
    The Democrats New Witch-Hunt (Ep 1074)

    enSeptember 25, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Switch to Patriot Mobile for reliable service and conservative valuesListeners can switch to Patriot Mobile for reliable cell phone service and support conservative causes like gun rights, freedom of speech, secure borders, and the sanctity of life.

      Patriot Mobile, America's conservative cell phone company, offers reliable nationwide coverage while allowing customers to keep their existing phone numbers and devices. By choosing Patriot Mobile, users not only get reliable service but also support causes like gun rights, freedom of speech, secure borders, and the sanctity of life. Dan Vongino, the host of the show, encourages listeners to switch to Patriot Mobile and emphasizes the ease of the process. Additionally, the show discussed the ongoing impeachment proceedings against former President Trump, with Dan expressing his opposition to the situation. In other news, quip, an electric toothbrush company, was introduced as a sponsor for the show. Quip offers a simple, effective, and affordable solution for oral health, with features like industrial-strength power, gentle brushing, and automatic refill delivery. The sponsorship provides a way for listeners to support the show while improving their oral hygiene habits.

    • Joe Biden's involvement in son's Ukraine business dealingsAllegations of Biden pressuring Ukrainian officials and lying about his son's business dealings raise questions about transparency and accountability in politics.

      There is ongoing controversy surrounding Joe Biden's involvement in his son Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine. Despite Biden's denials, there is evidence suggesting that he was aware of his son's activities and may have pressured Ukrainian officials to drop an investigation into the gas company involved. The whistleblower allegations against President Trump regarding this matter are being used to call for Trump's impeachment, but the situation is complex and the truth is not clear-cut. Biden himself has been caught lying about his knowledge of his son's business dealings, and the media's handling of the situation is being criticized for lacking proper fact-checking and journalistic integrity. The situation highlights the need for transparency and accountability in politics and raises questions about the motivations and credibility of those involved.

    • Political ploy or serious allegations?The impeachment process and gun control debates highlight the importance of individual freedoms and the need for strong leadership to protect them.

      The ongoing impeachment process against President Trump is seen as a political ploy by some, with no real allegations of criminality involved. The whistleblower allegations are viewed as an attempt to subvert the presidency after the collusion hoax fell apart. Meanwhile, concerns over gun control continue to escalate, with the UK considering a ban on pointed kitchen knives, a development that serves as a reminder of the slippery slope of gun control measures. The left's insistence on gun control is seen as an attempt to take away people's rights, and the need for a strong leader like Trump to stand firm against these encroachments is emphasized. The overall sentiment expressed is one of caution and the need for vigilance against perceived attempts to infringe upon individual freedoms.

    • Uncertainty about gun control effectivenessDespite ongoing debate, there's no compelling evidence that assault weapon bans reduce gun violence

      There is ongoing debate about gun control and the effectiveness of past measures, such as assault weapon bans. A recent interview with a Democrat lawmaker revealed his uncertainty about the ability of gun control measures to save lives and reduce mass shootings. Previous studies on the assault weapons ban under the Clinton administration have shown inconclusive results. A fact-check by ProPublica found that Senator Diane Feinstein's claim that the ban saved lives was based on outdated and false assumptions. Experts argue that there is no compelling evidence that such bans are effective in reducing gun violence. It's important for policymakers to consider a range of solutions and approach the issue with facts and data, rather than relying on outdated or ineffective measures.

    • 1994 assault weapons ban had minimal impact on gun violenceThe 1994 assault weapons ban did not significantly reduce overall gun crime or make shootings less lethal, and its effects on gun violence are likely to be minimal. Some argue it only kept firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

      The 1994 assault weapons ban, which restricted the manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms and magazines, did not significantly reduce overall gun crime or make shootings less lethal according to a DOJ-funded study. The ban's effects on gun violence are likely to be minimal, and some argue it only kept firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. It's important to note that opinions on gun control vary widely, with some advocating for stricter regulations and others emphasizing the importance of individual rights and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. The debate continues, and it's crucial for individuals to educate themselves on the facts and form their own informed opinions. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it's clear that the complexities of gun control require thoughtful consideration and a nuanced understanding of the facts.

    • The Debate Over the Electoral College vs National Popular VoteDemocrats push for a national popular vote system, while critics argue for the Electoral College's merits, including ensuring smaller states' voices and preventing candidates from ignoring certain regions.

      The 2020 Democrats have been advocating for the elimination of the Electoral College in favor of a national popular vote system. The Electoral College is the current method of electing the President, with each state receiving a number of electors based on its congressional representation. This means that a candidate must win the popular vote in each state to secure that state's electoral votes, making the election a series of 50 state elections rather than a national one. The Democrats seek to abolish the Electoral College because they believe that a national popular vote would give more power to populous, Democrat-leaning cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Critics argue that the Electoral College is a better system than a popular vote because it ensures that smaller states have a voice in the election and prevents a candidate from ignoring certain regions in favor of population centers. However, the Electoral College is not a perfect system, and there are valid criticisms, such as the potential for a candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election due to the electoral college's quirks. Ultimately, the debate over the Electoral College versus a national popular vote is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides.

    • The Electoral College encourages candidates to engage with diverse votersThe Electoral College system promotes candidate engagement in various regions, preventing a focus on just densely populated areas.

      The Electoral College system, despite its imperfections, is healthier for the country as a whole compared to a popular vote system because it ensures candidates visit and engage with voters in various regions, not just big cities. The Electoral College system encourages candidates to focus on swing states, which have a balance of urban, suburban, and rural voters, as opposed to a popular vote system where candidates would primarily focus on densely populated areas. The example of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has governed the state for eight years but has not visited three rural counties even once, illustrates this point. Overall, the Electoral College system encourages candidates to engage with a more diverse range of voters, making it a superior system to the popular vote system.

    • Prioritizing Populated Areas: Impact of Electoral College AbolitionAbolishing the Electoral College could lead to candidates focusing solely on populated areas, potentially leaving rural voters' interests unaddressed. Swing states' status may also change, requiring candidates to adapt their strategies.

      The focus of presidential campaigns could shift dramatically if the Electoral College system is abolished and a national popular vote system is implemented instead. Currently, governors often prioritize visits to populated areas like cities and suburbs, leaving rural areas neglected. The same could happen on a national scale, potentially leaving the interests of rural voters unheard. Additionally, swing states, which currently receive the most attention from candidates, are not guaranteed to remain the same in future elections. States like Arizona and Texas, which were not historically swing states, are now becoming battlegrounds. Therefore, it's essential to recognize that the political landscape is constantly evolving, and candidates' priorities may change accordingly.

    • Unexpected costs of timeshares and human rights at the UNTimeshares can lead to financial burdens and long-term commitments, while the UN emphasizes the need to protect human rights and dignity against border exploitation and trafficking.

      Timeshares can come with unexpected costs and commitments, potentially leaving owners in financial trouble. Meanwhile, at the UN, President Trump advocated for securing borders against human smuggling and trafficking, emphasizing the importance of protecting human rights and dignity. Trump's speech reframed the open borders argument, highlighting the exploitation and abuse faced by migrants and the role of radical activists in enabling criminal organizations. Ultimately, both topics underscore the importance of considering the consequences of our actions and policies.

    • Security and economic implications of open bordersOpen borders pose security risks by making it difficult to control access and have economic implications as a welfare state cannot support the entire world.

      Open borders are a bad idea for both security and economic reasons. From a security standpoint, access control is essential for any country, including the United States, to ensure the safety of its citizens. Open borders would make it impossible to know who is entering the country and could lead to an increase in criminal and terrorist activities. Economically, a welfare state and open borders are not mathematically feasible, as the taxpayer base cannot support the entire world. Trump's recent UN speech and the subsequent criticism from some quarters, such as Aaron Rupar of Vox, highlight the importance of understanding the context and intentions behind statements to avoid misunderstandings and false accusations.

    • Speaker criticizes individuals spreading false info and Democrats' desire for lists and centralized powerSpeaker warns against potential loss of individual freedoms due to Democrats' plans for universal background checks, national wealth registry, and centralized power.

      During a recent speech, the speaker called out individuals for spreading false information about a particular event, labeling them as liars. The speaker also criticized the Democratic Party for their desire for universal background checks, which they believe is a ploy to create a list of gun owners for potential confiscation in the future. The speaker argued that Democrats, who allegedly love lists, plan to centralize power and control individual freedoms. A specific example given was Bernie Sanders' proposal for a national wealth registry to enforce a new tax. The speaker warned that such lists and centralized power could lead to the government making decisions for individuals and potentially confiscating their assets. Overall, the speaker urged caution against the potential loss of individual freedoms and the dangers of centralized power and lists.

    • Dan Bongino announces book signings and invites listeners to attendDan Bongino invites listeners to upcoming book signings for 'Exonerated' at Viewer Beach Book Center, Barnes & Noble in Palm Beach Gardens, and Barnes & Noble in The Villages.

      Dan Bongino, the host of the Dan Bongino Show, values connecting with his audience and appreciates their support. He shared information about upcoming book signings and encouraged listeners to attend. His new book, "Exonerated," is now available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Bongino expressed his gratitude for his listeners and expressed excitement about meeting them in person. The audio quality of his show is solid, with Joe East and Paula contributing to its success. The upcoming signings will take place at the Viewer Beach Book Center on September 26th, Barnes and Noble in Palm Beach Gardens on September 28th, and Barnes and Noble in The Villages on October 4th. Bongino expressed his anticipation for these events and invited listeners to come and meet him. He is always happy to spend time with his audience and take photos. You can listen to Dan Bongino's show on iTunes, SoundCloud, or follow him on Twitter @DBongino.

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