

    Explore "culturewar" with insightful episodes like "The Missing Piece In Hunter's Indictment (Ep 2146)", "Benjy Sarlin: The Bud Light Freak-Out", "Possible Trump Indictment Is A Tricky Landscape For Rivals", "#1857 - Seth Dillon" and "What Does the ‘Post-Liberal Right’ Actually Want?" from podcasts like ""The Dan Bongino Show", "The Bulwark Podcast", "Consider This from NPR", "The Joe Rogan Experience" and "The Ezra Klein Show"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    Possible Trump Indictment Is A Tricky Landscape For Rivals

    Possible Trump Indictment Is A Tricky Landscape For Rivals
    Donald Trump was the first president in American history to be impeached twice. Now, he may be the first modern president, current or former – to be charged with criminal conduct.

    The New York investigation into hush money paid to adult entertainment actor Stormy Daniels is just one of several criminal probes currently faced by Donald Trump, And it's the one that is closest to issuing charges.

    Amid all the legal drama Trump has announced his third bid for the White House. A pending indictment would usually be a golden opportunity for Trump's Republican challengers - some who have declared - like Nikki Haley - and those who are expected to jump in the race - like Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis.

    But for the field of Republican presidential candidates, taking Trump down while not alienating his base is risky business.

    Host Scott Detrow talks to NPR congressional correspondent Kelsey Snell. He also talks to Jeff Sharlet, a professor of English at Dartmouth college and the author of the new book "Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War."

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    What Does the ‘Post-Liberal Right’ Actually Want?

    What Does the ‘Post-Liberal Right’ Actually Want?

    “It begun to dawn on many conservatives that in spite of apparent electoral victories that have occurred regularly since the Reagan years, they have consistently lost, and lost overwhelmingly to progressive forces,” Patrick Deneen writes in a recent essay titled “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Conservatism.” He goes on to argue that conservatives need to reject liberal values like free speech, religious liberty and pluralism, abandon their defensive posturing and use the power of the state to actively fight back against what he calls “liberal totalitarianism.”

    To progressive ears, these kinds of statements can be baffling; after all, Republicans currently control a majority of state legislatures, governorships and the Supreme Court, and they are poised to make gains in the midterm elections this fall. But even so, there’s a pervasive feeling among conservatives that progressives are using their unprecedented institutional power — in universities, in Hollywood, in the mainstream media, in the C-suites of tech companies — to wage war on traditional ways of life. And many of them have come to believe that the only viable response is to fight back against these advances at all costs. It’s impossible to understand the policies, leaders, rhetoric and tactics of the populist right without first trying to inhabit this worldview.

    That is why, for this second conversation in our series “The Rising Right,” I wanted to speak with Deneen. He is a professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame, and his 2018 book, “Why Liberalism Failed,” has become a touchstone within the conservative intelligentsia and was even fairly well received by liberals. But since then, Deneen’s writing has come to express something closer to total political war. And with three other professors, he recently started a Substack newsletter, “The Postliberal Order,” to build the kind of intellectual and political project needed to fight that war.

    This is a conversation about what Deneen’s “postliberal” political project looks like — and the tensions and contradictions it reveals about the modern populist right. We discuss (and debate) Deneen’s view that conservatives keep losing, why he believes the left is hostile to the family, whether America needs stricter divorce laws, what the post-liberal right would actually do with power, the virtues and vices of policy analysis, whether post-liberals have built their core arguments around an invented straw man liberalism, Joe Biden’s agenda for families and much more.


    A Good That Is Common” by Patrick Deneen

    Replace the Elite” by Patrick Deneen

    Abandoning Defensive Crouch Conservatism” by Patrick Deneen

    Book recommendations:

    The New Class War by Michael Lind

    Dominion by Tom Holland

    The Art of Loading Brush by Wendell Berry

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma; fact-checking by Michelle Harris and Rollin Hu; original music by Isaac Jones and Jeff Geld; mixing by Jeff Geld; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.

    Ep. 1268 - We Didn’t Start The Fire

    Ep. 1268 - We Didn’t Start The Fire

    Democrats claim that Republicans threaten democracy while simultaneously threatening democracy; and we examine whether the real threat to the American economy is inflation, or complete government-driven stagnation.

    Check out Debunked. Where Ben Shapiro exposes leftist fallacies in 15 minutes or less. Watch the full season available only on The Daily Wire: utm.io/uc9er 

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    Ep. 1227 - Woka-Cola Tastes Like Garbage

    Ep. 1227 - Woka-Cola Tastes Like Garbage

    Coca-Cola and Delta slam Georgia’s voter bill, as the Left cheers; the Biden administration struggles to explain how they’ll deal with human smugglers tossing children over the border; and AOC says it’s time to spend $10 trillion.

    Check out Ben's brand new weekly series, Debunked. Leftist theories debunked in 15 minutes or less. Only on The Daily Wire: https://utm.io/uc9er 

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    David French on “The Great White Culture War"

    David French on “The Great White Culture War"
    David French is a senior writer for National Review and one of the conservatives I read most closely. About a month ago, he published an interesting column responding to some things I had said, and to the broader currents cutting through our politics. “Conservative white Americans look at urban multicultural liberalism and notice an important fact,” he wrote. "Its white elite remains, and continues to enjoy staggering amounts of power and privilege. So when that same white elite applauds the decline of 'white America,' what conservatives often hear isn’t a cheer for racial justice but another salvo in our ongoing cultural grudge match, with the victors seeking to elevate black and brown voices while remaining on top themselves." I asked French to come on the podcast to discuss this idea — and the controversies that motivated it — more deeply, and he quickly accepted. The result is a tricky conversation about very sensitive territory in our politics. It’s about how we talk about race and class and status and gender and sexuality and religion, how we understand and misunderstand each other, how our political identities turn conflicts about one thing into conflicts about all things, why groups that are objectively powerful feel so powerless, and much more. I always appreciate the grace, openness, and intelligence French brings to his writing, and all of that is on full display here too. Recommended books: The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Coming Apart by Charles Murray The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices