation of anticipated games like Star Wars 1313 or Silent Hills can be disappointing, but the eventual release of similar games can help ease the pain. The fascination with canceled games, like Scalebound, often stems from the desire for unique gameplay experiences that have yet to be realized. While the cancellation of these games can be disheartening, the potential for new projects and the learning experiences for developers keep the hope alive.

    • The complexities of intellectual property rights in video gamesThe tangled ownership rights of beloved games can hinder their re-release and preservation, leaving fans disappointed and games lost to history.

      The complexities and ownership issues surrounding intellectual property rights in the video game industry can hinder the re-release and preservation of beloved games, leaving fans disappointed and games lost to history. The story of No One Lives Forever, a beloved PC game from the early 2000s, serves as a prime example. Despite Nightdive Games' plans to re-release the game, the ownership rights were a tangled mess between Warner Brothers, Activision, and 20th Century Fox, all of whom had previously held the license at different times. Despite efforts to pin down the rights, the project was ultimately canceled due to the uncertainty and lack of cooperation from the involved parties. With the ongoing consolidation and acquisitions in the industry, the situation has likely become even more convoluted. The loss of such games is a disorienting and sad reality for fans, leaving them wondering what could have been if these games were easily accessible once again.

    • Google's Stadia: A Misunderstood Streaming ServiceGoogle's Stadia faced backlash due to its confusing pricing model, lack of first-party exclusive games, and botched rollout, leading to its eventual shutdown. However, the product itself may have potential beyond its failed launch.

      The way Google introduced and priced its Stadia streaming service significantly impacted its reception, despite the potential merits of the product itself. At the 2018 GDC, whispers of Google entering the console wars were rampant, but when Stadia was officially announced as a streaming platform rather than a console, many were disappointed. Google aimed for a hybrid model of selling games and requiring a subscription for early access, which led to confusion and high costs. Additionally, the lack of first-party exclusive games at launch further hindered the platform's appeal. Despite Google's financial capabilities, the botched rollout led to Stadia being labeled as a flop, with hundreds of employees being let go and the eventual shutdown of the service. However, it's essential to recognize that Stadia as a product may have more potential than its legacy suggests. The missteps in marketing and pricing were the primary reasons for its failure.

    • Google's Stadia struggled due to pricing, lack of exclusives, and console-like launch approachGoogle's Stadia failed to gain traction due to its focus on competing with consoles instead of targeting a subscription-based, low-commitment audience, and the lack of exclusive content or partnerships.

      Google's Stadia failed to gain traction due to a combination of factors, including pricing, lack of exclusive content, and an ill-timed, console-like launch approach. The company, led by executives with a console-centric mindset, failed to capitalize on the potential of a subscription-based, low-latency streaming service. Instead, they focused on competing with Microsoft and Sony in the traditional console market, which required a large upfront investment and created barriers for potential customers. If Google had marketed Stadia as a subscription service targeting a more casual, low-commitment audience, it might have found success. Additionally, securing exclusive content or partnerships could have provided a compelling reason for consumers to adopt the platform. Ultimately, Google's missteps led to a lack of understanding and adoption among the target audience, making it difficult to generate sustainable revenue.

    • Google's costly approach to gaming with StadiaGoogle's unprecedented investment in game exclusives and ports led to significant revenue for some developers but an unsustainable business model, ultimately causing Stadia's downfall. Microsoft's more viable approach offers game streaming as an auxiliary feature for their subscription service, signaling a future of subscription wars in gaming.

      Google's approach to entering the gaming industry with Stadia was unprecedented and costly. According to discussions with industry insiders, the financial resources Google was willing to invest to secure game exclusives or ports to their platform were astronomical. This led to significant revenue for some developers, but the unsustainable business model ultimately resulted in Stadia's downfall. Microsoft, with its established infrastructure and library, is now following a more viable approach to game streaming, offering it as an auxiliary feature for their subscription service. The future of gaming seems to be headed towards a subscription war, with multiple cloud gaming services competing for market share. Google, once a potential game-changer, is no longer a part of this landscape. Ultimately, having a visionary executive leading a product can make all the difference in its success.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Pop Culture, Personal Experiences, and Historical ContextMicrosoft's success in gaming industry is rooted in connecting with audiences and offering lovable products, contrasting with older executives. Revival of beloved franchises like Suikoden and impact of baby boomer generation on media through works like Stephen King's 'The Tommyknockers' were discussed.

      The success of modern gaming companies, like Microsoft and its acquisition of Activision, lies in their ability to connect with audiences and offer lovable products. This contrasts with older executives who may have outdated ideas. The discussion also touched on the potential revival of beloved franchises, such as Suikoden, and the impact of the baby boomer generation on media, as seen in Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers" and the 1983 film "The Big Chill." The Tommyknockers, a novel by Stephen King from 1987, is an intriguing book about addiction and a fascinating capstone to his darkest period. Despite being critically disliked, it remains a rich and interesting read. The discussion also highlighted the influence of context, such as the dominance of Stephen King in book sales during that year, and the author's personal struggles with addiction. Overall, the conversation explored the intersection of pop culture, personal experiences, and historical context.

    • A complex novel exploring themes of adult issues, disappointment, and the dissolution of the self and the collectiveStephen King's 'The Tommyknockers' is a thought-provoking novel dealing with an alien invasion, societal issues, and the dangers of technology, with interconnected characters and commentary on the human condition.

      Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers" is a complex and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of adult issues, disappointment, and the dissolution of the self and the collective. The book, which was disliked by the speaker as a kid but now appreciated as an adult, is a dark and unusual Stephen King novel that deals with an alien invasion but also touches on the social and cultural context of the late 1980s. The characters, who are successful but not very successful writers and people in a town dealing with an alien force, are all interconnected and their dramas unfold as they succumb to the dark power. The book also touches on the dangers of technology and the consequences of not fully understanding it. Overall, "The Tommyknockers" is a rich and interesting novel that offers commentary on societal issues and is a must-read for any Stephen King fan.

    • Street Fighter 6's hub world feels disorienting and complexHub world concept in SF6's beta detracts from core gameplay experience with unnecessary interactions and pressure to perform in lobby-like setting, microtransactions for avatar customization instead of character customization

      Street Fighter 6's hub world in the beta version feels disorienting and unnecessarily complex. Instead of directly engaging in fights, players are forced to enter a hub world where they must interact with other players in a lobby-like setting. This includes walking up to arcade cabinets to play matches and even having to put in quarters to continue playing. The constant interaction with other players in the hub world, coupled with the pressure to perform well and not be perceived as quitting, can lead to feelings of anxiety and unease. Additionally, the focus on microtransactions for character customization seems misplaced, as players would rather customize the characters they're controlling directly rather than their avatars in the hub world. Overall, the hub world concept in Street Fighter 6's beta feels like an unnecessary addition that detracts from the core gameplay experience.

    • Maddy's Ambivalence Towards the Metaverse and Fascination with StorytellingMaddy, initially excited about the metaverse, now feels uncertain due to a disappointing experience with Street Fighter 6. She finds solace and intrigue in storytelling, particularly in a nonfiction book about a deadly cruise ship outbreak and a journalist's latest work.

      The metaverse, a concept once filled with excitement and anticipation for Maddy Myers, has left her feeling uncertain, all due to her recent experience with Street Fighter 6. Meanwhile, she's found solace and intrigue in a nonfiction book, "Cabin Fever," which tells the story of a deadly secret on a cruise ship, mirroring the real-life events of the COVID-19 outbreak on various ships. Despite her usual preference for avoiding modern news and negative books, she's been captivated by the meticulous reporting and storytelling in this one. The backlash against Maggie Haberman, a renowned journalist, for holding information for her book has been criticized as misinformed, and Maddy finds herself drawn to Haberman's latest work, "Confidence Man." The intersection of fiction and reality in these stories highlights the power of storytelling and the human need for understanding complex situations.

    • Humorous correction on Twitter about 'confidence man'Factual accuracy is important, even in humorous contexts, and Twitter can be a source of both amusement and correction.

      Social media can be a source of amusement and correction, even in the context of serious discussions. During a conversation on Triple Click podcast, the hosts discussed a humorous correction on Twitter regarding the term "confidence man." This exchange highlighted the importance of factual accuracy, but also the potential for humor in such situations. Additionally, the hosts discussed a book recommendation, "Cabin Fever," and shared their thoughts on reading and enjoying various forms of media. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of factual accuracy, the potential for humor in everyday interactions, and the value of sharing recommendations for books and other media.

    Recent Episodes from Triple Click

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    We're Still Obsessed With Elden Ring's DLC

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    One More Thing:

    Kirk: 1000xResist (Switch and PC)

    Maddy: Master Chef Junior

    Jason: Real Americans [Rachel Khong]


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJuly 04, 2024

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Triple Play: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy put on their finest Tarnished gear and get ready for a trip to the Shadow Realm. How does Elden Ring's big expansion compare to the base game? What's it like to revisit the game in 2024? And is it really too difficult?

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Hit Man (2024, Netflix)

    Maddy: Butterfly In The Sky (Reading Rainbow documentary)

    Jason: Babel (R.F. Kuang)


    Kirk’s Dragon Age Explainer: https://kotaku.com/a-beginners-guide-to-all-things-dragon-age-1658487212

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 27, 2024

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy unwind from this year's not-E3 by getting back into it. They talk about the big Xbox showcase, the big Nintendo showcase, and some of the embargoed games they saw at Summer Games Fest, such as Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Star Wars Outlaws.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Tactical Breach Wizards

    Maddy: Valorant (new Xbox port)

    Jason: The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (Jenny Nicholson)


    IGN story on development of Perfect Dark: https://www.ign.com/articles/xboxs-perfect-dark-reboot-is-still-years-away

    Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” essay: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES... it's Maddy, Jason, and Kirk! The gang talks about what we all saw at Summer Game Fest, what they played, and how much they miss E3. Plus: audience Q&A!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

    Maddy: Dune Part Two

    Jason: Holly (Stephen King)


    • Civilization VII
      Monster Hunter Wilds
    • Dragon Age: The Veilguard
    • Metaphor: ReFantazio
    • Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
    • UFO 50
    • Arranger
    • Building Relationships
    • Stormgate & Battle Aces
    • SpinRhythm XD
    • Slitterhead
    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 13, 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    It's time for not-E3 — aka Summer Games Fest — where the video game industry will once again convene on Los Angeles for a week full of game demos, trailers, and exciting reveals. Well... sort of. This week, the Triple Click gang talks about their hopes, expectations, and predictions for the weekend ahead. Plus: don't miss Triple Click live in Los Angeles!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Crow Country

    Maddy: My inflatable kayak

    Jason: The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley


    Oli Welsh on the death of console exclusives: https://www.polygon.com/24166647/aaa-exclusive-games-are-dead-playstation-xbox-multiplatform

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 06, 2024

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Where are all the pregnant video game NPCs? What happens when you grow out of a video game genre? And what's it like to be both friends and professional podcast coworkers? This week, the Triple Click gang opens up the mailbag for some wacky listener questions, and confesses that they're actually all secretly enemies.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Ed Wood (1994)

    Maddy: Elden Ring

    Jason: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Remake)


    Jason's interview with Jake Solomon: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-14/game-makers-at-midsummer-studios-look-to-take-on-the-sims

    Lorelei and the Laser Tampon: https://www.polygon.com/gaming/24162613/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-tampon-why-reason-item

    Shadow of the Erdtree Miyazaki interview: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 30, 2024

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

    Kirk is back and there's much to discuss. This week, the gang does a lightning round of topics, from the fallout of the Xbox shutdowns to Assassin's Creed racism and Hades 2 and the plethora of other killer indie games that have come out this year.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Lois McMaster Bujold’s fantasy novels (The Curse of Chalion (2001), Paladin of Souls (2003), The Sharing Knife (2006-9))

    Maddy: Hades 1

    Jason: The Lost Shtetl (Max Gross)


    Featuring an excerpt from “The Crossroads” by Darren Korb from Hades 2

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Triple Click
    enMay 23, 2024

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

    Animal Well is one of the best video game surprises in recent memory, and we'll be talking about it for years. This week Jason, Maddy, and special guest Russ Frushtick (Polygon, The Besties) give their impressions of the game in three increasingly obsessive phases.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Doppelganger by Naomi Klein (she finished it!)

    Jason: Minishoot Adventures


    Russ's gaming podcast The Besties and his Polygon review of Animal Well

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Kirk is out this week, so Jason and Maddy convene to talk about a grab bag full of topics including the Xbox mess, the Helldivers 2 debacle, and two games they're really enjoying: Hades 2 and Animal Well.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Jason's been playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game that feels a lot like Suikoden, which made the Triple Click gang wonder: how does nostalgia impact our enjoyment of video games? Can it make games better? Worse? Both at once? Let's discuss!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    • Intro & Voice Overs - http://www.uk-voiceover.co.uk/about.html
    • Outro - https://soundcloud.com/fluffyuk/sweet-dreams