
    The Internet Is Cursed With Tom Scott - Safety Third 89

    enDecember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unconventional Podcast Recording with Tom ScottDespite unconventional recording methods, keeping conversations engaging is crucial for successful podcasts.

      The hosts of this podcast have an unconventional approach to recording their episodes, often forgetting to introduce their guests and wearing similar outfits unintentionally. Tom Scott, today's guest, is no exception, as he has a reputation for explosive projects and forgetfulness, much like one of the hosts. They discuss the challenges of balancing multiple guests and the importance of keeping conversations engaging, even if it means keeping them on their toes. Despite the chaotic start, the conversation covers Tom's experiences, including his work on Hollywood explosions and his new role as a father. The hosts acknowledge their lack of research beforehand, making for an unpredictable and entertaining podcast.

    • Embracing mistakes and learning from themMaking mistakes is a natural part of creating content, but it's essential to learn from them and improve, rather than seeing them as setbacks. Fact-checking and research are crucial, but even with due diligence, mistakes can still occur. Embrace the learning process and find joy in the journey of creating content, even when faced with challenges.

      Creating a podcast or any content involves a lot of trial and error, and it's essential to be open to making mistakes and learning from them. The speakers in this conversation shared their experience of using uncomfortable chairs during their podcast recordings, representing the discomfort and challenges they faced in their creative process. They acknowledged that they made mistakes, such as asking lateral thinking questions without proper research, leading to potential inaccuracies. However, they saw these mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve, rather than setbacks. They also highlighted the importance of fact-checking and doing research, but acknowledged that even with due diligence, mistakes can still happen. They also discussed their preference for practical, visual content and underrated YouTube channels, such as Alpha Phoenix and Ben Krasnow, who provide valuable insights through their unique styles. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing the learning process and finding joy in the journey of creating content, even when faced with challenges and mistakes.

    • Ejection Seats: Dangerous Reality vs. Perceived DangerCreators like Tyler Bell make unique content, but social media algorithms prioritize eye-catching titles and thumbnails. Ejection seats, while seemingly dangerous, have precise measurements and safety protocols, and pilots are trained to use them if necessary.

      The current social media algorithms may not promote content that isn't packaged with eye-catching titles and thumbnails, even if it's interesting. Tyler Bell, a maker channel creator, is an example of someone making unique content, such as VFX springboards and ejector seats for cars. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn towards ejection seats and their dangerous realities, as compared to the perceived danger of Tyler Bell's creations. It was revealed that ejection seats require precise measurements and a minimum weight for safety, and the experience includes a briefing about the potential consequences. Despite the risks, pilots are trained to eject if necessary, and the seat deploys a parachute to ensure a safe landing.

    • Exploring creative ideas and turning them into business expensesDiscover the joy of pursuing unique projects and collaborating on innovative concepts, justifying them as business expenses.

      This conversation showcases the creativity and resourcefulness of the speakers as they explore various ideas, from 3D printing a skull to testing the sharpness of a Tesla Cybertruck. They discuss the possibilities of using technology, materials, and even their own bodies to create and experiment, highlighting their enthusiasm and curiosity. Despite the unusual nature of their discussions, they find justification in their ability to turn these ideas into business expenses. This exchange underscores the importance of having the freedom to pursue unique projects and the joy of collaborating on innovative concepts.

    • Exploring Unusual Ideas: Designing a Baby-Killing Drone and Evil Ideas for SupervillainsThinking outside the box and considering unconventional perspectives can lead to innovative ideas, even if they may initially seem strange or disturbing.

      Creativity often involves exploring unusual and even disturbing ideas, as demonstrated in a hypothetical challenge to design a drone that kills babies. While this concept is not practical or ethical, it highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and considering unconventional perspectives. Another topic discussed was a hypothetical scenario where a supervillain asks for an evil idea to give to their henchmen. This led to a conversation about the function of pants and the potential vulnerabilities of the Star Trek Enterprise. The conversation also touched upon the underrated YouTube channel Bobby Fingers, which creates visually stunning art but may not be widely known due to its unclear titles and thumbnails. Overall, the discussion showcases the value of imaginative thinking and the importance of exploring unique concepts, even if they may initially seem strange or disturbing.

    • The Limitation of YouTube's Title and Thumbnail for Conveying Video ContentCreating engaging titles and thumbnails is crucial for attracting viewers, but it's challenging to convey the depth of video content due to YouTube's limitations. Building a brand and gaining views can help, but the algorithm still plays a significant role.

      The nature of modern media platforms like YouTube requires creators to capture attention with limited title and thumbnail space, often making it challenging to convey the true depth and content of their videos. The speaker shared an example of a video that starts slow but becomes intense, but due to the limitations of YouTube's title and thumbnail, it may not attract viewers based on surface value alone. This issue has been present since the shift from longer media guides to shorter titles and thumbnails, as seen in TV and books. The only way to bypass this issue is to build up a brand and gain views, but even then, the algorithm still plays a significant role in determining recommendations. The speaker expressed it as an unsolvable problem in the current digital media landscape.

    • TikTok users monetize others' content through music copyrightsSome creators exploit the platform by reuploading content and adding low-volume music for revenue, while the original creators may face copyright infringement consequences.

      Some TikTok users reupload content from others and monetize it through music copyrights. They register music, often of low quality, and add it to the reuploaded videos at low volumes. Even if their channels get taken down for copyright infringement, the music companies still receive revenue. This could potentially be a strategy to pump music to the top and increase its usage on the platform. The surface of social media platforms may appear to be about creativity and entertainment, but beneath the surface lies complex business strategies that may not align with these values. The search for accurate and helpful information can be challenging, as spammers and misinformation can be found even on reputable sources like search engines and news articles. It's important to be cautious and consider the reliability and credibility of the information being consumed.

    • Early digital communication platforms and their unique featuresUsers of late 90s and early 2000s communication technologies like AIM, MSN Messenger, ICQ, and IRC enjoyed distinct features such as customizable statuses and screen names, which shaped online interactions and fostered a sense of community.

      Communication technologies from the late 90s and early 2000s, such as AIM, MSN Messenger, ICQ, and IRC, had distinct features that shaped the way users interacted online. These platforms offered various statuses like "online," "do not disturb," and "free to chat," which allowed users to express their availability and intentions more explicitly. Users could also customize their screen names and use song lyrics or other messages as way messages. The nostalgic speaker in this conversation reminisced about the simplicity and novelty of these features, contrasting them with modern communication platforms like Discord where users often hang out in voice channels and text messaging is more common. The speaker also shared memories of their old usernames and experiences of logging into other people's accounts accidentally and making new friends. Overall, the conversation highlights the evolution of online communication and the unique experiences and social dynamics that emerged from these early digital platforms.

    • Exploring the risks of unfiltered Internet content for childrenThe Internet lacks regulations to protect children from inappropriate content and imitable behavior, emphasizing the need for stricter age restrictions and content regulations.

      The Internet, despite its convenience, can be an exploitative and unfiltered environment, especially for children. The speaker shared their experience of deleting old content from their past due to concerns about how it might be perceived now. They expressed their unease about the lack of control and curation on the Internet compared to traditional media like TV, where there are regulations to protect children from imitable behavior and violent content. The speaker also warned about the potential harm of unsupervised access to the Internet, citing an example of a highly energetic and inappropriate video they came across that was clearly not suitable for children. They emphasized the need for stricter age restrictions and regulations on content to protect young minds from potential harm.

    • Manipulative Titles and Thumbnails on YouTubeCreators' use of manipulative titles, thumbnails, and editing techniques can lead viewers to form expectations that don't align with the actual content, potentially causing confusion or danger. Clear communication and accurate information are crucial, especially for educational content and potentially dangerous topics.

      Content creators, especially on platforms like YouTube, have a significant influence on how their audience perceives information. The use of manipulative titles, thumbnails, and editing techniques can lead viewers to form expectations that may not align with the actual content of the video. This can be both intentional for entertainment value or unintentional, leading to confusion or even danger. For instance, a video about lifting a person using helium could start with the answer to the question, "How much helium does it take to lift a person?" instead of the usual setup and build-up. This unconventional approach can grab viewers' attention but also risks misleading them. This highlights the importance of having clear communication and accurate information, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous topics. The discussion also touched upon the issue of parents' concerns about the safety of educational content on YouTube and the potential consequences of making dangerous activities look safe. Overall, it's crucial for content creators to be aware of the impact of their work and strive for transparency and safety.

    • Manipulating Internet Content for AttentionParents must monitor their children's internet usage and be aware of manipulative tactics used by content creators to ensure a safe and healthy online experience.

      Content creators on the internet are constantly seeking ways to engage and capture the attention of their audience, sometimes using manipulative tactics. This includes setting up multiple stages or chapter markers, creating misleading or fake content, and investing heavily in production. While some argue that kids may be able to discern reality from the internet, others worry about the potential negative effects of constant exposure, especially when the internet is easily accessible in a child's pocket. Ultimately, it's up to parents to decide when and how much internet access to give their children. The internet itself is not inherently harmful, but the way it's used and the content available on it can have an impact.

    • The high-maintenance nature of constant digital accessRecognize the potential consequences of constant digital access and establish healthy boundaries to avoid addiction and prioritize responsibilities.

      The constant access to digital platforms and technology can lead to a lack of moderation and job security, creating a high-maintenance environment akin to caring for a child or a pet. The ease of access and the need for constant stimulation can be addictive and horrifying due to the learning and observation that occurs, making it difficult to establish boundaries and prioritize responsibilities. While it's understandable why people give in to the temptation, it's essential to recognize the potential consequences and make a conscious effort to establish healthy boundaries and limit unfettered access.

    • Impact of video length on viewer engagementShort videos, 3-4 minutes, increase viewer engagement for chains, while longer videos, 4.5 hours or more, keep viewers committed and engaged.

      The length of videos plays a significant role in how many people watch them through in their entirety on platforms like YouTube. According to the conversation, if videos are shorter, like 3 or 4 minutes, viewers are more likely to follow a chain of related videos. However, longer videos, such as those that are 4.5 hours or more, tend to keep viewers engaged and committed to watching the entire content. This is likely because viewers feel they have the time to commit to longer videos and may use them as background noise or a replacement for traditional talk radio. The speaker also mentioned the example of a popular long-form video essay with over 10 million views, which suggests that viewers are willing to invest significant time into engaging content. Additionally, the speaker expressed concern about the impact of the Internet on how people consume content and the potential for negative reactions.

    • Managing Live Streams: Preventing Unwanted ContentCareful management of live streams involves delaying, muting, and having backup plans for technical difficulties to prevent unwanted content. Unintended streams can lead to embarrassing situations and unwanted attention, highlighting the importance of being cautious and prepared.

      Managing live streams, especially on platforms like Twitch, requires careful attention to prevent unwanted content from being broadcast. Delaying and muting streams, as well as having backup plans for technical difficulties, are common practices. However, these measures can be complex and resource-intensive, involving specialized hardware or powerful computers. Additionally, unintended live streams can lead to embarrassing situations, emphasizing the importance of being cautious and prepared. The unexpected moments, while potentially damaging, can also attract unwanted attention and advertising for the stream. Therefore, maintaining control over live streams is crucial for ensuring a positive and appropriate viewing experience.

    • Actions have consequences, even in seemingly insignificant momentsBe mindful of our actions, especially when live online, as anything we say or do can be recorded and shared widely, potentially causing unwanted attention and backlash.

      Even a seemingly insignificant action, like throwing a cap into a bin in front of a cat, can lead to unwanted attention and backlash in today's world of constant surveillance. This was described as a moment of madness, but it became the villainous act that angered the entire country. This incident serves as a reminder that we need to be conscious of our actions, especially when we're live online, as anything we say or do can be recorded and shared widely. Editing plays a crucial role in shaping the final output, as not everything we say or do may be suitable for public consumption. In the world of podcasts or streams, we often treat them as background noise, but they can still have a significant impact if the wrong words are said or the wrong actions are taken. It's essential to be mindful of our thoughts and actions, even in seemingly insignificant moments.

    • Costs of Creating a Jingle for a PodcastCreating a jingle for a podcast involves additional costs for session singers, learning harmonies, and licensing background music. Old school licensing can be expensive and inflexible.

      Creating a jingle for a podcast like "Three Guys in a Dumpster" involves more than just coming up with catchy lyrics. There are additional costs associated with hiring professional session singers, learning harmonies, and licensing the background music. Old school music licensing can be expensive and inflexible, requiring upfront payments and renewals after a certain period. These costs can add up quickly and may not be feasible for everyone. Even well-known songs can come with hefty licensing fees. It's important to be aware of these costs before embarking on creating a jingle for a podcast.

    • Remastering films and the role of music licensingFans are reassembling HD versions of films with original music due to licensing costs, while some suggest shortening the public domain term for artists and extending it for corporations.

      During the remastering process of a film or show, production companies may replace original music due to licensing costs. This was the case in the discussion, where the English version had accessible stems, but foreign language dubs required the removal of music and re-editing of montages. The fans, in response, have been reassembling the HD version with the original music. The public domain law, which determines the length of time before creative works can be freely used, was also discussed, with some suggesting a shorter term for the benefit of artists and a longer term for corporations. The conversation also touched upon the idea that the strictness of the license may loosen over time. Overall, it's a complex issue involving artistic integrity, fan communities, and the evolving nature of intellectual property rights.

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