
    The Missing Piece In Hunter's Indictment (Ep 2146)

    enDecember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Culture war continues: Conservatives gaining ground but still behindDespite recent wins, conservatives face ongoing challenges in the culture war. Protect data, stay informed, and engage politically.

      Despite some recent wins for conservatives in various cultural battles, there is still a long way to go. The left has been waging a culture war for decades, and while conservatives are starting to fight back, they are still behind. Issues like censorship on college campuses and tech companies' use of personal data are major concerns. It's important for individuals to protect their data and privacy using tools like ExpressVPN. The recent Hunter Biden indictment may reveal more about Obama's involvement than Biden's own actions. The tax contributions of tech companies are another issue, as they take a lot of data but pay little in taxes. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in the political process while also taking steps to protect personal information.

    • Universities' selective enforcement of free speechUniversities tolerate hate speech against Jews but crack down on conservative students. Inconsistent application of free speech rules raises concerns about bias and double standards, influenced by money.

      While universities claim to uphold free speech, they selectively enforce it based on the context and the individuals involved. During a discussion, it was pointed out that universities have no issue with calls for the elimination of Israel, but would quickly react against conservative students wearing MAGA hats or expressing controversial views. The inconsistency in applying free speech principles was highlighted through a hypothetical test involving a white supremacist's ability to express their views on campus. The test showed that while hate speech against Jews is tolerated, hate speech against other groups is not. The inconsistency in enforcing free speech rules raises concerns about bias and double standards. Money, as a significant influence, was also discussed as a factor in the inconsistent application of free speech policies.

    • Hunter Biden's business deals raise questions about potential FARA violationsThe indictment against Hunter Biden for tax offenses and money laundering leaves out potential FARA violations that could implicate Joe Biden and Obama, raising questions about Biden's role in Ukraine policy during the Obama administration.

      The indictment against Hunter Biden for tax offenses and money laundering is serious, but it leaves out potential Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) violations that could implicate Joe Biden and Barack Obama. The indictment spends time detailing Hunter Biden's business deals with Ukrainian and Chinese energy firms, raising questions about potential FARA violations. It will be challenging for the prosecution to ignore these potential violations, as they have now publicly filed a court document detailing Hunter Biden's financial transactions with foreign entities. The potential implications of these violations are significant, as they could suggest that Joe Biden, who was the point man on Ukraine policy during the Obama administration, may have been acting on behalf of a foreign government. This is a developing story and could have major political implications.

    • Hunter Biden's Expensive Personal ExpensesFrom 2016 to 2020, Hunter Biden spent over $3.5 million on personal expenses including drugs, escorts, luxury items, tuition, and adult entertainment, with $1.6 million taken out of an ATM and $188,000 spent on adult entertainment.

      Between 2016 and 2020, Hunter Biden spent a significant amount of money on personal expenses such as drugs, escorts, luxury items, tuition, and adult entertainment. The total amount spent was over $3.5 million. The most intriguing part of the discussion was the revelation of $1.6 million being taken out of an ATM and $188,000 spent on adult entertainment. The speaker expressed surprise and humor at the extravagant spending, but also highlighted the seriousness of the tax evasion allegations against Biden. The speaker criticized the lack of action against Biden due to political reasons, but promised to provide more evidence in the future. Overall, the discussion shed light on Hunter Biden's questionable financial habits and the ongoing controversy surrounding his tax issues.

    • Google's new AI product, Gemini, raises concerns about processing complex concepts and biased informationGoogle's new AI, Gemini, sparks debate due to its ability to process complex concepts and potentially biased information, emphasizing the importance of expanding knowledge and understanding through resources like Hillsdale College's free online courses, particularly the Constitution 101 course.

      There are serious concerns about artificial intelligence (AI), specifically Google's new product called Gemini. The AI was shown in a video having a tutoring session about a blue duck, pulling information from the internet. Although some argue the video may be edited, the idea of an AI processing complex concepts and potentially biased information is concerning. Meanwhile, the host recommends Hillsdale College's free online courses to expand knowledge and understanding of important subjects, including the U.S. Constitution. The host highly encourages signing up for the Constitution 101 course to promote American education and defend freedoms.

    • AI's ability to absorb information raises concerns about potential dangersAI's quick understanding of information, even if incorrect, highlights the need for caution and ethical development and use.

      The ability of AI to quickly absorb and understand information from the internet, even if it's incorrect or concerning, raises questions about the potential dangers of advanced AI technology. The example of mistakenly assuming a blue rubber duck was a real blue duck highlights the need for caution and understanding in the development and implementation of AI. Additionally, the increasing use of AI by various companies, including those with controversial agendas, adds to the concern that the consequences of AI advancements may not be fully understood or desirable. It's important to remain informed and engaged in the conversation around AI to ensure it is used responsibly and ethically.

    • Growing Frustration with Politicians and the Current State of AffairsBusiness owners and voters express frustration with politicians, considering alternative candidates or focusing on survival due to economic difficulties and job openings data.

      Business owners and voters are expressing growing frustration with politicians and the current state of affairs, with some feeling that they have been given a reason to consider voting for alternative candidates or just focusing on their own survival. This sentiment was exemplified in a local news interview with a business owner in Baccino, who expressed his disappointment in elected officials and voiced his intention to vote for Karen Bass, Biden, and Gavin Newsom in the past but now feeling the need for a reason to vote for them again. The interview was unexpectedly left in the news broadcast, suggesting that even big city news stations are starting to acknowledge the public's discontent. While a mass sea change in politics may not be imminent, the economic numbers and job openings data indicate that things are getting increasingly difficult for many people, and the growing frustration could potentially lead to significant shifts in the political landscape.

    • Understanding Legal Implications of Self-DefenseThe USCCA offers valuable resources to help individuals navigate the legal aspects of self-defense and protect themselves and their families effectively and safely.

      Self-defense goes beyond physical and mental preparedness; it's crucial to understand the legal implications as well. The US Conceal Carry Association (USCCA) offers a free guide with valuable information on self-defense and the law. Biden's political situation is increasingly precarious, with growing public suspicion towards his family's business dealings and lack of a backup plan. Despite the slow progress of the justice system, it's essential not to lose patience. Biden's denials and deceit regarding his son's business associates have further fueled public distrust. The USCCA's resources can help individuals protect themselves and their families legally, effectively, and safely.

    • Biden's denial of business ties to son's associates contradicted by evidenceDespite Biden's denials, evidence shows he interacted with Hunter's business associates, raising questions about potential influence of Biden name in securing deals

      Joe Biden's denial of business relations between him and his son Hunter's associates during his tenure as Vice President is not supported by the available evidence. CNN, among other media outlets, has reported that there is substantial evidence of meetings and interactions between Biden and Hunter's business associates, some of which took place at the White House. These interactions raise questions about the extent of Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings and the potential influence of the Biden name in securing business opportunities. Despite Biden's denials, the evidence suggests otherwise, and some media outlets are acknowledging this reality. However, it's important to remember that CNN and other media outlets are not necessarily acting in good faith and may have political motivations for reporting on this story. Nonetheless, the evidence is clear that Biden did interact with Hunter's associates, and this is a significant development in the ongoing narrative surrounding the Biden family's business dealings.

    • Biden's China Admission and Its Impact on His Election ProspectsBiden's admission of possibly lying about no money transfer from China to his family, ongoing investigations, and low approval ratings could lead to a significant electoral defeat in the upcoming election.

      The CNN interview with Republican Congressman Lawler led to an admission from Joe Biden that he had likely lied about no money transferring from China to his family. This admission came at a time when Biden's approval ratings were already low, and the ongoing investigations into the Biden family's corruption, the border crisis, and economic issues were poised to cause further damage to his reelection prospects. The speaker emphasized that while the process may be slow, it's essential to keep pushing for transparency and accountability. The combination of these factors could potentially result in a significant electoral defeat for Biden in the upcoming election.

    • Bidenomics causing significant losses for retireesRetirees have lost so much value due to Bidenomics that they may need to work an extra decade to recoup losses, and there are concerns about potential wealth tax impacting middle-class Americans.

      The economic policies of the current administration, referred to as "Bidenomics," have led to significant losses in retirement savings for many Americans. This is due to the decline in value of 401ks and other retirement plans. The average retiree or near-retiree who was on the verge of retirement when Biden took office has lost so much value that they will have to work an additional decade to recoup those losses. This is a concern for many Americans, especially those nearing retirement age, as they may not have the ability or desire to work for an extra 10 years. Furthermore, there are concerns that if Biden wins a second term, there may be efforts to implement a wealth tax, which could potentially impact middle-class Americans with equity in their homes or other assets.

    • Supreme Court Debate on Income Definition Could Lead to Wealth Tax and Increased ScrutinyThe Supreme Court debate on income definition could result in a wealth tax, increased scrutiny of unrealized gains, and potential restrictions on personal freedoms.

      The ongoing debate in the Supreme Court about the definition of income for tax purposes could potentially lead to the implementation of a wealth tax and increased government scrutiny over unrealized gains, including the appreciation of assets like homes and investments. This could significantly impact individuals' financial situations if the government argues that income means any economic gain between two points in time, regardless of realization. Additionally, there are concerns about increased environmental regulations and potential restrictions on personal freedoms, such as the use of private vehicles. These potential changes could have significant implications for individuals' financial and personal lives.

    • Urgent call to action on climate changeThe COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to raise awareness and implement changes for climate action. John Kerry's call to action emphasizes the need for radical ideas to combat climate change, while some suggest carbon passports as a potential solution, although it remains controversial.

      The speakers on this podcast expressed a sense of urgency about addressing climate change and the need for radical ideas to combat it. They discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to raise awareness and implement changes. John Kerry's words were highlighted as a call to action. The idea of carbon passports limiting travel was mentioned as a potential future development, although some dismissed it as a conspiracy theory. The podcast hosts encouraged their audience to stay informed and engage in discussions about these important issues. Despite some skepticism, they emphasized the importance of taking responsibility and taking action to mitigate the impact of climate change. The podcast ended with a reminder to tune in for more discussions and to join the chat community.

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    The Effect of RnD on the US Economy


    According to Jonathan Gruber, public investment in research and development played a pivotal role in the economic progress of the United States. All the technological advancements we have the privilege of experiencing today—such as our smartphones and laptops—were, in part, fueled by the amount of funding that was poured into the pursuit of science.


    However, the level of public investment decreased drastically, from about two percent of GDP in 1962 to just under half of that today. In his book, Jonathan Gruber explains that the nation’s renewed support in science and technology would play a significant part in generating economic growth. This is especially important in an era where plenty of citizens are facing job instability, outright unemployment, and health concerns brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.


    Ushering in a new era for research and development would not just benefit certain industries. Jonathan Gruber posits further that aside from overall growth, it would create better jobs across the economy. This would naturally occur as the market adjusts to accommodate an influx of tech professionals across the country, because they would need these goods and services to support their work as well as their quality of life.


    Decentralizing Opportunities for Innovation



    While the US does have certain cities where tech-based growth is made possible, they are not enough to power the economy. In fact, concentrating opportunities in “superstar” cities such as San Francisco, New York, Seattle, and the Silicon Valley can be counterproductive. 

    This is because the demand for professionals will incentivize people to relocate from one city to another. As a result, these cities experienced increased congestion and housing prices—and those who do not have the experience necessary to become a valuable asset to the area will be forced to leave.


    At this point, Jonathan Gruber emphasizes the importance of government involvement in encouraging basic research. Setting aside funding for research and development that is carried out in other areas would help incentivize private investors, or venture capitalists, to take that risk as well. 


    Will Robots Take Over Our Jobs?


    One salient point of discussion in the episode was when Alexander McCaig asked Jonathan Gruber about the impact of robotics on the future of work. Alexander pointed out that there may be some routine jobs that may phase out completely because they would be delegated to robots, who would be more efficient at performing such activities.


    Jonathan Gruber believes that the outlook for robotics is optimistic, and that people should focus on the capabilities that can be developed when there is enough funding for the country to get a leg up on the tech race. Being able to scout the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning would give researchers a head start on the careers that it would affect, in both a positive and negative manner.


    “The bottom line is, you can wring your hands about the fact that some low-level jobs are going to be taken by robots, or you can get to work making the robots,” Jonathan Gruber explained. 


    To illustrate his perspective, Jonathan Gruber explained how the invention of the wheel raised concerns about the viability of horse-drawn carriages back in the day. Fast forward to modern times, it is clear that refining the wheel has led to a plethora of different jobs across transportation, engineering, and construction as people and cities work to make their locations friendlier to vehicles. 


    Planning ahead for new job roles could help the labor market adjust and accommodate accordingly.


    Closing Thoughts: Taking the First Step Forward


    When asked about his parting words, Jonathan Gruber encourages people to take an “if you build it, they will come” mentality. People living in communities tend to go for an incredibly narrow or vague focus, but what they need is an actionable plan that can be carried out step by step.


    When people have a concrete and tangible action to look back on, they have a source of inspiration that pushes them forward—even if they do not secure the funding needed to make it happen just yet.


    The future is bright and full of possibilities. It’s time to take the pivot back towards science, technology, and data. 


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    Tcast is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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    Episode transcripts seekingalpha.com/wsb.
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    On today's podcast:

    (1) Hamas frees two more hostages from Gaza as the US sends more forces to the Middle East with world leaders calling for aid.
    (2) Barclays missed estimates at its investment bank and lowered UK guidance for the second consecutive quarter
    (3) The UK economy lost jobs again in the three months through August, a sign that inflationary forces may be abating.
    (4) Billionaire investors Bill Ackman and Bill Gross abandon their short position on US Treasuries. 

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