
    Ep. 1268 - We Didn’t Start The Fire

    enJune 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Authoritarian Left vs. Liberal DemocracyBen Shapiro warns of the authoritarian left's efforts to centralize power, quash dissent, and replace individual rights with mob rule in various institutions, contrasting it with the classical liberal view of protecting individual rights through government checks and balances.

      While there are perceived threats to American democracy, Ben Shapiro argues that the real threat comes from the authoritarian left seeking to centralize power and quash dissent in various institutions, including science, education, media, and government. He emphasizes that liberal democracy requires individual rights that preexisted government, and checks and balances to protect those rights. The left, on the other hand, advocates for an elected dictatorship where the bureaucracy decides rights and duties, and can be replaced by mob rule. This contrasts with the classical liberal view that pure mob rule is a form of tyranny, and that government was formed to protect individual rights. The discussion also included a promotion for PureTalk USA, a wireless company offering significant savings on cell phone bills.

    • Left's authoritarian threatsThe left poses a significant authoritarian threat through their efforts to eliminate democratic institutions, promote cultural radicalism, and push for top-down rule.

      While there are concerns about individuals on the right advocating for disruptive actions, the true authoritarian threat lies with the left's systematic efforts to change institutions and override individual rights through mobocracy and bureaucratic top-down rule. This includes pushing for the elimination of democratic institutions like the filibuster and Senate, as well as promoting cultural radicalism and racial polarization. Figures like Ben Rhodes, who have admitted to lying to the media and the American people, continue to be considered respected voices on these issues. The left's demagoguery and distraction tactics, such as focusing on the events of January 6th, serve to obscure their own authoritarian tendencies.

    • Barack Obama's divisive tactics during the 2012 electionObama employed divisive tactics during the 2012 election, catering to specific identity groups and militarizing their support against perceived 'prevailing white ascendancy.' Meanwhile, Bambi offers an affordable HR solution for small businesses.

      The 2012 election marked a significant shift in American politics, with President Barack Obama employing divisive tactics to win reelection. This period saw Obama losing votes from the 2008 election while still securing victory. During this time, he redefined the political landscape by catering to specific identity groups and militarizing their support against the perceived "prevailing white ascendancy." Meanwhile, small business owners often face HR challenges, which can be costly and time-consuming. Bambi, a dedicated HR service, offers a solution by providing HR management for just $99 a month, making it an affordable alternative to hiring a professional. As for the ongoing political discourse, it's essential to recognize that promoting policies based on racial preferences can hinder the functioning of a multiracial democracy. Instead, true progress can only be achieved when all individuals are treated equally. Furthermore, the focus on foreign policy should not overshadow the need for domestic improvements. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that a multiracial democracy can thrive, requiring a collective effort to address internal issues and promote unity.

    • Left vs Right: Internal Change vs External ThreatsThe left's emphasis on internal change and reparative policies, along with their criticism of America's values and institutions, has led to a culture war and polarization, while the right remains committed to defending democratic institutions and values against external threats.

      The left's focus on internal change and reparative policies, rather than standing up to external threats like China and Russia, is a major concern. According to the discussion, the left believes America is deeply flawed and needs systemic change, which they blame on the right. However, the right argues that America's political system and values are the best in the world and that they will not back down from fighting for them. The left's push for systemic change, such as racially polarizing politics and the destruction of democratic institutions, has led to a culture war and polarization in American politics. For example, France is reportedly adopting racially polarizing politics and being criticized for it, yet the left blames the right for this trend. The right, on the other hand, will continue to fight for values and institutions that have underpinned classical liberalism and traditional values for centuries. Ultimately, the left's focus on internal change and gaslighting tactics undermines their credibility when it comes to fighting external threats and protecting democracy.

    • Polarized Politics and the Debate over Ring AlarmBoth left and right ideologies contribute to the degradation of political discourse, and it's essential to seek accurate information and engage in constructive dialogue to bridge the divide and promote understanding. Ring Alarm offers peace of mind and affordability for homeowners.

      The political landscape in France, as well as in the United States, is becoming increasingly polarized, with each side accusing the other of importing problematic ideas. While some criticize the left for promoting divisive theories and censorship, others blame the right for promoting insular nationalistic discourse and stoking culture wars. Regarding the discussion about Ring Alarm, it's clear that the security system offers peace of mind and affordability, making it an attractive option for homeowners. The debate about Americanization in French politics, however, highlights the growing divide between the left and right ideologies and the potential consequences of such polarization. It's essential to recognize that both sides contribute to the degradation of the political discourse and the empowerment of extremist views. In the end, it's up to us as individuals to seek out accurate information and engage in constructive dialogue to bridge the divide and promote understanding. To get started with Ring Alarm, visit ring.com/ben.

    • Left's Cultural Shifts and the Culture WarThe left's push towards progressive ideologies has transformed American politics and society, leading to intense debates and deep divisions, with abortion being a prime example of this cultural war.

      The cultural shifts driven by the left have significantly impacted American politics and society, leading to deep divisions and intense debates. The left's push towards progressive ideologies, once considered fringe, has become mainstream, with figures like Bernie Sanders and the Squad gaining power. This merger of cultural and governmental left has resulted in a hardline stance on issues like abortion, where it is viewed as a fundamental right and a guarantee of women's independence. The right, in response, has become more resistant, leading to a culture war that the left is often seen as instigating. The left's rapid shift to the left has transformed the political landscape, with figures like Hillary Clinton cheering on controversial actions and views that were once unthinkable. The debate around abortion is a prime example, where the vast majority of abortions are not due to rape or incest, yet the left has framed it as a necessary good and a woman's last line of defense. The left's push for these cultural changes, rather than being a response to the right, has been the primary instigator of the culture war.

    • Cultural debates, no matter how small, can lead to significant changesStanding up for beliefs and making informed decisions can lead to positive change in cultural debates and everyday life.

      The ongoing cultural debates, no matter how small they may seem, should not be ignored as they can accumulate and lead to significant changes. Beto O'Rourke and Dan Crenshaw had a public exchange on Twitter regarding abortion rights and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs. While O'Rourke praised Crenshaw for his conviction, Crenshaw emphasized the importance of recognizing the humanity of a fetus. The conversation underscores the importance of acknowledging the potential implications of every cultural battle, no matter how insignificant it may appear at first. Meanwhile, in a different context, Dan Shapiro encouraged listeners to shop for auto parts online at Rockauto.com instead of traditional auto parts stores. He highlighted the time and cost savings, as well as the convenience of having access to a vast catalog of parts from multiple manufacturers. The anecdote serves as a reminder that small choices, like where to buy auto parts, can lead to substantial savings and improvements in our daily lives. The common thread between these seemingly unrelated topics is the significance of standing up for our beliefs and making informed decisions that can lead to positive change, whether it's in the realm of cultural debates or everyday life.

    • Cultural issues and their collective powerCultural issues, though seemingly insignificant, can lead to controversy and backlash. Open dialogue and understanding are crucial for progress, and it's important to remember that demographics don't define beliefs or actions.

      Cultural issues, though they may seem insignificant individually, hold significant collective power and can lead to controversy and backlash. This was evident in the situation involving Chris Harrison and "The Bachelor," where his comments defending a contestant's past actions led to public criticism and his eventual job loss. The discussion also touched upon the idea that traditional values are being challenged in today's culture, and people are pushing back against it. The left argues that intolerant voices should be ignored, but this approach can lead to a dangerous polarization. It's important to remember that demographics do not determine one's beliefs or actions, and open dialogue and understanding are crucial for progress.

    • Polarized Politics: Left vs Right in the SenateThe Senate is divided between those pushing for institutional changes and those emphasizing tradition, with the filibuster as a major point of contention. The debate is often heated, with accusations of suppression and labels of partisanship or racism.

      The political discourse in the United States is heavily polarized, with both the left and the right pushing for changes based on their beliefs and values. The left argues for institutional changes to support minority groups and protect voting rights, while the right emphasizes the importance of tradition and bipartisanship. The filibuster in the Senate is a key point of contention, with some Democrats pushing to eliminate it to pass legislation, while others, like Kyrsten Sinema, advocate for its preservation. The rhetoric around these issues can be divisive, with accusations of suppression of minority votes and labeling those with opposing views as partisan or even racist. Ultimately, the debate highlights the ongoing culture war in American politics and the challenges of finding common ground and compromise.

    • Exploring the Dangers of Authoritarianism to the American EconomyBen Shapiro's new book discusses the potential economic threats from cultural and governmental authoritarianism. The jobs market may not recover as expected, with structural issues and labor shortages persisting. Stay informed and consider using Felix Gray glasses for better sleep and reduced eye strain.

      While inflation may be a concern, the real danger to the American economy could be authoritarianism, both cultural and governmental. This issue is explored in depth in Ben Shapiro's upcoming book, "The Authoritarian Moment." Meanwhile, in economic news, there are signs that the jobs market may not improve as expected, with structural issues persisting and businesses struggling to find workers. The Dallas Federal Reserve executive, Robert Kaplan, has predicted an "odd or unusual" jobs report for the next month. These developments underscore the importance of staying informed and prepared for the challenges facing our economy and society. To help manage the effects of screen time on eyes and sleep, consider trying Felix Gray glasses, which filter 15 times more blue light than other blue light glasses on the market. Check them out at felixgrayglasses.com/ben for a better sleep experience and reduced headaches.

    • Challenges to US Employment GrowthDespite President Biden's agenda, employment growth may not be robust due to labor shortages, potential effects of federal unemployment benefits, and over 12 million continuing pandemic unemployment claims. This could lead to increased labor costs, potential short-term inflation, and negatively impact economic recovery.

      The upcoming US employment report may not show the robust growth that President Biden needs to support his agenda due to various challenges, such as potential effects of federal unemployment benefits or a lingering worker shortage. The labor shortage is not solely due to fear of COVID-19, as Jen Psaki suggests, but also due to a lack of confidence in workplace safety, childcare, and school arrangements. Additionally, there are over 12 million continuing pandemic unemployment claims and 7 million unfilled jobs, leading to a situation where people are being paid to stay home while businesses struggle to find workers. This could result in increased labor costs, which may negatively impact retail sales and overall economic recovery. The situation raises questions about the mid to long-term economic situation in the US, with potential short-term inflation being a concern due to increased money in the system and supply chain disruptions.

    • The US may face economic stagnation instead of inflationThe US government's capacity to inflate is limited, businesses have already borrowed heavily, and economic stagnation and regulation may limit the need for additional funds, potentially leading to a prolonged period of economic stagnation rather than inflation.

      The United States may face a prolonged period of economic stagnation rather than inflation, according to David Bahnsen of the Bahnsen Group. This is because the government's capacity to inflate is limited, and businesses, which have already borrowed heavily, may not have a need for additional funds due to economic stagnation and government regulation. Japan's experience in the 1990s serves as a cautionary tale, as the country tried and failed to spur growth through central bank spending and lower interest rates due to excessive regulation and a lack of explosive growth opportunities. The Biden administration's budget proposal anticipates a low rate of growth, but Bahnsen believes it may be even lower as the government raises taxes to pay back debt, taking money out of the private sector and limiting hiring opportunities. The Soviet Union, too, faced a stagnation problem rather than inflation. Therefore, the current concern should be overregulation and the potential for economic stagnation, rather than inflation.

    • Government Intervention and Economic StagnationGovernment intervention can hinder economic growth, leading to potential economic stagnation, while lack of demand and inefficiency pose greater threats than inflation.

      The government's heavy involvement in the economy through taxation, regulation, and redistribution of wealth can hinder economic growth and potentially lead to a secular stagnation. Central banks like the Federal Reserve can't force businesses to borrow and invest, even with low interest rates, if there's no incentive to do so due to government intervention. The past few decades have shown that lack of demand and government inefficiency, rather than inflation, are the real threats to the economy. The current administration's policies may cause short-term price shocks, but it's unlikely that we'll still be in an inflationary cycle in two years. Instead, we might be headed for a prolonged period of economic stagnation.

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Yvette Carnell is founder of BreakingBrown.com.
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    My guest today is Lanny Davis. Lanny became a household name in the late 1990s as a Special Counsel to President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and was a spokesperson for the President and the White House on matters concerning legal issues. Lanny is currently a lawyer, crisis manager, consultant, and author providing strategic counsel to clients under scrutiny on crisis management and legal issues by combining legal, media, and political strategies. Lanny is also a regular television commentator and a political and legal analyst for MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, and network TV news programs.

    At the time of this interview, Premise organized polling centered around the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The intent is to collect data tracking presidential candidates' polling numbers on a range of topics that are potentially important to election results.

    0:44 – Intro to Great Minds Think Data and Lanny Davis

    4:44 – The Inaugural Premise Presidential Poll

    11:25 – 2024: Trump, Pence, DeSantis and Character

    17:49 – The Democratic Base, Supreme Court and Polarization

    25:56 – Independent Voters and Pragmatism in Politics

    34:09 – The Media, Transitions of Power and President George W. Bush

    40:45 – Family and Baseball

    Referenced in the podcast:

    Trump and Biden in Virtual Dead Heat, According to The Premise Poll

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