
    Podcast Summary

    • Ireland's Government Monitors Critics of Direct Provision SystemThe Irish government monitors social media activity of critics of the Direct Provision system, raising ethical concerns and questions about privacy.

      The Irish government is monitoring social media activity of individuals, including critics of the country's Direct Provision system, which houses asylum seekers in what is viewed as inhumane and cruel conditions. The speaker, who is a critic of the system and has compared it to Ireland's historical Magdalene Laundries scandal, has been monitored and reported on by the Department of Justice. This monitoring raises ethical concerns and questions about privacy, as the information is being presented to the government. The speaker believes that their criticism is protected under their right to free speech in a democratic society and plans to continue speaking out against the system. The revelation of this monitoring has left the speaker feeling uneasy and unsure of the potential implications for their future.

    • Artist Criticizes Government's Handling of Asylum Seekers, Fears SurveillanceArtist speaks out against Direct Provision system, compares it to exploitative institutions, criticizes government profiting, emphasizes importance of journalism, expresses concern over potential surveillance.

      The artist in question feels uncomfortable with the tone and focus of reports regarding his involvement in criticizing Ireland's Direct Provision system, which houses asylum seekers. He believes the government is trying to suppress criticism by monitoring and reporting on those who speak out. He draws parallels between Direct Provision and institutions like the Magdalene Laundries, which were known for exploitation and secrecy. He also criticizes the government for profiting from the situation. The artist is disappointed that a charity organization was accused of capitalizing on the attention, when in fact they are working to end the abuses. He emphasizes the importance of journalism in uncovering such information and raising awareness. The artist expresses concern over potential government surveillance and the impact it could have on his personal data and future travel.

    • The role of journalism in democracy and the trend of journalists echoing government spinThe decline in journalism funding and human tendency to envy youth can lead to two types of journalists: those who challenge power and those who suck up to it, causing inadequate or lacking transparency in government response, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.

      The role of journalism in holding power to account and ensuring transparency is essential to democracy, but the decline in journalism funding and the increasing trend of journalists echoing government spin instead of challenging it is a worrying development. This trend is leading to two types of journalists: those who challenge power and those who suck up to it. The government often uses distractions, like highlighting individual instances of reckless behavior, to avoid scrutiny of their own shortcomings. The speaker expresses a human tendency to envy youth and freedom and disapprove of young people enjoying themselves, which can be exploited by the government for distraction. The consequences of this trend are particularly concerning in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, where marginalized communities are disproportionately affected, and the government's response is often inadequate or lacking in transparency.

    • Judging others for expressing their freedomsRecognize that envy and insecurity can lead to negative judgments of others expressing their freedoms. Instead, celebrate diversity and personal expression.

      Our initial reactions to others expressing their freedoms, such as fashion or confidence, can be rooted in insecurity and envy. We may label these individuals as "pricks" or "hipsters," but in reality, they are simply expressing themselves and enjoying their lives. This reaction is a normal human response, but it's important to challenge these feelings and recognize that they are not a valid judgment on the person in question. Additionally, during times of crisis, such as the current pandemic, it's essential to avoid scapegoating specific groups and instead focus on the bigger picture and taking personal responsibility for our actions. In the end, everyone is entitled to express themselves and live their lives to the fullest, and it's up to us to learn to celebrate that rather than resent it.

    • Government and media focus on individual incidents of non-compliance while overlooking systemic issuesJournalists play a vital role in reporting systemic issues like lack of social distancing in direct provision accommodation and clusters in meat processing industry, while individuals can support journalism by subscribing to newspapers or purchasing physical copies.

      While the government and media focus on individual incidents of non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, such as large house parties, much more significant issues are being overlooked. These issues include the lack of social distancing in direct provision accommodation and the presence of clusters in the meat processing industry. The government's emphasis on these distractions serves to shift public attention away from their responsibility to address these systemic problems. Journalists have a crucial role in holding the government accountable by reporting on these issues and providing the public with accurate information. To support journalism, individuals can directly subscribe to newspapers or purchase physical copies to ensure the sustainability of quality reporting.

    • Using journalism and storytelling to confront power and inspire actionEamonn Mallie, a journalist and podcaster, uses his platform to shed light on issues like modern slavery and human rights abuses, encouraging education and activism while criticizing the privatization of social issues.

      Journalist and podcaster, Eamonn Mallie, transforms factual information into engaging and ethical "hot takes" through his storytelling abilities. He uses his platform to shed light on issues like modern slavery and human rights abuses, keeping his audience informed and emotionally invested. Mallie emphasizes the importance of education and activism, encouraging listeners to learn about organizations like Masi and get involved in making positive changes. He also criticizes the privatization of social issues, leading to perpetual profit and human misery. In essence, Mallie's work is about using journalism and storytelling to confront power and inspire action.

    • A podcaster values creative freedom and listener support over potential advertisers or government scrutinyA podcaster cherishes the egalitarian model of listener-supported content, using Patreon and Twitch to engage with his audience and share personalized rewards, while expressing his thoughts freely on various topics.

      The speaker, who runs a podcast and streams on Twitch, values his creative freedom and listener support above potential advertisers or government scrutiny. He believes in the egalitarian model of his podcast, where listeners pay for the content through Patreon or by listening for free, and the speaker rewards patrons with personalized drawings and shout-outs. He also enjoys the interactive nature of live streaming on Twitch, which he discovered during the pandemic. The speaker uses his platform to express his thoughts on various topics, including politics and mental health, and values the cathartic effect of sharing his views with his audience. He encourages listeners to support the podcast by leaving reviews, sharing it with others, and tuning in to his Twitch streams.

    • Recognizing and challenging negative reactionsAcknowledge feelings of envy and jealousy, remind ourselves of imperfections and entitlement, and prevent negative thoughts and gossip to promote mental health and positive relationships.

      Recognizing and challenging our negative knee jerk reactions, or innate fallibilities, is crucial for mental health. When we feel envy or jealousy towards others, it's important to acknowledge these feelings and not let them consume us. Instead, we should remind ourselves that everyone is imperfect and entitled to their own experiences. Harboring negative thoughts and engaging in gossip only harms relationships and lowers self-esteem. By recognizing and challenging our fallibilities, we can prevent these unhelpful reactions from influencing our behavior and motivations.

    • Understanding the Impact of Envy and JealousyEnvy and jealousy, fueled by insecurity, can lead to destructive behaviors and negative self-evaluation. Focus on being the best version of yourself rather than comparing to others for a positive lived experience.

      Envy and jealousy, fueled by feelings of insecurity, can negatively impact our lives and relationships. These emotions, often rooted in a comparison of ourselves to others, can lead to destructive behaviors and negative self-evaluation. It's important to recognize and check these emotions when they arise, and instead focus on being the best version of ourselves rather than comparing ourselves to others. Ultimately, we are all insecure to some degree, but it's how we choose to respond to that insecurity that defines our lived experience. By practicing self-awareness and mindfulness, we can live confidently and avoid the negative consequences of envy and jealousy.

    • Mindful of thoughts and emotions during uncertain timesRecognize life's uncertainty, focus on internal worth, and maintain mental health to avoid negative spiral

      During uncertain times, it's essential to be mindful of our thoughts and emotions to avoid falling into a negative spiral. The speaker shares how the cancellation of tours due to the pandemic led him to feel like a failure and entertain irrational thoughts about his future. This, in turn, affected his confidence and ability to make simple decisions. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing that life is uncertain and that we cannot predict the future. Instead, we should focus on maintaining a strong internal voice and worth that comes from within, rather than comparing ourselves to others. By staying flexible and reacting to life's fluidity, we can avoid getting bogged down by feelings of insecurity and anxiety. Additionally, being aware of our mental health and taking care of ourselves, such as going to the gym or engaging in positive social media experiences, can help us stay grounded and focused on the present.

    • Mindset and Self-Esteem Impact Social Media InteractionsRecognizing and addressing feelings of insecurity can help prevent toxic thoughts and dishonesty in social media interactions. Building self-esteem leads to a healthier perspective and a more fulfilling online experience.

      Our mindset and self-esteem significantly influence how we perceive and respond to social media and our interactions with others. When we feel insecure or envious, we tend to focus on the negative and compare ourselves to others, leading to toxic thoughts and potentially even dishonesty. However, when we feel confident and secure in ourselves, we are more likely to appreciate others' accomplishments and not compare ourselves, leading to a healthier perspective. It's essential to recognize and address feelings of insecurity and work on building self-esteem to avoid the negative consequences of toxic thinking and dishonesty. Additionally, being mindful of our mindset and approach to social media can help us filter out the negative and focus on the positive, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling online experience.

    • Recognizing and dealing with feelings of failure and envy during uncertain timesIt's normal to feel insecure and evaluate ourselves based on external factors during uncertain times, but practicing self-compassion and recognizing our self-worth comes from within can help alleviate feelings of failure and envy.

      During uncertain times, it's natural to feel insecure and evaluate ourselves based on external factors, leading to feelings of failure and envy. However, it's important to recognize these feelings as a normal response and practice self-compassion. We're not rational beings, and it's okay to have initial reactions of failure or insecurity, even if they're irrational. The key is to not let these feelings spiral out of control and instead, accept them with compassion and remind ourselves that our self-worth should come from within, not from external factors or comparisons to others. Additionally, acknowledging the uncertainty and shared struggles of the current situation can help alleviate feelings of shame or failure. We're all in this together, and it's important to be kind to ourselves during these challenging times.

    • Practicing Self-Compassion and External CompassionAccepting our fallibility and feeling genuine happiness for others can help manage negative emotions like jealousy, insecurity, and uncertainty. Tolerating uncertainty and focusing on healthy activities can also improve mood and self-esteem.

      Practicing self-compassion and external compassion can help manage feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and uncertainty. Self-compassion involves acknowledging and accepting our own fallibility, while external compassion means feeling genuine happiness for others. Tolerating uncertainty and short-term discomfort are also essential skills for dealing with negative emotions. Instead of trying to attach ourselves to certainty, we should accept that life is uncertain and focus on healthy activities to improve our mood and energy levels. By practicing these skills, we can break negative cycles and boost our self-esteem.

    • Embracing life's uncertainties and imperfectionsAccept life's uncertainties, pursue interests aligned with values, find coping mechanisms, and support each other through challenges

      Life is uncertain and unfair, and it's important to accept these realities while also not letting them define our behavior. Even on difficult days, pursuing interests consistent with our values can help us break negative feedback loops and find meaning. Humility, as reminded by animals, can provide a sense of perspective and ground us in our shared animal nature. It's essential to find ways to cope with life's challenges, whether that's through cuddling a pet, practicing compassion, or acknowledging our own impermanence. Remember, we're all in this together, dealing with disappointment, uncertainty, and the occasional unfairness of life. So, let's support each other and find joy in the simple things, like a warm meal or a connection with a beloved pet.

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    America at war, now in theaters

    America at war, now in theaters
    The new movie Civil War delivers a sensational story about political polarization spilling into mass violence. If that seems reckless, it’s what apocalyptic films have done forever. The LA Times’s Mark Olsen and Northeastern University’s Nathan Blake explain. This episode was produced by Avishay Artsy, edited by Lissa Soep, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Rob Byers, and hosted by Noel King. Transcript at vox.com/todayexplained Support Today, Explained by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    In order to see the bigger picture, we must step back. What role do you see yourself playing?


    You can view the transcription, references and resources on the podcast episode page here (If link is faulty, copy and paste: https://www.rbccmnq.com/episode-2). 

    About host

    Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique: an ICF accredited (PCC) somatic and transformational coach. My work is centred around supporting individuals through their healing. 

    My specialist areas are grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sense of Self (identity), boundaries and confidence. 

    I have particular interests in social sciences and human-centred disciplines, including psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, spirituality and philosophy. 

    I live in London, UK with my son (who is also blessed with the awesomeness that is hyphenated first names!).

    You can find out more about my personal journey and what led me to becoming a coach here

    If you’re thinking about working together for 1:1 coaching, please start here

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    ​​This podcast is not coaching, nor a replacement for coaching with an accredited professional.

    These episodes are published with the understanding that the Coach and the Business are not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal or other professional services to its listeners.

    If expert assistance is needed, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

    Copyright © 2021 rbccmnq Limited. All rights reserved. 

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    Join us for the positive and negative milestones of Ryan, David, and Brandon.

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