
    The REAL job of the entrepreneur...and the SECRET to finding talent.🕺🏻 | Ep 96

    enJanuary 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Maintaining high standards for your team: Entrepreneurs must challenge beliefs and inspire their team to exceed expectations by maintaining high standards and fostering a culture of innovation and growth

      As an entrepreneur, your role evolves as your business grows. While it's essential to learn new skills quickly, there comes a time when you need to bring in people who are better than you at specific tasks. At this point, your role shifts to maintaining the highest standards for your team. This means challenging beliefs about what's possible and pushing your team to exceed expectations. An entrepreneur's job is to hold the bar high and inspire your team to reach new heights. A real-life example of this is an entrepreneur who, despite his team believing it was impossible, demanded that they merge four databases within 60 days. When met with resistance, he let go of the naysayers and looked to the remaining team members to rise to the challenge. By maintaining high standards, entrepreneurs can foster a culture of innovation and growth within their teams.

    • Believing in the impossible leads to great achievements: Maintain high standards, ask big questions, and believe in the impossible to drive growth and innovation. Leaders should set the bar for the highest standards to attract and retain top talent.

      Having a strong belief in the possible, even when faced with seemingly impossible tasks, can lead to great achievements. The story illustrates a leader who, despite not being a tech expert, managed to consolidate four databases into one within 30 days by systematically breaking down the tasks and challenging the team's limiting beliefs. Elon Musk's approach of questioning the physics behind the impossible is a powerful reminder that many perceived limitations are just beliefs. As entrepreneurs, we should strive to maintain high standards, ask big questions, and believe in the impossible to drive growth and innovation. Additionally, the person in the highest position in a department or division should set the bar for the highest standards to attract and retain top talent.

    • Empowering Team Members for Business Growth: Identify and empower team members to lead key areas of your business to maintain high standards and inspire growth. Fostering a culture of excellence leads to extraordinary success.

      As an entrepreneur, it's essential to identify and empower team members with the highest standards of excellence to lead key areas of your business. This includes customer service, sales, product development, and more. By doing so, you maintain high expectations and inspire your team to push beyond their perceived limitations. A great example of this comes from the story of Brandon Poole and Heehan from LadyBoss, who quadrupled their business in a matter of months. Despite already having an 8-figure business, they shattered their own beliefs and achieved extraordinary success. As the entrepreneur, it's your responsibility to foster a culture of excellence and empower your team to reach new heights. So, keep asking the big questions and challenging the status quo. Why not? Why can't we? The answer is, with the right people and mindset, anything is possible.

    • Beliefs Determine Business Success: Entrepreneurs must believe in setting high standards for speed, product excellence, and customer service to achieve business success.

      As entrepreneurs, our beliefs play a crucial role in determining the success of our businesses. The speaker shares an example of how a business leader had to hire 30 customer service reps in just 14 days during a major explosion in their business. While some may deem this unrealistic, the leader believed it was necessary and made it happen. This belief in speed and setting high standards is essential for entrepreneurs. Another example given is the importance of product excellence, which involves setting a high bar for the quality of your product and refusing to settle for anything less. The speaker encourages entrepreneurs to question those who tell them it's not possible and to push past limitations, whether they be physical or mental. Ultimately, the real job of an entrepreneur is to maintain a high standard for their company, products, and customer service, no matter what it takes.

    • Challenge the status quo and question the impossible: Unconventional beliefs and strong convictions can lead to faster goal achievement. Break down limiting beliefs, find like-minded people, and inspire them to push the limits of what's possible.

      Having unconventional beliefs and a strong conviction in what is possible can help individuals and companies achieve their goals at a faster rate. Conventional wisdom often leads to conventional results, and asking unconventional questions can lead to innovative answers. To scale a company and maintain excellence, it's essential to break down limiting beliefs, find people who share your convictions, and empower them to do the same for their teams. It's no longer just about acquiring new skills but pushing the limits of what's possible and inspiring others to do the same. Remember, it's not our experience that holds us back, but our beliefs. So, challenge the status quo, question the impossible, and surround yourself with those who share your vision. Together, you can achieve the extraordinary.

    • The importance of clear communication in achieving goals: Effective communication is crucial for success, requiring clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness to influence others.

      Effective communication is essential when working towards a common goal. The speaker expressed a desire to convince those around him of his beliefs, but did not provide specific strategies or arguments to do so. Instead, he ended the discussion with a casual sign-off, potentially missing an opportunity to make a lasting impact. This highlights the importance of being clear, concise, and persuasive when trying to influence others. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the upcoming Super Bowl, which could be used as a metaphor for a shared goal or event that brings people together. Overall, the key takeaway is that clear and effective communication is crucial for achieving success, whether it's in the context of a team or a larger goal.

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    (18:41) BONUS!

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (25:12) - Final thoughts on preparation

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Find the full transcript at: https://www.lennyspodcast.com/failure/


    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

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    (1:00:33) Thanks for listening


    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.


    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

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    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

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    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Henry Cloud, leadership expert, psychologist and bestselling author of The Power of the Other

    Jessica Melo, Paycom executive vice president of sales training

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