
    "The Most Dangerous Candidate of 2022?"

    enMay 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Notable midterm primary winners include Democrat Sherry Beasley in North Carolina and attorney general Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania.Democrat Sherry Beasley, a former North Carolina Supreme Court chief justice, and attorney general Josh Shapiro won their primaries, setting up notable races against MAGA Republicans in November. The GOP primary electorate favors extreme candidates, making these elections crucial for American politics.

      The midterm primaries on Tuesday saw a range of winners from progressive challengers to extreme Republicans. One notable winner was Democrat Sherry Beasley, the former chief justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, who will be running against MAGA Republican Ted Budd in November. Another significant race was in Pennsylvania, where attorney general Josh Shapiro won the Democratic nomination for governor and will face the controversial and extremist candidate Doug Mastriano, who has advocated for overturning election results and was present at the January 6th rally in DC. The Republican primary electorate has shown a clear preference for the most aggressive and authoritarian candidates, making elections like these crucial for the future of American politics. Stay tuned for more discussions on these topics and others on Pod Save America and Pod Save the World.

    • 2022 Pennsylvania gubernatorial primary influenced by fear and strategic campaigningFearful voters supported Mastriano due to his stance against perceived threats, while Shapiro strategically targeted him, raising concerns about his extremist views and potential impact on Pennsylvania's electoral votes

      The 2022 Pennsylvania gubernatorial primary was influenced by both grassroots fear and strategic campaigning. Fearful voters were drawn to Doug Mastriano due to his stance against perceived threats to their version of America. On the other hand, Josh Shapiro's campaign strategically targeted Mastriano, labeling him as the most pro-Trump candidate and running ads to educate voters about his extremist views. This not only helped Mastriano gain visibility but also solidified his appeal to the MAGA base. Mastriano's win, however, raises serious concerns. He is an extreme Christian nationalist who believes God is using him to change history and could potentially decertify election machines, overturn elections, and restrict reproductive rights. If he becomes governor, Pennsylvania's electoral votes could be off the table in the 2024 presidential election.

    • RGA's response to Mastriano's win doesn't mean he's dangerous, just unelectableDespite RGA's tepid response, Shapiro has a slight edge but faces an uphill battle due to PA's political climate. He should expand his base by reaching out to swing voters.

      The Republican Governors Association's tepid response to Doug Mastriano's primary win in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race does not indicate that they view him as dangerous, but rather unelectable. However, this does not mean that Democratic nominee Josh Shapiro has a guaranteed win. Shapiro has a slight edge due to his strong candidacy, but Mastriano's extreme stances could still attract some voters who supported Biden in 2020. The political environment in Pennsylvania, which leans to the right, will make Shapiro's campaign an uphill battle even with a slight edge. Shapiro should focus on reaching out to Republicans who voted for Biden or Democrats in previous elections to expand his base. The overall political climate in 2022 could make Pennsylvania a challenging state for Democrats, and Shapiro's message about Mastriano's desire to dictate how Pennsylvanians live their lives is a strong start in appealing to both the base and the middle.

    • Pennsylvania primary: Voters focused on electability over ideologyIn the recent Pennsylvania Democratic primary, voters prioritized electability over ideological differences when choosing between John Fetterman and Conor Lamb.

      The recent Democratic primary election in Pennsylvania between John Fetterman and Conor Lamb was not primarily decided based on ideological differences, but rather on which candidate voters believed could effectively represent them and win the general election. Fetterman's universal name recognition and strong base support, along with his electability argument, proved to be significant advantages. The focus on Fetterman's appearance and style as a threat by opponents also played a role in his overwhelming victory. Despite Fetterman's more progressive stance on issues, voters did not view the race through an ideological lens. Instead, they considered which candidate they felt would best represent their interests and win in the general election.

    • Identity and relatability matter more than ideology in electionsJohn Fetterman's success and the unpredictability of primary polling highlight the importance of identity and relatability in political elections, surpassing the influence of ideology.

      Identity and relatability can be more influential than ideology in political elections. John Fetterman's outsider status and strong focus on economic populism have resonated with voters in Pennsylvania, even though he holds political office. In the Republican primary, the race between Mehmet Oz and David McCormick remains undecided as mail-in ballots are still being counted. The unpredictability of primary polling was highlighted by the late surge of Kathy Barnette, who came in third despite earlier polls suggesting she would place lower. The discrepancy between polling and the actual results raises questions about the reliability of primary polling and the potential impact of media scrutiny on candidates. Ultimately, the election outcomes may depend on factors beyond traditional polling data, such as voter identification and connection with candidates.

    • Pennsylvania Senate race: Moderate voters and Trump's influenceThe 2022 PA Senate race could sway undecided moderate voters due to Trump's opposition to certain GOP candidates, like McCormick, who might seem more moderate compared to Fetterman's populist stance. Fetterman must focus on contrasting his background with McCormick's to win over voters.

      The 2022 Pennsylvania Senate race between John Fetterman and the Republican nominee could be influenced by voters who supported Democrats in the 2018 and 2020 elections but may not be highly engaged. These voters might be swayed by the perception of moderation created by Trump's opposition to certain Republican candidates, such as David McCormick. McCormick, despite having no charisma and being a hedge fund billionaire, could potentially win over some voters due to this factor. Fetterman, on the other hand, offers a strong contrast as a working-class economic populist from Pennsylvania. The race against Oz, a celebrity doctor from New Jersey, is expected to be less challenging for Fetterman. However, McCormick's connections to the Trump administration could play a significant role in the election. It's crucial for Fetterman's campaign to learn from past mistakes, like those made during Terry McAuliffe's race against Glenn Youngkin, and focus on highlighting the stark contrast between his background and McCormick's.

    • North Carolina Senate Race: A High-Risk, High-Variance Strategy for Democratic Candidate Sherry BeasleyDemocratic candidate Sherry Beasley faces an uphill battle in the North Carolina Senate race against Republican Ted Budd due to the state's political climate and the nature of both candidates. She will need a high-risk, high-variance strategy, including registering new voters and turning out non-voters, to have a chance of winning.

      The upcoming Senate race between Ted Budd and Sherry Beasley in North Carolina will be a challenging one for the Democratic candidate due to the state's political environment and the nature of both candidates. While Budd is an ultra-MAGA Republican endorsed by former President Trump, Beasley is a former state Supreme Court chief justice who will need a high-risk, high-variance strategy to win. The Democratic Party has not won at the federal level in North Carolina since 2008, and to change that, Beasley will need to register a large number of voters and turn out those who did not vote in previous elections. This strategy was successfully employed by Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Better Work in Texas in 2018. The race is currently rated as lean Republican, but with the right strategy, Beasley could potentially upset the odds.

    • Reaching out to every voter in challenging areasFocus on personal stories and reduce margin of loss in historically difficult areas for Democrats.

      Learning from the recent primary elections is the importance of reaching out to every voter in areas that have historically been difficult for Democrats. This strategy, although not resulting in wins for the suggested candidates in North Carolina and Idaho, brought these areas closer than they have been in a long time. Candidates need to focus on their personal stories and persuade voters to reduce the margin of loss. In North Carolina, defining the opponent as outside of the typical Republican mainstream may provide some fodder, but the emphasis should be on the candidate's story. Unfortunately, many extreme Republican candidates won their primaries, with no clear opposition to Trump or the "big lie." The results across the board showed a continuation of the MAGA and extreme political landscape.

    • Political landscape shifting towards extremist beliefsDespite sincerity, extremist beliefs and conspiracy theories are gaining traction in the Republican party, threatening American democracy. Democratic primaries, however, reveal a more nuanced picture, with wins based on candidate quality and contextual factors.

      The political landscape, particularly in the Republican party, is increasingly dominated by extremist beliefs and conspiracy theories, regardless of whether the individuals holding those views genuinely believe them or not. This dynamic, driven by political momentum and incentives, poses a significant threat to the health of American democracy. In contrast, the recent Democratic primaries show a more nuanced picture, with both progressive and center-left candidates winning races based on candidate quality and the specific context of their districts. For instance, Summer Lee's victory in Pennsylvania was due to her stance on key issues like Medicare negotiation for cheaper drug prices, while Jamie McLeod Skinner's success in Oregon was based on her ability to position her opponent as too conservative. The complexities of these races underscore the importance of understanding the unique contexts of each election.

    • Shifting Political Landscape: Voters Want Authentic LeadersVoters prioritize authentic leaders who stand up for their interests and fight against corporate influence. Super PACs use lies and smear campaigns, but candidates like Summer Lee and judges like Sherry Beasley demonstrate the power of storytelling and building coalitions.

      The political landscape has shifted, and voters are no longer just looking at policy positions but also who will fight for them and stand up against corporate interests. Super PACs have been using lies and smear campaigns against candidates who don't align with their far-right agenda on Israel, making it essential for Democrats to adapt and connect with their constituents on a deeper level. Summer Lee's victory in a heavily funded district is a testament to the power of candidate quality, storytelling, and building coalitions. Judges, like Sherry Beasley, have unique insights into their communities and the importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting the constitution. Their experiences teach us about the impact of decisions on people's everyday lives and the need for strong, authentic leaders.

    • The Future of Constitutional RightsThe upcoming election is crucial for protecting constitutional rights, particularly regarding Roe v. Wade. The speaker is committed to fighting for these rights and ensuring nationwide access to abortion.

      The current political climate, specifically the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, has led many Americans to question the trustworthiness of the justice system. However, it's crucial to focus on the underlying issue at hand: the protection of constitutional rights. The draft supreme court opinion attacking Roe v. Wade is a concern for many, and the majority of Americans support a woman's right to choose. The upcoming election is vital, as it could determine whether or not constitutional rights are upheld. If elected to the senate, the speaker would vote to remove the filibuster to pass legislation guaranteeing nationwide abortion access. North Carolina, a battleground state, is ready for a senator who will fight for its people and their constitutional rights. The speaker is prepared for a tough fight but remains committed to standing up for what's right. Every election is essential, and the future of constitutional rights hangs in the balance.

    • Midterm elections: Shaping the future of the country and the next generationMidterm elections impact civil rights, representation, and the country's future. Elect candidates who prioritize the state and country's interests for a strong economy, access to healthcare, and civil rights.

      The midterm elections are about more than just individual votes or issues; they're about the future of the country and the next generation. Candidates are focusing on addressing voter concerns, emphasizing the importance of their votes, and highlighting the significant impact of elections on civil rights and representation. For instance, in the North Carolina Senate race, concerns include access to healthcare, lowering costs, and civil rights. The contrasting actions and votes of the candidates are revealing, with one candidate fighting for the state and the other consistently voting against the state's interests. The potential historical significance of a candidate's election, such as being the first black woman from North Carolina to serve in the US Senate, adds to the importance of representation and diversity in government. Ultimately, it's crucial to elect representatives who will put the state and the country first, ensuring a strong economy, access to healthcare, and civil rights for all.

    • North Carolina Senate Race Discussed on Pod Save AmericaThe Senate race in North Carolina is crucial for addressing the concerns of those facing economic hardships, and the candidates' commitment to fighting for their constituents is a significant factor.

      The ongoing Senate race in North Carolina holds significant importance for the people of the state, with a large portion of the population earning less than $15 an hour and struggling even before the pandemic. The candidate, discussing on Pod Save America, emphasized the need for a senator who will fight for their interests. Chief Justice Beasley was thanked for joining the podcast, and the team wished everyone a fantastic weekend. Hot Save America is a Crooked Media production, and the team expressed gratitude to their production and digital teams. The key takeaway is that the Senate race in North Carolina is crucial for addressing the concerns of those facing economic hardships, and the candidates' commitment to fighting for their constituents is a significant factor.

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