
    The Libs Are Completely Melting Down Before The Elections (Ep 1889)

    enNovember 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of informed choices in lifeEncourage active voting, protect online privacy with tools like ExpressVPN, and bring others with you.

      During this episode, Dan Bonjino discussed the importance of making informed choices in various aspects of life, from politics to online privacy. He emphasized the significance of the upcoming elections and encouraged listeners to be active voters and bring others with them. He also highlighted the concerns around data privacy and the power of tech companies, urging listeners to use tools like ExpressVPN to protect their online activity. Additionally, Bonjino shared his personal experiences with people's commitment to voting and encouraged listeners to go beyond just voting for themselves and bring others with them. He also touched upon the radical shift in the Democratic Party and the threat to economic freedom.

    • Implications of the upcoming election for healthcare, economic liberty, and educationThe Democrats' intentions include healthcare rationing, economic tax hikes, and education policies promoting Critical Race Theory and sexual indoctrination. Voter choice determines the country's direction.

      The upcoming election has significant implications for various aspects of American life, including healthcare, economic liberty, and education. The Democrats have shown their intent to control healthcare through rationing mechanisms, as seen in the Inflation Reduction Act. This act, which targets specific drugs, is a test run for potential future rationing of all medications. Economically, the Democrats propose additional tax hikes and penalties that will ultimately affect individuals. In education, the Democrats advocate for Critical Race Theory in schools, sexual indoctrination, and the possibility of future lockdowns. It's crucial to remember that the power lies with the voters, and the outcome of the election will determine the direction of the country regarding these issues.

    • Support for Law Enforcement and Border SecuritySpeaker advocates for law enforcement and border security, criticizes defunding the police and open borders, urges voting, and expresses confidence in Trump administration's ability to address these issues.

      The speaker expresses strong support for law enforcement and border security, viewing both as essential for individual freedom and national stability. He criticizes efforts to defund the police and open borders, warning of potential chaos and stereotyping. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of voting in tomorrow's election, predicting close races and potential consequences for various policies. He expresses confidence in the ability of the Trump administration to address these issues effectively and encourages listeners to consider their own role in shaping the future.

    • President Biden's Cognitive Abilities and Left's Language ManipulationConcerns about Biden's cognitive abilities persist, while the left redefines terms and manipulates language to control narrative, including Biden's stance on oil and gas industry and gas prices.

      There are concerns about President Joe Biden's cognitive abilities, as evidenced by various videos showing him appearing lost or confused on stage. Additionally, there is a discussion about how the political left redefines terms like recession and wave elections to suit their narrative, and how this is a tactic used by fact-checkers to challenge opposing viewpoints. The speaker argues that Biden's actions, such as halting oil and gas development, show that he is not supportive of the energy industry despite his claims to the contrary. The rising gas prices are a result of Biden's policies, and he feels compelled to lie about his stance on oil and gas to deceive the public. The overall message is that the left uses language manipulation and subjective definitions to shape public opinion.

    • Biden's Oil and Gas Ban: Unclear and ContradictoryBiden's inconsistent statements on oil and gas production may lead to supply constraints, increasing gas prices, and job losses in energy-reliant states.

      During a recent speech, President Biden stated that there would be no more drilling for oil and gas. This statement was made despite the ongoing importance of oil and gas production in several key states during an election. Biden's stance on supply constraint in the oil and gas markets is expected to lead to increasing gas prices due to the basic economic principle of supply and demand. The White House later claimed that Biden did not mean exactly what he said, but the context is that Biden's own words were contradicted by his press team. This inconsistency raises concerns about the reliability of Biden's statements on energy policy. Additionally, Biden has also expressed plans to shut down coal plants, which could further impact energy prices and jobs in states that rely on these industries.

    • Energy transition saving money for companies despite coal claimsDespite claims to the contrary, the energy transition from coal to renewables is saving money for energy companies, with wind generation becoming a more cost-effective option. However, some politicians are downplaying rising crime rates in democratic states, which are impacting public safety.

      The ongoing energy transition from coal to renewables is saving money for energy companies, despite their claims to the contrary. The speaker argues that these companies cannot rely on coal due to its high costs and are instead turning to wind generation. He also criticizes Democratic politicians for their stance on energy production and their handling of crime in democratic states. Additionally, there have been claims that violent crime rates are not increasing, despite it being a significant midterm issue. However, data shows otherwise, with incidents of murder, mugging, robbery, carjacking, burglary, rape, assault, disorderly conduct, and iPhone theft on the rise. These issues are being downplayed by some politicians as conspiracy theories, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of accurate information and the potential consequences of ignoring pressing issues.

    • NYC crime statistics show significant increase in 2022NYC crime is on the rise with increases in murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, and grand larcenies. If current trends continue, crime could explode if Dems lose elections. Former CIA employee suggests using intel tactics on citizens.

      New York City's crime statistics for 2022 have shown an increase in various categories compared to the previous year, despite Kathy Hochul's assertion that crime is a conspiracy theory. The number of murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, and grand larcenies have all risen significantly. If the current trend continues, it could lead to an explosion in crime if the Democratic Party loses in the upcoming elections. Furthermore, a former CIA employee wrote an article in NBC News suggesting that intelligence gathering tactics used against terrorists could be applied against citizens. The discussion also included a promotion for Omaha Steaks and a recommendation for Henry Repeating Arms.

    • Family-owned firearm manufacturer Henry USA offers high-quality products and excellent customer serviceHenry USA is a family-owned business that produces top-notch firearms with a lifetime warranty and excellent customer service. However, there are concerns about potential government censorship of conservative viewpoints, with the Biden administration advocating for stricter measures under the guise of combating misinformation.

      There's a family-owned business called Henry USA that manufactures high-quality firearms with durable materials, beautiful designs, and a lifetime warranty. Their offerings range from affordable to splurge-worthy, and they provide excellent customer service. Meanwhile, there's a concern among some that the government may employ counter-radicalization strategies similar to those used against terrorists domestically, potentially infringing on free speech protections. This has led to increased censorship efforts, with platforms like YouTube and social media companies targeting conservative viewpoints. The Biden administration and its advisors have advocated for stricter censorship measures under the guise of combating misinformation. It's essential to stay informed and engaged in the political process to protect individual rights and freedoms.

    • Individuals and organizations pushing for censorship targeting conservativesTwo individuals, Angelo Corazon from Media Matters and an unidentified 'cat lady,' have made degrading comments and support controversial causes, calling for boycotts of companies. Censorship efforts are being ramped up before the election, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and holding these individuals accountable.

      There are individuals and organizations pushing for censorship and limiting free speech, specifically targeting conservatives. Angelo Corazon, who leads Media Matters, is one such individual. He has a history of making degrading comments towards certain groups, including Jews and Bangladeshis. Another individual, the "cat lady," has also made anti-Semitic attacks and supports child predators. These individuals call for boycotts of companies and it's important to ask these companies if they plan to work with known bigots. The censorship machine is being fired up before the election, and it's crucial to stay informed and hold these individuals and organizations accountable.

    • Helix Mattresses: Personalized Sleep SolutionHelix offers various mattress models, free shipping, a risk-free trial, financing options, and a quiz to determine the best mattress for your needs. Promotion: up to $350 off and 2 free pillows.

      Helix Mattresses offers a personalized sleep solution with various models to choose from, free shipping, a risk-free 100-night trial, and financing options. The mattresses are delivered right to your doorstep, eliminating the need to visit a store. Helix also provides a quick and easy quiz to determine the best mattress for your body type and sleep preferences. Additionally, there's currently a promotion offering up to $350 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for listeners. Regarding the news, there have been allegations of election interference and denial from various sources. The New York Times reported that Russia was reactivating its trolls and bots ahead of the elections, while CNN fact-checked Republicans for denying election results without mentioning the numerous Democrats who have done the same. Elon Musk, a new entrant into the social media business, has realized the extent of the left's efforts to establish a censorship regime, which far outweighs the resources of conservatives.

    • Censorship Debate: Conservatives Can Survive Without Social MediaThe left's push for censorship may lead to self-destruction as they rely on donations and target advertisers, potentially limiting their reach and effectiveness.

      The ongoing debate around censorship and political speech on social media platforms, particularly during election periods, has become a contentious issue. Activists are pushing for increased removal of misinformation, primarily targeting conservatives. However, the speaker argues that conservatives don't need these platforms and can survive without them. The left's cancel culture tactics may lead to self-destruction as they rely on donations and target advertisers, ultimately hurting their ability to reach and engage with audiences effectively. The marketing industry is also being impacted as hype dads, liberal marketing executives, are pressured to support leftist causes, leading to the pulling of ads from free speech sites and limiting their reach to diverse audiences.

    • The Power of Alternative Platforms and EconomiesIndividuals and communities are creating alternative platforms and economies in response to mainstream figures, and the power of personal choice and alternative options is crucial in navigating contradictory messages.

      There is a growing trend of individuals and communities creating alternative platforms and economies in response to the actions and beliefs of mainstream figures and institutions. This was highlighted in a discussion about a man named Cole, who called out a figure for his behavior and was criticized for it. Cole's apology didn't come without cost, as he had frozen himself on the cultural pendulum just as it was about to swing. The discussion also touched on the upcoming Senate race between John Fetterman and Dr. Oz, with Fetterman's conflicting stance on Roe v. Wade being a point of confusion. Michael Moore, a known liberal figure, inadvertently endorsed Dr. Oz during an interview, praising his stance on healthcare and capitalism. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of individual choice and the power of alternative options in the face of contradictory messages from mainstream figures.

    • Emphasizing Individual Freedom and Criticizing Government ControlThe speaker emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and the dangers of government control in healthcare and politics. He urges his audience to exercise their right to vote and make a difference by supporting candidates who prioritize individual liberty.

      The speaker is expressing his strong belief in the importance of individual freedom and the dangers of government control, particularly in healthcare and politics. He criticizes those who support government intervention and accuses them of being misinformed. Additionally, he highlights the increasing support for Republican candidates among black and Latino voters, which he views as a significant shift and a positive sign for the future of freedom and liberty in the country. The speaker is urging his audience to exercise their right to vote and make a difference in the political landscape. He emphasizes the importance of individual action and leadership in shaping the future of the country.

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