
    The Endless Chase: How to Define "Enough" in Your Financial Life

    enDecember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on meeting basic needs before accumulating wealthDuring financially challenging times, prioritize meeting basic needs over wealth accumulation, but also plan for the future.

      Money is a means to an end, not the primary objective. For many, especially during financially challenging times, the focus should be on meeting basic needs rather than accumulating wealth. The speaker shares her personal experience of struggling to afford gas during her teenage years, emphasizing that having a full tank was a luxury she couldn't afford. This analogy can be applied to our approach to money in general. When we're focused on paying bills and keeping our lights on, the idea of prioritizing wealth accumulation may seem absurd. It's important to recognize this and find balance, ensuring we have enough for our immediate needs while also planning for the future. In today's episode of "Money with Katie," the speaker invites career coach Cynthia Pong to help explore this concept further and discuss the importance of knowing when to take a break from the hustle and appreciate what we already have.

    • The impact of starting salaries on financial mindsetStarting salaries can influence our financial aspirations and lead to the 'comparison game'. Focus on gratitude and personal progress to avoid unnecessary comparisons.

      Our starting salaries can significantly impact our financial mindset and aspirations for the future. For Alexis, earning $72,000 after graduation allowed her to afford a better living situation and enjoy certain luxuries, but it also anchored her to a certain pay band and limited her aspirations. Over time, as her salary increased, she began to compare herself to others who were earning more, leading her to feel inadequate and wanting even more. This phenomenon, known as the "comparison game," can be insidious and make us focus more on the gaps between ourselves and others rather than what we have already achieved. To help clients navigate this comparison game, it's important to focus on gratitude for what we have and recognize that arbitrary income thresholds may not be as meaningful as they seem. Instead, we should focus on our own progress and financial goals, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others.

    • Comparing Ourselves to Others: Productive or Damaging?Recognize comparison, pivot to positive thoughts, and focus on personal growth for accurate and productive comparisons.

      Comparing ourselves to others can be a productive tool for identifying potential underpay or areas for growth, but it can also lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. As a coaching firm specializing in women of color, it's important to recognize and address the comparison game, which can be particularly damaging. The first step is increasing awareness of when comparison is happening. Once aware, strategies such as writing it down, pivoting to positive thoughts, or creating a plan to focus on personal gains can help rewire the brain and strengthen new habits. It's essential to remember that social media often presents an incomplete picture, and comparing our insides to someone else's outsides can be misleading. Focusing on personal growth and progress, rather than comparing ourselves to others, is a more accurate and productive comparison.

    • The Danger of Lifestyle CreepLifestyle creep can lead to endless striving for more income and consumption, but defining 'enough' and finding balance is key to financial security and freedom.

      The pursuit of more income and consumption can lead to a dangerous cycle of lifestyle creep, where individuals feel the need to spend more as they earn more, creating a never-ending cycle of striving for more. This can be driven by internal motivations, such as the desire to be better or earn more, as well as external societal messaging. However, it's important to define what "enough" means for oneself and to recognize that the goalpost for financial success may continue to move over time due to various factors. It's essential to question the assumption that the goalpost should always move upward and consider adjusting personal financial goals instead. Ultimately, it's crucial to find a balance between earning, spending, and saving to achieve financial security and freedom.

    • The insatiable human pursuit of happinessPeople may find temporary happiness from major life changes, but often adapt and seek more, questioning the importance of constant growth in a fulfilling life

      The human pursuit of happiness can be a never-ending cycle, with people constantly striving for more despite reaching relatively stable levels of happiness after major life changes or events. This concept, known as moving the goalpost or hedonic adaptation, was introduced in the 1971 essay "Hedonic Relativism and Planning the Good Society" by Brickman and Campbell. However, the speaker questions the validity of this insatiable drive for more and shares her own experiences of contentment and the decision of a writer to cap her income, which is seen as out of place in a growth-at-all-costs financial system. The speaker also shares her personal experience of comparing herself to others and feeling insignificant as a result. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the importance of determining what is enough for oneself and finding comfort in that, despite societal pressures to constantly strive for more.

    • The Complex Interplay of Personal and Societal Expectations of SuccessQuestion societal assumptions of success, consider personal costs, and strive for a balanced understanding of what truly brings fulfillment and happiness.

      Our drive for success, often fueled by personal and familial influences, can become intertwined with larger societal expectations and systems. This can lead to a perception that there is only one way to be a "good person" or to achieve happiness, which is through academic or professional success. However, it's important to question these assumptions and consider the potential personal and societal costs of this relentless pursuit of success. Ultimately, it's crucial to be aware of these complex interconnected systems and strive for a raised consciousness and awareness around our own relationship to ourselves and the world around us. It's not about rejecting these systems entirely, but rather about gently interrogating them and finding a balance that works for us as individuals. This process can lead to a more nuanced understanding of what truly brings us fulfillment and happiness.

    • Beyond a certain point, wealth isn't about the money, but what it symbolizesOnce we meet basic needs, additional wealth may not increase happiness significantly. Strive for balance and contentment, aiming for financial independence but enjoying the journey

      Beyond a certain point, the pursuit of more wealth is not about the money itself, but what it might symbolize. Once we have enough to meet our basic needs and some comforts, additional wealth may not significantly impact our happiness. It's essential to recognize this balance and avoid the trap of constantly wanting more, which can lead to an unfulfilling life. To determine when we have enough, one mathematically reasonable way is to achieve financial independence, where the cash flow from assets supports our desired lifestyle. However, we shouldn't wait to experience contentment until we reach that point. Instead, we should identify a few things that define enough for us and strive for a balanced life that allows us to enjoy the journey towards financial freedom.

    • Focusing on personal growth for genuine joy and fulfillmentInstead of solely chasing income or net worth, identify and focus on personal growth areas that bring joy and fulfillment, such as relationships, gratitude, and purposeful activities. Having a strong support system can help make the journey towards personal growth more manageable.

      Focusing solely on increasing income or net worth for personal satisfaction and progress may lead to diminishing returns. Instead, it's essential to consider channeling that drive towards more inherently gratifying and meaningful pursuits. This concept, known as decreasing marginal utility, suggests that each incremental dollar provides less meaning than the last. To break free from this cycle, it's crucial to identify and focus on personal growth areas that bring genuine joy and fulfillment, such as developing relationships, practicing gratitude, and engaging in purposeful activities. However, making a significant shift in priorities can be challenging, and having a strong support system is crucial during this process. Surrounding yourself with trusted individuals who provide psychological safety and understanding can help alleviate fears and doubts, making the journey towards personal growth more manageable. In summary, while the pursuit of income and net worth can provide a sense of progress, it's essential to remember that true happiness and fulfillment come from within. By focusing on personal growth and redirecting our drive towards more meaningful pursuits, we can find a more balanced and satisfying approach to life.

    • Embrace your fears for growthFacing your fears can lead to significant personal and professional growth, and acknowledging the fear is the first step towards exploring new opportunities.

      Facing your fears and exploring the directions that scare you the most can lead to significant growth and success. The fear you feel towards a particular path is often an indicator that there's something valuable there, worth investigating further. It doesn't always mean that you have to make a drastic change right away, but it's essential to acknowledge and listen to that instinct. The fear doesn't have to be a destructive force; instead, it can be an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Having a support system can help you navigate this process and make intentional, well-considered decisions. Remember, the fear of the unknown doesn't have to hold you back – it can be a powerful motivator for positive change. For more resources and guidance on embracing change and overcoming limiting beliefs, visit Embrace Change's website, embracechange.nyc.

    • A Talented Team Brings Our Morning Brew Show to LifeCollaborative effort from Henna Velez, Katie Gadditasan, Nick Torres, Devin Emery, and Kate Brandt ensures high-quality, informative, and engaging Morning Brew show for the audience.

      Our Morning Brew show is a collaborative effort from a talented team. The show is produced by Henna Velez and Katie Gadditasan, with audio engineering and sound design from Nick Torres. Devin Emery serves as the chief content officer, and fact checking is an essential part of the process, with Kate Brandt contributing in this area. This team effort ensures that our show is high-quality, informative, and engaging for our audience. It's a reminder that great content doesn't just happen; it requires a dedicated team working together to bring it to life.

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