
    The Productivity Expert: How to Make 2024 Your Most Productive & ABUNDANT Year Yet | Ali Abdaal

    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Confidence and Potential in a YouTube BusinessChallenging beliefs and embracing potential can lead to newfound confidence and success in pursuing passion and side hustles.

      Ali Abdaal's conversation with Lewis Howes changed his perspective on the security and potential of his YouTube business. Before the conversation, Ali had fears of financial instability and worried about the longevity of his online career. However, Lewis helped him realize that his YouTube channel was already making significantly more money in a month than he could make in a year as a doctor. This revelation challenged Ali's previous belief that a job in medicine provided ultimate security. It allowed him to shift his identity and confidently pursue his passion and side hustle full-time. The key takeaway is that sometimes we need someone to challenge our beliefs and remind us of our true potential.

    • Overcoming the Fear of Money and InsecurityOur worth and security should not be defined by money; pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities can provide valuable skills and opportunities for financial stability.

      Our stories about money and security are often disconnected from reality. Despite making more money in a month through his side hustle than in a whole year as a doctor, Ali Abdaal still felt insecure about finances. It took an outside perspective and a challenge to realize that his belief in insecurity was just a "bullshit story." Building a YouTube channel not only provided followers but also developed valuable entrepreneurial skills. Even in the worst-case scenario, one can always find another job and utilize the skills acquired during the entrepreneurial process. This fear of money and scarcity mindset may stem from early conditioning and a sense of identity tied to academic success. Ultimately, money should not define our worth or dictate our sense of security.

    • Finding self-worth through diversifying passionsEmbrace your true passions and commit to a meaningful mission to achieve success and fulfillment, rather than being defined solely by your profession or accomplishments.

      Our identities often become tied to our professions or accomplishments, which can affect our self-worth. Ali Abdaal shares his journey of initially finding self-worth in academic success and later diversifying his identity through entrepreneurship and YouTube. He discusses the fear of leaving his medical career to focus on YouTube and the perception of being "just a YouTuber." However, he overcame this fear and realized that his true passion was in teaching and sharing knowledge. By fully committing to his meaningful mission, his business experienced significant growth. This highlights the importance of finding a meaningful mission and focusing on it wholeheartedly, rather than being torn in multiple directions, in order to achieve success and fulfillment.

    • Embracing Passion and Purpose for Personal FulfillmentFully committing to our passions and purpose, regardless of societal expectations, can lead to increased self-worth and personal fulfillment.

      Ali Abdaal realized that splitting his focus between being a doctor and a YouTuber was hindering his progress in both areas. Despite making a million dollars in a year, he doubted his success and convinced himself it was just a fluke. However, once he went all-in on his YouTube career, his business soared. He discovered the freedom and fulfillment of entrepreneurship and realized that his self-worth doesn't depend on being a doctor. Over time, his self-worth increased from a 7 to a 9 as he embraced his true passions and purpose. This story emphasizes the importance of committing fully to our pursuits and not letting fear or societal expectations hold us back.

    • The power of consciously choosing our identity for personal growth.Reflect on and consciously choose the identity that aligns with your true desires and aspirations in order to make decisions that serve your well-being and create positive change.

      Our identity plays a crucial role in shaping our decisions and actions. We often base our choices on the identity we have constructed for ourselves, whether it's being a doctor, a successful professional, or an unfit person. These identities act as strong forces in our lives, pulling us towards consistency and familiarity. However, it's essential to reflect on the identities we hold and decide if they align with our true desires and aspirations. By consciously choosing the identity we want to embody, we can make decisions that serve our well-being and personal growth. Committing to small actions or habits that reinforce our chosen identity, like an ice tub challenge or cold showers, can help transform our lives and create positive change.

    • The Two Mountains of HappinessTrue happiness comes from committing oneself to meaningful relationships and serving others, rather than solely seeking personal achievements and freedom.

      The first mountain, which represents personal achievement and freedom, may seem exciting and fulfilling, but ultimately it can lead to a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. Climbing the first mountain alone does not bring lasting joy and fulfillment. The second mountain, on the other hand, represents commitment and service to others, such as a spouse, family, community, faith, or cause. Although it may not offer the same immediate excitement and dopamine rush, the second mountain brings long-term happiness and fulfillment. It is important to align oneself with something meaningful and commit to it, rather than simply seeking freedom and self-indulgence. True happiness lies in service and connection with others.

    • Balancing personal enjoyment and serving others for a meaningful life.Reflect on your purpose, build meaningful relationships, shift focus from success to service, and find freedom in serving others.

      Finding meaning in life requires a balance between personal enjoyment and serving others. Lewis Howes and Ali Abdaal discuss the importance of reflecting on the purpose of one's life and what they want to be known for, as well as the importance of relationships and responsibility. They explore the idea of shedding old identities and stepping into new ones in order to pursue a more meaningful life. They also touch on the concept of two mountains, where the first mountain is focused on success and the second mountain is about finding meaning and service. Ultimately, by shifting the focus from oneself to serving others, true freedom is found.

    • Building a successful passive income through gradual implementation and dedication.Persevere and consistently work towards improvement to increase the chances of achieving success in passive income, regardless of talent or innovation.

      Building a successful passive income requires a combination of active income and gradually implementing systems and processes. It's unlikely to achieve instant passive income and requires initial hard work and dedication. Additionally, it's important to find a way to make the process enjoyable and fun, as this increases the chances of long-term commitment. Many people quit too early or never even start due to fear or uncertainty. The key is to persevere and consistently work towards improvement, even if you may not be the most talented or innovative. By continually striving to get better and staying committed, success is more likely to follow.

    • Finding Your Destination and Making It HappenKnowing your desired outcome and making strategic moves, seeking guidance when uncertain, and staying in the game with adjustments and progress can lead to success. Use a GPS to maximize your chances of achieving your goals.

      Having a clear destination and knowing where you want to go is crucial. Whether it's a meaningful mission, a financial goal, or a career aspiration, understanding your desired outcome is the first step. From there, you can identify the three to five strategic moves that will help you reach your destination. It's important to gather information and learn from others who have achieved similar goals. If you already know the path, you can focus on finding the most effective route. But if you're uncertain, seek guidance and use the vast resources available, such as the internet. Adjustments and changes to your plan may be necessary along the way, but as long as you keep trying and making progress, success is within reach. Consider alternative roles or strategies if necessary, as long as you stay in the game. Finally, develop a goal, plan, and system (GPS) to ensure execution and maximize your chances of success.

    • Incorporating play, power, and people for enjoyable productivity.Approach work with a playful mindset, find ways to lower stakes, and involve others to make productivity more enjoyable and sustainable.

      In order to make productivity enjoyable, it's important to incorporate the three energizers: play, power, and people. Play refers to approaching work in the spirit of play and finding ways to make it fun. Even asking yourself how you can approach a task in the spirit of play can make a difference. Power involves recognizing that sometimes the stakes feel too high, so finding ways to lower the stakes or reduce the pressure can make the process more enjoyable. Finally, involving people can make the work more enjoyable by collaborating, seeking support, or simply sharing experiences. By incorporating these three energizers, productivity can become more sustainable, energizing, and ultimately more enjoyable.

    • The power of a sincere mindset: reducing stress and enhancing performance.By approaching tasks with sincerity instead of seriousness, we can experience less stress, find greater enjoyment, and achieve better results in various aspects of life.

      Taking a sincere, rather than serious, approach to tasks can decrease stress and improve performance. When we approach tasks with seriousness, we narrow our options and drain our energy. However, by adopting a sincere mindset, we recognize the importance of the task while also maintaining a sense of lightness and ease. This can lead to a more enjoyable and productive experience. Even in high-stakes situations, such as in the operating room, creating a light-hearted atmosphere can help surgeons perform better and raise concerns when necessary. We can apply this mindset shift to various aspects of life, recognizing that being sincere, rather than serious, can reduce stress and enhance our overall performance.

    • Finding Joy in Productivity: Reframing our Mindset for Greater Motivation and SuccessBy shifting our mindset to find enjoyment in tasks, embracing challenges as experiments, and harnessing our sense of power, we can increase productivity, motivation, and overall satisfaction in our work.

      Reframing our mindset and finding ways to make tasks enjoyable can lead to increased productivity and motivation. When faced with stress or difficulty, asking ourselves "What would this look like if it were fun?" can yield creative solutions and make the process more enjoyable. Lowering the stakes and treating challenges as experiments rather than fearing failure can also lead to greater progress and learning. Additionally, recognizing and harnessing our sense of power in tasks can make them feel more rewarding and energizing. Just like in video games, where gaining power and leveling up boosts confidence and engagement, finding ways to feel powerful in our work can positively impact our overall experience.

    • Changing your perspective and approach for a more powerful and fulfilling experience.Shifting your mindset to embrace growth, curiosity, and autonomy can enhance learning, make tasks enjoyable, and lead to a greater sense of power and fulfillment.

      Shifting your perspective and approach can make a significant difference in your experience and sense of power. We often find fulfillment and motivation in witnessing our own growth and progress, especially when faced with challenges. Similarly, embracing a curiosity-driven and playful mindset can enhance the learning process and make it more enjoyable. By reframing tasks as opportunities for exploration and experimentation, we can find fascination in the intricacies of different subjects or skills. Moreover, recognizing that we have control over how we approach tasks, even if we lack control over the tasks themselves, empowers us and allows us to maintain a sense of autonomy. By making these mindset shifts, we can cultivate a greater sense of power and fulfillment in our lives.

    • Injecting Creativity into Mundane Tasks for Enhanced Satisfaction and JoyAdding creativity and finding ways to make mundane tasks enjoyable can significantly increase satisfaction levels and positively impact both ourselves and others around us.

      Injecting creativity and finding ways to make mundane tasks more enjoyable can have a significant impact on both our own satisfaction and the experiences of others. Ali Abdaal's example of playing movie soundtracks while writing discharge letters and adding humor to legal documents demonstrates how small actions can bring joy and amusement to both himself and the recipients. Similarly, Matthew Dix's approach of creating a challenge in a boring job by upselling different sauces at McDonald's shows how finding ways to make tasks fun can transform the energy and the overall experience. By embracing these strategies, we can turn the ordinary into something extraordinary and make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us.

    • Finding Ways to Enhance Productivity and Enjoyment in Everyday TasksMaking mundane tasks enjoyable and surrounding yourself with positive relationships can greatly improve your experience, well-being, and productivity.

      Finding ways to make mundane or repetitive tasks more enjoyable can greatly impact your experience and productivity. Lewis Howes shares how he made long drives and boring work more exciting by creating games and challenges for himself. By finding ways to make these tasks engaging, such as listening to music and imagining salsa dancing while driving, he was able to look forward to his daily activities. Similarly, Ali Abdaal highlights the concept of relational energy, where surrounding yourself with people who energize and uplift you can have a positive impact on your overall well-being and success. By being an energizer yourself and seeking out positive relationships, you can create a more fulfilling and productive environment.

    • Energize Your Interactions and Work for Renewed EnergyApproach tasks with sincerity and playfulness, create a plan and break tasks into specific actions to overcome procrastination and push past the initial barrier.

      Adding energy to your interactions and work can actually renew your energy, rather than drain it. When you fully engage and approach tasks with sincerity and playfulness, you will feel more energized by the end of the day. The most draining thing is coasting and looking at the clock, wishing for the day to end. Procrastination often stems from not knowing where to start, so gaining clarity on what needs to be done and when is crucial. Create a plan and break tasks into specific actions, rather than vague goals like "study chemistry." Getting started is the hardest part, but once you push past the initial barrier, you're more likely to keep going.

    • Overcoming Procrastination and Achieving Goals through Planning and Confronting FearPlanning our day, confronting fear, and understanding its influence can help us overcome procrastination and achieve our goals.

      By simply taking a few moments to plan our day and schedule our activities, we can overcome procrastination and achieve our goals. As Ali Abdaal suggests, starting the day with a clear diet plan and exercise plan can set the tone for a productive day. Putting these plans in our calendars and treating them as important appointments increases the likelihood of following through. Additionally, fear plays a significant role in holding us back from taking action. Recognizing that fear often stems from concerns about social approval or fear of failure allows us to challenge these limiting beliefs. By understanding the evolutionary basis of fear and its impact on decision-making, we can combat its influence and pursue our dreams.

    • Overcoming Fear and Embracing GrowthDon't let self-doubt hold you back from starting something new. Focus on helping others and embracing a spirit of service, rather than worrying about what others think. No one cares as much as we think they do.

      Overcoming the fear of starting something new can lead to incredible opportunities and personal growth. Ali Abdaal shares how he initially hesitated to start a personal blog due to self-doubt and worries about what others would think. However, reading Austin Cleone's book, "Show Your Work," helped him realize that he didn't need to be scared. He shifted his mindset from seeking validation to focusing on helping others through his blog. This shift allowed him to start his YouTube channel and experience all the positive outcomes in his life. The key is to recognize that no one cares as much as we think they do and to embrace a spirit of service rather than self-centeredness.

    • Shifting the Focus: Serving Others for Sustainable SuccessBy focusing on serving and learning from others instead of seeking personal recognition, you can relieve pressure, consistently provide value, and find sustainable success. Additionally, overcoming fear and using the "five-minute rule" can combat procrastination and lead to continued action.

      Focusing on serving and learning from others, rather than just seeking personal recognition, can lead to sustainable success. Lewis Howes, the host of The School of Greatness podcast, initially faced the pressure to make the show about himself and his personal brand. However, he decided to shift the focus onto others and their stories of greatness. This not only allowed him to relieve the pressure to be perfect but also enabled him to consistently provide value to his audience. Additionally, overcoming fear and inertia can help combat procrastination. The "five-minute rule," where you convince yourself to do a task for just five minutes, can be an effective way to get started and often leads to continued action.

    • The Key to Success: Knowing What You Want and Taking ActionSuccess is about more than just money or appearance; it's about pursuing what truly matters to you and finding happiness and fulfillment along the way.

      Knowing what you want and actively working towards it is a key factor in achieving success. It's about having a goal, creating a solid plan, and following a system to execute that plan. Along the way, it's important to be flexible and adjust course if something isn't working. Success is not solely defined by external factors like money or physical appearance, but rather by pursuing what truly matters to you. The pursuit itself brings happiness and fulfillment. Many individuals who have achieved great financial success find themselves unhappy after reaching their goals, emphasizing the importance of constant pursuit and finding meaning in your endeavors.

    • Finding true fulfillment and happiness through daily actions and mindset.True happiness and fulfillment are found in personal growth, finding meaning in the past, and consistently showing up every day, rather than solely achieving external goals.

      True fulfillment and happiness come from the daily actions and mindset we have, rather than the achievement of external goals. Lewis Howes, in his conversation with Ali Abdaal, shares his realization that accomplishing goals did not bring him lasting peace or fulfillment. Instead, he found that finding meaning in his past, showing up consistently every day, and focusing on personal growth made him feel good about himself. It is not about achieving the goal itself, but rather about the person we become in the pursuit of that goal. By prioritizing self-improvement, positivity, and serving others, we can experience true joy and attract positive outcomes in various aspects of life. The key is to focus on feeling good and cultivating a mindset of growth and fulfillment.

    • Embrace the Journey Towards Your True CallingChoose a specialty or goal, keep moving forward and evaluating your direction, and focus on doing what truly matters to lead a fulfilling and productive life.

      It's much easier to steer a moving ship than a stationary one. The key advice here is to pick a specialty or goal and start working towards it, even if you're unsure. This allows you to explore different paths and make progress, ultimately discovering what truly resonates with you. It's okay to change your mind along the way, as long as you're continuously moving and evaluating your direction. Goals serve as a guide, giving you a sense of purpose and a path to follow. Freedom is valuable, but it's important to remember that it's not about having endless options, but about doing the things that truly matter to you. Focus on doing what aligns with your meaningful mission and identity, leading to a more fulfilling and productive life.

    • The Path to Financial Freedom and FulfillmentAchieving financial freedom through side income provides flexibility and resilience, but true fulfillment comes from consistently providing value and pursuing passions beyond monetary gains.

      Achieving financial freedom by earning enough money on the side not only provides you with the option to quit your job or work fewer hours, but also makes you more anti-fragile during uncertain times like a pandemic. It enables you to develop valuable skills that enhance your self-esteem and increase your value to potential employers. However, once you reach the point where your side income covers your expenses, don't fixate on money alone. Instead, focus on consistently providing value to others and doing what you enjoy. This will ultimately lead to fulfillment and happiness, as money beyond a certain point doesn't necessarily equate to more happiness. Prioritizing financial freedom and finding ways to achieve it is possible for anyone, regardless of their circumstances, and it brings peace of mind and the ability to pursue your passions.

    • Finding Success Through Balance and Personal GrowthPrioritize your health and relationships, enjoy the journey, and find a balance between productivity and personal growth. Acknowledge your progress and work towards what truly matters to you.

      Success comes to those who have a clear direction and keep moving towards their goals. It's important to prioritize taking care of your health and relationships, as they hold more significance than your work. Additionally, enjoy the journey along the way and don't solely focus on being hyper-productive. It's crucial to tap into your emotions and reflect on your experiences to find a balance between productivity and personal growth. Acknowledge and appreciate the progress you make, and strive to work towards what truly matters to you while having fun. Remember that you are loved, worthy, and your actions contribute to making a difference.

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    BIG NEWS! Dr Joe is speaking LIVE at Summit of Greatness 2024! Buy your tickets TODAY at lewishowes.com/tickets

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    Be sure to check out Dr Joe’s new film, Source

    In this episode you will learn

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    • How to transition from the 3D world of separation to the 5D realm of interconnectedness.
    • The role of consciousness in overcoming physical and emotional challenges.
    • Practical steps to achieve brain and heart coherence to construct your new reality full of abundance.
    • Daily techniques to shorten the distance between thoughts and desired outcomes.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1633

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Depression and anxiety can be mitigated by understanding and leveraging the brain-body connection.
    • Breath control is a powerful tool for managing stress and altering mental states.
    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1631

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • The significance of finding joy in simple things and building happiness from within.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1630

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy her book for yourself and a friend! THE SOURCE - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

    In this episode you will learn

    • The practical steps to apply the science of manifestation in your life.
    • How belief and self-worth influence your ability to manifest.
    • The importance of gratitude in shifting your brain's chemistry from stress to trust.
    • The impact of smell on emotional memory and cognitive function.
    • Techniques for olfactory enrichment to improve memory and cognition.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1629

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    Have you ever wondered what truly makes someone confident, even in the face of insecurities and challenges? Welcome back to The School of Greatness, in today's masterclass episode, we're diving deep into the essence of true inner strength with some of the world's top experts.

    Ed Mylett shares his journey from insecurity to self-assuredness, emphasizing intention and purpose. Mel Robbins reveals how to harness the power of visualization and celebrate small wins. Matthew McConaughey explores shedding external identities to find true inner light. Get ready for an inspiring journey as we explore how faith, purpose, and the right mindset can transform your life and help you achieve greatness. Let's dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to build self-confidence through intention rather than achievements.
    • The importance of living with purpose and serving others to enhance confidence.
    • Techniques to overcome imposter syndrome and insecurities.
    • The impact of childhood experiences on adult self-perception.
    • The role of faith and intention in maintaining confidence and humility.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1628

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    “I’m a Bad*ss” How Dany Garcia Became A Business Trailblazer & Built a Multi-Billion Dollar Empire

    “I’m a Bad*ss” How Dany Garcia Became A Business Trailblazer & Built a Multi-Billion Dollar Empire

    Welcome back to The School of Greatness! Today, we have the pleasure of hosting the incredibly inspiring and multifaceted Dany Garcia. Dany is the Founder, CEO, and Chairwoman of The Garcia Companies, a portfolio of brands at the intersection of sports, entertainment, and lifestyle.

    She oversees a vast portfolio including Seven Bucks Productions, ZOA, Teremana Tequila, the Project Rock line at Under Armour, Acorns, Atom Tickets, and Salt & Straw. Dany shares her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in multiple industries. She discusses her early aspirations, pivotal moments that shaped her career, and her unique approach to success. Dany opens up about personal challenges, including her early divorce from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and how this experience ultimately strengthened their relationship and fueled their growth as business partners today.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The significance of aligning your actions with your ultimate purpose.
    • How to create and protect your unique path to success.
    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Gary Vee – https://link.chtbl.com/1618-pod

    Sarah Jakes Roberts – https://link.chtbl.com/1606-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    Are you ready to transform your business from local to global? Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best!

    In today’s episode, we have the incredibly insightful Scott Donnell joining us. Scott has spent over a decade studying more than a hundred multi-generational high net worth families, uncovering the secrets to building and maintaining wealth that lasts. In our conversation, he shares powerful lessons on why focusing on heritage over inheritance is crucial, how to instill the right financial values in our children, and the impact of money on our mental health and relationships. Get ready to learn practical strategies that will transform the way you and your family approach money.

    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

    In this episode you will learn

    • The difference between heritage and inheritance and why heritage is more important.
    • Strategies to teach children about value creation and financial responsibility.
    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1626

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Dr. Becky Kennedy – https://link.chtbl.com/1586-pod

    Robin Sharma – https://link.chtbl.com/1599-pod

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    Mel Robbins Reveals a 5-SECOND SECRET That Will Change Your Life Forever!

    Today Lewis is joined by the charismatic Mel Robbins. Together, they dive deep into the heart of personal and professional growth. Mel opens up about the power of habits, teaching us to differentiate the good from the bad and how to make them work in our favor. She shares a personal narrative, a moment of awakening that propelled her from a state of inaction to a life filled with purpose and action.

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    In this episode you will learn

    • The dual nature of habits and how to harness them positively.
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    • How to bridge the gap between knowing and doing to achieve goals.
    • Insights into decision-making processes and initiating action.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1532

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Mental Health Expert on The Real Reason You Stay Anxious All Day | Dr. John Delony

    Mental Health Expert on The Real Reason You Stay Anxious All Day | Dr. John Delony

    Dr. John Delony is a bestselling author, mental health expert and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. John has two PhDs and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response and higher education. He is the author of the bestselling books Own Your Past, Change Your Future and Redefining Anxiety. His new book, Building a Non-Anxious Life, will release in October 2023. John has appeared on Fox News and Fox Business and been featured in Real Simple magazine, Fast Company, The Today Show, and HuffPost. He has been a guest on The Minimalist Podcast, The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and the Mind Pump Podcast. John’s goal is to help people navigate tough decisions, improve their relationships, and believe they’re worth being well. Follow John on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter.

    Order his book, Building a Non-Anxious Life

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The importance of believing in something bigger than oneself for a non-anxious life, and how the lack of this belief can contribute to anxiety and discover strategies to cultivate it in your own life.
    • Why many people struggle to believe in their own worth. 
    • The positive changes in one's life after successfully choosing to build a non-anxious life.
    • How daily anxiety affects our relationships. 
    • Strategies for shifting your focus away from material success and external validation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1509

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on Radical Self Love & Acceptance:

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    Gary Vaynerchuk's Insights on Success, Family & The Future of Business

    Gary Vaynerchuk's Insights on Success, Family & The Future of Business

    In this episode, we're revisiting a conversation that's packed with inspiration, wisdom, and actionable insights. So, whether you're a long-time listener or new to The School of Greatness, grab your notepad because this episode promises to inspire you and empower you to live your best life today.

    Let’s face it: Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes an insane amount of dedication and work to make your vision become something tangible and real. Starting your own business is a process and one that is always changing. 

    Being an “all-out” entrepreneur not only requires a massive amount of dedication, but it also requires being able to balance different areas of life. Things like family, physical health, and mental health are also extremely important, and when you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll have to learn how to balance career, relationships, and health simultaneously.

    Becoming an entrepreneur is a difficult journey, but an enriching one and one that is worth taking. Today on The School of Greatness, I have Gary Vaynerchuk here to share his secrets about entrepreneurship, family, and self-confidence to help you on your business journey.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How hard work is revolutionizing things right now
    • How Gary’s work is more art than work
    • How humility plays into being a success
    • How Gary being too soft made things hard for business
    • How self-doubt is predicated on other people’s opinions

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1511

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More episodes on entrepreneurial greatness:

    Jaspreet Singh - https://link.chtbl.com/1257-pod

    Ray Dalio - https://link.chtbl.com/1266-pod

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    The 3 Dangers Holding You Back From Your Meaningful Mission EP 1466

    The 3 Dangers Holding You Back From Your Meaningful Mission EP 1466

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    Today, we’re going to talk about the dangers of the good life. Maybe you’ve worked your entire life to reach the “good life”. You’ve worked hard to reach a level of comfort and safety – and there’s nothing wrong with that. But once you got there, did you ever feel like something was missing? Did you ever feel unfulfilled, or there was something more out there waiting for you?

    When we strive to reach comfort, our safety can often leave us with a scarcity mindset because we’re afraid of losing what we worked so hard for. I respect that, but I also believe that we were meant for SO MUCH MORE. We were meant to unlock our inner greatness and live fulfilling lives full of love and peace. 

    In this episode, I invite you to step outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you’re following a path you think you’re SUPPOSED to be doing, but you know it’s not what you were BORN to do. Maybe you were on the right path for a season, and now your story has taken an unexpected turn. Wherever you are, you can choose to stay stuck, or choose to break free.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • What is “the good life” we’re taught by modern culture? Let’s define that.
    • Why so many people are lacking a sense of purpose.
    • How having a meaningful mission will end the temptation to endlessly wander aimlessly.
    • Lewis’s personal story of finding his meaningful mission from a very low point.
    • Why comfort isn’t always bad, and when to embrace and celebrate your wins.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1466

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    Lisa Nichols on living for your life’s mission - lewishowes.com/979

    Bruce Lipton on manifesting abundance - https://link.chtbl.com/1312-pod

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    6 Habits to Help You Overcome Procrastination and Maximize Your Year | Lewis Howes

    Hey, School of Greatness listeners! It's Lewis Howes, and I'm excited to have you here for a special episode as we dive into the new year with a burst of energy and determination. This fresh start is all about turning reflections into actions and conquering procrastination. I've identified six game-changing habits that will help you overcome this enemy and make 2024 your most remarkable year yet. We'll explore the 1% rule to break free from perfectionism, the art of asking for help, the power of saying "No," the significance of writing down your goals, the role of nutrition and hydration, and the importance of checking in on your "why." So, buckle up, because this episode is a high-energy journey toward unleashing your full potential and achieving greatness in 2024!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to apply the 1% rule for continuous improvement in various aspects of your life.
    • The importance of asking for help and how it can enhance your leadership skills.
    • The power of saying no to protect your peace and focus.
    • The benefits of writing down your goals and breaking them into manageable chunks.
    • The significance of maintaining good health for increased energy and focus.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1559

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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