
    Podcast Summary

    • From Education to Entrepreneurship: Monetizing Content with Creator ScienceFocus on building communities and directing attention to monetize content and provide value to both creators and audiences.

      Creating a successful business around content requires a shift from relying solely on technical expertise to embracing artistic and creative control. Jay, the founder of Creator Science, shares his journey from a background in education to discovering the world of entrepreneurship and content creation. He started making money from writing through group coaching and freelancing, but soon realized the potential in productizing his knowledge and creating a course. His business, Creator Science, now helps others monetize their content by providing value to their audience and capturing value for themselves. Jay's unique approach, as discussed on the podcast, is to focus on building communities and directing attention in a way that benefits both the creator and the audience. This niche but transformative business model has helped him build a successful membership community, The Lab, and hit best-seller lists with his book, "Feel Good Productivity."

    • Misconception about Creator Economy: Only Coaches Make MoneyCreators make a living by providing value in various niches, not just coaching other creators.

      There's a common misconception that the only way creators make money is by coaching other creators. However, there's a vast industry of people selling online courses and doing coaching for various niches. The success stories of creators teaching creators are often the ones we hear about, but there are countless individuals making a living by providing value in specific and niche areas. For instance, there's a member in a community who teaches people how to become runners on a plant-based diet, and another who teaches high school football coaches defensive line techniques. These creators may not be as visible to those outside their niche, but they hold significant opportunities for growth. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on providing value and results to your audience, regardless of the niche or meta nature of your business.

    • Why people join online communities: connection, transformation, identityTo build a successful online community, focus on providing value through connection, transformation, and fostering genuine relationships.

      Online communities are becoming an essential aspect of making money online, with recurring revenue and connection being the main drivers. However, not all communities will thrive, and it's crucial to focus on providing value and fostering genuine connections to stand out. People seek out online communities for various reasons, primarily for connection, transformation, and a sense of identity. As social creatures, we have an inherent need for connection, and online communities offer a platform to meet that need. Transformation is another significant value proposition, as people often join communities to learn new skills or change their lives in some way. Lastly, a sense of identity is crucial, as communities provide opportunities for individuals to discover and express who they are. Therefore, building a successful online community requires a focus on these areas to create an engaging and valuable experience for members.

    • A 'Peloton for productivity' communityCreate a structured community with weekly/monthly sessions, daily co-working, and accountability to boost productivity and provide a supportive environment for individuals to commit to their goals.

      The success of a community can be attributed to the sense of connection and identity it provides. A person looking to start a productivity community, inspired by the science metaphor, could create a "Peloton for productivity" with structured weekly and monthly sessions, daily co-working sessions, and a focus on accountability and showing up to do the work. The goal is not just to make friends or talk about productivity, but to provide a structured environment that helps individuals commit to their productivity goals. The success of such a community relies on lowering the activation energy for individuals to engage and make progress towards their desired outcomes.

    • Maintaining control and leadership in productivity communitiesTo create a successful productivity community, maintain control and leadership while keeping it low lift for the business and host. Separate compelling promise from delivery, find balance between community self-management and business leadership, and follow habits like YNAB's to reduce financial stress and focus on productivity.

      To create a successful productivity community, it's essential to maintain control and leadership while keeping it low lift for the business and the host. The community should not impede content creation or take excessive time from the host. While scaling is possible through hiring and resources, the business aims to provide guidance and support rather than leaving it up to the community to self-manage. Additionally, the importance of separating the compelling promise from the delivery was emphasized. The hardest nut to crack seems to be finding the right balance between community self-management and business leadership. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the sponsor YNAB, an app that helps users change their mindset around money by implementing simple habits such as giving every dollar a job, embracing true expenses, rolling with the punches, and aging your money. By following these habits, individuals can reduce financial stress and anxiety, allowing them to focus on other areas of their lives, including productivity.

    • Start with a flexible offerWhen starting a new project or using a new tool, focus on making a strong, flexible offer to allow for learning and growth over time.

      When starting a new project or trying out a new tool, like budgeting with YNAP or investing with Trading 212, it's important to keep an open mind and not put too much pressure on yourself to have everything figured out right from the start. Instead, focus on making a strong promise or offer that allows for flexibility in delivery over time. For example, with Trading 212, features like investing in index funds for free, practicing with fake money, and copying professional allocations can help beginners learn the ropes without feeling overwhelmed. Similarly, for building a membership community, it's better to offer value in a flexible way that can evolve over time, rather than being too specific and rigid about the delivery. By focusing on the strong offer and allowing for flexibility, you can set yourself up for long-term success.

    • Maintaining flexibility in membership promisesBeing vague in membership promises allows for experimentation and adjustment to meet member needs, while clear communication of recurring value ensures alignment and sustainability.

      Being overly specific in promises made on sales pages for membership programs can limit flexibility and potentially lead to unnecessary pressure. Instead, maintaining a certain level of vagueness and framing memberships as an evolving lab or community allows for more experimentation and adjustment to meet the needs of members. This approach also aligns expectations and incentives well, as long as the recurring value is clearly communicated and delivered. Additionally, offering recurring revenue models requires providing recurring value, and misaligning the recurrence schedule with the time it takes to achieve a specific outcome may lead to churn. Overall, being adaptable and open to feedback from members is crucial for creating a successful and sustainable membership program.

    • Building trust through authenticity and transparencyAuthenticity and transparency are crucial for building trust. Use a 'private opening, public launch' strategy to build trust with a select group before making a public promise. Testimonials and case studies persuade potential customers. Be honest and genuine in your connections and consider pricing structure carefully.

      Building trust with your audience and delivering on your promises are key elements of successful marketing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being authentic and transparent, especially when making promises. He suggests using a "private opening, public launch" strategy to build trust with a select group of people before making a public promise. The speaker also emphasizes the power of testimonials and case studies in persuading potential customers, and the importance of making honest and genuine connections. Additionally, the speaker touches on the importance of considering the pricing structure for a membership or product, and the balance between content and connection in the offering. Overall, the speaker's advice emphasizes the importance of building trust and authenticity in marketing, and using strategies like private openings and genuine testimonials to create compelling offers.

    • Focus on connection and relationship in membership businessesUnderstand audience and pricing to create a scalable, relationship-focused membership business. Target professionals and entrepreneurs with a mass-market product.

      When building a membership business, the focus on connection and relationship versus content and programming sets a bias and preframes the expectations of members. The relationship-focused model can be challenging to scale, but a strong product and intent can help overcome these challenges. The target audience and pricing are crucial factors to consider. The audience for a productivity membership, for instance, might consist of ambitious entrepreneurs, creators, and professionals, but it's essential to understand their willingness and ability to pay. While the data is limited, assumptions based on existing customers and audience surveys can provide valuable insights. The goal is to create a mass-market product that caters to professionals and entrepreneurs alike, offering value regardless of their employment status or income level.

    • Broadening target audience for productivity labExpanding to a larger market can increase impact and potential revenue, but requires careful consideration of value proposition, pricing strategy, and operational resources.

      Expanding the target audience for a productivity lab from entrepreneurs to a broader market can lead to greater impact and potential revenue, but it comes with challenges such as lower individual revenue per customer and increased operational overhead. The decision to target a larger market or a more sophisticated, high-revenue one depends on the business goals and resources. It's essential to consider the value proposition for different customer segments and the pricing strategy that aligns with the target audience's willingness and ability to pay. Ultimately, the choice between serving a smaller, high-revenue market or a larger, lower-revenue one depends on the business's mission, vision, and long-term growth strategy.

    • Focusing on a specific audience or niche can add value and perceptionConsider long-term vision, add value to specific audience, and use barbell approach with free or very expensive offerings while maintaining overall business model

      When considering business strategy and product development, it's essential to think about the long-term vision and how each offering contributes to building the brand. The speaker suggests that focusing on a specific audience or niche can add value and perception. The barbell approach, where most offerings are free or very expensive, can be effective, but it's crucial to consider the implications for the free offering and the overall business model. The speaker plans to continue providing free content while also releasing low-ticket productivity software and hosting free events for the broader audience. If the goal is to serve both audiences at different price points, starting with a higher ticket offering and scaling down could be a viable approach. The numbers for bringing in people for a private opening depend on the desired level of relationship building and connection.

    • Personalized onboarding process for new community membersA thoughtful onboarding process with personalized introductions, clear instructions, and a welcoming environment can significantly enhance member engagement and retention in online communities

      Building a strong community relies on a thoughtful onboarding process. The slower the integration of new members, the better for forming genuine relationships and conversations. A personalized onboarding experience, including one-on-one introductions, can significantly enhance member engagement and retention. When people join, they may feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Providing a welcoming and supportive first experience can help alleviate their concerns and encourage them to fully engage with the community. Clubhouse, for instance, offered personalized onboarding calls to its early users, creating a memorable and engaging first impression. To effectively onboard new members, consider implementing a multi-step process, including a personalized welcome message, a guided tour of the community, and an introduction to other members. By providing clear instructions and answering the "now what?" question as much as possible, you can create a sense of belonging and encourage members to actively participate in the community.

    • Creating a welcoming community experienceRespond promptly and positively to new members, prioritize timely assistance, and focus on creating a welcoming, responsive, and supportive environment to foster a thriving community.

      Effective onboarding and welcoming experiences are crucial for building successful communities. When new members join a gym or a digital community, they crave a sense of belonging and recognition. A well-designed onboarding process, such as a personalized welcome session or an introductory channel, can help establish a connection and set the stage for meaningful engagement. However, failing to respond promptly and positively to new members' introductions can lead to a negative experience and hinder their sense of belonging. Additionally, communities that prioritize timely assistance and support can differentiate themselves from competitors and keep members engaged. When designing a community, consider keeping the number of spaces to a minimum, ensuring each one serves a distinct purpose, and being mindful of the potential use of gamification as it may not always align with members' goals. Ultimately, focusing on creating a welcoming, responsive, and supportive environment is essential for fostering a thriving community.

    • Creating and managing online communities: Consider demand, density, and engagementStart with a few well-defined community spaces based on genuine demand and member density. Vet requests through a voting mechanism and identify a champion. Provide clear onboarding and training. Gradually add more spaces over time. Consider the customer journey stage when designing membership products.

      When creating and managing an online community or membership space, it's important to carefully consider which spaces to create based on genuine demand and density of interested members. Vetting requests through a voting mechanism and identifying a champion for the space can help ensure its success. However, adding too many spaces too quickly can be overwhelming for new members and may lead to lack of engagement. Instead, starting with a minimum number of spaces and gradually adding more over time is a better approach. Additionally, providing clear onboarding and training on how to use the community tool effectively can help members achieve their desired outcomes and increase participation. It's also important to consider the specific stage of a customer's journey when designing a membership product, as trying to serve a wide spectrum of stages can be challenging and may result in the community reverting to the lowest common denominator.

    • Ensuring a good community fit through application process and recurring valueImplement an application process for member selection, provide recurring value through workshops and goal-setting sessions, and effectively organize content to keep members engaged.

      Building and maintaining a successful community requires careful consideration and management. While pricing can help filter out some members, it's not foolproof. High-ambition individuals with means or even those with delusions can still join and negatively impact the community. Therefore, implementing an application or screening process can help ensure a good fit for the community. Another important aspect is providing recurring value to keep members engaged. While one-time content is valuable, recurring content such as workshops or goal-setting sessions can create a sense of community and keep members coming back. However, adding too much content can lead to overwhelm and decreased value perception. Recording and archiving sessions can be beneficial, but it's essential to consider the quality and organization of the content. A large library of assets can be overwhelming, and it's crucial to help members navigate the content effectively. In summary, building a successful community requires careful member selection, recurring value, and effective content organization. It's a balancing act between adding features and keeping things manageable.

    • Creating a Successful Membership Community: Tailored Content and Experiences for Different Member GroupsIdentify member types, plan value proposition, use membership management tools, implement effective onboarding, organize events with clear structure, consider using a payment platform like Circle Payments for streamlined payments, and provide tailored content and experiences for each group.

      Creating and managing a successful membership community involves identifying the different types of members and providing tailored content and experiences for each group. Early planning and consideration of value proposition, membership management tools, onboarding processes, and event organization are crucial elements. Regarding payments, using a platform like Circle Payments with paywalls can streamline the process and reduce support costs. When it comes to events, having a clear structure and possibly consolidating multiple communities into one larger one can help manage the volume while ensuring members have access to all relevant content based on their membership level. However, there are limitations to using a platform like Circle with permissioned access levels, and careful consideration should be given to whether full access or separate accounts are the best options.

    • Managing access and permissions in online communitiesClear call to action, make announcements exclusive, consider privacy, start with a small group, create separate interest groups, and focus on a magical first experience.

      Creating a successful online community involves carefully managing access and permissions to ensure a positive and engaging experience for members. Jay, from Creator Science, shared his experience using Circle, a platform for building online communities. He highlighted the importance of having a clear call to action for all members in the home feed, but also the need to make certain announcements and events exclusive to specific groups. He emphasized the importance of considering members' privacy concerns and the potential complications of having all members visible to each other. Additionally, Jay recommended starting with a small group of people and focusing on creating a magical first experience to build a strong community culture and ensure long-term retention. He also suggested creating separate interest groups and making them joinable only for members, to enhance the community experience. To learn more about Jay and his approach to building online communities, visit creatorscience.com and consider enrolling in his membership course using the coupon code "deepdive".

    • Staying updated with latest trends and technologiesContinuous learning and exploration can lead to new opportunities and innovations, whether in business or personal growth. Seek out new resources and connections to expand knowledge and skills.

      Importance of continuous learning and exploration in various fields. We talked about how staying updated with the latest trends and technologies can lead to new opportunities and innovations. For instance, in the world of technology, keeping up with advancements can help businesses stay competitive. Similarly, in personal growth, expanding knowledge and skills can lead to new experiences and discoveries. The speakers also emphasized the value of collaboration and networking, as these can open doors to new learning opportunities and potential partnerships. So, whether it's for professional or personal growth, it's essential to remain curious and open-minded, and to seek out new resources and connections. And if you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the suggested episode for additional insights on this topic.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

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    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXLJ0 

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

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    Meet Kaelyn – YouTuber, former pro athlete, and now our community manager at the Productivity Lab.

    In this episode, we chat about the power of networking and how just being out there and doing great work can open up so many doors. Kaelyn shares her journey from the sports world to YouTube and how she networked her way to joining our team. We also explore the perks of teamwork, the quest for work-life balance, and the art of building a cohesive vision for a productivity brand. Enjoy :)

    00:00 Introduction and Networking

    14:02 Being Part of a Team

    28:03 Incorporating Neurodiversity in Productivity Content

    31:14 Exploring Innovative Tools for Productivity


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    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09FchV0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

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    In this episode of Deep Dive, I'm thrilled to interview Matt Lerner, the founder of SYSTM and author of "Growth Levers." Matt shares his wisdom on helping startups uncover their big growth levers, the challenges of decision-making and the pitfalls of focusing only on revenue.
    We also explore growth strategies like viral and authentic videos and the necessity of engaging and retaining viewers through positive feedback loops.
    This episode is packed with practical tips and strategies. I hope you find listening to it as enjoyable as I found recording it 🙂 

    (00:00) Uncovering Growth Levers
    (12:45) Aligning Organisational Pieces for Growth
    (28:43) Deciding Which Ideas to Pursue
    (39:17) The Importance of Fresh Content
    (46:15) Measuring Monthly Returning Viewers and Conversion Rates
    (55:26) Monetisation Strategies: Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Own Products
    (01:19:07) Simplifying and Consolidating for Focus
    (01:24:13) Leveraging Podcast Episodes for YouTube Videos
    (01:32:23) Reevaluating the Business Model
    (02:01:01) De-risking the Business
    (02:06:26) Unlocking Bottlenecks 
    (02:12:43) Doing Fewer Things and Making More Mistakes
    (02:21:30) Building a Portfolio of Small Businesses
    (02:28:22) The Importance of Clear Hypotheses and Documentation


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    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    Cal Newport: The Secrets of Slow Productivity

    Cal Newport: The Secrets of Slow Productivity

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉 https://academy.aliabdaal.com/?utm_source=DD_audio&utm_medium=d&utm_campaign=PTYA&utm_content=Cal_Newport

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09rKvY0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In this episode of Deep Dive, I sit down with Cal Newport the author of "Slow Productivity" and we explore the pitfalls of following your passion, the principles of deep work, and the balance between consistency and bursts of intensity when it comes to creative work. We also discuss balancing consistency with bursts of intensity, managing multiple projects, structuring your job to prevent burnout and the value of slow, deliberate efforts for long-term success. I hope you enjoy the episode :)

    (00:00) The Concept of Slow Productivity and Deep Work

    (11:16) Challenges of Following Your Passion

    (28:02) Managing Multiple Projects 

    (31:30) The Evolution of Creative Processes 

    (31:59) Redefining Productivity

    (38:29) Balancing Work and Life: Setting Boundaries and Managing Distractions

    (43:21) Challenges and Insights of The Art of Writing


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    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    Eric Siu: Building a $10m+ Marketing Agency

    Eric Siu: Building a $10m+ Marketing Agency

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09nfRD0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    This conversation with Eric Siu is packed with insights into his entrepreneurial journey and the details of launching and scaling a marketing agency. We touch on everything, from client acquisition and business growth strategies to the importance of going above and beyond to succeed. We also talk about the balance between work and personal life and the power of networking in today's business world. Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking inspiration or just interested in personal development, this chat has something valuable for you. 

    (00:00) Eric’s Entrepreneurial Journey 

    (03:40) Keys to Success

    (06:32) The Enjoyment of Entrepreneurship

    (22:49) Lifestyle Business vs. Full-On Business

    (23:19) Navigating Remote Work Challenges and Business Growth

    (26:13) The Power of Focus and the Art of Doing Less

    (40:37) Networking, Retreats, and Connection

    (43:26) Mentorship, Teaching, and Personal Fulfillment


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    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Build a Business that Lets you Quit your Job - Dickie Bush

    How to Build a Business that Lets you Quit your Job - Dickie Bush

    Sponsored by Grammarly - ⚡️ Sign up and download for FREE using my link http://grammarly.com/deepdive.

    Sponsored by Hostinger. Go to https://www.hostinger.com/aliabdaal and use the code ALIABDAAL to get 10% off your own website and domain.

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H096KC90

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

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    Website: https://www.feelgoodproductivity.com/?utm_source=deepdive_audio&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=post_launch&utm_content=DD_DickieBush

    In this episode, Dickie shares his journey of building a successful side hustle while working a full-time job. We also cover the importance of not quitting your job too soon, the value of curating the content we consume to ensure it helps us overcome obstacles and much more. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

    (00:00) The beginning

    (02:22) Types of Compensation

    (03:20) The Importance of Not Quitting Your Job Too Soon

    (06:35) The Need for Intense Effort and Focus

    (10:20) Creating Content

    (26:16) Continuing to Learn and Create

    (35:49) The Illusion of Busyness and Time Management

    (36:45) Exploring the Malleability of Time and Energy

    (39:38) Finding a Niche and Unique Angle

    (43:00) The Role of AI in Summarising and Creating Original Content

    (45:54) The Journey from Curation to Creation

    (50:11) Brain-breaking moments and Leverage

    (58:51) The Four Layers of Specificity for Success

    (01:09:26) Reverse Engineering to Achieve a Million Dollars a Year

    (01:13:14) Scaling to a Million Dollars a Month

    (01:14:12) Continuous Learning and Investing in Oneself

    (01:15:44) Seeking Guidance from Mentors and Coaches

    (01:23:44) Identifying and Overcoming Bottlenecks in Growth

    (01:39:00) Finding a Balance Between Financial Success and Other Aspects of Life


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Does Money Buy Happiness? A Conversation with Deca-Millionaires

    Does Money Buy Happiness? A Conversation with Deca-Millionaires

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H090Bqn0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In this episode, Patrick, Matt, and I get real about our personal journeys with wealth and how it's shaped our lives, from defining our identities to managing lifestyle costs and finding purpose and fulfilment beyond financial success. We delve into the concept of 'enough' and why knowing when we have all we need is crucial. I hope you enjoy!

    (00:00) Introduction

    (02:20) Personal Experiences with Wealth

    (05:05) The Impact of Wealth on Extremes

    (09:49) Financial Security and Stress

    (12:40) Money Insecurities

    (21:32) Decision-Making

    (24:51) Finding Purpose and Fulfillment

    (25:21) The Concept of 'Enough' 

    (28:09) The Impact of Wealth on Children 

    (31:34) The Importance of Experiences

    (36:13) Money Doesn't Buy Happiness: It's How You Use It


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    Confronting my CEO coach - Eric Partaker

    Confronting my CEO coach - Eric Partaker

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H08VD6j0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    In part 2 of my conversation with CEO coach Eric Partaker, he shares his three-pillar approach to scaling companies, handling unexpected challenges, transitioning from founder to CEO, and the importance of networking in building a successful business. He also provides actionable tips for strategic thinking, time management, and overcoming resistance. Let me know what you think in the comments!

    (00:00) Introduction
    (03:49) From Financial Success to Continued Work
    (07:12) Finding Work-Life Balance
    (10:45) The Impact of Neglecting Health and Relationships
    (14:08) Scaling the Company: The CEO Pillar of Leadership
    (21:36) The Fun Challenge of Weekend Freedom
    (25:01) Building and Accumulating Over Time
    (29:05) The Human Desire for Achievement
    (32:44) The Importance of a Business Approach
    (36:10) Creating a Long-lasting Impact
    (39:45) Life Happens While You're Making Other Plans
    (43:08) Building a Strong Network
    (46:30) Strategic Thinking and Time Management
    (50:48) The Struggle with Time Management
    (54:32) Identifying the Most Impactful Areas of Focus
    (58:06) The Benefits of Chunking Down Tasks
    (01:01:17) Anchoring Yourself in the Present Moment
    (01:04:31) Striving from a Place of Satisfaction
    (01:08:01) Feeling Mentally Deviated and Off-Track
    (01:11:18) The Gap in Action
    (01:13:31) Choosing the Pain of Discipline
    (01:14:10) Starting and Maintaining Momentum
    (01:14:27) Overcoming Resistance and Self-Sabotage
    (01:15:13) Developing Discipline as a Skill
    (01:15:18) Hacking Your Brain to Get Started
    (01:15:59) Pushing Past the Initial Resistance
    (01:16:20) The Business Coaching Bundle
    (01:16:52) Improving Business Performance


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    The 3 Alarms


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor

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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How To Build An Online Community - Jay Clouse

    How To Build An Online Community - Jay Clouse

    Sponsored by YNAB - visit http://www.ynab.com/abdaal.

    Sponsored by Trading 212 - download the Trading 212 app https://trading212.com/promocodes/ALI and use the promo code "ALI" after signing up and depositing to receive a random free share worth up to £100. This is not financial advice. Investments can fall and rise. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Other fees may apply*. Capital is at risk.

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    If you’re active in the creator space you’ll probably be familiar with the name Jay Clouse. Jay is the founder of Creator Science, a media company specialising in helping creators build businesses around their brands. In this episode, we delve into his membership community "The Lab," discussing everything from its inception to its revenue generation. Jay also shares some tips to make Productivity Lab a success! Enjoy the conversation.

    (00:00) Intro
    (01:01) How Jay started
    (07:15) The history of “The Lab”
    (09:55) Community vs content
    (15:35) About Productivity Lab
    (25:45) The challenges
    (33:40) Jay’s approach to sales pages
    (36:30) Price: to cap or not to cap
    (46:30) Higher ticket, lower volume?
    (52:40) How many people to bring into the community
    (1:02:40) Spaces within the community
    (1:07:05) Mistakes we can learn from
    (1:10:00) Giving recurring value
    (1:21:00) The importance of a good first experience

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    Copywriting Secrets - Jim Edwards


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 

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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Why You've Not Met Your Person - Matthew Hussey

    Why You've Not Met Your Person - Matthew Hussey

    Sponsored by YNAB - visit http://www.ynab.com/abdaal.

    Sponsored by Hostinger. Go to https://www.hostinger.com/aliabdaal and use the code ALIABDAAL to get 10% off your own website and domain.

    Sponsored by Grammarly - ⚡️ Sign up and download for FREE using my link http://grammarly.com/deepdive.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H08Gblz0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon https://geni.us/JFhDr5?utm_source=deepdive_audio&utm_medium=Description&utm_campaign=post_launch&utm_content=Matthew_hussey

    Website https://www.feelgoodproductivity.com/?utm_source=deepdive_audio&utm_medium=Description&utm_campaign=post_launch&utm_content=Matthew_hussey

    Matthew Hussey is one of the world's leading dating experts and a New York Times Bestselling author who has helped over 10 million people get the love life of their dreams.

    In this interview turned coaching session we'll discuss his new book, "Love Life", the challenges of finding love, how to handle other people’s emotional responses and the importance of setting boundaries. 

    (00:00) Intro

    (1:15) Welcome, Matthew

    (4:05) Do men and women have the same challenges when looking for love?

    (10:15) Can you choose who to be attracted to?

    (17:06) “Life mountains”

    (26:35) Question your instincts

    (30:20) Masculine vs feminine energy

    (37:40) Boundaries 

    (46:00) Parents vs partner

    (1:00:17) Duty and obligation to parents

    (1:11:40) Putting my needs first

    (1:23:30) Being responsible for someone else’s feelings

    (1:28:00) About finding love 


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    The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life - David Brooks


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor


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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜


    A Brutally Honest Conversation With My CEO Coach - Eric Partaker

    A Brutally Honest Conversation With My CEO Coach - Eric Partaker

    Sponsored by YNAB - visit http://www.ynab.com/abdaal.

    Sponsored by Trading 212 - download the Trading 212 app https://trading212.com/promocodes/ALI and use the promo code "ALI" after signing up and depositing to receive a random free share worth up to £100. This is not financial advice. Investments can fall and rise. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Other fees may apply*. Capital is at risk.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H08xJmS0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Today’s episode is a little different as I take you along with me for my unfiltered coaching session with Eric Partaker. Eric is an entrepreneur, author, and CEO Coach, named "CEO of the Year" at the 2019 Business Excellence Forum. Over the last 20 years, he has advised Fortune 50 CEOs, founded several companies and helped build Skype’s multi-billion dollar success story.

    In this session, we discuss whether or not I should kill “our golden goose”, what my goals are moving forward and what challenges we are facing as a business. I hope you enjoy!

    (00:20) The beginning of a coaching session
    (06:48) Should I kill my golden goose?
    (12:38) Our value ladder
    (24:20) The “Apple” approach
    (32:15) Our goal
    (37:43) Implementing new ideas
    (46:05) Our current challenge
    (55:00) Metrics

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    The 3 Alarms


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor

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    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7gZkflC...
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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Related Episodes

    MKBHD: The Story To 16 Million & The World Of YouTube

    MKBHD: The Story To 16 Million & The World Of YouTube

    In this episode I chat to Marques Brownlee also known as MKBHD, one of the largest and most respected tech YouTuber’s in the world with over 16 million subscribers. In the conversation we discuss the creator economy, the evolution of his business and how he’s stayed consistent and relevant on the platform over the past 10 years. Enjoy!

    (00:00) Intro

    (01:23) Stating consistent over the last 13-14 years?

    (03:30) The lifespan of a creator

    (07:05) Your process for making YouTube videos

    (09:07) What is the MKBHD business model?

    (13:55) Approaching the relationship between money and lifestyle

    (18:30) What’s your opinion on quality vs quantity?

    (19:42) What does the org chart look like?

    (22:47) The octopus analogy

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    (01:05:48) How do you deal with hate?

    (01:09:29) Starting your podcast, Waveform

    (01:11:59) The studio and your team

    (01:17:44) Angel Investing

    (01:19:41) Personal goals


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    Sponsored by Shortform

    This episode is kindly brought to you by Shortform, the world's best provider of guides for non-fiction books. Shortform gives you comprehensive coverage of thousands of books, the key ideas, clearly and simply explained, plus smart commentary and analysis. It’s like your smartest friend teaching you about a book. Go to https://shortform.com/deepdive to get 20% off the annual premium subscription.

    Sponsored by Shopify

    This episode is kindly brought to you by Shopify. Shopify offers an easy to use, all-in-one commerce platform for anyone -regardless of technical ability and experience - to start, grow, and manage a business. Shopify lets you sell online, in-person and on all major social platforms and it’s what I’m using to sell my essentali stationary as well as upcoming digital and physical products. To give Shopify a try, go to https://shopify.com/aliabdaal.

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    Life Coach: Why Your Energy Drives Your Success In Life - Simon Alexander Ong

    Life Coach: Why Your Energy Drives Your Success In Life - Simon Alexander Ong

    The single most important thing this episode will teach you is that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself. My guest is Simon Alexander Ong, a personal development entrepreneur, coach and public speaker who has recently published his debut book ‘Energize’ which became an instant bestseller. In the episode we talk about how the power of coaching unlocks human potential, as well as talking through mini coaching session frameworks that you can apply yourself and final how to access the four dimensions of your energetic field so that you can transform your life for the better. Enjoy!

    Sponsored by Huel - go to https://www.huel.com/deepdive and with your first order you’ll get a free t-shirt and shaker.

    Sponsored by Trading 212 - download the Trading 212 app https://trading212.com/promocodes/ALI and use the promo code "ALI" after signing up and depositing to receive a random free share worth up to £100. This is not financial advice. Investments can fall and rise. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Other fees may apply*. Capital is at risk.

    Sponsored by WeWork - visit https://www.we.co/ali and use the code ‘ALI’  at checkout to redeem 50% off your first booking.

    📚Check out my New York Times Bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity!

    (00:00) Intro
    (01:49) How did you become a coach?
    (05:59) The practicalities of coaching
    (13:01) Selling yourself and authenticity
    (22:52) How does someone figure out what they actually want
    (31:16) Whats the difference between vision and mission?
    (32:49) Coaching role play
    (42:59) The unregulated side of coaching
    (46:11) Do you recommend coaching as a career path?
    (53:21) The power of energy
    (01:00:09) You book: Energise
    (01:08:38) How to understand consistency
    (01:15:57) The question of privilege and enjoyment
    (01:19:49) How does someone become a coach?
    (01:27:50) Parting thoughts

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    Creators & Guests

    • Amber Baxter-Clarke - Producer
    • Ali Abdaal - Host

    Lessons I’m Taking Into 2022 - Season 1 Roundup

    Lessons I’m Taking Into 2022 - Season 1 Roundup

    As the first season of the podcast draws to a close I look back at some of the most inspiring moments from the season including from conversations with Ben Francis, Krissy Cela, Chris Williamson, Unjaded Jade, Mrwhosetheboss and Dr Grace Lordan.

    One of the biggest lessons I've learned from all the guests who've appeared this season is that we should embrace uncertainty and the idea of having a plan is a bit of a myth because really we're all working things out as we go along.

    I also want to say a big thank you if you've tuned into the podcast each week and an even bigger thank you if you've left a review on apple podcasts and subscribed because that really does help other people hear about the podcast. I hope you enjoy this season round-up and I'll see you in season 2.


    E1 Ben Francis
    E8 Krissy Cela
    E9 Chris Williamson
    E2 Unjaded Jade
    E11 Mrwhosetheboss
    E6 Dr Grace Lordan


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    📚Check out my New York Times Bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity!

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    How To Think Like A Life Coach - Hasan Kubba

    How To Think Like A Life Coach - Hasan Kubba

    All of us have different areas of our lives that we'd like to improve. But investing in a life coach isn't always an option. Hasan Kubba is my business coach and the author of the business book of the year 2021 ‘The Unfair Advantage: How You Already Have What It Takes To Succeed’. In the conversation we talk about some of the concepts in his book as well as having a mini coaching session so you can apply coaching frameworks to your own life without needing to hire a coach yourself. We talk about realising your limiting beliefs, productivity, confidence and finish by chatting through some of my current predicaments about writing my book.


    📕 The Unfair Advantage: How You Already Have What It Takes To Succeed
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    This episode is kindly supported by Curiosity Stream, the leading streaming subscription platform that gives you access to thousands of documentaries and non-fiction titles. Curiosity stream also support independent creators on their platform Nebula which is run by me and other creators where you can access exclusive content including the original episodes of Deep Dive which you won't find anywhere else. You also get early, ad free access to mine and a bunch of other creators videos. Sign up at https://curiositystream.com/deepdive and you'll get 42% off annual plans as well as FREE ACCESS to Nebula as part of the bundle.

    📚Check out my New York Times Bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity!

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    Scale Your Business From $10k to $100k Per Month - Matt Gray

    Scale Your Business From $10k to $100k Per Month - Matt Gray

    Sponsored by YNAB - visit http://www.ynab.com/abdaal.

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H08rxMh0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    (00:00) Intro

    (01:49) Who is Matt Gray 

    (05:20) Systemising the business

    (41:50) The importance of sales

    (58:20) Customer success metrics

    (1:11:33) The metrics that matter

    (1:23:09) Team meetings 

    (1:38:30) Building the product

    Matt Gray is a very successful coach and entrepreneur who has built numerous profitable companies and amassed a community of over 14 million people. He is known for helping founders scale from 100k to 1 million a month. In this episode I tap into his expertise by having him analyse my business and systems, identifying weaknesses and actions that we need to take to level up. I hope you enjoy it!

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    The Castle Method
    The Power of Moments - Chip Heath & Dan Heath
    Made to Stick - Chip Heath & Dan Heath


    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 

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