
    The Essential Habits for Becoming an Agile, Vital, and Durable Human Being

    enJuly 22, 2024
    What is the main focus of ‘Built to Move’?
    How can daily habits improve mobility?
    What does the sit and rise test indicate?
    Why is maintaining range of motion important?
    What simple exercises promote better shoulder mobility?

    Podcast Summary

    • Essential habits for a vital and durable lifeFocusing on essential habits like sleeping well, maintaining mobility, and managing pain can help individuals live fully and move freely throughout their entire lives, improving overall health and preventing injury.

      The essential habits for living a vital and durable life, as outlined in Kelly Starrett's book "Built to Move," are crucial for both elite performers and everyday individuals. These habits, which include practices like sleeping well, maintaining mobility, and managing pain, are vital signs that indicate overall health and can be improved through daily practices. As we age, focusing on these foundational practices becomes increasingly important for avoiding injury and staying strong enough to perform daily tasks. Even young athletes are recognizing the benefits of these habits for extending their careers and enhancing their performance. Pain is a request for change, and ignoring it can lead to serious health issues. By prioritizing these essential habits, we can live fully and move freely throughout our entire lives.

    • Sit and rise test, daily habitsThe sit and rise test is a simple predictor of overall health and independence as we age. Struggling with this test may indicate room for improvement in daily habits, such as spending more time on the floor, to reduce the 'session cost' of daily living and improve overall movement fluency.

      Pain is not just a medical problem that requires a doctor's visit or self-medication. Instead, it's essential to focus on daily habits that can improve mobility, such as the sit and rise test. This simple test, which involves sitting and rising from the floor without using hands or knees, is a predictor of overall health and independence as we age. If you struggle with this test, it may indicate room for improvement in your daily habits, such as spending more time on the floor while watching TV or engaging in activities that promote hip range of motion. By prioritizing these habits, we can reduce the "session cost" of our daily living and improve our overall movement fluency. This approach can benefit anyone, regardless of their goals, and may even help prevent the need for nursing home care in the future.

    • Daily habits for healthy agingPrioritizing social connections and movements that improve overall health, such as sitting on the floor and focusing on breathing, can help counteract the negative effects of aging and improve both physical and mental well-being.

      Our physical and mental well-being later in life can be significantly impacted by the choices we make every day. Breaking a hip after the age of 70 is a major predictor of health decline and even death. This is because loss of mobility leads to a decrease in muscle mass, bone density, and social connections. To counteract this, it's essential to strengthen our social bonds and prioritize movements that improve our overall health. Sitting on the floor may seem like a simple solution, but it has numerous benefits, including opening up the pelvic floor, restoring motion in the low back, and improving hip range of motion. Additionally, focusing on our breathing can lead to better posture, increased VO2 max, and improved overall health. By making small changes in our daily routines, we can set ourselves up for a healthier future. Research shows that our brains are social organs, and we need strong connections to family, friends, and community to thrive. In times of isolation, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of social connections became even more apparent. By prioritizing movements that improve both our physical and mental health, we can create a ripple effect of positive changes in our lives.

    • Breathing optimization and body functionsOptimizing breathing and body functions through nose breathing, hip extension exercises, and avoiding negative influences like smoking and COVID can enhance oxygen intake, reduce pain, and improve overall performance and health.

      Optimizing our breathing and body functions can significantly improve our performance and overall health. The body oxygen level test reveals that people who are more comfortable with higher CO2 levels can extract more oxygen from hemoglobin. However, smoking and COVID can negatively impact oxygen levels and brain comfort, leading to inefficiencies and discomfort. Focusing on nose breathing and practicing hip extension through exercises like the couch stretch can enhance our access to ventilation and improve our ability to extend our hips, reducing pain and increasing efficiency. Integrating these practices into daily life, such as during walks or bike rides, can lead to noticeable improvements without requiring dedicated time for specialized classes.

    • Shoulder range of motionImproving shoulder range of motion can alleviate pain, enhance health, and lead to better posture, increased force production, and reduced tension in the upper back and neck. Simple tests and practices, like the IYNT test and hanging from a bar, can help identify and address issues and improve function.

      Improving range of motion in the body, specifically in the shoulders, can help alleviate pain and enhance overall health. The shoulder is a complex system connected to the neck and thoracic spine, and limitations in any of these areas can impact the others. Simple tests and daily practices, such as performing the IYNT test and hanging from a bar, can help identify and address issues with shoulder range of motion and improve function. These practices can lead to better posture, increased force production, and reduced tension in the upper back and neck. By focusing on the connection between the brain, body, and the importance of proper range of motion, individuals can take steps towards better shoulder health and overall well-being.

    • Shoulder and hip mobilityImproving shoulder and hip mobility through simple exercises like sun salutations and squatting can enhance physical capabilities, contribute to better posture, increase energy, and improve overall well-being, reducing the risk of osteoarthritis and other diseases.

      Maintaining the full range of motion in our bodies, especially in the hips and shoulders, is essential for human durability and overall health. Simple exercises like sun salutations or the five-minute "shoulder spin up" routine can help improve shoulder mobility, while squatting, even if not for heavy lifting, is important for restoring the body's natural range of motion and reducing the risk of osteoarthritis and other diseases. These movements not only enhance physical capabilities but also contribute to better posture, increased energy, and improved overall well-being.

    • Balance and movementImproving balance and incorporating more movement into daily life can enhance athletic performance and overall health. Regular balance practice and limiting sedentary time can lead to better physical abilities and overall well-being.

      Improving balance and incorporating more movement into daily life can significantly enhance athletic performance and overall health. The "old man balance test," which involves standing on one leg with eyes closed for 20 seconds, reveals the importance of foot strength, ankle range of motion, and overall balance. Practicing balance regularly, such as during shoe-wearing routines or at work, can lead to improvements in various physical activities, from biking to skiing to lifting. Additionally, limiting sedentary time and increasing non-exercise activity can contribute to better sleep and overall well-being.

    • Daily Movement and NutritionDaily movement and proper nutrition are crucial for optimal health and recovery. Focus on hitting daily minimums for both to enhance physical well-being and make a positive impact on overall health journey.

      Daily movement and proper nutrition are essential for optimal health and recovery. Moving throughout the day, even if it's just small increments, can lead to significant calorie burn, improved sleep, and reduced muscle tension. Proper nutrition, including adequate protein and micronutrients, is necessary for body composition changes and overall health. It's important to focus on hitting daily minimums rather than restrictive diets. By prioritizing these two aspects, individuals can enhance their physical well-being and make a positive impact on their overall health journey.

    • Fruit and Health BenefitsIncorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet can increase micronutrient intake and help you feel full without consuming large amounts of calories, leading to improved health and well-being.

      Fruit, contrary to popular belief, is not the enemy when it comes to health and nutrition. In fact, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet can provide numerous health benefits, including increased micronutrient intake and feeling full without consuming large amounts of calories. Kelly Starrett, co-author of "Built to Move," shares his experience with the transformative power of fruit and encourages people to view health as a part of their daily routine rather than an added chore. He suggests small, simple changes, like getting more steps in throughout the day or adding fruits and vegetables to meals, to make a significant impact on overall health and well-being. For more information, visit BuiltToMove.com and check out their free 21-day built-to-move challenge.

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    The Art of Manliness
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    The Art of Manliness
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    The Art of Manliness
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