
    The Exercise Prescription for Depression and Anxiety

    enSeptember 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Using Exercise as an Alternative to Medication and Talk TherapyExercise can effectively treat depression and anxiety, with fewer side effects than medication, but motivating individuals to exercise consistently is a challenge.

      Psychologist and author Dr. Jasper Smith advocates for the use of exercise as a viable alternative to medication and talk therapy for treating mood disorders, anxiety, and stress. Exercise has been found to be just as effective as medication in treating depression and anxiety, with the added benefit of a better side effect profile. However, the challenge lies in motivating individuals to exercise when they're dealing with mood disorders, as exercise can be difficult to start and stick with. Dr. Smith's book, "Exercise for Mood and Anxiety," offers strategies for overcoming this catch-22 and making physical activity a habit for anyone looking to improve their mental health. Exercise's mental health benefits are an essential addition to the existing offerings of psychotherapy and exercise, making it an important consideration for those who prefer non-pharmaceutical and non-talk therapy approaches to mental health treatment.

    • Exercise for mental health: Depression and anxietyExercise effectively manages mild to moderate depression and shows promising effects on anxiety. All types of exercise aligning with public health guidelines can enhance mental health and improve quality of life.

      Exercise plays a significant role in improving both physical and mental health. For individuals dealing with mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, the benefits of regular exercise are comparable to those of medications and psychotherapy, albeit with fewer studies conducted. The evidence suggests that exercise can effectively manage mild to moderate forms of depression, and its effects on anxiety are also promising, particularly in medical populations. The type of exercise does not seem to matter, as long as it aligns with public health guidelines for aerobic activity and strength training. Overall, incorporating exercise into mental health treatment plans can lead to improved well-being and a better quality of life.

    • Understanding preferences and targets for effective exercise prescriptionPersonalize exercise prescriptions by considering individuals' preferences and targets for better adherence and mental health benefits.

      An effective exercise prescription for individuals with mood or anxiety disorders should take into account their preferences and targets. Preferences refer to what individuals would like to do and what they think they can realistically commit to. Targets, on the other hand, refer to specific goals based on individual needs. For instance, someone struggling with social isolation might benefit more from group exercises or workouts with a buddy. It's essential to understand that people's exercise habits may change over time, and starting with an activity they enjoy can help form a lasting exercise routine. The benefits of exercise for mental health can be noticed relatively quickly, making it an attractive and effective intervention. Spending time upfront to understand individuals' preferences and goals can lead to a more effective and sustainable exercise program.

    • Immediate mood-boosting benefits of exerciseExercise can provide quick stress relief and improve mood, making it a valuable addition to talk therapy for managing mood disorders. Tailored exercise prescriptions and short bouts of activity can help individuals manage intense emotions and stay engaged in their daily activities.

      Exercise can provide immediate mood-boosting benefits, making it an effective supplement to talk therapy for individuals seeking help for mood disorders. Exercise's impact can be felt during the activity itself, with people reporting reduced stress, improved mood, and increased stress resistance. By tailoring exercise prescriptions to a person's specific needs and scheduling, they can experience these benefits before challenging situations, such as work meetings, and feel motivated to continue the habit. Additionally, short bouts of exercise, like push-ups, can help individuals manage intense emotions, allowing them to refocus and stay engaged in their daily activities. While long-term reductions in depressed mood or anxiety require consistent effort, the immediate benefits of exercise can serve as a powerful incentive to keep going.

    • Exercise as effective exposure therapy for anxietyExercise reduces fear and anxiety sensitivity, builds distress tolerance, and impacts the brain with potential new treatment possibilities.

      Exercise serves as an effective form of exposure therapy for individuals with anxiety, helping to reduce fear and anxiety sensitivity while building distress tolerance. Additionally, exercise's impact on the brain, including the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins, is an area of ongoing research that may lead to new treatments and a better understanding of its mechanisms of action. However, due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of exercise's effects, it may take some time for researchers to pinpoint the exact brain regions involved and the specific mechanisms at play.

    • Helping Patients with Depression and Anxiety Overcome Exercise ResistanceProviders can educate patients about exercise benefits, set up short-term experiments, and focus on achievable goals to help patients with depression and anxiety overcome resistance to exercise.

      Overcoming the resistance to exercise for individuals dealing with depression and anxiety can be a significant challenge. The cognitive distortions associated with these conditions can hinder motivation, making it difficult for patients to see the benefits of exercise despite research suggesting that it can help. Providers can begin by educating patients about the potential benefits of exercise, but experiential learning may be necessary to help patients overcome their skepticism. By setting up a short-term exercise experiment, providers can help patients see the effects of exercise on their own bodies, such as improved sleep quality. For instance, a patient struggling with both depression and sleep issues may be encouraged to track their sleep and engage in exercise for a week to observe any changes. By focusing on specific, achievable goals and the potential benefits, providers can help motivate patients to overcome the obstacles preventing them from incorporating exercise into their routine.

    • Collaborating with patients to create a feasible and motivating exercise planProviders should work with patients to create a personalized exercise plan based on their preferences, schedule, and exercise history, and set up systems of external motivation to increase adherence.

      Effective exercise motivation involves a collaborative effort between the healthcare provider and the patient. Instead of simply telling patients to exercise, providers should work with them to create a feasible and motivating plan. This may involve brainstorming exercise options based on the patient's preferences, schedule, and exercise history. Providers can also set up a system of external motivation, such as a buddy system or regular meet-ups, to make exercise more appealing and increase the likelihood of adherence. It's important to acknowledge that exercise can be effortful, especially for individuals struggling with mood, and that internal motivation alone may not be sufficient. By shaping the patient's environment and building in ongoing rewards, providers can help exercise move up the hierarchy of things that the patient is motivated to do. Ultimately, the goal is to make exercise a positive and enjoyable experience, rather than a chore, to increase the likelihood of long-term adherence.

    • Understanding the importance of exercise in mental health treatmentExercise is crucial for mental health, but requires personalization and commitment. Setbacks are normal, and providers can act as coaches to help patients navigate them.

      Exercise is an essential component of mental health treatment, but it requires a personalized approach and a long-term commitment. Patients need to understand the benefits of exercise for their unique situation and be encouraged to make it a part of their daily or weekly routine. However, setbacks and lapses are inevitable, and it's essential to prepare patients for these challenges. Mental health treatment is not a linear process, and setbacks are a normal part of the journey. Providers can act as coaches to help patients navigate these challenges and get back on track. By anticipating setbacks and normalizing them, patients are more likely to stay committed to their exercise routine and ultimately become physically active individuals.

    • Effective exercise coaching for depression and anxietyCBT skills help recognize and challenge negative thoughts about exercise and abilities, benefiting individuals with mood disorders and healthy habit seekers.

      Flexibility and understanding are key components in effective exercise coaching, especially when working with individuals dealing with depression or anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills can help patients recognize and challenge negative thoughts about exercise and their abilities. These skills are not only beneficial for individuals with diagnosed mood disorders but also for those trying to implement any healthy habit. As a psychologist, the ultimate goal is to help patients lead better lives, and healthy behaviors like exercise and nutrition are often a big part of that. By recognizing and addressing negative thoughts and developing flexibility, individuals can get back on track and continue their exercise regimen.

    • Addressing patient concerns about exercise discomfortEncourage patients to increase their tolerance to discomfort through intense exercises or make exercise more engaging and enjoyable to help them stay committed to their exercise regimen

      When patients find exercise uncomfortable during the initial stages, it's crucial to address their concerns and provide solutions. For some patients, increasing their tolerance to discomfort through intense exercises can be beneficial. This approach can be particularly effective for those dealing with withdrawal symptoms or seeking to improve stress tolerance. However, for most patients, making exercise more engaging and less aversive is a better approach. This can involve starting with lighter exercises, gradually increasing intensity, and finding ways to make the experience more enjoyable, such as exercising with a group or incorporating problem-solving strategies. The key is to help patients stay motivated and committed to their exercise regimen, even when the process is uncomfortable.

    • Make exercise enjoyable for a sustainable fitness routineEngage in group activities, pair workouts with enjoyable activities, find less intimidating ways to exercise, and use temptation bundling to enhance workout experience.

      Making exercise more tolerable and enjoyable is crucial for building a sustainable fitness routine. This can be achieved by engaging in group activities or pairing workouts with activities that one enjoys, such as listening to podcasts or music. For those with social anxiety, finding ways to make exercise less intimidating, like working out alone with preferred entertainment, can be effective. Temptation bundling, as mentioned by Katie Milkman, can also be an effective strategy, where one can only access desired content, like movies or favorite podcasts, during workouts. Personalizing the exercise experience and making it enjoyable can help individuals look forward to their workouts and increase their likelihood of sticking to a fitness routine in the long run.

    • Stay flexible and open-minded with exercise for mood and anxietyExplore new activities and stay adaptable to maintain exercise enjoyment and commitment to mental health improvement

      When it comes to exercise for improving mood and anxiety, it's important to stay flexible and open-minded. People's exercise preferences and routines can change over time, so it's essential to stay curious and willing to try new activities. This can help keep exercise enjoyable and sustainable. Providers can also be helpful in offering creative solutions and ideas to keep exercise habits alive and active. Dr. Jasper Smith, co-author of the book "Exercise for Mood and Anxiety," emphasizes the importance of staying flexible and creative in maintaining an effective exercise routine. The book is available on Amazon.com for those interested in learning more. Remember, the key is to keep things interesting and adaptable to ensure a long-term commitment to exercise as a tool for improving mental health.

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    - How ovulation, PMS, and menopause can make you feel like it is impossible to regulate your mood and make you feel depressed (hint: it isn't) 

    - The importance of having a healthy gut biome and how that boosts your mood and motivation   

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    - How anxiety could actually be a matter of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

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    - Why Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) might not actually be necessary and could actually be doing more harm than good

    - Having healthy hormones can actually make you look better and feel better!

    If you're interested in learning more or want to work with Dr. Parkes and her team, you can find her at:

    IG: @thelifestyle.clinic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/lifestyleclinic0/
    Here's to holistic healing