
    The Evidence is Right There in Front of Your Eyes (Ep 1398)

    enNovember 20, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing facts and individual thinkingDan Bongino encourages individual thinking and factual information, focusing on two critical points from Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Sidney Powell's press conference, and recommends The American Mind for insightful political content.

      Dan Bongino, the host of his self-titled show, emphasizes the importance of individual thinking and factual information. He encourages his audience to form their own opinions and not be influenced by media personalities or conspiracy theories. He believes in providing facts and not dictating how to think. In the recent news, there has been a debate between different teams and Fox News regarding Tucker Carlson's monologue. Bongino intends to focus on the facts and two critical points brought up during a press conference by Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Sidney Powell. These points are real and not conspiracy theories, as labeled by the left. The show is sponsored by ExpressVPN, and Bongino recommends checking out The American Mind website for insightful and hard-hitting content on ongoing political issues. The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute, which has been recognized for its work in educating Americans about founding principles and their relevance to current politics.

    • Attorney Sidney Powell alleges election fraud in 2020Unproven allegations of election fraud, if true, would be a significant scandal, but it's important to wait for evidence in court.

      During a recent press conference, attorney Sidney Powell made allegations of a large conspiracy to manipulate vote tabulating software in the 2020 election, resulting in millions of votes being flipped from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Powell's claims, if true, would represent a significant election fraud scandal. However, it's important to note that these allegations have not been proven in court, and it's the responsibility of Powell to provide evidence to support her claims. The focus should be on the facts and not on personalities or team affiliations. The controversy surrounding these allegations underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in our electoral process.

    • Lawyer Sidney Powell fails to provide concrete evidence on Tucker Carlson's showDespite failing to present concrete evidence, Sidney Powell continues to believe in her allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Elections. The focus should be on the seriousness of these claims, not the debate around their presentation.

      Sidney Powell, a lawyer involved in allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Elections, was invited on Tucker Carlson's show to present evidence. However, she never provided any concrete evidence and grew angry when asked repeatedly. Despite this, Powell maintains her innocence and believes in the importance of her claims. The debate around the evidence and its presentation has generated significant social media buzz, but the focus should remain on the serious allegations themselves. Powell has the right to present her case in court when she's ready, and it's her responsibility to provide evidence if she makes claims. The importance of these allegations warrants careful consideration and attention.

    • Evidence of potential voter fraud presented at press conferenceDespite media narratives, evidence of potential voter fraud was presented at a recent press conference, including sworn affidavits, which are considered valid in legal proceedings.

      The debate over the validity of the 2020 election results hinges on the existence of fraud or malfeasance. During a recent press conference, Rudy Giuliani and others presented evidence, including sworn affidavits, of potential voter fraud. Affidavits, signed under oath, are considered evidence in legal proceedings. However, some individuals dismiss these claims, insisting that no evidence has been presented. This is a mischaracterization of the situation. The press conference presented numerous data points of evidence, and it is essential to keep the focus on the potential for election fraud rather than getting distracted by media narratives. The importance of the election outcome makes it crucial to examine any credible allegations of fraud.

    • Handling of ballots and use of text communication in the 2020 Presidential electionThe handling of ballots and the use of text communication are important issues in the 2020 Presidential election that have been overlooked by the media. These issues could potentially impact the election outcome and are worth further investigation.

      During a recent press conference, attorney Sidney Powell made allegations of irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election, which were met with dismissal from the media and attempts to silence those discussing it. Powell's larger claims of a global conspiracy need to be substantiated with evidence. However, two specific points raised during the conference deserve attention: the handling of ballots and the use of text communication for business interactions. The media has largely ignored these issues, but they could potentially have significant implications for the election outcome. Businesses can benefit from using text communication with customers, as it saves time and money and has a higher open rate compared to phone calls. In summary, while the larger conspiracy claims need further investigation, the handling of ballots and the importance of text communication are important issues that warrant further discussion.

    • Low rejection rates of mail-in ballots in 2020 are a bizarre anomalyHistorical rejection rates for mail-in ballots are around 1% for regular voters and up to 3% for first-timers. Unexplained low rejection rates in 2020 require further evidence.

      The unusually low rejection rates of mail-in ballots during the 2020 election, particularly in states with limited experience in mass mail-in voting, is a bizarre anomaly that seems unexplainable without further evidence. This is despite historical rejection rates of around 1% for regular mail-in voters and up to 3% for first-time absentee voters due to their unfamiliarity with the process. The suggestion that a public service announcement could have significantly reduced rejection rates seems implausible. The speaker encourages a common-sense approach and the consideration of simpler explanations before jumping to conclusions.

    • Unusually low mail-in ballot rejection rates in 2020 US electionsThe unexplained low rejection rates of mail-in ballots in key battleground states during the 2020 US elections defy historical trends and require further investigation.

      The unusually low rejection rates of mail-in ballots in the 2020 US elections, particularly in key battleground states, is a statistical anomaly that defies explanation. The rejection rates in these states were significantly lower than in previous elections, despite a large increase in the number of mail-in ballots and a larger proportion of first-time voters. This anomaly has fueled concerns and allegations of potential electoral fraud. However, it's important to note that the causes of this anomaly are not clear-cut. Some argue that the machines were calibrated differently, while others suggest that public education campaigns may have led to improved ballot submission. Regardless of the cause, the low rejection rates are not in line with historical trends and require further investigation. Another takeaway is that nature does not produce uniformity, and the idea of uniform ballots is an unrealistic expectation.

    • Allegations of pristine ballots in Georgia recountConcerns were raised about pristine ballots lacking creases, suggesting they might not have been mailed in, but clear evidence for their collection by authorized officials is lacking, leaving room for skepticism

      During the Georgia recount, numerous sworn affidavits were submitted suggesting the existence of pristine ballots with uniform fillings, seemingly not handled or mailed in. These allegations are concerning because mail-in ballots require folding to fit in envelopes, leaving creases as evidence of handling. However, the reported pristine ballots lacked creases, indicating they might not have gone through the mailing process. The Occam's razor explanation for this anomaly is that these ballots could have been collected by authorized election officials. Yet, there is a lack of transparency regarding this matter, and the absence of clear evidence supporting this theory leaves room for skepticism. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a strong belief that there was election fraud, but urges for concrete evidence to be presented to support this claim.

    • Magazines for Training and Personal DefenseETS Magazines offer reliable, durable options with a lifetime warranty, speed loaders, and availability for various firearms. Check out ETSMags.com with promo code DAN for 15% off.

      Magazines play a crucial role in training and personal defense, and ETS Magazines are a reliable and durable option. With a lifetime warranty, these magazines are impact resistant, clear, and available for various firearms. Their durability makes them ideal for harsh environments and extreme conditions. Additionally, ETS Magazines offer speed loaders, which are the fastest in the world. The speaker encourages listeners to check out ETSMags.com and use the promo code DAN for 15% off their entire order. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of allowing legal processes to unfold regarding alleged election fraud and not succumbing to pressure to accept narratives without proper evidence. The speaker believes that the case against alleged election fraud consists of sworn affidavits and circumstantial evidence and that they will present their case when ready. The speaker also pokes fun at the media for their reactions to certain situations.

    • Media's reaction to vaccine announcement and AOC's anticsThe media's focus on declaring a president and dismissing voter fraud concerns, along with AOC's radical policy demands, highlights the polarized and chaotic US political climate, emphasizing the need for factual reporting and responsible journalism.

      Despite the announcement of a potentially effective COVID-19 vaccine by Vice President Pence and the task force, the media's focus remains on declaring Joe Biden as the de facto president and dismissing allegations of voter fraud. Meanwhile, AOC and Green New Deal activists are attempting to pressure President-elect Biden to adopt more radical policies by holding a press conference and singing songs about their cause. The media's reaction to the vaccine announcement and the antics of AOC and her supporters highlight the polarized and chaotic political climate in the US. The media's obsession with declaring a winner and dismissing concerns of voter fraud, as well as the unusual behavior of politicians, is a cause for concern and underscores the importance of factual reporting and responsible journalism.

    • Politicians' struggle to clap in rhythm during a dance highlights individual differencesUnderstanding and respecting individual differences is crucial in collective efforts, not all forms of expression come naturally to everyone.

      Despite their shared goal of standing for the future and healing what is wrong, individuals have different comfort levels and abilities in expressing their support. This was evident in a viral video featuring politicians AOC, Ed Markey, and others struggling to clap in rhythm during a dance. Some were unsure of the appropriate clapping style, while others appeared uncomfortable and unsure of their role. Even a Capitol Hill police officer was seen looking perplexed. The incident highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual differences, even in the context of collective efforts. It also serves as a reminder that not all forms of expression come naturally to everyone.

    • Teeter Inversion Table: A Daily Routine Essential for Back Pain Relief and Shoulder HealthThe Teeter Inversion Table is praised for its effectiveness in decompressing the spine and improving shoulder health, with personal experiences of rejuvenation and thousands of positive reviews. However, be cautious of misinterpreted election data in media outlets.

      The Teeter Inversion Table is a valuable addition to anyone's daily routine, whether they have back pain or not. The user shares personal experiences of feeling rejuvenated after using the table, and praises its effectiveness in decompressing the spine and improving shoulder health. The Teeter brand is trusted and well-established, with thousands of positive reviews and a 60-day money-back guarantee. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the misreading of the 2020 election results by some media outlets. While acknowledging the accuracy of certain assertions made in an article, such as Biden's coalition being whiter and wealthier, the author of the article failed to correctly interpret the election data, particularly the gains made by Republicans among non-white and black voters. This discrepancy highlights the importance of carefully considering multiple perspectives and interpreting data accurately.

    • Historic turnout of Black and Hispanic voters for the GOPThe 2020 election saw a significant shift in political allegiances, with Black and Hispanic voters turning to the GOP due to shared values on economic freedom, individual rights, and school choice. This could lead to a potential downward trend for the Democratic Party if the GOP effectively engages these new voters.

      The 2020 election saw a historic turnout of black and Hispanic voters for the Republican Party, and this could mark a generational shift in political allegiances. These voters discovered that the GOP's values align with their own, particularly on issues like economic freedom, individual rights, and school choice. This could lead to a downward spiral for the Democratic Party if the GOP can effectively reach out and welcome these new voters. However, it's important to note that not all election results can be neatly categorized as a win or loss for a particular ideology. For example, the passage of a minimum wage increase in Florida doesn't necessarily indicate support for socialism, but rather a disconnect between voters' perceptions and the economic realities of such policies.

    • Minimum wage policies don't define liberal successLiberalism didn't lose in recent elections due to minimum wage defeats, but specific policies lacked voter appeal. Understanding unintended consequences and using common sense are crucial.

      Minimum wage policies, while often associated with liberalism, do not necessarily reflect the success of liberal policies. In fact, minimum wage initiatives, along with identity politics and tax hikes, were heavily defeated in liberal states during recent elections. Despite these losses, the speaker argues that liberalism did not lose overall, but rather that specific policies failed to resonate with voters. The speaker encourages understanding the unseen consequences of policies and emphasizes the importance of common sense and facts in political discourse.

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