
    A Dramatic Weekend Announcement by the Trump Team (1399)

    enNovember 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Stay focused on primary goals despite distractionsAvoid distractions and focus on potential election fraud to ensure fair and legal voting outcomes. Protect online activity with a VPN.

      It's crucial for individuals and teams to stay focused on the primary goals during times of uncertainty or chaos. Dan Bongino expressed concern over people celebrating perceived issues within the Trump legal team instead of focusing on potential election fraud. He emphasized the importance of getting to the bottom of any potential voter fraud and determining who voted fairly and legally. Distractions, such as team allegiances and social media, should be avoided in favor of addressing the hierarchy of needs. Additionally, individuals can protect their online activity with a VPN, such as ExpressVPN.

    • Importance of focusing on potential election fraudStay focused on potential election fraud instead of distractions or internal disputes within the conservative movement.

      During a discussion about the ongoing election controversy, it was expressed that while some individuals on social media were quick to criticize Sidney Powell's claims of an international conspiracy to change votes, others, including the speaker, had warned against jumping to conclusions before seeing evidence. The speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on potential fraud in the election and not getting sidetracked by distractions or internal disputes within the conservative movement. The Trump legal team's separation of Powell's work from their own was explained as a matter of timing, with the safe harbor deadline for electors approaching. The speaker encouraged listeners to prioritize exposing potential election fraud and not to waste time on circular firing squads or celebrating perceived mistakes of others.

    • Lawyer Sidney Powell continues to allege international conspiracy in election resultsDespite criticism, lawyer Sidney Powell plans to file a new lawsuit with significant evidence of alleged election manipulation. Protecting election integrity is essential for America's democratic values.

      Sidney Powell, a lawyer involved in the legal team challenging the election results, is not backing down from her allegations of a significant international conspiracy to manipulate the election. She plans to file a lawsuit this week with overwhelming evidence. Powell's reputation and legal standing are her own responsibility, and it's important to focus on the goal of ensuring free and fair elections rather than attacking individuals. The pressure to conform to social media narratives should not dictate our actions or judgments. Powell's allegations, if true, are described as "biblical" in scope. The truth will come out in court. It's crucial to support efforts to protect the integrity of elections and uphold the vision of America as a place of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    • Allegations of irregularities in Georgia election with potential money exchanged for voting softwareFormer Trump lawyer Sidney Powell alleges potential election law violation in Georgia, involving money exchanged for use of voting software with known issues. Details and validity remain unclear.

      Sidney Powell, a member of former President Trump's legal team, is alleging irregularities in the 2020 election in Georgia, involving potential money being exchanged for the use of voting software with known issues. Powell has not provided specific details but has indicated that she believes a law was broken. The allegations, if true, could be disturbing and raise concerns about the integrity of the election process. Powell has also criticized the government for not addressing previous concerns about the voting software, which have been raised by Democrats as well as experts. The full extent and validity of these allegations remain to be seen, as Powell has not yet filed the explosive filing she mentioned.

    • Prominent Democrats and left-leaning media raised concerns of voter fraud before election, but shifted narrative post-electionIt's crucial to approach electoral issues with an open mind and consider all evidence, while maintaining accurate and fair reporting.

      The concern over potential voter fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election was not unique to the Trump campaign or conservative voices. Prominent Democrats and left-leaning media outlets had raised similar concerns before the election. However, the narrative shifted after the election, with many of these same voices dismissing such claims as baseless or conspiracy theories. This inconsistency in the response to allegations of electoral issues has created a divide and weakened the ability to address any potential valid concerns. It is essential to approach such matters with an open mind and consider all evidence before dismissing or embracing them. Additionally, it is crucial to remember the importance of accurate and fair reporting, especially during election cycles.

    • Concerns over election security and potential hackingThe debate over election security and potential hacking highlights the importance of addressing these concerns in a non-partisan manner and the potential consequences of dismissing or criticizing certain voices based on political affiliations.

      There have been concerns raised about the vulnerability of American voting machines to hacking and potential election fraud, with some media outlets reporting on these issues before and after the 2016 elections. However, when a Republican lawyer brought up these concerns, she was criticized for promoting conspiracy theories, despite the fact that these allegations were not dismissed when raised by left-leaning media outlets. It's important to note that the evidence presented is not definitive proof of hacking, but rather an indication of potential vulnerabilities and the need for increased security measures to protect the integrity of elections. The debate highlights the importance of addressing election security concerns in a non-partisan manner and the potential consequences of selectively dismissing or criticizing certain voices based on political affiliations.

    • Comparing Certain Individuals in the Conservative Community to Quitters or BedquittersThe speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on substantive election issues instead of distractions and circular firing squads within the conservative community.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed frustration with certain individuals in the conservative community for their behavior and unwillingness to address important issues, comparing them to "quitters" or "bedquitters." He believes that these individuals are distracting from significant election abnormalities and instead focusing on less important matters. The speaker also highlighted the importance of reading an article from JustTheNews.com about these election issues and encouraged listeners to shop Tommy John's Black Friday sale for comfortable loungewear. Overall, the speaker emphasized the need for focus and action on substantive issues rather than circular firing squads and distractions.

    • Detroit city worker's allegations of ballot falsificationThousands of potentially fraudulent ballots were allegedly backdated in Detroit, one of many instances of voting irregularities across the country. It's crucial to investigate these claims thoroughly for election transparency and accountability.

      There are numerous allegations of voting irregularities in the 2020 election, and one of the most concerning instances comes from a Detroit city worker who claims she witnessed thousands of ballots being falsified and backdated after the deadline. This is just one of the many instances of irregularities mentioned in a news article, which lists a dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities across the country. The Trump legal team is reportedly focusing on these issues, and it's important for the public to be aware of the growing evidence of potential election fraud. Instead of focusing on distractions and attacking individuals involved in the legal process, it's crucial to investigate these claims thoroughly. The Detroit worker's sworn statement alleges that she was instructed to backdate thousands of ballots from unqualified voters, which could significantly impact the election outcome. Other instances of irregularities include mismatched voting totals and absentee ballots being sent and received in unusual numbers. It's essential to take these allegations seriously and encourage transparency and accountability in the election process.

    • Allegations of irregularities in absentee voting processUnbalanced results in Detroit, pristine ballots in Georgia, and unrequested ballots in Pennsylvania raise concerns about potential election manipulation, requiring thorough investigations for election legitimacy.

      There have been numerous allegations of irregularities in the absentee voting process during the 2020 US Presidential Election, particularly in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. One Michigan Board of Canvassing member, William Hartman, claimed that approximately 71% of Detroit's absentee ballot counting boards had unbalanced results. In Georgia, observers reported finding pristine ballots with no creases, suggesting they hadn't been mailed in as required. In Pennsylvania, some voters reported receiving mail-in ballots they hadn't requested, and a data scientist projected that up to 100,000 absentee ballots in the state could be questionable. These allegations, if true, could potentially impact the election results in these key battleground states. It's important to note that these are allegations and investigations are ongoing. However, they underscore the need for transparency and thoroughness in the election process to ensure the legitimacy of the results.

    • Ensuring Fair Elections: A Non-Partisan IssueRegardless of political affiliation, it's crucial to prioritize fair and free elections, investigate reported abnormalities, and protect personal identity from cybercrime.

      While some Democrats may express concern over alleged voter fraud when it could potentially impact their own election outcomes, there seems to be a disregard for the issue when it doesn't benefit them. Joe Bongino emphasizes the importance of ensuring fair and free elections, regardless of the political party involved. Additionally, there have been significant abnormalities reported in Pennsylvania and Georgia elections, which warrant further investigation. Cybersecurity is also a critical issue, as identity theft and cybercrime can lead to major inconvenience and financial loss. Protecting one's identity is crucial, especially during the holiday season. The article by Julie Kelly in American Greatness provides insight into the Pennsylvania election debacle and raises concerns about potential voter irregularities. Overall, it's essential to remain vigilant and demand transparency in the electoral process.

    • Frustration with Republicans selling out principles and call for a more aggressive responseThe speaker urges Republicans to adopt a more confrontational stance against the left, accusing them of underhanded tactics and calling out specific Republicans for selling out conservative values.

      The speaker expresses frustration with Republicans who he perceives as selling out their principles and playing by the rules of the left. He believes that the left is dishonest and will stop at nothing to gain power, and that Republicans should adopt a more aggressive stance in response. The speaker uses the example of Obadiah from the Iron Man movies to illustrate this idea of a seemingly friendly figure who ultimately betrays the main character. He specifically calls out Maryland Governor Larry Hogan as an example of a Republican who he believes has sold out conservatives. The speaker argues that Republicans should not be afraid to make allegations and demand investigations, and should not be afraid to "dig trenches" and fight back against the left's tactics. Overall, the speaker is advocating for a more confrontational approach from the Republican Party in response to what he sees as the left's underhanded tactics.

    • Speaker's Disparaging Remarks towards Maryland Governor Larry HoganSpeaker criticized Governor Hogan for prioritizing personal interests over country's needs, referred to him as 'Harry Logan', and jokingly considered entering politics against him in 2024.

      During a discussion about politics, the speaker expressed his feelings towards Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, whom he referred to as "Harry Logan." The speaker accused Hogan of being a sellout and a loser for his actions during the pandemic and his call for Trump to concede. The speaker also shared a personal story about how Hogan needed his help during a campaign event due to a lack of volunteers. Despite his disdain for politics, the speaker jokingly suggested that he might consider entering politics himself if Hogan were to run for president in 2024 without Trump on the ballot. Overall, the speaker's message conveyed a sense of frustration towards politicians who prioritize their own interests over the country's needs.

    • Host criticizes Harry Logan, Chris Christie for election actionsHost accuses Harry Logan and Chris Christie of hypocrisy and collusion during the 2020 presidential election, expresses frustration with the president's legal team, and encourages followers to follow his show on Rumble due to potential YouTube censorship.

      During a recent podcast, the host criticized individuals and organizations for their actions regarding the 2020 presidential election. He specifically mentioned Harry Logan and Chris Christie, accusing them of hypocrisy and collusion. The host also expressed frustration with the legal team handling President Trump's election challenges and announced his intention to distance himself from those he considers part of the "Obadiah Stain Brigade," a term used to describe those he believes are working against the president. Furthermore, he encouraged his audience to follow his show on Rumble due to potential censorship on YouTube.

    • Support Rumble as an Alternative PlatformDan Bongino urges listeners to subscribe to Rumble as a backup in case his content is deleted from other platforms, emphasizing its politically neutral stance and welcome of liberal and conservative perspectives.

      Dan Bongino, the podcast host, is urging his audience to subscribe to Rumble as an alternative platform in response to content being deleted from other sites. He emphasizes that Rumble is a politically neutral platform where content from liberal and conservative perspectives are welcome. Bongino also encourages listeners to continue accessing his podcast through his personal website, bongino.com, as a backup in case his content is removed from other platforms. He has experienced firsthand the deletion of episodes from YouTube featuring Candice Owens, and he believes this is a trend that is ongoing. Therefore, he is encouraging his audience to support Rumble as a safe harbor for free speech.

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