
    The Importance of Cardio Exercise for Brain Health

    enMay 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Brain health: It's not just about family historyAerobic exercise can increase brain size, counteracting negative effects of poor lifestyle habits.

      Brain health is a significant concern for everyone, not just those with a family history of cognitive decline. Poor lifestyle habits, including those related to type two diabetes, can contribute to brain health issues. On a positive note, recent studies suggest that aerobic exercise can increase the size of certain areas of the brain. We encourage listeners to tune in to the podcast for more information on this topic and to help spread the word by leaving ratings and reviews on their preferred podcast platform. Additionally, following the ATF podcast on Instagram is a great way to stay informed about new episodes and related content.

    • Incorporating yoga into fitness routines for faster recoveryUsing yoga for faster recovery and improved performance. Sumo squats, a beneficial lower body exercise for women, require good hip mobility and proper stretching.

      Incorporating yoga into training routines can aid in recovery and improve performance. The speaker shared her personal experience of using yoga to recover from a physically demanding weekend, and how it helped her feel better faster than the last time she didn't do yoga. She also highlighted the benefits of sumo squats, a lower body exercise that can be done with heavy weights and is particularly beneficial for women due to their wider hips. The speaker emphasized the importance of good hip mobility and proper stretching before doing sumo squats to maximize the exercise's benefits for the glutes, quads, and muscles inside and outside the thighs. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of a well-rounded fitness routine that includes both strength training and flexibility work.

    • The Importance of Exercise for Brain HealthExercise is crucial for both physical and brain health. Customized workout plans and efficient home gym setups can help prioritize fitness, preventing cognitive decline linked to poor lifestyle habits.

      Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health but also plays a crucial role in brain health. The speaker mentioned their personal experience with a challenging workout at a boot camp and then transitioned into discussing the importance of customized workout plans for those who need one. They also announced their plans to start updating their home gym equipment and building it efficiently for those who may not have the space for a full gym. The main topic of the podcast then shifted to brain health, emphasizing the importance of maintaining brain health and preventing cognitive decline, which can be linked to poor lifestyle habits such as high blood sugar levels. The speaker also mentioned their personal connection to this issue due to family history. Overall, the key takeaway is that exercise is essential for both physical and brain health, and customized workout plans and efficient home gym setups can help individuals prioritize their fitness journey.

    • Aerobic exercise contributes to brain growth and cognitive functionRegular aerobic exercise, like stationary bike workouts, can enhance brain health and cognitive function in older adults, contributing to overall well-being

      Regular aerobic exercise, such as stationary bike workouts, can contribute to the growth of gray matter in the brain, which is linked to cognitive function. This discovery, based on a study of over 2,000 adults in Germany, offers indirect evidence that aerobic exercise can positively impact cognitive function, even in later life. This finding is particularly relevant for older adults, who may face conditions like osteoporosis and cognitive decline as they age. By incorporating regular aerobic exercise into our routines, we can potentially improve both our physical condition and brain health, making it an essential investment in our overall well-being.

    • Investing in future health through regular exercise150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly can prevent chronic diseases, starting early and incorporating various forms of exercise is essential for aging gracefully

      Regular exercise is an investment in your future health. Every workout session is like adding money to a savings account for your body. The CDC recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to prevent chronic health conditions. Exercise is not a one-time event but a continuous process. Starting early and incorporating various forms of exercise, such as cardio and weightlifting, can help minimize the risk of chronic diseases like cognitive decline and Alzheimer's. It's essential to view aging as an opportunity to stay active and engage in fitness, rather than a confinement. Each exercise supports your body in different ways, and starting early can help ensure you can continue doing it safely as you age.

    • Maintaining good health and cognitive function through physical fitnessRegular exercise, including both aerobic and strength training, is essential for enhancing brain growth and maintaining overall health as we age, making it a crucial component of an active lifestyle.

      Physical fitness, including both aerobic training and strength training, is essential for maintaining good health and cognitive function as we age. The Grandma character from a movie serves as an inspiring reminder that it's never too late to start working out and establishing healthy habits. Aerobic training, which increases heart rate and improves cardiovascular health, is important for brain growth. Strength training, on the other hand, offers cognitive benefits. Starting early and adapting workouts to our changing bodies can help us avoid injuries and continue these activities into our later years. In summary, regular exercise not only builds muscles and helps us lose weight, but it also enhances brain growth, making it a crucial component of a healthy and active lifestyle.

    • Speakers share their personal excitments this week: brain health and new beginningsMichael is excited about improving brain health through a new app and Shannon looks forward to her daughter's new school and the renewal of new beginnings.

      The speakers in this podcast discussion are sharing what excites them personally this week, with topics ranging from brain health and new beginnings. The speaker, Michael, shares his recent interest in brain health and his decision to invest in a brain training app. He also mentions his excitement about discussing the topic further in the podcast. The other speaker, Shannon, talks about the bittersweet feeling of her daughter starting a new school and the sense of renewal that comes with new beginnings. Despite the slight sadness of endings, both speakers express enthusiasm for the fresh starts and personal growth that these changes bring.

    • Embrace new beginnings for fresh energyNew beginnings bring energy, positivity, and opportunities. Embrace change, try new things, and explore old episodes for inspiration.

      Embracing new beginnings, no matter how small, can infuse your life with fresh energy and positivity. This can be applied to various aspects of your life, such as trying a new workout routine or studio, or adjusting to seasonal changes. The energy you get at the start of something new is akin to the excitement of the beginning of a relationship. Change is not always easy, but it can bring about magical experiences and opportunities. So don't be afraid to mix things up and embrace those new beginnings. Whether it's a personal decision or a larger family occurrence, the energy and excitement that comes with a new beginning is worth embracing. Additionally, the speakers encourage listeners to explore older episodes of the Addict to Fitness Podcast to gain insight into the wealth of information they have shared over the past 300 episodes. They also invite listeners to leave reviews, follow them on social media, and visit their website for more information.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.


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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    This episode is also sponsored by the Heal Supplement from The Amino Company. The Heal supplement is 3x more efficient at triggering muscle growth and repair than any other protein source, helps maintain healthy inflammation levels, helps preserve muscle mass during periods of complete inactivity, and improves physical strength and function. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App

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    This episode of Addicted to Fitness is sponsored by the Perform Supplement from The Amino Company. The Perform supplement increases peak strength and endurance levels during exercise, 3x more effective on a gram-for-gram basis than any protein source, improves cognitive function, focus, and concentration, and decreases recovery time by quickly rebuilding muscle tissue. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts.

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    This episode of Addcited to Fitness is sponsored by LetsGetChecked. LetsGetChecked makes professional health testing easy, by letting you get tested without having to visit a healthcare provider. You can order a testing kit that will be delivered to you in discreet packaging. Once your sample arrives in the laboratory, confidential results will be available from your secure online account within 2 to 5 days. These results are reviewed by a clinician, and a member of the LetsGetChecked nursing team may call you to review your results. LetsGetChecked laboratories are CLIA approved and CAP-accredited, which are the highest-ranking levels of accreditation. If you want to avoid an uncomfortable office visit and get tested at home, visit http://trylgc.com/AddictedtoFitness and get 25% off your at home test kit by using the code ADDICTEDTOFITNESS

    This episode is also sponsored by the Heal Supplement from The Amino Company. The Heal supplement is 3x more efficient at triggering muscle growth and repair than any other protein source, helps maintain healthy inflammation levels, helps preserve muscle mass during periods of complete inactivity, and improves physical strength and function. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App.