
    The mindset to handle your worst business fears happening and turning the bad into Gold

    en-gbFebruary 28, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this week's episode of Life by Design, I'm excited to share my interview with Natasha Leigh Bray. Natasha is the founder of the School of Healing Mastery, a multi award-winning Success Mastery Coach, and transformational pioneer in the business success industry. She helps high achievers and rising leaders heal childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their ultimate up-level and has been featured in local and national papers.


    In this episode we talked about 


    • How  tuning into her intuition has helped her grow a 7 figure business

    • how she dealt with online criticism and attack - her worst business fear actually happening

    • how she's got really good at turning the bad stuff into gold


    You can find Natasha here:





    You're gonna absolutely love this episode. I'm so excited to share it with you. So dive in and enjoy!





    Recent Episodes from The Life by Design Business Podcast

    The biggest misconception about follow ups and how to think about them instead to rapidly increase your sales

    The biggest misconception about follow ups and how to think about them instead to rapidly increase your sales

    Do you  feel hesitant to follow up with potential clients because you're afraid of coming across as pushy?

    In this week's episode of the Life by Design podcast, I shared my insights from 28 years experience making sales in my companies and the power of following up in the right and most helpful way.

    Key takeaways from this episode:

    - The Fortune is in the Follow-Up: Understand the importance of staying connected with potential clients and nurturing those relationships, leading to long-term success.

    - People-Centred Business: Learn how focusing on genuine connections, support, and helping others make informed decisions can elevate your business to new heights.

    - Authentic Approach to Sales: Discover the power of serving and building trust through meaningful interactions, making sales a natural outcome of genuine connections.

    I'm confident that implementing the strategies discussed in this episode will bring remarkable results to your business. 

    Let's strive for success by prioritising genuine connections and authentic interactions.✨

    Tune in and let's start making those meaningful connections that drive real results. 

    Remember, the fortune truly is in the follow-up!




    The Mindset to Create Immediate Ease

    The Mindset to Create Immediate Ease

    In this episode, we explore the power of mindset and trusting the process in your business journey. 

    I share a personal experience that reveals how everything works out for you, even when it doesn't seem like it. 

    🌟 Key takeaways from this episode:

    - Trust the journey: This mindset shift can transform the way you approach challenges in both life and business.

    - Stay committed to your strategy: Discover the power of sticking with a strategy for an extended period, giving it the opportunity to produce results. 

    - Utilise data for decision-making: By leveraging data insights, you can optimise your approach and maximise results.

    Listen now to gain the tools and mindset shifts needed to create a life and business you love!



    The #1 Timeless Strategy to x3 Your Sales

    The #1 Timeless Strategy to x3 Your Sales

    Want to propel your marketing message from medicare to magnetic, and your offers to irresistible so you can x 3 your sales, in this weeks episode i’m sharing with you  the foolproof shortcut to how. 

    I cover what to do so you can consistently understand your ideal clients' ever evolving needs and desires and how this action can skyrocket your business's growth, help you refine your existing offerings, and  create new ones that they’ll bite your hand off for.  

    This timeless strategy isn't just about increasing your sales; it's about building genuine connections and fostering a successful, sustainable business. 

    So, if you're ready to level up your entrepreneurial journey, tune in to this episode and start creating a business that truly resonates with your audience. 




    Are you leaving money on the table by not doing this one thing?

    Are you leaving money on the table by not doing this one thing?

    I see so many new business owners with a rigid mindset around their offers, that I just had to bring this conversation to the podcast so you don't fall into the trap of thinking this way too, because if you are thinking this way I guarantee it will lead you to leave ££££'s on the table. 

    As a seasoned entrepreneur with a track record of building 4 successful businesses of my own  over the last 28 years, and helping dozens of my clients sky rocket their success too, inside this episode I share examples of how being flexible can be a total game-changer for your business and a win-win scenario for both you and your clients.

    Curious to know more so you can sign more clients? Dive in and enjoy!





    How to scale your offers for sustainable success!

    How to scale your offers for sustainable success!

    Are you looking to scale so you can work less and have a bigger impact?

    In today's episode I share stories and tactics from my 28 years experience successfully scaling my own companies up to a team of 15 and multi 6 figures a year, making me collectively millions and helping my clients scale theirs with ease too, to create their dream business and life. 

    In this weeks episode I reveal common mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to scaling their offers (so you don't make them.)  and provide valuable insights on why having a proven product and strong foundations are crucial before scaling.  

    Tune in as I discuss 

    • the importance of building a strong brand culture

    • connecting with your audience 

    • establishing structured systems and processes to support your business as it grows

    Join me as I delve into the essential strategies for scaling your business for unshakeable and sustainable success.





    How to find inner peace and become your higher self, so you can achieve your wildest dreams!

    How to find inner peace and become your higher self, so you can achieve your wildest dreams!

    Want to unleash your unstoppable self?


    You’ll find the answer of how to make this happen in this week's episode of Life By Design. 


    This week I am thrilled to be joined by an incredible woman, the person who I first trained with to become an ICF accredited coach.


    Gillian is a Transformational and Wellness Coach and the owner of coaching school Full Circle Global. In this episode she shares her powerful insights on finding inner peace, becoming your higher self, and achieving your wildest dreams. 


    With over 20 years of coaching experience, Gillian's journey of self-discovery and overcoming adversity has inspired her to guide others towards personal growth and true contentment. 


    I often find that people want the strategy to grow their business or get a promotion, versus really understanding that the power lies within them. 


    Tune in as we discuss 


    • the importance of personal leadership, 

    • tuning into your true voice and purpose in order to achieve your wildest dreams! 

    • and navigating through life's challenges to reach your full potential. 


    Join us for an inspiring conversation filled with practical wisdom and actionable steps to help you on your own journey towards inner peace and self-fulfilment.




    Make Your Business Stand Out, Be Memorable and Get More Clients!

    Make Your Business Stand Out, Be Memorable and Get More Clients!

    In this first episode of Lide By Design Season 3, I dive into the dynamic world of making your business not just noticeable, but unforgettable.

    Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or somewhere in between, this episode is packed with insights and strategies to elevate your brand and attract more clients.

    This episode is a goldmine for anyone looking to elevate their business, increase their client base, and leave a lasting impression in their industry.




    Turning an unhappy client into a huge opportunity

    Turning an unhappy client into a huge opportunity

    In this week's episode I take my 27 years CEO experience managing thousands and thousands of clients and speak about how best to manage unhappy clients, and turn the feedback and complaints into a gift that will strengthen your business for years to come.


    This is a conversation that I think is so important to you as an entrepreneur in order to normalise that everyone has unhappy clients and difficult clients from time to time.


    BUT….. there is so much goodness that can come from it and that is what I want to share with you today. 


    So let's dive into this week's episode!





    Solving the Right Problems

    Solving the Right Problems

    Listen to learn how to know exactly if your business is working. It’s so easy to get stuck in an echo chamber as an entrepreneur and believe our own stories, which doesn’t help us solve the right problems to get better results! So I'm going to share with you how to actually know the truth and learn what problems actually need solving! 


    So let's dive into this week's episode!




    The mindset to handle your worst business fears happening and turning the bad into Gold

    The mindset to handle your worst business fears happening and turning the bad into Gold

    In this week's episode of Life by Design, I'm excited to share my interview with Natasha Leigh Bray. Natasha is the founder of the School of Healing Mastery, a multi award-winning Success Mastery Coach, and transformational pioneer in the business success industry. She helps high achievers and rising leaders heal childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their ultimate up-level and has been featured in local and national papers.


    In this episode we talked about 


    • How  tuning into her intuition has helped her grow a 7 figure business

    • how she dealt with online criticism and attack - her worst business fear actually happening

    • how she's got really good at turning the bad stuff into gold


    You can find Natasha here:





    You're gonna absolutely love this episode. I'm so excited to share it with you. So dive in and enjoy!

