
    The Personal and Political Saga of Herschel Walker

    enOctober 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Georgia Senate Race: Herschel Walker's Bid to Regain Control for RepublicansThe 2022 Georgia Senate race between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock could decide Senate control, with Walker's star power and voter appeal potentially overcoming controversies and scandals.

      Georgia's Senate race in 2022 between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock could determine whether Democrats keep control of the Senate. After losing the presidency and both Senate seats in 2020, Republicans faced a dilemma in choosing a nominee for the 2022 midterms. They sought a candidate who could bring voters back to the polls, raise funds, and offer star power to compete against Warnock. Enter Herschel Walker, a former college football star and Heisman Trophy winner, who officially announced his candidacy in August 2021. Walker's announcement was significant because he is a beloved figure in Georgia sports and culture. Despite controversies and scandals, Republicans believed his name recognition and ability to mobilize voters could help them regain control of the Senate seat. This closely fought race is now a test of whether Walker's appeal can overcome the allegations against him and whether Democrats can maintain their hold on the state.

    • Herschel Walker's Past Incidents and Trump's Endorsement in Georgia Senate RaceWalker's past incidents and Trump's endorsement helped him win the Republican primary in Georgia, but concerns about his electability in the general election against Warnock persist.

      Herschel Walker's star power and endorsement from former President Donald Trump helped him overcome potential disqualifying incidents in his past, such as threatening his ex-wife with a gun, during the Republican primary for the United States Senate in Georgia. Despite these liabilities, Walker won the primary by a landslide, making him the Republican nominee. However, this victory raised concerns among political professionals and reporters about his chances in the general election against Democratic incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock, who is also a celebrity in his own right. Gary Black, one of Walker's opponents in the primary, had warned that the focus of the race would be on Walker's deficiencies if he was the nominee. Despite these challenges, Walker's popularity among Republican voters in Georgia, fueled by his celebrity and Trump's endorsement, proved to be a formidable force.

    • Georgia Senate race: Warnock vs Walker - Different Campaign FocusesRaphael Warnock focuses on his Senate record and bipartisan work, while Herschel Walker attacks Democratic leadership and emphasizes his ability to work with Republicans.

      During the Georgia Senate race between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker, each candidate is focusing on different aspects of their campaign to appeal to voters. Herschel Walker is making his campaign about Raphael Warnock and Democratic leadership in Washington, criticizing them for higher taxes, higher gas prices, and a weak economy. He's also emphasizing his work with Republicans and ability to work across the aisle. On the other hand, Raphael Warnock is focusing on his record in the Senate and his ability to work with senators from both parties. He's also highlighting his work on bipartisan legislation and his ability to put aside political differences to get things done. Interestingly, Raphael Warnock is not addressing Herschel Walker's personal life and the domestic violence allegations against him. This could be due to Raphael Warnock's position as a senator and a pastor, as well as his strategy to focus on his own record and message.

    • Georgia Senate Race: Personal Life of Herschel Walker Becomes Campaign IssueDemocrats shift focus from policy to Herschel Walker's character as allegations of absentee fatherhood surface, potentially giving them ammunition against him. Race remains close.

      The Georgia Senate race between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker is rapidly becoming a referendum on Walker's personal life, as allegations and revelations about his past come to light. Walker, who has campaigned on issues of family values and fatherhood, has been accused of being an absentee father to multiple children. These allegations contradict his public statements and have given Democrats an opportunity to shift the focus of the campaign away from policy issues and onto Walker's character. The revelations have also raised questions about whether Walker's past could give Democrats ammunition to attack him, and whether Warnock should engage with these issues or risk giving Republicans an opening to do the same with his own past. Despite these developments, the race remains close, with both candidates within the margin of error.

    • Georgia Senate Nominee Herschel Walker's Contradictory Stance on AbortionDespite publicly opposing abortion, Herschel Walker allegedly paid for a woman's abortion in 2009 and asked her to have another one, contradicting his stance and raising questions about his commitment to his own children. Yet, he continues to receive support from Republican voters, particularly evangelicals.

      Despite his public stance against abortion and absentee fatherhood, Herschel Walker, the Georgia Republican senate nominee, has been accused of paying for a woman's abortion in 2009 and asking her to have another one when she became pregnant again. This revelation contradicts his consistent opposition to abortion and raises questions about his commitment to his own children. Despite this, Walker has received support from Republican voters, particularly white and black evangelicals, who have rallied around him during a prayer luncheon following the news. The incident highlights the complexities and contradictions that can exist within political figures' personal lives and public personas.

    • Religious conservatives' moral dilemma over Herschel Walker's past actionsReligious conservatives prioritize political beliefs and principles over personal moral objections, demonstrated through their continued support for Herschel Walker and past presidential candidate Donald Trump.

      Religious conservatives, despite their moral objections to Herschel Walker's past actions regarding abortion, are still supporting him due to their belief in his political stance and conservative Christian principles. This compromise was also seen during the 2016 presidential election with Donald Trump. At a farmer's market in Alpharetta, some Republican voters expressed their struggle with supporting Walker but felt there were no other viable options. Some were considering leaving the Senate portion of their ballot blank or not voting at all. However, the religious conservative voters who prayed for Walker at a luncheon remain committed to his campaign, demonstrating the power of political beliefs over personal moral objections.

    • Herschel Walker's Challenging Senate CampaignConcerns over Walker's personal baggage have overshadowed potential criticism of Warnock and the Biden administration, causing uncertainty among voters and leaving the Republican Party with the challenge of refocusing attention on the importance of a reliable Republican vote in the Senate.

      The Herschel Walker senate campaign in Georgia has become a challenging situation for the Republican Party. Walker's personal baggage and damaging reports have overshadowed the focus on key issues, making this race more of an uphill battle than expected. Concerned conservative strategists fear that the attention on Walker's past has taken away from potential criticism of Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock and the Biden administration. Walker's fall in polls, averaging 2.5 percentage points behind Warnock since the abortion allegations, is a cause for concern for the Republican Party. Voters who might typically support the Republican ticket are expressing uncertainty, leaving some to consider leaving their ballots blank or voting for third-party candidates. This critical mass of voters could decide the election in a swing state like Georgia, where elections could be decided by fewer than 20,000 votes. The Republican Party now faces the challenge of winning over these voters and refocusing their attention on the importance of having a reliable Republican vote in the Senate.

    • Prime Minister Truss Faces Criticism Over Tax CutsPM Truss's tax-cutting policy faced criticism from her Finance Minister, causing financial market instability and raising doubts about her leadership

      Britain's new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, faced a significant setback over the weekend when her appointed Finance Minister, Jeremy Hunt, publicly criticized her flagship tax-cutting policy. Hunt stated that it was a mistake to reduce taxes for the highest earners during economically challenging times and that some taxes would need to be increased instead. Truss's lack of a plan to fund the tax cuts spooked financial markets, causing the value of the British currency to plummet and increasing borrowing costs for the government. The situation has left many questioning Truss's ability to remain in power. The episode was produced by Rachel Quester, Sydney Harper, and Nina Feldman, with help from Robert Jemison, and was edited by Patricia Wilens and Mark George. The music was composed by Marion Lozano, Dan Powell, Jim Bruntberg, and Ben Landsberg. I'm Michael Barbaro, and despite having a cold, I'll be back tomorrow.

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    If YOU want to directly support abortion access for those who need it most, head to theherschelwalkerabortionfund.com/ 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Show Prolog:
    Brothers Breaking Bread, or the “Triple B Pod”, is a collection of African American professionals, friends, and family that attempt to tackle the important issues of the day. We bring our unique brand of humor, sensitivity, and oftentimes anger to the analysis. The show features Rodger (@KcStork); “The Brothers of Doom” James and Joe; Anthony (10 Meters); Zeb (Da Soulja) Ada (Lady Lavender) Adrian (Slim AC) Kim (Ms. Honey Bunz) and extended #3BPod family. We cut our teeth as podcasters creating nearly 100 episodes of the Negroraguan Podcast, we’ve kept much of the format and traditions with a few personal touches that come with a new show. We sincerely hope you enjoy, and subscribe to the show.

    Please contact us on Twitter @Triple_B_Pod
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brothersbreaking.bread.7
    or Email: brothersbreakingbreadpod@gmail.com

    Music Cred:
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    Outro- It’s Over – Joseph Jefferson

    Photo Editing:
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    Intro: https://youtu.be/4MaRl8j3X7o

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    Midterm predictions

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    Today on The Georgia Politics Podcast, the panelists make 12 bold (and not so bold) predictions on what we can expect once all the votes have been counted.

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    Some of the predictions may take some time before we will know how close to reality or off base they really were, but that is just more one reason to keep listening to the show! Have predictions of your own or feedback on any of the ones made on today’s episode? Let us know!

    Connect with The Georgia Politics Podcast on Twitter @gapoliticspod

    Megan Gordon @meganlaneg

    Preston Thompson @pston3

    Hans Appen @hansappen

    Proud member of the Appen Podcast Network.


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