
    The Psychology of Money — with Morgan Housel

    enFebruary 23, 2023
    What are the benefits of Meta's verified tier?
    How do soft skills impact wealth building, according to Morgan Housel?
    What bias did Don Lemon express regarding Nikki Haley?
    Why is balancing optimism and pessimism important for success?
    What investment strategy is recommended for mitigating risks?

    Podcast Summary

    • Meta's Blue Badge: Simplifying Authenticity and Enhancing SecurityMeta's new verified tier offers a blue badge for authenticity and security, improving user experience and reach, while Estee Lauder's strong DNA and entrepreneurship emphasize the importance of authenticity and simplicity in business success.

      Simplicity and authenticity are valuable in business, as demonstrated by Meta's new verified tier on Facebook and Instagram. For a fee, users receive a blue badge and improved user experience, including increased reach and influence. This move is about enhancing security and authenticity, as users must meet certain requirements and submit government IDs. The success of a company often depends on its ability to simplify complex ideas and maintain authenticity, as seen with Estee Lauder's strong DNA and impressive entrepreneurship. Morgan Housel, a financial expert, emphasizes the importance of soft skills, such as earning, saving, and investing, in building wealth. Meanwhile, Meta's move to offer a paid tier highlights the growing influence of social media and the desire for authenticity and security in the digital world.

    • Recognizing and challenging our biasesUnderstanding and addressing our biases, and acknowledging mistakes, is essential for promoting fairness and equality in society.

      Our perceptions and biases, even those held by individuals from marginalized communities, can be unjust and inaccurate. Don Lemon's comment about Nikki Haley's age and prime being a barrier to her presidency run is an example of this. This situation highlights the importance of recognizing and challenging our own biases, as well as acknowledging that everyone, regardless of background, can make mistakes. Moreover, the discussion touches upon the fundamental human instincts of survival and propagation, which influence our attraction to individuals with resources, power, and perceived fertility. These instincts contribute to the unequal treatment and valuation of certain individuals, particularly wealthy men and young women, creating a skewed societal reality. It's crucial to recognize these patterns and strive for a more equitable and fair society.

    • Society's bias towards women's youth and childbearing yearsDespite mistakes, we should focus on addressing systemic issues like income inequality, lowering prescription prices, and increasing economic opportunities for young men to create a more inclusive society.

      Our society places undue value on certain stages of a woman's life, particularly her youth and childbearing years, leading to biases and discrimination in the workforce. This issue, compounded by ageism, results in a corporate environment that can be unfriendly to women. Don Lemon's controversial comment was a reflection of this ingrained bias. However, it's essential to acknowledge that mistakes are made, and apologies can be accepted. Instead of focusing on policing social issues, we should concentrate on addressing systemic problems, such as lowering prescription prices, increasing economic opportunities for young men, and reducing income inequality. The Internet, with its ad-supported business model, also contributes to societal divisions and negative emotions through attention-grabbing content, which can be more lucrative than factual information. It's crucial to recognize these issues and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

    • Subscription-based social media and age verification for a healthier online experienceShift to subscription models could reduce negative emissions from social media, save ad ecosystem money, and protect young people with age verification

      The shift towards subscription-based social media and better age verification could lead to a significant reduction in negative emissions, such as enragement, polarization, and teen depression, that have resulted from transforming attention into shareholder value. This is because subscription models generate fewer emissions than ad-supported models, as seen with services like Netflix and LinkedIn. Furthermore, the ad ecosystem is running out of money, and companies like Meta are turning to subscription models to sustain their growth. Age verification is also crucial to protect young people from the negative effects of social media. Overall, a subscription-based social media landscape would be a much healthier, more sustainable alternative to the current ad-supported model.

    • The Psychology of Money and TeamworkSuccess in finances relies on our behaviors towards money, including controlling greed, fear, and risk, and having a philosophy around uncertainty. Balancing the mindsets of earning and saving is crucial.

      While Atlassian software like Jira, Confluence, and Trello help teams collaborate and achieve more together, financial success is not a hard science but a soft skill. According to Morgan Housel, author of "The Psychology of Money," how we behave towards money matters more than what we know. Behaviors such as controlling greed, fear, and risk, and having a proper philosophy around uncertainty are crucial for financial success. The opposing forces of earning money and saving money require different mindsets - optimism and growth for the former, and conservatism and fear for the latter. These skills are not mutually exclusive, but striking a balance between them is essential.

    • Balancing optimism and pessimism for financial successEmbrace both pessimism for saving and optimism for investing for lasting financial success. Diversify investments and maintain a long-term perspective.

      Having a balanced perspective, embracing both optimism and pessimism, is crucial for success in challenging situations, whether in a POW camp or in managing personal finances. While it's essential to save with a pessimistic mindset, acknowledging potential hardships and setbacks, one also needs to invest with an optimistic outlook, believing in long-term growth and returns. This delicate balance is rare but necessary for lasting success. The media often highlights extreme cases of wealth accumulation through concentrated investments, but sound financial advice encourages diversification as soon as possible to mitigate risks. Additionally, historical data shows that investing in the S&P 500 for at least 10 years guarantees no loss of money. However, it's important to remember that even the most successful entrepreneurs, like Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, have demonstrated the importance of striking a balance between optimism and pessimism in their financial strategies.

    • Aim for financial security, not wealthPrioritize earning, saving, and investing for financial security, starting young and avoiding risks.

      While some people may aspire to be the wealthiest individuals in the world, the majority of people just want a comfortable life for their families. It's important to understand that you can't afford to be a terrible investor, as underperforming the S&P 500 can prevent retirement and achieving financial goals. For most people, earning, saving, and investing should be prioritized at different stages of life. Compounding, or the returns to the power of time, is crucial, especially for young people who have the most time to accumulate wealth. The key is not to focus on getting rich, but rather on not getting poor. It's essential to avoid taking unnecessary risks and falling victim to fear and greed. Warren Buffett's success, for example, comes primarily from starting to invest at a young age and continuing to do so for a long time. In summary, the goal is to achieve financial security and stability, rather than striving for immense wealth.

    • Investing Early MattersInvesting early, even with small amounts, can lead to significant financial growth over time. Understanding the importance of different life stages and aligning investments with personal values and goals is crucial for financial success.

      Investing early is crucial for financial success, even if it may seem insignificant in the moment. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about a friend who religiously saved and invested while earning less than him, and how that friend is now economically comparable despite the former's earlier financial advantage. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of understanding the different phases of life and the role of investments during those stages. He suggests that for young people, especially those trying to attract potential spouses, the ROI of investing in appearances could be immeasurable. However, it's essential to ensure that the investments made align with the values and goals that will lead to the most important decisions in life. The speaker also acknowledges that financial literacy can be challenging to teach the youth, with some individuals intuitively understanding concepts like compound interest and others being compulsive gamblers. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of good advice for those who want and need it.

    • Instincts driving us towards consumption and away from savingUnderstanding others' priorities and practicing empathy can help shift focus towards long-term financial goals and happiness derived from experiences and relationships, not just material possessions. Consider low-cost ETFs and index funds for bulk savings and allow a small portion for potential high-risk investments.

      Our instincts, shaped by evolution, drive us towards consumption and accumulation of material possessions, often leading us away from saving and investing. These instincts are amplified by consumer culture and our economy's ability to generate wealth and envy. However, realizing that others are more concerned with their own aspirations than ours can help us shift our focus towards long-term financial goals and happiness derived from experiences and relationships, rather than material possessions. Practical modifications, such as imagining oneself in others' shoes or limiting exposure to excessive wealth, can help individuals resist the urge to consume and save more effectively. Investment advice suggests focusing on low-cost ETFs and index funds for the bulk of one's money, while allowing a small portion for potential high-risk, high-reward opportunities.

    • Striking a Balance in Your Twenties: Save and Enjoy LifeBalance saving for emergencies and investing with career building and personal growth in your twenties

      For young adults in their twenties, it's essential to strike a balance between saving and enjoying life. While saving for an emergency fund and investing in a diversified portfolio are crucial, it's also important to build a career and establish connections that will have long-term benefits. Young adults should consider allocating some funds for experimentation and learning about risk management, but also prioritize saving for emergencies. The odds of significant life changes, such as career shifts or personal milestones, are high during this stage, making it essential to have a solid financial foundation. Ultimately, the twenties and thirties are a time to work hard and build a strong foundation for the future.

    • Career and financial growth follow a cyclical patternEmbrace volatility and add humility to your financial future, nothing lasts forever. Use tools like Mercury for financial control and Grammarly for clear communication.

      Career growth and financial security follow a cyclical pattern. In your twenties, you learn new skills. In your thirties, you apply those skills and build your career. In your forties and fifties, you reap the rewards of your hard work. This framework, while not strict, is generally true for most careers. When it comes to financial security, it's essential to remember that nothing lasts indefinitely, whether good or bad. Those who are financially successful in their twenties may have gotten lucky, and their success may not continue forever. Conversely, those who struggled financially during a recession or other economic downturn may not be stuck in that situation permanently. Embracing volatility and adding humility to your view of your future is crucial. Success and failure are often a matter of luck as much as they are a result of character and grit. Over the long term, luck is perfectly symmetrical. In terms of practical advice for those looking to get serious about their financial security, adopting the philosophy that nothing lasts forever and being open to the cyclical nature of economic growth is a great place to start. Additionally, simplifying financial operations through tools like Mercury can help businesses stay in control of their spending and reconcile transactions more efficiently. And for those looking to improve their writing, using a tool like Grammarly can help ensure clear and effective communication.

    • Focus, Stoicism, Diversification, and Time: The Powerful Formula for Building WealthFocusing on a skill, becoming an expert, practicing stoicism, diversifying investments, and investing with a long-term perspective can lead to financial success despite external factors.

      The combination of focus, stoicism, diversification, and time is a powerful formula for building wealth. Focusing on a skill, investing heavily in it, and becoming an expert can lead to financial success. Stoicism helps in preparing for inevitable financial losses by recognizing the role of luck and focusing on what is within one's control. Diversification protects against market downturns and unexpected events. Lastly, appreciating the power of time and investing with a long-term perspective can lead to significant wealth accumulation. However, it's important to remember that this formula is not foolproof and does not account for external factors such as where and when one is born, which can have a significant impact on financial success.

    • Everyone's financial journey is unique and shaped by experiencesLearn from past mistakes, emphasize financial discipline, and provide accurate financial information to young people to help them make better choices

      Everyone's financial journey is unique, and it's essential to understand that our experiences shape our perspectives. Some people may advocate for simple investment strategies, but not everyone's story is the same. For instance, the speaker shares how he made significant financial mistakes in his past, despite earning a high salary early in his career. He lived beyond his means, assuming a big financial windfall was just around the corner. However, when his child arrived, he found himself nearly penniless due to a series of unfortunate events. This experience instilled in him a deep fear of financial instability and drove him to become financially disciplined. Now, the speaker emphasizes the importance of financial discipline for young people, especially young men. He believes that they don't need to be exceptional but should learn from their mistakes and avoid the pitfalls he encountered. At the same time, he acknowledges that social media pressure can lead young people to make poor financial decisions. Therefore, it's crucial to provide them with accurate financial information and empathize with their struggles while guiding them towards better choices.

    • Effective financial management in marriage and parenthoodMoney's role in happiness is significant, financial discipline and balance are crucial, leaving children enough money for opportunities but not too much for idleness, and understanding money's psychology can lead to better decisions and happier lives.

      Money plays a significant role in our lives and relationships, and effective financial management is crucial, especially in marriage and parenthood. Morgan Housel emphasizes the importance of financial discipline and balance, sharing his belief that leaving children enough money for opportunities but not too much for idleness is key. He also highlights the challenge of teaching universal financial lessons to children, given their unique personalities and future paths. In a capitalist society, money's disproportionate role in happiness is unfortunate but undeniable, and understanding the psychology of money can help individuals make better financial decisions and lead happier lives. Housel's book, "The Psychology of Money," offers valuable insights and lessons on this topic.

    • Avoiding Personal Attacks: Be Respectful and MaturePersonal attacks harm relationships and damage egos. Always be respectful and demonstrate maturity to avoid public disputes and deescalate situations when they arise. Apologize when necessary and focus on evaluating situations rather than speaking ill of others.

      Personal attacks, whether at a professional conference or in everyday life, can cause harm and damage relationships, even between individuals of similar power. Both parties involved in a public dispute, no matter how famous or successful, are still human beings with emotions and fragile egos. It's essential to have a code around personal attacks and to be the bigger person by apologizing and deescalating situations when they arise. Remember, never speak ill of anyone unless it's in the context of evaluating a specific situation. Personal attacks on those who are less powerful than us is bullying, and it only makes both parties look bad. Instead, focus on being respectful and demonstrating maturity and manhood by taking responsibility for our actions and making amends when necessary.

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