
    Podcast Summary

    • From college lacrosse to helping creators thrive onlineSuccessful creators commit for the long-term, learn from failures, and help others while pursuing their passion.

      Becoming a successful creator requires a long-term commitment and a willingness to learn from failures. Colin and Samir, the podcasting duo and YouTube experts, have been helping people navigate the creator economy for over a decade. They started by building an online network for college lacrosse and then pivoted to helping creators make the most of the online space. They've interviewed big names in the industry, but their success didn't come overnight. They've been uploading videos to YouTube since 2011 and have had more failures than successes. However, they've used their experiences to help other creators and have spent the majority of their time behind the scenes. While money and confidence in identity are attractive aspects of being a creator, there are other ways to obtain these things before pursuing a career in content creation. Ultimately, becoming a successful creator is not something that can be recommended or discouraged, but rather, it's for those who can't help but pursue it.

    • The importance of the process of creatingCreators should focus on the process of creating for its own sake, understanding their motivations, and not solely for the destination or financial gain.

      The process of creating is more important than the outcome for those who are driven to become creators. Creating, whether it's in the early stages or in the midst of success, is an ongoing journey. The speaker shares his experience of working on a project for over a decade, experiencing more failures than successes, but continuing to create because of his passion for the process. He emphasizes that creators should evaluate their motivations and understand if they're embarking on the journey for the sake of the journey or for the destination. The speaker also shares that money may not be the primary motivation for creators, but rather a byproduct of their passion and dedication to their craft. He encourages creators to remember that the process of creating, whether it's in the early days or in the midst of success, is essentially the same, and the quote "before enlightenment, chop wood carry water after enlightenment, chop wood carry water" illustrates this concept.

    • Following passions during financially challenging timesPersist in pursuing passions, even during hardships. Unexpected opportunities can arise and lead to fulfilling experiences and potential rewards.

      Passion and creativity can lead to unexpected opportunities, even during financially challenging times. During the startup era, two friends pursued their passion for lacrosse and content creation, despite the lack of immediate financial success. They sustained themselves through savings and freelance work for a clothing company. The interviewee, who had dreams of being a performer, found himself in an unfulfilling assistant editor role in the film industry. He took a risk and followed his passion, leading to the creation of a lacrosse-based YouTube channel. This experience taught him the importance of staying true to his creativity and passions, even when faced with uncertainty or financial hardships. The story highlights the value of persistence and the potential rewards of following one's passions, even if the path to success is not clear-cut or financially lucrative at the outset.

    • Following passions despite financial uncertaintyExploring passions and dreams, regardless of financial viability, can lead to successful opportunities. Trust instincts and clarify personal values through hypothetical financial freedom.

      Following your passions and dreams, even if they don't seem financially viable at first, can lead to great opportunities and success. The speaker in this conversation shares how he was encouraged to leave his job as an assistant editor and pursue his own network focused on lacrosse, despite not knowing how he would make money from it. He emphasizes that asking oneself what they would do if they had no financial constraints can help clarify personal values and aspirations. The speaker also mentions how he was fortunate enough to have grown up with an entrepreneurial mindset and to have discovered his creative passions late in college, which led him to take the plunge and start his own venture. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of trusting one's instincts and pursuing one's passions, even in the face of uncertainty.

    • Starting a business involves sacrifices and risksBelieving in your vision and taking calculated risks can lead to a successful business, despite initial challenges and financial struggles

      Starting a business involves making sacrifices and taking risks. The speakers in this discussion started their YouTube channel in their bedroom, but when they outgrew that space, they had to move into a warehouse with challenging conditions. They didn't receive any income until they sold the company, and they had to take on various projects to keep the channel running. They believed in their vision and continued to create content, even when they weren't making much money. Eventually, they were acquired by a sports media company, which provided them with jobs and opportunities to work with successful creators and athletes. Their revenue grew significantly, but they also took on more expenses, such as a bigger office and team. Despite these challenges, they continued to invest in the company and grow it into a successful business. The speakers' determination and resilience demonstrate the importance of believing in your vision and taking calculated risks to achieve your goals.

    • Empathize with your audience to succeedTo thrive in the creator economy, be empathetic towards your audience, balance creativity with audience preferences, take risks, learn from experiences, and persist in pursuing goals.

      To succeed in the creator economy, it's essential to be empathetic towards your audience. The speakers, who started their own video production company after leaving their jobs, initially focused only on what they wanted to create. However, they later realized that being attuned to their audience's preferences and desires is crucial for building a successful channel. They learned this lesson the hard way and emphasized the importance of this balance for creators. Additionally, the speakers highlighted the importance of taking risks and being persistent. They left their stable jobs with no clear plan, but their passion and determination led them to success. They also acknowledged the value of learning from their experiences, including the lessons they gained during their time in the corporate world. For those starting out in the creator economy, the speakers recommend being empathetic towards the audience, balancing their own creative vision with audience preferences, and being persistent in pursuing their goals. They also emphasized the importance of learning from their experiences and being open to new opportunities.

    • Finding the right balance: Content market fit and sustainable businessesCreating successful content requires understanding audience needs, platform demands, and your unique value proposition. Platforms like Kajabi offer tools for sustainable businesses, and even small audiences can lead to significant earnings.

      Creating successful content involves finding the right balance between what you want to create, what the audience wants, and what the platform desires. This concept is known as content market fit. I'll use Huel as an example. Huel offers a meal replacement product that provides a balanced mix of nutrients and is convenient for busy individuals. It met my needs, the audience's desire for a quick and nutritious meal, and the platform's demand for innovative products. Additionally, platforms like Kajabi can help creators build sustainable businesses by offering tools for courses, membership sites, communities, podcasts, and coaching. Creators don't need a massive following to generate income – even small audiences can lead to significant earnings. Kajabi has paid out over $6 billion to creators, with many becoming millionaires. Now, if you aspire to be a music YouTuber, my advice would be to explore alternative revenue streams initially. Once you've gained some traction, you can focus on monetizing your content through YouTube's Partner Program, sponsorships, merchandise, and other means. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience, the platform, and your unique value proposition.

    • Understanding Your Audience and Market Before Starting a YouTube ChannelDefine target audience, their interests, and unique selling proposition. Start creating content, improve skills, and learn about audience and market to build a loyal following.

      Before starting a YouTube channel or any creative pursuit with the goal of making money, it's crucial to understand your audience and the market you're entering. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and avoid choices based on fear. Start by defining your target audience, their interests, and what sets you apart from others in the same space. Additionally, consider why you're creating content – is it a hobby or a business? If it's a business, remember that it exists to serve the audience. Lastly, follow a three-step process: get going by making initial videos, get good by improving your craft, and get smart by learning about your audience and the market. Overthinking and cringing at your early work are common obstacles, but don't let them hold you back. Instead, focus on creating content that resonates with your audience and builds a loyal following.

    • Monetizing creativity vs maintaining authenticityMonetizing creativity can impact authenticity, but finding a balance is crucial for creators to thrive financially and artistically.

      The relationship between creativity and monetization can be complex. While monetizing creativity can provide financial stability, it can also impact the creative process itself. When creators evaluate their ideas based on quantitative value systems, their emotions towards their work can change dramatically. This can make it difficult to attract creatives who are not motivated by money. The film industry offers an analogy, where commercial success often drives the industry, but being a filmmaker and running a profitable business can be decoupled. It's important for creators to find a format where they can be true to themselves and maintain their creativity while also achieving commercial viability. Ultimately, the goal should be to monetize self-expression in a way that allows for authenticity and uncompromised creativity.

    • Understanding Your Unique Path to SuccessSelf-awareness, recognizing diversity within the creator economy, and staying true to your passion are essential for success.

      Success in the creator economy requires a deep understanding of what "making it" means to you and a genuine passion for providing value to your audience. While passion may not be a prerequisite for everyone, it can lead to a more enjoyable and sustainable career. The creator economy encompasses a vast array of individuals with different goals, training regimens, and approaches. Some creators prioritize the craft of their content, while others see it as a means to an entrepreneurial end. It's essential to recognize the diversity within the term "creator" and approach success on your own terms. For some, this may mean educational talking head videos and monetizing through courses, while for others it could mean capitalizing on high CPM niches or even combining creativity with entrepreneurship. Ultimately, the key to success lies in self-awareness, understanding your unique wants and needs, and staying true to your passion.

    • Consistently focusing on your craft can lead to success on YouTubeFocusing on your fundamentals, overcoming fear, and staying consistent can help creators grow their audience and succeed on YouTube.

      Focus and discipline are key factors for creators who have made it professionally on YouTube. Consistently uploading content and remaining focused on their craft can lead to success, as seen in creators like Marquez Brownlee and mister Beast. However, it can be challenging for creative people to maintain consistency, and the temptation to expand too quickly or focus on other projects can lead to a loss of focus. Top creators have found ways to be consistent, even when it's difficult, and have seen the world open up to them as a result. It's important for creators to continue to focus on their fundamentals and allow their brand to develop, rather than trying to do too much too soon. Additionally, overcoming fear and focusing on the present can help creators stay relevant and continue to grow their audience over time.

    • From scarcity to abundance mindsetEmbracing an abundant mindset can lead to greater opportunities and personal growth by shifting focus from fear to excitement and trusting one's abilities

      Our mindset plays a significant role in how we perceive and navigate our personal and professional lives. The speaker grew up in a scarcity mindset due to her upbringing and past experiences, which made her fearful of losing what she had and unable to trust her own abilities to bring her to new heights. However, she learned that she was capable of overcoming this mindset and embracing an abundant one, focusing on the skills, network, and people she had at her disposal. This shift in perspective allowed her to make decisions based on excitement and opportunity rather than fear. The process of trusting this new version of herself would take time, but it was essential for continued growth. Additionally, the speaker acknowledged that dealing with irrelevance was easier to accept if one had experienced relevance before, but the ultimate goal was to avoid becoming irrelevant altogether. Overall, the key takeaway is that our mindset shapes our experiences and decisions, and shifting from scarcity to abundance can lead to greater opportunities and personal growth.

    • Investing in index funds is a smart move, made easy by platforms like Trading 212Warren Buffett recommends investing in broad stock market index funds, and Trading 212 makes it easy, commission-free, and offers features like 'pies' and auto invest, multi-currency accounts, and daily interest on uninvested cash.

      Investing in broad stock market index funds is a sensible recommendation from experts like Warren Buffett, and platforms like Trading 212 make it easy and commission-free to do so. Trading 212 offers features such as "pies" and auto invest, which allow users to copy successful investment strategies and automatically allocate funds accordingly. Additionally, Trading 212 now supports multi-currency accounts, eliminating foreign exchange fees when investing in US-based funds. The platform also provides daily interest on uninvested cash. When considering giving away a valuable product as a pre-order incentive, it's important to consider the mindset behind the decision. Betting on oneself and focusing on what's best for the audience can lead to abundance and growth, while approaching the decision from a place of fear can lead to missed opportunities and lost revenue. Embracing the concept of fear setting, as discussed by Tim Ferriss, can help individuals identify and address their fears, ultimately leading to a more balanced and productive mindset.

    • Managing fear in creative businessesRecognize emotional volatility, accept it, and ensure value alignment with partners to manage fear in creative businesses.

      Managing fear in creative businesses involves recognizing and addressing the emotional volatility that comes with the creative process. Fear often builds up when creators tie their success to excessive overhead, such as hiring too many people or signing expensive leases. Instead, it's essential to expect and accept emotional volatility and leave space for it. Additionally, having a co-founder or partner can bring emotional similarities, but it's crucial to ensure value alignment and believe in providing equal contributions to the business. The fear setting exercise, as mentioned by Tim Ferriss, can be a helpful tool in managing fear and maintaining perspective when facing existential crises about one's business.

    • The realities and rewards of co-founding a business with a partnerCo-founding a business requires significant time commitment, compromise, and communication. Despite the challenges, the benefits of sharing successes and experiences can outweigh the costs for those who believe in and enjoy their partnership.

      Co-founding a business with a partner involves significant time commitment, compromise, and communication. The speakers in this conversation, who have been working together for 12 years, shared that they spend a large portion of their day together and have complex dynamics. They also noted that they don't make all decisions and don't get a 100% of their identity in public. However, they believe that the benefits of the partnership, such as sharing in the successes and experiences, outweigh the costs. They also expressed that they enjoy the collaborative nature of their creative project and believe that life is meant to be shared. They do not plan on starting a couple's channel with their respective partners due to the exposure and brand considerations. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of belief in the partnership and the enjoyment of the shared experience.

    • Stepping back from social media for authentic relationshipsPrioritize authenticity and quality time in relationships over social media fame. Experiment and grow privately for deeper connections.

      The speaker values authenticity and quality time in their personal relationships over social media recognition and fame. They have stepped back from Instagram due to the mental energy required to maintain a public image and the discomfort of having their relationship perceived through a public lens. Instead, they prioritize their YouTube channel and quality time with their wife. They enjoy sharing their experiences and learning on a more intimate scale, without the pressure of commercialization or public scrutiny. The speaker suggests that experimenting and practicing privately can lead to personal growth and deeper connections, without the added complications of public attention.

    • Creating content for personal reasons leads to cherished memoriesCreating content, whether for a podcast or personal videos, can provide therapeutic benefits and preserve memories, even if it's not initially popular.

      Creating content, whether it's a podcast or home videos, can serve as a therapeutic outlet and a way to preserve memories, even if it's not intended for public consumption. Ali Abdaal shared his experience starting the Colin and Samir podcast in 2018 as a way to process their struggles as creatives and have open conversations with each other. He cherishes the memories and understanding of that time, even though few people were listening at the start. Abdaal also shared a story about getting the opportunity to pitch a documentary to Scooter Braun about Justin Bieber's early days, which they recorded and shared on their podcast. Although the pitch didn't pan out, the memory of the experience was captured and is now a cherished memory. So, creating content for personal reasons can lead to valuable memories and insights.

    • Finding balance between productivity and presenceLearning to appreciate stillness and be present can improve focus and productivity, while excessive focus on productivity can lead to burnout. Embrace activities that help you be fully present and find a balance that works for you.

      The speaker, Colin, and himself often find themselves staying up all night creating content, hoping it could be the project that makes their career. They crave exciting experiences but also justify it through commercial intent. This thought process, of constantly questioning if every moment should be productive, is something the speaker has wrestled with throughout their life. They shared examples from gaming to reading, and how they used to consume media at an intense pace to create content, but now are learning to appreciate stillness and being present. The speaker found that activities like swimming and playing paddle tennis help them be fully present and focused. They also mentioned that their dynamic as co-founders works well because one of them, Colin, has the ability to focus on one thing for hours, while the other doesn't. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding a balance between productivity and presence, and embracing stillness in our busy lives.

    • Understanding and valuing each other's contributions in partnershipsTrust, respect, and empathy are crucial for effective partnerships. Distinct roles and complementary strengths are essential. Inputs from media are necessary for the creative process.

      Effective partnerships require a deep understanding and valuation of each other's contributions. The speakers in this discussion, who have worked together for 12 years, emphasized the importance of trust, respect, and empathy in their relationship. They each have distinct roles and complement each other's strengths. The speaker shares that he feels guilty about consuming media instead of creating but was reassured that these inputs are essential for the creative process. They also discussed the significance of finding a format in media, which can lead to consistency, collaboration, and success. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of trust, understanding, and creativity in both personal and professional relationships.

    • Consistency is key to building a successful career as an online creatorTo build a successful career as an online creator, focus on finding a consistent format, refining it, and growing your audience around it. Don't let fear of missing out on other formats distract you from mastering your chosen one.

      Finding a consistent format is crucial for building a successful career as an online creator. A format is the foundation of a commercially viable media business, as seen in successful examples like American Idol. Consistency is key to building a brand and audience. Creators should experiment with different formats to find what works best for them, but once they do, they should focus on refining and improving that format. The fear of missing out on other formats (format FOMO) is common, but it's important to remember that consistency is what sets successful creators apart. Experimentation should continue, but the primary focus should be on mastering and growing the chosen format.

    • From podcast to talk show: Embracing new roles for experimentationConsistent content format leads to growth and experimentation. Adapting roles within that format can lead to new opportunities and challenges.

      Having a consistent format or "engine" for your content creation is crucial for growth and experimentation. The speakers, Colin and Samir, discovered this when they started a podcast and realized they could only produce one car video per month but a podcast episode once a week. They experimented with a YouTube channel for their podcast and saw comparable or even exceeding views. They then brought the podcast format back to their main channel and renamed it "Colin and Samir Show" to allow for more variance. However, transitioning from documentary filmmakers to talk show hosts was a difficult identity shift for Samir, who found value in editing and storytelling. It took time for them to accept and embrace their new roles as podcasters and talk show hosts, but it allowed them to experiment more freely within their engine of content creation.

    • Starting a podcast for personal fulfillmentExperiment with podcasting for trust-building, growth, and potential impact without initial monetization goals.

      Starting a podcast can be a rewarding and low-cost creative endeavor, even before considering potential financial gains. The speaker, who experimented with creating a documentary, emphasizes the value of building trust and access through unscripted conversations. They recommend starting a podcast without monetization as the primary goal, focusing on the personal fulfillment and potential for growth. The speaker also acknowledges the challenge of audience discovery in the podcast format but highlights the potential impact when an audience is reached. Overall, the process of creating a podcast can help build the craft of documentary filmmaking and provide valuable experiences and conversations.

    • Realizing the Power of PodcastingPodcasting provides a deeper connection with audiences, leading to high engagement rates and effective monetization, even with smaller, engaged audiences. Listeners trust and click on podcast content more than other platforms.

      Podcasting offers a unique and deeply engaging connection with audiences. The speaker shared an experience where they had a podcast with 2,000 listeners, and when they released a PDF of 17 questions to help reestablish their podcast's purpose, 750 people downloaded it in just one day. This high engagement rate led the speaker to realize that podcasts can provide a deeper connection than other forms of media, as listeners are more likely to fully engage with the content for extended periods of time. The speaker also noted that monetizing a podcast with a smaller, engaged audience can be effective, and that podcast listeners are more likely to trust and click on content compared to other platforms like YouTube. The speaker concluded that the lack of video in podcasting can sometimes be an advantage, as listeners are more engaged and use their imagination to fill in the gaps. Overall, podcasting offers a powerful and unique opportunity for creators to build deep connections with their audiences.

    • Creating value through specific audience and formatsTo build a successful podcast or newsletter business, create a hyper-specific audience, build relationships through various formats, ask for a large time commitment, and provide valuable content to keep them engaged.

      Building a successful podcast or newsletter business requires understanding your audience and providing value where they consume content most effectively. The speakers discussed the importance of creating a hyper-specific audience and building a relationship with them through various formats, such as podcasts, videos, and newsletters. They emphasized the significance of asking for a large time commitment from listeners or readers and the importance of providing valuable content to keep them engaged. The speakers also shared their experience of starting a newsletter business, Publish Press, which focuses on the creator economy and caters to different categories of creators. They recognized the value of email marketing and the potential to reach audiences in that format, leading them to create a newsletter as an addition to their podcast and YouTube content.

    • Extending a company's value proposition leads to new business opportunitiesIdentifying and extending a company's value proposition can lead to new business opportunities. This can include starting a newsletter or creating courses to reach new audiences and provide more value in different ways.

      Extending a company's value proposition can lead to new business opportunities. In this case, a media company identified the value they provided as education, curation, and articulation in the creator economy. They saw the potential to extend this value through a newsletter, which allowed them to reach a larger audience and provide more comprehensive coverage of the creator economy. After validating the value of the newsletter through internal testing and external feedback, the company spun it off into its own business with its own team and culture. Similarly, the company identified creating courses as another extension of their value proposition and explored this as a new business opportunity. These extensions allowed the company to reach new audiences and provide more value in different ways, demonstrating the importance of thinking beyond the core business model and exploring new opportunities for growth.

    • Exploring partnerships or investments in productivity appsInstead of creating an app from scratch, consider investing or partnering with existing productivity apps that align with your values and usage. Focus on your strengths in content creation and distribution while leaving scaling and operations to experienced team members.

      While creating value for others through productivity and building a life one loves is important, the process of developing an app from scratch may not be the most viable or practical option for everyone. Instead, exploring partnerships or investments in productivity apps that align with one's values and usage can be a more feasible approach. Additionally, focusing on core strengths and areas of expertise, such as content creation and distribution, while leaving the scaling and operations to experienced team members, can lead to successful ventures. As creators, we thrive on making things come to life, and our distribution can serve as an accelerant for scalable projects. By recognizing our roles and strengths, we can build a team and create a synergy that leads to long-term success.

    • Maintaining consistency through independent team workTrust and letting go of control leads to productivity and consistent daily rituals, but the approach may differ based on the project and team dynamic.

      Allowing teams to develop independently while maintaining a focus on productivity requires trust and letting go of the need to control every detail. This was discussed in the context of starting a daily productivity newsletter, where the importance of writing all content before distribution to maintain consistency and build a daily ritual was emphasized. The team considered writing 365 issues before launching, as opposed to 90, to ensure satisfaction with the project and avoid potential discomfort with lower-quality content. However, the approach may vary depending on the relationship with the content and the ability to accept inconsistency.

    • Understanding newsletter production and distributionMaintain a successful newsletter business by determining frequency and format, building a permission-based connection, and focusing on creating valuable content.

      Building and maintaining a successful newsletter business involves understanding both the production and distribution aspects, as they are decoupled and different. It's essential to determine the frequency and format that best suits your brand and audience. A newsletter provides a permission-based environment, allowing for a deeper connection with subscribers. While it may have its challenges, such as scaling and maintaining consistency, the rewards can be transformative, including reaching a core group of engaged readers and even helping them secure jobs. Going viral is not inherently bad, but it's crucial to approach it with the right mindset and understand the lifestyle you want to maintain. The process of creating and sharing valuable content should be the focus, rather than constantly chasing virality.

    • Focus on the creative process, not just the resultsConsistently creating and connecting with audiences builds a strong brand, while the rush of creating great content is the true reward.

      As creators, focusing on the enjoyment and improvement of the creative process itself is more important than solely chasing after viral outcomes or reach. The process of creating, showing up consistently, and connecting with audiences over time builds a strong brand that people will remember and come back to. Reach, or views, can be seen as filling a void of space on platforms, but it's the brand that keeps viewers engaged and loyal. The rush and excitement of creating great content and connecting with audiences through meaningful conversations are the true rewards. The book "The Practice" by Seth Godin emphasizes this idea, encouraging creators to focus on their process rather than the results. Building a brand that resonates with viewers is essential for long-term success, as exemplified by shows like "Severance" that maintain a strong following despite long breaks between seasons.

    • Building a personal brand in a crowded landscapeTo build a sustainable personal brand, creators must focus on community building and longer-form content, differentiating themselves from the platform and other creators.

      In today's content creation landscape, having a strong personal brand is crucial for creators to stand out and build a sustainable business. Brands value creators who are singular and irreplaceable, like Sam Kolder for DJI. However, the rise of short-form content platforms like TikTok poses a challenge for creators as the platform itself becomes the creator, making it harder for individuals to build their own distinct brand. Creators must recognize this and focus on building a community and moving towards longer-form content to create a more sticky and sustainable brand. The top creators on TikTok can be easily replaced, but those who transition to longer formats like podcasting or YouTube can build a more enduring presence. The upcoming course being built will help creators discover how to turn their creative work into a product or business by focusing on self-discovery and understanding their unique value proposition.

    • Experimenting with platforms for self-discoveryFocus on enjoying the process and self-reflection to build a successful creator economy career

      When it comes to building a creator economy career, it's essential to experiment with various platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and threads to find your unique voice and audience. However, the process of creating content is not just about the final product but also about self-discovery and reflecting on how you spent your time and energy. Colin, for instance, focuses on enjoying the process and reflecting on himself with every video he makes. If given the opportunity, he would spend more time engaging with others and building a creative campus to enable artists to explore their craft. Ultimately, the key is to focus on what is enjoyable and exciting, whether it's creating content or spending time and resources on other pursuits.

    • Monetizing a YouTube audienceProvide value to build an audience, focus on community, and consider timing for monetization.

      Creating and building an audience through free content on platforms like YouTube can be a lucrative business, but the timing of monetization depends on the size and engagement level of the audience. The "jab, jab, jab, right hook" approach of giving away free content to build an audience before selling a product still holds weight, but the landscape may be changing. Creators can receive checks from ad revenue, but it's important to consider the quality and consistency of the audience before selling a product or service. The Colin and Samir Show hosts emphasized the importance of providing value to their audience and focusing on building a community first. They are currently working on a course and continuing to produce interviews and content for their channel.

    • The Long Journey of Building a Business or Creative ProjectEmbrace the journey, stay committed, and find time for self-reflection to ensure long-term success in building a business or creative project.

      Building a business or pursuing creativity involves continuous learning and self-discovery, which takes longer than anticipated. The speakers in this podcast discussed their experiences in expanding their value proposition into a new business venture, which brought about new challenges in areas such as pricing, customer experience, design, and acquisition. They emphasized the importance of staying confident and committed to the process, even when it takes longer than expected. Additionally, the speakers recommended finding time for self-reflection and awareness, which is crucial for a sustainable and fulfilling career. They suggested practices such as writing and journaling or listening to music and going on walks to create space for introspection. The Creative Act by Rick Rubin was also mentioned as a valuable resource for artists and entrepreneurs seeking to enhance their awareness and navigate the discomforts of their craft. In summary, the key takeaway is that building a successful business or creative project requires dedication, continuous learning, and self-awareness. It's essential to embrace the journey, stay committed, and find time for self-reflection to ensure long-term success.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b1Wpd0

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    In today’s episode, I sit down with Andrew Wilkinson to discuss his incredible journey from barista to billionaire entrepreneur. We explore his insights on money, success, and happiness and how he has navigated the challenges that come with wealth. Andrew shares the concept of anti-goals and the importance of designing a life that aligns with your values and brings joy.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) The Downsides of Being a Billionaire

    (01:27) The Power of Delegation 

    (08:53) Challenges Associated with Fame

    (23:19) Designing a Fulfilling Life with Anti-Goals

    (28:31) Flow State and Meaningful Work

    (29:01) The Impact of Money on Relationships and Family Dynamics

    (35:19) Navigating Social Circles and Status

    (39:54) The Happiness of Experiences and Time

    (45:54) Building a Durable Business

    (01:06:19) Long-Term Success

    (01:12:03) Building a Personal Monopoly 

    (01:13:56) Monetisation Strategies

    (01:16:20) Cash Flow

    (01:29:07) Building Productivity Software 

    (01:37:21) Learning from Mistakes


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


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    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

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    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Xc-40

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In today’s episode, I sit down with Nicolas Cole, and we explore the fastest path to making $10,000 per month as a writer, why monetising through a service is often more effective than selling products, and we debunk the myth that you need a large following to start earning money.

    We also cover the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self-publishing and delve into the intricacies of book deals and distribution.

    Finally, we discuss Feel-Good Productivity, the process of writing a book, overcoming self-doubt, and the benefits of immersive writing sprints.

    Enjoy :)

    (00:00) Introduction 
    (03:48) The Fastest Path to Monetisation
    (08:00) The Value of Your Knowledge
    (19:08) The ROI of Free Work
    (25:26) The Three Services Every Business Owner Needs
    (26:47) Identifying Potential Clients 
    (40:46) The Abundance Mindset 
    (57:35) Doing the Work
    (01:09:26) Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
    (01:29:19) Overcoming Self-Doubt 
    (01:46:55) Expanding the Feel-Good Productivity Category
    (01:57:41) Immersive Writing Sprints

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXML0

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXLJ0 

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPJ0 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPk0

    Meet Kaelyn – YouTuber, former pro athlete, and now our community manager at the Productivity Lab.

    In this episode, we chat about the power of networking and how just being out there and doing great work can open up so many doors. Kaelyn shares her journey from the sports world to YouTube and how she networked her way to joining our team. We also explore the perks of teamwork, the quest for work-life balance, and the art of building a cohesive vision for a productivity brand. Enjoy :)

    00:00 Introduction and Networking

    14:02 Being Part of a Team

    28:03 Incorporating Neurodiversity in Productivity Content

    31:14 Exploring Innovative Tools for Productivity


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09FchV0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch60 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch70 

    In this episode of Deep Dive, I'm thrilled to interview Matt Lerner, the founder of SYSTM and author of "Growth Levers." Matt shares his wisdom on helping startups uncover their big growth levers, the challenges of decision-making and the pitfalls of focusing only on revenue.
    We also explore growth strategies like viral and authentic videos and the necessity of engaging and retaining viewers through positive feedback loops.
    This episode is packed with practical tips and strategies. I hope you find listening to it as enjoyable as I found recording it 🙂 

    (00:00) Uncovering Growth Levers
    (12:45) Aligning Organisational Pieces for Growth
    (28:43) Deciding Which Ideas to Pursue
    (39:17) The Importance of Fresh Content
    (46:15) Measuring Monthly Returning Viewers and Conversion Rates
    (55:26) Monetisation Strategies: Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Own Products
    (01:19:07) Simplifying and Consolidating for Focus
    (01:24:13) Leveraging Podcast Episodes for YouTube Videos
    (01:32:23) Reevaluating the Business Model
    (02:01:01) De-risking the Business
    (02:06:26) Unlocking Bottlenecks 
    (02:12:43) Doing Fewer Things and Making More Mistakes
    (02:21:30) Building a Portfolio of Small Businesses
    (02:28:22) The Importance of Clear Hypotheses and Documentation


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Cal Newport: The Secrets of Slow Productivity

    Cal Newport: The Secrets of Slow Productivity

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉 https://academy.aliabdaal.com/?utm_source=DD_audio&utm_medium=d&utm_campaign=PTYA&utm_content=Cal_Newport

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09rKvY0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In this episode of Deep Dive, I sit down with Cal Newport the author of "Slow Productivity" and we explore the pitfalls of following your passion, the principles of deep work, and the balance between consistency and bursts of intensity when it comes to creative work. We also discuss balancing consistency with bursts of intensity, managing multiple projects, structuring your job to prevent burnout and the value of slow, deliberate efforts for long-term success. I hope you enjoy the episode :)

    (00:00) The Concept of Slow Productivity and Deep Work

    (11:16) Challenges of Following Your Passion

    (28:02) Managing Multiple Projects 

    (31:30) The Evolution of Creative Processes 

    (31:59) Redefining Productivity

    (38:29) Balancing Work and Life: Setting Boundaries and Managing Distractions

    (43:21) Challenges and Insights of The Art of Writing


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Eric Siu: Building a $10m+ Marketing Agency

    Eric Siu: Building a $10m+ Marketing Agency

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09nfRD0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    This conversation with Eric Siu is packed with insights into his entrepreneurial journey and the details of launching and scaling a marketing agency. We touch on everything, from client acquisition and business growth strategies to the importance of going above and beyond to succeed. We also talk about the balance between work and personal life and the power of networking in today's business world. Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking inspiration or just interested in personal development, this chat has something valuable for you. 

    (00:00) Eric’s Entrepreneurial Journey 

    (03:40) Keys to Success

    (06:32) The Enjoyment of Entrepreneurship

    (22:49) Lifestyle Business vs. Full-On Business

    (23:19) Navigating Remote Work Challenges and Business Growth

    (26:13) The Power of Focus and the Art of Doing Less

    (40:37) Networking, Retreats, and Connection

    (43:26) Mentorship, Teaching, and Personal Fulfillment


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Build a Business that Lets you Quit your Job - Dickie Bush

    How to Build a Business that Lets you Quit your Job - Dickie Bush

    Sponsored by Grammarly - ⚡️ Sign up and download for FREE using my link http://grammarly.com/deepdive.

    Sponsored by Hostinger. Go to https://www.hostinger.com/aliabdaal and use the code ALIABDAAL to get 10% off your own website and domain.

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H096KC90

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://geni.us/JFhDr5?utm_source=deepdive_audio&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=post_launch&utm_content=DD_DickieBush

    Website: https://www.feelgoodproductivity.com/?utm_source=deepdive_audio&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=post_launch&utm_content=DD_DickieBush

    In this episode, Dickie shares his journey of building a successful side hustle while working a full-time job. We also cover the importance of not quitting your job too soon, the value of curating the content we consume to ensure it helps us overcome obstacles and much more. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

    (00:00) The beginning

    (02:22) Types of Compensation

    (03:20) The Importance of Not Quitting Your Job Too Soon

    (06:35) The Need for Intense Effort and Focus

    (10:20) Creating Content

    (26:16) Continuing to Learn and Create

    (35:49) The Illusion of Busyness and Time Management

    (36:45) Exploring the Malleability of Time and Energy

    (39:38) Finding a Niche and Unique Angle

    (43:00) The Role of AI in Summarising and Creating Original Content

    (45:54) The Journey from Curation to Creation

    (50:11) Brain-breaking moments and Leverage

    (58:51) The Four Layers of Specificity for Success

    (01:09:26) Reverse Engineering to Achieve a Million Dollars a Year

    (01:13:14) Scaling to a Million Dollars a Month

    (01:14:12) Continuous Learning and Investing in Oneself

    (01:15:44) Seeking Guidance from Mentors and Coaches

    (01:23:44) Identifying and Overcoming Bottlenecks in Growth

    (01:39:00) Finding a Balance Between Financial Success and Other Aspects of Life


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Does Money Buy Happiness? A Conversation with Deca-Millionaires

    Does Money Buy Happiness? A Conversation with Deca-Millionaires

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H090Bqn0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In this episode, Patrick, Matt, and I get real about our personal journeys with wealth and how it's shaped our lives, from defining our identities to managing lifestyle costs and finding purpose and fulfilment beyond financial success. We delve into the concept of 'enough' and why knowing when we have all we need is crucial. I hope you enjoy!

    (00:00) Introduction

    (02:20) Personal Experiences with Wealth

    (05:05) The Impact of Wealth on Extremes

    (09:49) Financial Security and Stress

    (12:40) Money Insecurities

    (21:32) Decision-Making

    (24:51) Finding Purpose and Fulfillment

    (25:21) The Concept of 'Enough' 

    (28:09) The Impact of Wealth on Children 

    (31:34) The Importance of Experiences

    (36:13) Money Doesn't Buy Happiness: It's How You Use It


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Confronting my CEO coach - Eric Partaker

    Confronting my CEO coach - Eric Partaker

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H08VD6j0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    In part 2 of my conversation with CEO coach Eric Partaker, he shares his three-pillar approach to scaling companies, handling unexpected challenges, transitioning from founder to CEO, and the importance of networking in building a successful business. He also provides actionable tips for strategic thinking, time management, and overcoming resistance. Let me know what you think in the comments!

    (00:00) Introduction
    (03:49) From Financial Success to Continued Work
    (07:12) Finding Work-Life Balance
    (10:45) The Impact of Neglecting Health and Relationships
    (14:08) Scaling the Company: The CEO Pillar of Leadership
    (21:36) The Fun Challenge of Weekend Freedom
    (25:01) Building and Accumulating Over Time
    (29:05) The Human Desire for Achievement
    (32:44) The Importance of a Business Approach
    (36:10) Creating a Long-lasting Impact
    (39:45) Life Happens While You're Making Other Plans
    (43:08) Building a Strong Network
    (46:30) Strategic Thinking and Time Management
    (50:48) The Struggle with Time Management
    (54:32) Identifying the Most Impactful Areas of Focus
    (58:06) The Benefits of Chunking Down Tasks
    (01:01:17) Anchoring Yourself in the Present Moment
    (01:04:31) Striving from a Place of Satisfaction
    (01:08:01) Feeling Mentally Deviated and Off-Track
    (01:11:18) The Gap in Action
    (01:13:31) Choosing the Pain of Discipline
    (01:14:10) Starting and Maintaining Momentum
    (01:14:27) Overcoming Resistance and Self-Sabotage
    (01:15:13) Developing Discipline as a Skill
    (01:15:18) Hacking Your Brain to Get Started
    (01:15:59) Pushing Past the Initial Resistance
    (01:16:20) The Business Coaching Bundle
    (01:16:52) Improving Business Performance


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    The 3 Alarms


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor

    Apple Podcasts


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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How To Build An Online Community - Jay Clouse

    How To Build An Online Community - Jay Clouse

    Sponsored by YNAB - visit http://www.ynab.com/abdaal.

    Sponsored by Trading 212 - download the Trading 212 app https://trading212.com/promocodes/ALI and use the promo code "ALI" after signing up and depositing to receive a random free share worth up to £100. This is not financial advice. Investments can fall and rise. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Other fees may apply*. Capital is at risk.

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    If you’re active in the creator space you’ll probably be familiar with the name Jay Clouse. Jay is the founder of Creator Science, a media company specialising in helping creators build businesses around their brands. In this episode, we delve into his membership community "The Lab," discussing everything from its inception to its revenue generation. Jay also shares some tips to make Productivity Lab a success! Enjoy the conversation.

    (00:00) Intro
    (01:01) How Jay started
    (07:15) The history of “The Lab”
    (09:55) Community vs content
    (15:35) About Productivity Lab
    (25:45) The challenges
    (33:40) Jay’s approach to sales pages
    (36:30) Price: to cap or not to cap
    (46:30) Higher ticket, lower volume?
    (52:40) How many people to bring into the community
    (1:02:40) Spaces within the community
    (1:07:05) Mistakes we can learn from
    (1:10:00) Giving recurring value
    (1:21:00) The importance of a good first experience

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    Copywriting Secrets - Jim Edwards


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 

    Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast...
    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7gZkflC...
    RSS - https://feeds.transistor.fm/deep-dive


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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Related Episodes

    Aspiring YouTubers | Ben Boxer & Mark Curry

    Aspiring YouTubers | Ben Boxer & Mark Curry

    In this episode, Dan Gianfrancesco and Zack Ryan of StrixMedia are joined by our very own Ben Boxer and Mark Curry, two of StrixMedia's kickass video editors who moonlight as up and coming YouTubers! Mark and Ben are both actively building a name for themselves on YouTube and the group discusses the ins-and-outs of starting a YouTube channel and how to grow a name for yourself on the platform. Ben details his journey to almost 10,000 subscribers, and shares his "secrets" about how he was able to get hundreds of thousands of views on some of his videos! If you are trying to become a vlogger these guys have some great tips and tricks to help you get started so you should definitely tune in. 

    StrixMedia thanks you for supporting our show! If you haven't already, please give us a like on social media and let us know you are listening. We hope you continue to tune in as we interview business owners and creatives about their stories and how they got to where they are. If you or anyone you know is a business owner or creative with a story to tell, send us an email and we will try to get you on the podcast! 

    Support the show

    What's next for creator-focused startups now that the venture boom is over?

    What's next for creator-focused startups now that the venture boom is over?

    Hello and welcome back to Equity, a podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines.

    This is our Wednesday show, where we niche down to a single topic, think about a question and unpack the rest. This week, Alex asked: How are platforms responding to the new creator landscape? (Don't worry, the Wednesday show is still Natasha's to lead, she was just a little under the weather this week!)

    Happily, Alex was not running solo, as TechCrunch's own Amanda Silberling was with the show this week -- not for the first time! -- to chat through the key questions we wanted to parse our way through:

    • What is the new creator landscape?
    • How did we get to today from the go-go 2020/2021 period of creator-focused venture deals?
    • What are creator-focused platforms focused on today?
    • And, finally, what options do creators have today, based on our understanding of the market?

    The idea for the episode stems in part from our reporting, including this recent look at the amount of money that creator-targeting startups have raised in recent quarters. (Also in the news? Substack, Patreon, and others!)

    Before we say goodbye and come back on Friday, two quick notes from the team:

    See you there, and chat you Friday!

    Equity drops every Monday at 7 a.m. PT and Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. PT, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotifyand all the casts. TechCrunch also has a great show on crypto, a show that interviews founders, a show that details how our stories come together and more!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

    Rocket Lab rockets to the Moon and other TC news

    Rocket Lab rockets to the Moon and other TC news

    This week on the TechCrunch Podcast our host, Managing Editor Darrell Etherington talks with TC’s Amanda Silberling about VidCon and the creator economy coming of age. He also speaks to Aria Alamalhodaei about NASA and Rocket Lab launching a scouting mission for a future orbital Moon base. And as always, you’ll get a rundown of the week’s top news on TechCrunch.

    Articles from the episode:

    Other news from the week:

    Credits: The TechCrunch Podcast is produced by Maggie Stamets, hosted by Darrell Etherington, and edited by Kell. 

    He Sold His TikTok Content Company to MorningBrew & Predicts TikTok Will Get Banned This Year | Michael Sikand

    He Sold His TikTok Content Company to MorningBrew & Predicts TikTok Will Get Banned This Year | Michael Sikand

    Attention business enthusiasts and content creators! Do you want to stay updated on making awesome short-form content and crushing it in the media industry? 

    Look no further than the latest episode of Content Funnels, where Michael Sikand, co-founder of Our Future, discusses the latest trends and strategies for short-form content creation. 

    In this podcast episode, Michael shares how his company's recent acquisition by Morning Brew has helped them derisk their business. 

    He also makes bold predictions about the future of TikTok in the US and how a possible ban would affect other short-form video platforms like YouTube shorts and reels. 

    If you tune in to this episode, you’ll also find out:

    - what is the future of content creation in general

    - how you can leverage short-form content to grow your own brand

    - which platform has the most optimistic outlook

    - how a 12-year-old leveraged his content to earn millions of dollars

    Let’s dive into the exciting world of short-form content creation!

    Key Takeaways:

    • What is our future? (00:00)
    • Selling the company to MorningBrew (01:16)
    • The way to value short-form content businesses (04:02)
    • A 12-year-old who makes millions of dollars and the future of content (05:47)
    • Crazy examples of companies that are doing short-form content (07:30)
    • The platform with the most optimistic outlook in the next 3 years (09:04)
    • The future of TikTok and the consequences of the possible ban (10:15)
    • Monetizing short-form content (11:50)
    • Michael’s predictions about content in general (16:16)
    • Using AI and Chat GPT (17:21)
    • Where to find Michael (19:52)

    Additional sources:

    🤖 Let A.I. write your podcast show notes: https://www.usemelville.com

    ✅ 2x your pod downloads in 90 days: https://morepodcastdownloads.com  

    🤝 Connect with me⁣ on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram

    👉 Check out my YouTube channel

    - - - 

    🤝 Connect with Michael: https://twitter.com/michaelsikand

    F*ck creator funds, we need a creator index fund

    F*ck creator funds, we need a creator index fund

    This is our Wednesday show, where we niche down to a single topic, think about a question and unpack the rest. This week, Natasha and Alex brought on the Most Online™ reporter at TechCrunch, Amanda Silberling to talk about one of her recent pieces, "maybe creator funds are bad."

    The column, mixed with the recent saga between Spotify and Joe Rogan, helped us ask a bigger question for this week's episode:

    What makes a platform economically viable for creators?

    It's no small question. Creators are a key plank in every platform's success, from TikTok to YouTube to Instagram to, well, wherever you watch or listen to stuff made outside of major studios. But the financial relationship between platform and provider -- creator, in other words -- is often fraught and broken.

    Creator funds are some proposed fix to the situation, but we find the to be more band-aid than holistic solution. Rev splits are good, and seemingly more sustainable, but with YouTube's ad load reaching truly epic proportions, they may not be a fix-all. So we sat down to chew the fat and try to work towards a solution.

    Which we mostly did, except for Alex, who decided that a return to feudalism is the only way forward. We're back Friday! Talk soon!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.