
    The Purge Continues. The Inside Story. (Ep 1434)

    enJanuary 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Fighting Against Silencing Efforts on ParlorDan Bongino urges listeners to stand strong against groupthink and maintain principles during impeachment and election integrity debates, and promotes We The People Holsters.

      Dan Bongino, the host of a popular free speech platform, Parlor, is fiercely committed to fighting against any attempts to silence his platform and is urging his audience not to fall into the groupthink trap regarding ongoing impeachment and election integrity issues. He believes it's a crucial time for strength and principle rather than weakness. Additionally, Bongino mentioned his own health concerns but assured listeners he's recovering well. He also promoted We The People Holsters, a sponsor of his show, and encouraged listeners to check them out for custom-fitted holsters and gun belts.

    • Staying true to principles amidst groupthinkMaintain moral clarity and resist groupthink during elections, upholding the foundation of a constitutional republic.

      Individuals should not be swayed by groupthink or external pressures to abandon their principles and beliefs, especially when it comes to the importance of free and fair elections and moral clarity. The speaker emphasizes the significance of elections as the foundation of a constitutional republic and the need for absolute moral clarity regarding events such as the Capitol incident. They warn against falling into the trap of groupthink and virtue signaling, and encourage standing firm in one's convictions. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy and lack of moral clarity shown by some politicians and media figures in their handling of the situation.

    • An attempt to weaken Trump's political influenceSome Republicans fear impeachment could prevent Trump family's endorsements from disrupting the 2022 primary season, while others see it as a waste of time and political exercise, not a criminal trial.

      The ongoing impeachment process against President Trump, with just days left in his term, is not just about holding him accountable for his actions on January 6th, but also an attempt by some to weaken his political influence and the conservative movement associated with him. Impeachment is a political exercise, not a criminal trial, and those pushing for it are facing growing opposition from the public, who view it as a waste of time. The fear among some Republicans is that the Trump family's endorsement in the 2022 primary season could lead to a total rout of establishment lawmakers, making the Tea Party seem tame in comparison. The impeachment process is seen as an effort to stop this potential outcome.

    • Impeachment trial of President Trump challenged as unconstitutionalConstitutional scholars argue that impeaching a private citizen is unconstitutional and that Trump's speech is protected by the First Amendment. The controversy continues as some view the trial as rushed and politically motivated.

      The ongoing impeachment trial of President Trump is being challenged as unconstitutional due to the fact that he will soon be a private citizen. Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional scholar, has highlighted this issue, pointing out that impeachments are for high crimes and misdemeanors, and Trump's speech advocating for peaceful protest at the Capitol is protected by the First Amendment. Furthermore, the Constitution does not allow the Senate to try a private citizen. These arguments add to the controversy surrounding the impeachment trial, which has already been criticized for its rushed and politically motivated nature. The use of CBD for pain relief, as mentioned in the sponsor segment, could provide an alternative solution for those suffering from chronic pain, allowing them to live a more active and comfortable life.

    • Omax Health's Cryo-free Roll-on Offers Quick and Long-Lasting Pain ReliefUsers report positive experiences with Omax Health's Cryo-free Roll-on for pain relief, which is 100% natural and free from messy creams and harsh fragrances. Alan Dershowitz argues Trump's Capitol riots speech did not meet the legal standard for criminalized speech, as there was no clear call to action leading to immediate lawlessness.

      The CBD pain relief roll-on from Omax Health, named Cryo-free, offers quick and long-lasting relief from pain and inflammation. Users have reported positive experiences, with some noting its effectiveness in improving muscle and joint flexibility. The product is 100% natural and free from messy creams and harsh fragrances. Omax Health is currently offering a 20% discount on Cryo-free and site-wide using the promo code Bongino. Another significant takeaway from the discussion is Alan Dershowitz's argument that Trump did not commit a crime during the Capitol riots. According to Dershowitz, Trump's speech did not meet the legal standard for criminalized speech as it did not incite imminent unlawful actions. Instead, his words were an abstraction, and there was no clear call to action that would result in immediate lawlessness. This perspective challenges the common belief that Trump's words were directly responsible for the violent events at the Capitol.

    • Debating the Impeachment Trial and Political ViolenceThe impeachment trial of former President Trump raises questions about constitutionality, imminent law violation, and political affiliation. The normalization of political violence and selective rule application are concerns, emphasizing the need for objective truth and consistent principles.

      There are ongoing debates regarding the impeachment trial of former President Trump, with arguments raised about its constitutionality, the lack of imminent law violation, and the fact that Trump will be a private citizen after January 20th. Another important topic discussed was the normalization of political violence and the double standard applied by some media outlets and politicians towards violent protests. The speaker emphasized the need for objective truth and a common set of principles to guide the country, rather than selectively applying rules based on one's political affiliation. The media's role in these issues was also criticized for condoning or normalizing political violence in certain instances. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of upholding principles and constitutional values, and the need for consistency and objectivity in applying them.

    • Protests lead to reforms but complex issues surround their effectivenessHistorically, protests have brought about reforms, but their effectiveness and the role of political figures in shaping public discourse are contentious. Clear communication and commitment to truth are crucial for productive dialogue.

      While violent protests can be destructive and dangerous, they have historically led to significant social reforms. However, the discussion around their effectiveness and the role of various political figures in shaping public discourse can be complex and contentious. It's important to consider the context and principles involved, as well as alternative solutions for addressing societal issues. The debate around election integrity and the role of political parties in shaping public discourse also adds complexity to the conversation. Ultimately, clear communication and a commitment to objective truth are essential for productive dialogue.

    • Chinese New Year sale: Look younger with Chamisine's Deep Correcting SerumDuring sales, enhance your appearance with Chamisine's serum using advanced liposomal technology for better vitamin C absorption

      During the Chinese New Year sale, you can look younger and improve your skin with Chamisine's Zotique Deep Correcting Serum, which uses liposomal technology for effective vitamin C absorption. Meanwhile, in other news, Parler, a social media platform, is facing intense pressure from big tech companies and liberal hate groups, leading to bans and attacks on their websites. The situation is serious, with Parler suing Amazon for compliance in court. Parler's fight against censorship could set a precedent for other conservative platforms and blogs, as they may be the next targets. Despite the challenges, Parler intends to fight back and return.

    • Tech Companies and Media Outlets Suppressing Free SpeechTech companies and media outlets are targeting conservative voices, leading to the suspension of President Trump's YouTube account and restrictions on the RNC by Stripe and Salesforce. It's crucial to stand together, fight back, and support alternative platforms that don't discriminate based on political ideology.

      We are witnessing a coordinated effort from tech companies and media outlets to suppress free speech, particularly for those with conservative viewpoints. This was evident in the recent suspension of President Trump's YouTube account and the restrictions placed on the RNC by Stripe and Salesforce. Dan Bongino, a conservative commentator, is urging people to stand together and fight back against these unprincipled revolutions that always end badly when there are no clear sides or principles involved. He also highlighted the importance of supporting alternative platforms, like Rumble, that don't discriminate based on political ideology. The situation is serious, and it's important for individuals and businesses to be aware of the potential consequences of supporting conservative causes or figures. The fight for free speech is ongoing, and it's crucial that we don't let fear or complacency silence us.

    • Questions Raised About Tech Industry's Market Structure After Actions Against ParlerThe recent actions of tech companies against Parler have sparked debates about coordinated efforts to eliminate competition and the involvement of government-backed actors, raising questions about the true nature of the tech industry's market structure and the role of power within it.

      The recent actions of tech companies, such as Amazon, Apple, and Google, against the social media platform Parler, raise questions about the true nature of the tech industry's market structure. The allegations of coordinated efforts to eliminate competition and the involvement of government-backed actors add complexity to the issue. The first question is whether this was a coordinated hit on Parler. Twitter's admission of collaboration with peers in suspending accounts in Uganda's election raises suspicions. The second question is whether these companies are truly private entities or if they act on behalf of the government. If the government cannot force private companies to act on its behalf, then such actions would be illegal. These questions highlight the importance of understanding the nuances of market dynamics and the role of power in the tech industry.

    • Government's use of tech companies as state actors for content regulationThe Norwood vs. Harrison case sets a legal precedent, arguing that tech companies' censorship actions, protected by Section 230, are an extension of government censorship due to government inducements and threats.

      Twitter, as well as other tech companies, should be considered as state actors due to the government's use of inducements and threats to regulate their content. This is based on the legal precedent set by the Norwood vs. Harrison case, which states that the government cannot encourage or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to do itself. The tech companies' actions in censoring content, protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, can be seen as an extension of government censorship. The government's threats of regulation against these companies for failing to censor certain content further solidifies this argument. This raises serious concerns about the violation of free speech rights.

    • Hypocritical double standard in government pressure on private companiesPoliticians should uphold principles and not use private companies as proxies for government actions, regardless of political affiliation.

      There's a hypocritical double standard when it comes to government pressure on private companies, depending on which political ideology is being enforced. During the discussion, it was pointed out that Democrats, who are currently advocating for the removal of Parler from various platforms due to alleged incitement of violence, have in the past criticized Republicans for attempting to use similar tactics against abortion clinics. However, when a Democratic congressman called for Amazon to deny services to Parler, some of the same Democrats who previously condemned such actions now saw no issue with it. This inconsistency highlights the importance of upholding principles and not using private companies as proxies for government actions, regardless of political affiliation.

    • Disconnect between social media bans and hateful contentThe inconsistent application of social media policies, with some platforms banning certain content while others allow it, raises questions about transparency and accountability. It's crucial to fact-check news stories and question sources to avoid being misled.

      There seems to be a disconnect between the alleged justifications for banning certain social media platforms, such as Parler, for inciting violence, and the lack of action against hateful and violent content on other platforms like Twitter. This was highlighted during a discussion on a radio show, where the hosts expressed confusion about the inconsistency and hypocrisy of these actions. The hosts also emphasized the importance of fact-checking and questioning the sources of news stories, especially in the context of ongoing efforts to discredit certain individuals and organizations. The discussion underscored the need for transparency and accountability in the handling of content on social media platforms and the potential consequences of selective enforcement of policies.

    • False accusation of instructive emails to conservative radio hostsMedia outlets falsely claimed conservative radio hosts received emails instructing their content, but no such emails were found. This incident highlights the need for fact-checking and the potential return of the fairness doctrine, which could suppress free speech.

      The discussion revolves around a false allegation made by several media outlets, including The Washington Post, about a supposed email from Brian Phillips of Cumulus, instructing radio hosts Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro on what to discuss or not discuss on their shows. However, neither Bongino nor Shapiro received such an email, and Bongino has offered $100,000 to any journalist who can produce the email with their email addresses on it. The motivation behind the false story, according to Bongino, is to put a target on their backs and bring back the fairness doctrine, which could potentially cancel conservative radio. Bongino emphasizes the importance of free speech and encourages listeners to support alternative platforms like Parler and Rumble.

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