
    The Hodgetwins | PBD Podcast | Ep. 186

    en-usSeptember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Hodge Twins: From Insurance Adjusters to YouTube SensationsIdentical twins turned YouTube sensations with over 2.5 million subscribers, covering serious and entertaining topics, from current events to personal experiences.

      The Hodge Twins, despite their identical appearance, have made a name for themselves as social media sensations with a YouTube channel boasting over 2.5 million subscribers. Their content, which includes "professional shit talking," both for entertainment and to provoke thought, covers various topics from current events to their personal experiences. Some of the recent topics they've discussed include protests in Iran, the situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the immigration crisis at the southern border. The twins, who have both been married for over 15 years, shared their background, which began in 2010 when they worked as insurance adjusters and discovered YouTube as a new opportunity. Throughout their career, they've tackled serious and entertaining topics, providing commentary and analysis that engages and informs their audience.

    • Unexpected challenges during lunch break pursuitsFollowing passions can lead to unforeseen consequences, but the experience can also offer lessons and opportunities for growth.

      Passion and creativity can lead to unexpected challenges, even when pursued during lunch breaks at a full-time job. In this case, two colleagues, Kevin and Kelsey, discovered YouTube and decided to start making comedic videos during their lunch hours at their accounting firm, AAA. However, they faced an unexpected issue when HR discovered their clandestine filming location and suspected them of using foul language in their videos. Despite the demanding nature of their jobs, they were caught off guard by the attention and faced a verbal altercation with HR. The incident escalated, leading to their dismissal. It's a reminder that following your passions can sometimes come with unexpected consequences, but the experience can also provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

    • Unexpected opportunities from job lossJob loss can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities. Stay positive and embrace the unexpected.

      Sometimes losing a job can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of being fired from his long-term job when his wife was pregnant, which initially seemed devastating. However, it gave them a year of unemployment to focus on their YouTube channel, eventually leading them to success and self-employment. The speaker and his friend were also childhood loners due to their poverty and lack of self-confidence, which brought them closer together. Their shared experiences shaped their bond and helped them overcome adversity. This story highlights the importance of staying positive during challenging times and the potential for personal growth that can come from unexpected circumstances.

    • The impact of parents' values on shaping individuals' livesGrowing up with hardworking parents who instilled values instilled a strong work ethic and sense of right and wrong. Losing a father figure early on highlighted the importance of male influences. Parents' experiences with racism shaped their perspectives.

      The values instilled by parents during childhood have a profound impact on shaping an individual's life. The speakers shared their experiences growing up with a hardworking father who instilled the value of hard work, and a strong, Christian mother who emphasized the importance of doing the right thing. The loss of the father figure at a young age was a difficult experience, but it also highlighted the importance of having a male influence in their lives. The absence of fathers in their friends' lives was a commonality they didn't realize at the time, but looking back, they recognized the significance of having a father figure. The speakers also discussed the influence of their parents' experiences with racism and how it shaped their perspectives. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of having strong parental figures and the impact of their values on shaping the individuals they became.

    • Experiencing Discrimination in a Spelling BeeDespite facing racism, the speaker understood the importance of education and persevered, ultimately finding support from unexpected sources.

      The fear of racism instilled in the speaker by his mother led him to experience discrimination firsthand, particularly during a spelling bee competition where he was incorrectly accused of misspelling a word and was ultimately disqualified. This experience, though painful, helped him understand the reality of racism and the challenges faced by the African American community. The speaker grew up in a poor white neighborhood after his father made the choice to leave their previous poor black neighborhood due to safety concerns. Despite the racism he faced, he recognized the importance of education and continued to strive for success. The strict black teacher, Miss Drew, who once belittled him, became a source of pride and support after the spelling bee incident. The speaker's story highlights the complexities of growing up as a black person in a racially divided community and the resilience required to overcome the challenges faced.

    • Navigating Complexities of Racism: A Personal JourneyThrough personal experiences and encounters with individuals who defied stereotypes, a man raised in segregated and prejudiced environments began to challenge his beliefs about race and racism.

      Growing up with a mother who instilled a deep fear of white people due to her experiences during the Jim Crow era, the speaker found himself in a predominantly white area and had to navigate the complexities of racism. Despite his initial beliefs that all white people were racist, he encountered individuals who challenged those assumptions. The experience of being raised in two vastly different worlds, one marked by segregation and fear, and the other by poverty and prejudice, shaped his understanding of race relations. The speaker and his twin brother joined the Marines separately and went to different bases, but their experiences continued to be influenced by politics and the ongoing impact of racism. The speaker's mother, though well-intentioned, held misinformed beliefs about politics and the racial dynamics she had experienced. It was through encounters with individuals who defied his stereotypes and his older brother's influence that the speaker began to question and challenge his own beliefs.

    • Personal experiences and open-mindedness broaden perspectivesThrough personal experiences and openness to diverse voices, individuals can challenge biased views and make informed decisions based on common sense, even if it means reevaluating long-held beliefs.

      Personal experiences and open-mindedness can lead to challenging preconceived notions and broadening one's perspective. The speakers in this conversation shared their journeys from holding biased views based on skin color and political party affiliations, to recognizing the value of listening to diverse voices and making informed decisions based on common sense. They discussed how they discovered conservative ideas through various media sources, such as radio and YouTube, and how these ideas challenged their previous beliefs. The conversation also touched upon the importance of understanding the true meaning of conservatism and the role of the constitution in shaping conservative ideology. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of being objective, informed, and open to new ideas, regardless of one's background or previous beliefs.

    • Political differences during the pandemicDespite being black men, the guests faced backlash for their political views, highlighting the importance of freedom of expression and focusing on common sense, rather than labels.

      During the pandemic, while both Republicans and Democrats had different approaches, the Republicans advocated for individual freedom and getting back to work, while Democrats were more inclined to restrictive measures. This discussion also touched upon how personal experiences and influences shaped the guests' political beliefs, leading them to create a YouTube channel as closeted conservatives. They faced backlash, including being called "uncle Toms," for their political views, despite being black men themselves. They emphasized the importance of freedom of expression and the First Amendment, and the need to move past labels and focus on common sense.

    • The cost of free speechExercising freedom of speech can result in backlash, but unexpected support can also emerge.

      The freedom of expression, as protected by the First Amendment, is a cherished right in America. However, exercising this right can come with consequences, as one content creator discovered when they lost a significant number of followers due to a politically charged post. This experience galvanized them to produce more political content, leading to unexpected support from conservatives. The incident also highlighted the perceived pressure on black individuals to vote Democrat based on their race, rather than their beliefs or values. Despite this, the content creator emphasized that their political affiliation was not influenced by race but by a commitment to freedom and individual choice. The experience served as a reminder of the potential backlash that comes with expressing unpopular opinions, but also the potential for newfound support from unexpected quarters.

    • Why billionaires lean towards Democrats despite logicDemocrats tap into emotions, sell victimhood, and use emotionally charged language effectively to gain votes, while Republicans focus on facts and logic

      The perception of why some billionaires lean towards the Democratic Party, despite their logical and rational thinking being crucial to their success, is due to the Democrats' ability to tap into emotions and sell victimhood. The use of emotionally charged language and labels, such as "racist," can be effective in gaining votes, as many people, especially those who have experienced trauma or feel marginalized, may react strongly to such labels without questioning their validity. Republicans, on the other hand, focus on facts and logic, which may not resonate as strongly with some voters who prioritize emotional appeals over objective truth. Ultimately, understanding the power of emotions in politics can help us navigate complex issues and engage in more effective and respectful debates.

    • Understanding Transgender Issues and Political DynamicsCombine emotions and logic to address social issues, avoid labeling individuals without proper understanding, and focus on understanding the root causes to effectively address transgender deaths and social issues.

      The ongoing discussion revolves around the complexities of various social issues, specifically the transgender community and political dynamics. The speaker raises concerns about the causes of transgender deaths and the labeling of individuals as transphobic without proper understanding. He shares his personal experience of having a transgender babysitter and expresses his belief that emotions and logic should be combined in addressing social issues. The speaker also touches upon the political landscape, suggesting that the left and right play different emotional and logical games. He sees similarities between Trump and DeSantis, with DeSantis learning from Trump's approach to politics. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the root causes of social issues, rather than making baseless accusations.

    • Black Lives Matter: Beyond Police BrutalityThe Black Lives Matter movement is seen by some as more focused on maintaining a narrative and division, rather than bringing people together or addressing police brutality. True change, according to the speaker, starts with grassroots efforts and shifts in societal perspectives.

      The Black Lives Matter movement, as some see it, is not primarily about police brutality or bringing people together, but rather about keeping a certain narrative and division alive. The speaker believes that the organization is more focused on money and maintaining a specific perspective among black people. They argue that true change would start with grassroots efforts from leaders like themselves, regardless of race. The speaker also shares their personal experience of voting for Obama due to his race, rather than policies, and expresses their belief that societal changes and crises will lead to shifts in perspectives over time.

    • Power dynamics shifting in Hollywood and mediaTraditional gatekeepers losing control as alternatives emerge, Cardi B's criticism of administration, conservative voices influencing Hollywood, rise of smaller platforms like Rumble and Barstool, potential shift towards supporting DeSantis in 2024, importance of patience and trusting in opportunities after difficult experiences

      The power dynamics in Hollywood and media are shifting as more alternatives to traditional platforms emerge. This was highlighted during a discussion about Cardi B's stance on inflation and her criticism of the current administration. The speaker also mentioned the influence of conservative voices in Hollywood and the rise of smaller platforms like Rumble and Barstool. They believe that these changes are leading to a decrease in control by traditional gatekeepers and an increase in freedom for creators and consumers. Additionally, there was a suggestion that the brothers on the podcast might be leaning towards supporting DeSantis in the 2024 presidential race. However, it's important to note that this is speculation and Trump's potential involvement in the race is still uncertain. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of patience and trusting that difficult experiences can lead to greater opportunities in the future.

    • Understanding Voters' Decisions: Values, Policies, and Situational FactorsPeople's voting decisions are influenced by a combination of personal values, policy alignments, and situational factors. Some voters prioritize character, while others focus on policy or national interests.

      People's voting decisions are often driven by a complex interplay of personal preferences, policy alignments, and situational factors. Some voters prioritize having a leader who aligns with their values and policies, while others may be willing to overlook character flaws if they believe the leader will serve their interests or protect their country. The discussion also touched upon the role of media and comedians in shaping public opinion and the impact of geopolitical tensions on international relations. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of diplomacy and dialogue in resolving conflicts and preventing potential escalations.

    • Proxy wars and geopolitical complexitiesMajor powers engage in proxy wars without clear winners, leading to economic dependencies and geopolitical maneuvering. These conflicts have far-reaching implications and require careful consideration and diplomacy to prevent further escalation and human rights abuses.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as other geopolitical skirmishes, have become proxy wars where major world powers are involved without any clear winner. These conflicts often lead to economic dependencies and geopolitical maneuvering, as seen in the cases of Ukraine and Taiwan. During the discussion, it was noted that Biden's stance on defending Taiwan against China and his reluctance to reveal potential actions against Russia illustrate the complexities of these situations. Additionally, recent events, such as the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, demonstrate the volatile nature of these alliances and the potential for human rights abuses. Overall, it's clear that these conflicts have far-reaching implications and require careful consideration and diplomacy to prevent further escalation.

    • Nancy Pelosi's Courageous Visits Amidst ThreatsPolitics aside, actions matter. Pelosi's visits to Taiwan and Armenia demonstrate courage and commitment, while the US border situation raises concerns about the government's ability to act and communicate effectively.

      Politics aside, actions speak louder than words. Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and Armenia, despite threats, showcases her courage and commitment. Meanwhile, the border situation in the US raises questions about the government's ability to address pressing issues and ensure security. The conflicting messages from the administration regarding the border's safety are concerning and highlight the need for clear communication and action. Furthermore, individuals and governments should be held accountable for their actions, whether it's welcoming immigrants or visiting contested regions. Ultimately, it's essential to look beyond the rhetoric and focus on tangible outcomes.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Political Actions on Immigration Spark ControversyDeSantis' immigration actions sparked controversy, with some praising his challenge to Democratic leaders and others criticizing the use of immigrants as political pawns. Despite potential backlash, he's expected to win re-election and could impact America's perception of the Democratic Party's immigration handling.

      The political actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, such as transporting migrants to Martha's Vineyard, have sparked controversy and debate. Some view it as a bold move to draw attention to the border crisis and challenge the hypocrisy of Democratic leaders, while others criticize it as using immigrants as political pawns. Despite this, DeSantis is expected to win re-election in Florida, but there is a risk of backlash from Hispanic voters. The longer-term impact on America could be significant, as the public's perception of the Democratic Party's handling of immigration continues to shift. The speaker also emphasized that Florida does not have as much illegal immigration as states like Texas and California, and that many immigrants are willing to go to great lengths to come to the US.

    • Immigrants and Political HypocrisyPolitical leaders should welcome immigrants but emphasize the importance of entering a country legally. Both parties have used immigrants as political pawns, and it's crucial to address the issue in a humane and effective way, avoiding actions that could be perceived as villainizing immigrants or human trafficking.

      The conversation revolved around the controversial issue of immigrants entering a country illegally and the perceived hypocrisy of political leaders. The speaker expressed his belief that immigrants should be appreciated and welcomed, but emphasized that entering a country through the proper channels is important. He shared personal experiences and brought up the example of Hillary Clinton's comments on the situation at Martha's Vineyard. The conversation also touched upon the idea that both political parties have used immigrants as political pawns and the importance of addressing the issue in a humane and effective way. The speaker emphasized the importance of messaging and avoiding actions that could be perceived as villainizing immigrants or human trafficking.

    • Shifting Political Landscape and the Rise of Bold LeadersThe political landscape is favoring bold leaders who take risks, like Ron DeSantis, addressing issues such as immigration and border control, despite potential backlash and tension with opponents like Gavin Newsom.

      The political landscape is shifting towards leaders who are bold and willing to take risks, as evidenced by the growing popularity of governors like Ron DeSantis. The discussion highlighted the importance of leadership and the risks involved in being a strong figure, with DeSantis' actions being seen as a positive step in addressing issues like immigration and border control. However, California Governor Gavin Newsom's challenge for a debate with DeSantis indicates a growing tension between the two, with Newsom accusing DeSantis of playing politics with people's lives. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the significance of having strong, decisive leaders in today's complex political climate.

    • Generational shift in political leadership with DeSantis and NewsomA potential podcast debate between DeSantis and Newsom could offer a more substantive and authentic conversation, attracting a larger audience and providing more value than traditional debates.

      The political landscape is seeing a shift in generational leadership, with governors like DeSantis and Newsom, who represent different generations and ideologies, making waves in their respective states. The conversation around a potential debate between these two figures has gained significant attention, with many expressing interest in a more in-depth, uninterrupted discussion between the two. The suggestion of a podcast format for such a debate has been proposed, as it would allow for a longer, more substantive conversation between the two parties. This format could potentially attract a larger audience and provide more value to viewers, as opposed to traditional television debates which are often criticized for their limited time and superficial nature. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of authentic, open dialogue in political discourse and the potential for new platforms to facilitate more meaningful conversations between candidates.

    • The authenticity and transparency of podcasts resonate with audiencesPodcasts' unfiltered format appeals to listeners due to a lack of manipulation, making public figures uncomfortable and driving the popularity of genuine figures like DeSantis and Trump.

      The unfiltered and open dialogue format of podcasts resonates strongly with audiences due to the lack of filtering or manipulation often found in traditional media. The fear of being fact-checked in real-time by listeners during live broadcasts makes some public figures uncomfortable with this format. The yearning for authenticity and transparency is a significant reason for the surge in popularity of podcasts. California's voters' continued support for Governor Gavin Newsom can be attributed to the state's embrace of Hollywood-style fakeness and scripted politics. The contrasting genuine demeanor of figures like DeSantis and Trump sets them apart from politicians like Newsom, who come off as inauthentic and plastic. The recent Kim Kardashian endorsement of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton's docuseries highlights the blurred lines between reality and politics in today's media landscape.

    • Discussion about Hillary Clinton and Kim Kardashian's viral videoDespite Clinton's recognition as Forbes' International Woman of the Year, her followers showed negative reactions. Some speculate Clinton might campaign for presidency in 2024, using daughter Chelsea to connect. Divisiveness of fan bases and potential political ambitions were highlighted.

      During a discussion about a viral video involving Hillary Clinton and Kim Kardashian, it was noted that despite Clinton being named Forbes' International 2021 Woman of the Year, her followers showed negative reactions. Some speculated that Clinton might be campaigning for the presidency in 2024, using her daughter Chelsea to connect with younger audiences. The conversation also touched on the divide between Clinton's supporters and Kardashian's, with some suggesting that Kardashian was trying to get under Kanye West's skin by appearing on a podcast with Hillary and Chelsea. Additionally, it was mentioned that Kim had beaten Hillary in a legal quiz, which Hillary found humbling and impressive. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intense loyalty and divisiveness of fan bases, as well as the potential political ambitions of prominent figures.

    • Famous Actress Considering Move to Florida, Expresses Admiration for GovernorA famous actress, despite concerns about wildlife and politics, is considering a move to Florida due to its appeal and Governor Ron DeSantis' bold actions.

      Despite her reservations about Florida's politics and wildlife, a famous actress is considering moving there due to its appeal compared to California and Texas. The actress, who has been communicating with a podcast host, has expressed admiration for Governor Ron DeSantis' bold actions and risk-taking, despite potential controversy. She has also shared her concerns about lizards and other creatures in Florida, but is open to the idea of visiting or even moving there. The host, who has lived in both California and Texas, has shared his own experiences and preferences, making it clear that the decision is not a simple one-to-one comparison between the three states. Ultimately, the actress's potential move to Florida highlights the complex factors that influence people's decisions about where to live, including politics, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

    • Florida's Unique Offerings Attracting Mass MigrationFlorida's business opportunities, beautiful waterfronts, and attractive political leadership are drawing many to move there, especially from California and Texas, while the vast wealth accumulated by some individuals raises questions about its origins and societal implications.

      Florida, with its combination of California's culture and Texas' size and business opportunities, is an attractive destination for many. The speaker's prediction of an influx of people moving to Florida, especially those from Texas and California, is based on its unique offerings, including a thriving business scene, beautiful waterfronts, and attractive political leadership. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the vast wealth accumulated by some individuals, raising questions about the origins and implications of such wealth. The speaker's comments about the potential value of a stamp collection and real estate portfolio, as well as the mention of a $136 million stamp collection and a $10 billion real estate portfolio, illustrate the immense wealth some individuals possess. However, the speaker also acknowledged the controversy surrounding such wealth and the valid concerns about its origins and impact on society.

    • The Morally Questionable Past of the British Monarchy and the Controversial Figures of Prince Andrew and Kanye WestThe British monarchy's wealth and power were built on colonization and exploitation, raising questions about morality. Prince Andrew's association with Jeff Epstein highlights this issue. Kanye West's controversial statements are seen as misunderstood deep thoughts, while media shakeups show the need for clear communication and understanding.

      The British monarchy's wealth and power were built on colonization and exploitation of other countries. Prince Andrew's association with Jeff Epstein and the controversy surrounding him highlights the questionable morals of those in power. Kanye West, despite his controversial statements, is seen as a misunderstood deep thinker and musical genius. The recent shakeup in media, with figures like Don Lemon being moved from prime time, is viewed as a necessary change due to the loss of credibility for those who have spread false narratives against political figures for years. The conversation also touched on Kanye's personal struggles and the challenges of being in the public eye, especially for the Kardashian family. Overall, the discussion shed light on the complexities of power, wealth, and celebrity, and the need for clear communication and understanding.

    • Media Consumption and Personal RelationshipsNetworks that rely on divisive content may struggle to maintain audience, emotional impact of personal attacks, changing political landscape, importance of authenticity, and unique bond between twins and siblings.

      The way people consume news and media is changing, and networks like CNN that rely on controversial figures and divisive content may struggle to maintain their audience if they push the envelope too far. The discussion also touched on the emotional impact of personal attacks, particularly when they involve family members, and the strong bond of brotherhood and loyalty that can come from shared experiences and upbringing. Furthermore, the conversation highlighted the changing political landscape and how individuals like Joe Scarborough, who were once identified with a particular party, can evolve their views and allegiances in response to events and personal experiences. The speakers also emphasized the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's values, even in the face of opposition or criticism. Additionally, the conversation touched on the unique dynamic between twins and siblings, with the speakers reflecting on their own experiences and the bond that comes from growing up together and sharing similar experiences. Overall, the discussion offered insights into the complexities of media consumption, personal relationships, and the evolving political landscape.

    • The Conservative Twins discuss their new project and upcoming eventsThe Conservative Twins shared their experiences, entertained listeners, and announced their new project, Patriot Twins, and upcoming events where they could be seen live.

      The guests on the podcast, in this case the Conservative Twins, shared their experiences and entertained the audience with their unique perspectives. They mentioned their new project, Patriot Twins, which focuses on current events and is less political than their main channel. They encouraged listeners to check out their channels and mentioned upcoming events where they could be seen live. The podcast's audience was clearly engaged and enjoyed the conversation. The hosts also announced an upcoming podcast episode featuring Kevin Sorbo. Overall, the conversation showcased the guests' entertaining and informative content, and provided opportunities for listeners to engage with them further.

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    • Purchase the limited edition Stars & Stripes 4th of July VT Collection: https://bit.ly/3z6VaLM

    THE VAULT 2024:


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    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Purchase the limited edition Stars & Stripes 4th of July VT Collection: https://bit.ly/3z6VaLM

    THE VAULT 2024:


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    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 24, 2024

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    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth, Vincent Oshana, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump being found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the New York Hush Money trail. THE VAULT CONFERENCE FEAT. PATRICK BET-DAVID & DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON:


    • Want your shot to win dinner with Patrick Bet-David? Win "The Minnect League Championship": https://bit.ly/4aMAar8



    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    Patrick Bet-David sits down with Billy Carson, founder of 4BiddenKnowledge!

    Billy Carson is an American entrepreneur, best known as the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, where he investigates ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and conspiracy theories, making him a prominent figure in the exploration of the unknown.


    • Buy Billy Carson's Latest Book: "Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets" - https://bit.ly/3Vv3xrV

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump's 'No Tax On Tips' campaign promise, the city of Los Angeles removing traffic signs that 'target' the gay community, Marc Cuban and Bill Ackman fighting on social media, and Sandy Hook families suing Alex Jones' for his social media accounts!

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick cover Kevin Spacey's revealing interview with Piers Morgan, Elon Musk taking on Apple's new AI, Hunter Biden being a convicted felon, and Joe Biden's weird interview that's causing the internet to speculate he's wearing a mask!


    • VT Father's Day Collection: Purchase a Valuetainment wallet and get a FREE Future Looks Bright hat: https://bit.ly/3RpZQCI

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 13, 2024

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, a public interest group dedicated to investigating and prosecuting government corruption. Fitton's commitment to transparency and accountability in government has made him a respected figure in the conservative movement. Fitton and Judicial Watch have been involved in high-profile cases including a FOIA request for Clinton tapes, advising Trump on retaining presidential records, seeking the release of the Tennessee Covenant school killer manifesto, and a lawsuit over an FBI memo on the protection of legacy tokens. —— Purchase tickets to The Vault Conference 2024 featuring Patrick Bet-David & Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: https://bit.ly/3X1JBzm Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2 Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4 Connect with Ricardo Aguilar on Minnect: https://bit.ly/4c7rxrY Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R Purchase Patrick's new book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD Register to win a Valuetainment Boss Set (valued at over $350): https://bit.ly/41PrSLW Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Get PBD's Intro Song "Sweet Victory" by R-Mean: https://bit.ly/3T6HPdY SUBSCRIBE TO: @VALUETAINMENT @vtsoscast @ValuetainmentComedy @bizdocpodcast @theunusualsuspectspodcast Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    In this week's episode of the Techqueria podcast, our host Jose Fermoso speaks to Matthew Zayas, a young father who has spent a lot of his adult life reconciling with the racism he experienced as an Afro Latino child in New York's Staten Island. From fights in the back of the school bus in his teens to his work in psychology with new businesses, Matthew opens up about his fears for the first time and looks forward to the future.

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