
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Nature and Science in Creating Extraordinary BeingsThe Kakadu plum's impressive vitamin C content and Man-thing's swamp-dwelling origins highlight the power of nature and science to create extraordinary beings, whether in the form of a superfood or a comic book character.

      While the Kakadu plum may be a superfood with an impressive amount of vitamin C, its lack of mainstream popularity can be attributed to its limited availability and low consumer awareness. Meanwhile, in the world of comics, man-thing, a swamp-dwelling humanoid character from Marvel Comics, shares a kinship with other swamp creatures despite debuting around the same time. Both man-thing and swamp-thing were created through a combination of humanity, mad science, and swamp water. Despite some similarities, many commentators view their creation as a coincidence due to their distinct differences. Man-thing originally started as a human scientist named Ted Sallis, who worked on super soldier serums before becoming the swamp creature himself after an accident. These two seemingly unrelated topics may not appear to have much in common, but they serve as reminders of the power of nature and science to create extraordinary beings, whether in the form of a nutrient-dense fruit or a comic book character.

    • Man-Thing's Empathic Nature and Fear ReactionMan-Thing's unique abilities, including his empathic reaction to fear and burning hands, contribute to his fearsome persona in the Marvel Universe, even if the scientific basis behind fear being a tangible substance is not proven.

      Man-Thing, a humanoid swamp creature in Marvel Comics, possesses unique abilities that blur the lines between science and magic. His empathic nature causes him physical pain when sensing negative emotions, particularly fear, leading him to react violently. Man-Thing's burning hands, explained as a chemical secretion akin to sulfuric acid, add to his fearsome persona. However, the notion of creatures sensing fear as a tangible substance is a common trope, but not scientifically proven. While fear is an emotional state, it's not a quantifiable substance or energy that can be detected like a video game fear meter. Despite this, Man-Thing's abilities, along with various natural world organisms' defensive secretions, add to the intrigue and complexity of the Marvel Universe.

    • The Complex Nature of Fear in Humans and MonstersFear is a complex biological response that serves an adaptive function, but can become maladaptive. Man-Thing's fear response is unique as he reacts to another organism's fear, not the fear-inducing stimuli itself.

      Fear is a complex biological response that exists in various forms across different species, including humans and monsters like Man-Thing. While some argue that fear is purely a psychological construct and cannot be applied to animals, neuroimaging in rodents suggests the existence of a fear network in their brains. Fear serves an adaptive function, helping organisms survive, but it can also become maladaptive. Man-Thing's relationship to fear is intriguing as he fears the effects of another organism's fear, not the fear-inducing stimuli itself. Instead, the distressed organism causes Man-Thing's emotional distress, leading him to incinerate it with his burning hands due to a fear response chemical secretion in his body. This illustrates the complex nature of fear and its role in both cognition and behavior. Ultimately, fear is a vital survival mechanism, even if it can sometimes lead to destructive consequences.

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    • L’homme qui grimpait •

    PART 2

    Le drame s'epaissit....

    Sherlock Holmes? Encore?

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    James Lebreton & Thomas judes

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    Adaptation audio du roman éponyme (https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07L34GH9L) qui retrace l’étrange existence de Martin Protus, écrivain parisien, accusé de plagiat par sa propre éditrice ! 

    Est-il sciemment coupable ? L’aurait-il fait sans même s’en rendre compte, lui qui souffre d’une étrange amnésie post-traumatique et d’une déréalisation du monde ? Est-il victime d’un complot, ourdi par ces kiosques Robotiques qui poussent à chaque coin de rue et « écrivent des livres », au moyen d’algorithmes ? 

    Serait-il lui-même… un homme augmenté ? Une machine ?


    Dérivant depuis la réalité vers l’onirisme, AUTHENTIQUES VICTIMES est une fiction contemporaine, teintée d’anticipation/SF/Fantastique : Intelligence artificielle, refuge de l’imaginaire, porosité du réel, secrets et non-dits.


    Une intrigue qui propose aussi une réflexion sur l’édifice imparfait de la mémoire - pilier de nos identités – et sur les morsures de la culpabilité.


    Tous Publics.
    Genre: Drame / Thriller / SF / Contemplatif / Anticipation



    Ecriture, scénarisation audio, réalisation et montage : Thomas JUDES 




    Vous aimez lire: le roman est ici: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07L34GH9L 

    Pour écouter SILMEA sur vos applis préférées : https://smartlink.ausha.co/creations-silmea