
    The Democrats’ Impeachment Fiasco Implodes (Ep 1114)

    enNovember 19, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Impeachment process faces challenges with conflicting testimonies and potential bribery allegationsDespite conflicting testimonies and potential bribery allegations, Democrats continue to push for Trump's impeachment, causing a deep divide in the country. The importance of clear financial information for businesses, as demonstrated by NetSuite by Oracle, remains crucial.

      The impeachment process against President Trump is facing significant challenges as witnesses testify and confirm his version of events, while Democrats continue to push for impeachment despite mounting evidence against their case. The latest hearing featuring Colonel Vindman and Jennifer Williams saw explosive testimony from Devin Nunes, drawing attention to potential bribery involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's involvement in Ukrainian affairs. The media's handling of the situation is also under scrutiny, with many perceiving them as Democrat puppets. This impeachment process is causing a deep divide in the country, and Americans are increasingly turning to alternative sources for unbiased information. Additionally, the importance of having a clear financial picture for businesses, as demonstrated by NetSuite by Oracle, cannot be overstated.

    • Colonel Vindman's Credibility QuestionedColonel Vindman's testimony in impeachment proceedings is questioned due to inconsistencies and lack of expertise on Ukraine, while Michael Flynn's treatment highlights hypocrisy in military officials' handling.

      The credibility of Colonel Vindman's testimony in the ongoing impeachment proceedings against President Trump is being questioned due to inconsistencies and lack of expertise in the subject matter. The speaker also highlighted the hypocrisy in the treatment of military officials, using the example of Michael Flynn, who was accused of being a Russian agent despite a lack of evidence. The speaker argues that Colonel Vindman's claims about a quid pro quo on a call between Trump and the Ukrainian president are not true and that he seems unaware of basic facts about Ukrainian interference in the election. The speaker concludes that Colonel Vindman's expertise on Ukraine is in question, making it difficult to believe his testimony.

    • Why did subordinate officer Vindman want to change an acknowledged accurate document?The situation involving Vindman's desire to alter an acknowledged accurate document raises questions about his judgment and motives, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in government.

      Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, a subordinate officer to the President of the United States, wanted to make changes to a document that the whistleblower himself had acknowledged was accurate. This raises questions about Vindman's judgment and motives. During his testimony, it was noted that Vindman's superior in the NSC, Tim Morrison, had concerns about Vindman's judgment. Despite this, the media and some politicians have not questioned Vindman's actions. It's perplexing that a subordinate officer would want to alter a document that the whistleblower had deemed accurate. This situation highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government. It also underscores the need for a principled approach to public discourse, where individuals are not attacked for their service to the country.

    • Career professionals criticized Vindman's judgment, but questioning their testimony is out of bounds.Despite inconsistencies, it's acceptable to criticize some figures but not career professionals' testimony, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and understanding in political matters.

      During the transition process, concerns were raised about Colonel Vindman's judgment by career professionals like Fiona Hill and Morrison. However, it's acceptable to criticize figures like Mike Flynn as Russian agents or puppets, but not the career professionals. Vinman himself seemed confused about the chain of command and the role of the president in setting foreign policy. Despite this, it's claimed that it's out of bounds to question his testimony. The inconsistency in these views highlights the need for clarity and understanding in these complex political matters.

    • Testimonies from Venman and Williams differColonel Venman, while in military service, did not report concerns of illegality regarding aid to Ukraine, and his testimony aligns with GOP stance, while ongoing impeachment inquiry is criticized as a distraction from larger political scandal

      Colonel Venman, as a military officer, had the freedom to disagree with the foreign policy of the White House but was restricted from participating in politics while in service. He did not report any concerns of illegality regarding the hold on Ukraine aid. The testimonies from Venman and Williams seem to serve different interests, with Venman's testimony seemingly aligning with the GOP and Trump's stance. The ongoing impeachment inquiry is being criticized as a distraction from the alleged larger political scandal involving Ukrainian involvement in American politics.

    • Effective natural solution for muscle and joint painOmaxHealth's cryo freeze uses menthol and CBD to provide immediate relief and long-lasting recovery from muscle and joint pain.

      OmaxHealth's cryo freeze is a highly effective natural solution for muscle and joint pain that provides both immediate relief and long-lasting recovery. The speaker, who is an athlete and frequently experiences pain, highly recommends this product and even shared a personal experience of losing it and struggling to find it in their household. OmaxHealth's cryo freeze is unique as it uses both menthol and CBD to block pain receptors and reduce inflammation, providing relief within 10 minutes and lasting up to eight hours. The speaker encourages listeners to try it and offers a discount of 20% off and free shipping by using the promo code Bongino on OmaxHealth.com. Additionally, the speaker expressed his strong opinion that the ongoing impeachment process against President Trump is a "catastrophic disaster" for the Democrats, citing a 20-point shift in impeachment support amongst independents in a recent Politico poll. He emphasized that independents will likely decide the election and this shift in opinion is devastating for the Democrats.

    • Democrats in a Panic as Impeachment Process Turns UglyDemocrats face political disaster as Schiff controls House proceedings, Pelosi expresses election concerns, and Republicans prepare for Senate trial. Attempts to cover up collusion exposed, media downplays John Solomon's reporting, and polls show Democrats losing independent support.

      The impeachment process against President Trump is turning into a political disaster for the Democrats. With Adam Schiff controlling the rules and witness list in the House, and Nancy Pelosi expressing panic about the outcome of the election, the Republicans are poised to make things ugly during the Senate trial. The Democrats' attempts to frame the Ukrainian investigation as an effort to cover up collusion have been exposed, and their media allies are desperately trying to downplay the significance of John Solomon's reporting. Impeachment is a political event, and the polls indicate that the Democrats are losing support among independents after their star witnesses testified. The Democrats are in a panic, and their narrative is being challenged every step of the way.

    • John Solomon's reporting on Hunter Biden's role in Burisma and Joe Biden's involvement in Ukraine policy confirmed by Adam Schiff's witnessesConfirmed witnesses reveal Hunter Biden's Burisma role and Joe Biden's Ukraine policy involvement created a conflict of interest. State Dept officials pressured Ukraine prosecutors to drop cases, including one funded by George Soros.

      John Solomon's reporting on the connection between Hunter Biden's role in Burisma and Joe Biden's involvement in Ukraine policy has been confirmed by Adam Schiff's own witnesses. This presents a clear conflict of interest and has the media and political establishment in a panic. Another point made by Solomon is that State Department officials put pressure on Ukraine prosecutors to drop cases against activists, including one partly funded by George Soros. These facts are documented and confirmed, yet the media continues to attack Solomon's reporting instead of acknowledging the significant implications of these revelations. The ongoing efforts to discredit Solomon and distract from these scandals underscore the need for transparency and accountability in government.

    • Left uses euphemisms to avoid addressing issuesThe left's focus on a non-existent quid pro quo overshadows significant issues like election interference and double standards in reporting.

      During a podcast discussion, it was pointed out that the left often uses euphemisms to avoid addressing the substance of an issue. For instance, instead of acknowledging that someone asked not to prosecute individuals, they claim they didn't use the exact term "do not prosecute" list. Additionally, there were efforts by Democrats and Ukrainians to influence the 2016 US election, which have been largely ignored by the media. The real scandal, according to the speaker, is the double standard in reporting and the Democrats' focus on a non-existent quid pro quo instead of addressing these significant issues. Another key point was the use of Stefan Halper as an undocumented human informant for the government, which was labeled as a non-issue but is actually a significant detail. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of understanding the tactics used in political debates and the need for accurate reporting on crucial matters.

    • Media double standard in reporting on political figuresSome news outlets have been criticized for unequal treatment of allegations against former Pres. Trump and VP Biden, emphasizing the need for factual evidence and impartiality in journalism.

      There exists a significant double standard in media reporting, particularly regarding allegations against political figures. As highlighted in an investigative piece by Eric Felton, some news outlets have been accused of spreading unverified claims against former President Trump, while demanding a higher standard of evidence when reporting on former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter's dealings. This discrepancy raises concerns about the credibility and impartiality of the media. The importance of factual, on-the-record evidence in journalism cannot be overstated, and it is crucial to remain vigilant against the spread of misinformation. The ongoing investigation into Spygate and Ukraine gate serves as a reminder of the importance of holding the media accountable for their reporting.

    • Pressure campaigns against companies' donationsCritically evaluate info, not succumb to pressure or mob mentality, and ensure accurate info is disseminated

      There are ongoing efforts to push through government funding bills with controversial additions, such as the reauthorization of data collection programs, without proper public scrutiny. In the case of Chick-fil-A, the company caved to pressure campaigns from liberal activist groups, resulting in the end of their charitable donations to the Salvation Army. Despite false claims, the Salvation Army continues to serve and support individuals in the LGBTQ community. It's important to critically evaluate information and not succumb to pressure from mob mentality. The Bongino rule, which suggests waiting 24 to 72 hours before reacting to anti-Trump stories from fake news media, does not apply to direct quotes or statements from organizations themselves. Everyone is welcome to hold their own values and beliefs, but it's crucial to ensure accurate information is being disseminated and not bowing to fear or pressure from external sources.

    • Radical left's reaction to Chick-fil-A's concessionConforming to radical left demands may not win their approval and can lead to more backlash.

      Giving in to radical leftist demands, as Chick-fil-A did, does not guarantee their approval or acceptance. Instead, it can lead to further backlash and destruction. Additionally, during the discussion, it was revealed that Eric Swalwell, a political figure, had an unexpected incident during a live TV interview, resulting in an embarrassing moment for him. Despite Swalwell denying the account, the incident was captured on MSNBC's website. The conversation also touched upon Swalwell's past threats and his recent "nuking" of America on live TV. The tone of the conversation was light-hearted, with the hosts sharing their amusement over the situations discussed.

    • Bongino suspects Swalwell had a burrito before TV appearanceBongino believes Swalwell's speech was affected by a bean burrito, linking it to those who support the 'collusion hoax' theory. Sign up for his newsletter and subscribe to his YouTube channel for more information on the impeachment hoax.

      During Dan Bongino's show, he expressed his belief that Representative Eric Swalwell may have eaten a bean burrito before going on air, leading to uncontrollable speech. Bongino also suggested that those who believe this theory might also believe in the "collusion hoax." He encouraged listeners to sign up for his newsletter and subscribe to his YouTube channel for more information. The interview with President Trump on Bongino's YouTube channel had gained significant attention, and he promised to discuss the impeachment hoax further in the following day's show. Listeners can access Bongino's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow him on Twitter for continuous updates.

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    Paul Lagunes

    Paul Lagunes

    Paul Lagunes is a Columbia University political scientist whose scholarship focuses on corruption in the Americas. His current book project is Corruption and Oversight: Insights from Field Experiments. We define corruption, discuss how it relates to democracy, and learn that voting is a tool to fight against it.

    Corruption is a contingent behavior
    In a world of multiple equilibriums, the rules of the game differ from place to place, thus it may be rational to engage in corruption in certain contexts. The same individual will behave one way in one setting and another way in another setting. Corruption involves costs for societies at large. The losers are every day, law-abiding citizens.

    The Watchful Eye and the Cracking Whip
    Both transparency and punishment are essential. We need to make clear and visible that everyone who participates in corruption is punished because revealing corruption without punishment emboldens bad actors. They feel and seem empowered. Government agencies and oversight non-governmental organizations can effectively work together to satisfy both roles.

    How citizens can fight corruption
    We need to be informed, care about curbing corruption, and make our voices heard on the issue. The best way to do so is to vote on Election Day and to use public forums, such as town hall meetings, to confront and engage public officials. Democracy’s promise to solve corruption hinges on the premise that officials are the agents, and citizens are the principals.

    Find out more:

    Paul Lagunes is a political science and an Assistant Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. His work has been widely published, and he is currently working on a book titled Corruption and Oversight: Insights from Field Experiments.

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