
    The Real Reason They’re Attacking Tucker and Tulsi (Ep 1725)

    enMarch 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting America FirstDan Bongino emphasizes the importance of prioritizing America's defense and fixing its issues before extending help to other countries.

      Dan Bongino, the host of the show, strongly emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the protection and defense of the United States before extending help to other countries. He believes that fixing America's issues should be the top priority and criticizes those who spread anti-American sentiments. Bongino also defended Tulsi Gabbard against accusations of treason for raising concerns about potential bio-labs in Ukraine containing dangerous pathogens. He emphasized that acknowledging their existence is not a bad thing and urged immediate action to address the potential crisis.

    • Ukraine Bio Research Facilities: A Controversial IssueOfficials acknowledge and express concerns about potential breaches or Russian control of bio research facilities in Ukraine, while others deny their existence or downplay their significance. The debate goes beyond the labs and raises questions about fact-checkers, political establishments, and geopolitical conflicts.

      There is ongoing controversy regarding the existence and nature of bio research facilities in Ukraine, with some officials acknowledging their existence and expressing concerns about potential breaches or Russian control, while others deny their existence or downplay their significance. Despite the evidence, acknowledging the existence of these facilities can lead to accusations of being a "Putin's stooge" or spreading misinformation. The involvement of US government funding in these labs has also been a point of contention. The debate goes beyond the bio research labs themselves and raises questions about the role of fact-checkers, political establishments, and the potential for being used as pawns in geopolitical conflicts.

    • Media manipulating public opinion with false narrativesMedia's handling of Tulsi Gabbard's Russian donation controversy and lack of coverage of other potential scandals highlights the need for truth and transparency, while also defending individuals' rights to speak out.

      The left is accused of attacking political opponents, even those in their own party, under the guise of foreign influence or other allegations. The discussion references Tulsi Gabbard, a military veteran and Democrat, who received criticism and false accusations based on a $59 donation from a Russian-linked individual. The media's handling of this situation, as well as their lack of coverage of other potential scandals involving high-profile Democrats, is seen as a threat to the democratic republic and an attempt to manipulate public opinion through false narratives. It's important to critically evaluate information and hold those in power accountable for their actions, while also defending the rights of individuals to speak out about important issues. The ongoing polarization in society highlights the need for truth and transparency in media and politics.

    • TikTok influencers spreading misinformation and propagandaBe vigilant and fact-check information from social media, especially when it comes from TikTok influencers. Misinformation and propaganda can lead to a collective belief in untruths and create an information asymmetry among the population, potentially leading to far-reaching consequences.

      The influence of false information and propaganda in the United States is a growing concern, with the left using TikTok influencers to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. This was exemplified by President Biden's use of TikTok influencers to blame inflation on Putin and Ukraine. This trend towards propaganda is dangerous as it can lead to a collective belief in untruths, creating an information asymmetry among the population. The potential consequences of this could be far-reaching, including the propagation of extreme ideas. It's important for individuals to be vigilant and fact-check information they receive, especially from social media platforms. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of quality products, such as Henry Repeating Arms and GLP1 prescription medications, which can provide solutions to specific needs. However, it's essential to approach these offers with caution and ensure that they are backed by credible sources and reliable information.

    • Conflict between Ukraine and Russia impacting global food and fuel pricesThe ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia could lead to food and fuel shortages, causing increased prices and potential lifestyle changes globally, including for major food producers like the US, and potentially leading to geopolitical unrest and economic instability.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, instigated by Putin, is leading to increased prices for food and fuel globally due to limited resources and decreased international trade. This situation poses a significant concern as political and economic freedoms are interconnected, and the suppression of information and ideological expression can negatively impact both. The potential for food and fuel shortages, while not imminent, could lead to prohibitively high prices and drastic lifestyle changes for many people. The United States, as a major food producer, could face increased food prices, and a potential 5% reduction in the global food supply could lead to geopolitical unrest and economic instability worldwide. It is crucial to remain informed and prepare for potential challenges in the areas of food and fuel supply.

    • Media focus on Republican responses to issues distracts from Democrats' failuresThe media's focus on Republican responses to domestic issues distracts from the Democrats' failures, while the White House's use of TikTok influencers for propaganda and blaming external factors for domestic issues is concerning. However, the US's vast productive capacity ensures a faster recovery than other countries.

      The current global situation, with its serious issues like potential housing and stock market crises, inflation, and unemployment, requires serious attention. However, the media's focus on Republican responses to these issues rather than the Democrats' failures is concerning. The White House's use of TikTok influencers for propaganda and attempts to blame external factors like Vladimir Putin for domestic issues are seen as cynical and disgusting. Despite these challenges, the United States, with its vast productive capacity, would likely recover faster than any other country in the event of a total wipeout. It's crucial to address these issues seriously and focus on solutions rather than partisan politics.

    • Left's economic approach worsens inflation crisis for marginalized communitiesThe left's commitment to Keynesian economics exacerbates inflation, causing financial strain for lower-income and middle-class Americans, particularly impacting marginalized communities.

      The current inflation crisis is causing significant financial strain on lower-income and middle-class Americans, despite the left's attempts to blame external factors. The irony lies in the fact that the left, who claim to champion minority rights, are contributing to the crisis through their adherence to Keynesian economics, which prioritizes demand over supply. This misguided economic approach ignores the importance of supply and incentives, leading to a lack of essential goods and services, such as food and fuel. The result is a worsening crisis that disproportionately affects marginalized communities. It's crucial to recognize this issue and challenge the misinformation being spread by those in power.

    • The importance of a free market system and stable capital baseExcessive government spending, high taxes, and Keynesian demand principles can lead to unsustainable economic situations. Supply-side economics, with less government intervention and lower taxes, can lead to economic success as seen in ten states with low unemployment rates.

      A free market system and a stable capital base are essential for long-term supply and demand balance, especially in economically challenged areas like Haiti. The speaker argues that excessive government spending, high taxes, and a reliance on Keynesian demand principles can lead to unsustainable economic situations, as seen in New York and other high-tax states. The evidence from New York shows that despite the promise of "free stuff" from the government, people are still leaving for states with less government intervention and lower taxes. The speaker challenges the left to reevaluate their economic policies in light of these realities. Furthermore, the speaker points to the current low unemployment rates in ten states, most of which are led by Republican governors, as evidence that supply-side economics can lead to economic success.

    • Propaganda in Politics: Distorting Facts and Causing DivisivenessPropaganda in politics can lead to misunderstanding of facts, fear, divisiveness, and even severe consequences such as nuclear war or mass migration. Seek out accurate information and evaluate situations logically.

      The current political climate is heavily influenced by propaganda, leading to a lack of national cohesiveness and misunderstanding of facts. The discussion highlighted the example of the debate around herd immunity and COVID-19, where scientific facts were distorted through propaganda, resulting in unnecessary fear and divisiveness. This misinformation not only affects individuals but also undermines the sense of American greatness and unity that once existed. It's crucial to seek out accurate information and evaluate situations logically, rather than being swayed by propaganda. The consequences of this misinformation can be severe, including the potential for nuclear war or mass migration from the country.

    • The ineffectiveness of a zero-COVID societyFocus on protecting vulnerable populations and allowing normal lives for children and healthy adults, while prioritizing treatments and prevention for those at higher risk.

      The pursuit of a zero-COVID society, as demonstrated in Hong Kong, has proven to be an ineffective and potentially harmful approach. The virus, being a gene code that spreads naturally, will continue to do so regardless of lockdowns and restrictions. The focus should instead be on protecting vulnerable populations and allowing children and healthy adults to continue their normal lives while prioritizing treatments and prevention for those at higher risk. It's important to learn from past mistakes and adapt to the reality of the virus. Even those with opposing viewpoints, like Trevor Noah, are starting to acknowledge the issues with the COVID response. The Google Podcasts app going away serves as a reminder to stay flexible and adapt to changes, not just in podcast apps but in our approach to the pandemic.

    • COVID-19 guidelines create confusion in NYCUnvaccinated individuals face inconsistent rules in NYC, raising questions about information asymmetry and the importance of critically evaluating sources

      The COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions in New York City are creating confusion, as some rules are being lifted while others remain in place. For instance, unvaccinated individuals cannot work at indoor events but can attend them as fans. This was evident during a recent basketball game between the Nets and Knicks, where Kyrie Irving, an unvaccinated player, watched the game from the sidelines. The inconsistency of these rules raises questions and highlights the challenges of maintaining information asymmetry in a free society. The incident also serves as a reminder that it's essential to critically evaluate information from all sources, including those with cultural influence, to separate facts from propaganda. Despite the challenges, there's hope for a rebound, as history shows that difficult times often lead to significant improvements.

    • Florida and Miami-Dade County's Importance in U.S. PoliticsThe GOP's growing strength in Florida and Miami-Dade County, historically Democratic areas, is a significant trend in U.S. politics. Disillusionment with Democratic messaging on issues like inflation, Russia, Ukraine, and the border is driving this shift among Hispanic voters.

      The political landscape is shifting, and key states like Florida and Miami-Dade County are becoming increasingly important for the Republican Party. The trend towards the GOP in these areas is significant because as Florida goes, so does the country. The Democrats face a challenging path to winning national elections, and they need to secure states like Pennsylvania while also trying to make inroads in Texas and other traditionally blue areas. Ron DeSantis' high approval ratings in Miami-Dade County, a historically Democratic stronghold, are a sign of a larger shift in Hispanic voter sentiment. This shift is being driven by growing disillusionment with Democratic messaging on issues like inflation, Russia, Ukraine, and the border. The stakes are high, and the outcome of these political battles could determine the direction of the country for years to come.

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    Transcript for the episode can be found here.


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    Is Britain’s education system fit for purpose in the 21st Century? (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 10, Episode 0005

    This week’s Black Spy Podcast Part 2 continues to deal with the question of, Is Britain's education system fit for purpose in the 21st century?

    In part one of this discussion we delve into is the way that Britain's education system has an over reliability on a small number of elitist private schools in terms of providing Britain it most perceived educated cadre.

    However the Black Spy Podcast questions whether these private, also known as public schools in Britain, create the type of technically educated people we require in the 21st century.

    We also examine the slant towards students from these school gaining privileged access to top UK universities such as Oxford, Cambridge and St Andrews Universities etc (aka. The Russell group top flight UK universities) when compared to students from regular state schools.

    Carlton king and Fergus Esack bring on the show Fergus’ mother, Eva Strauss, who is a PhD educator in a top class private public school and a state registered examination examiner, in a fascinating and widespread discussion on all aspects of Britain’s education system.

    This debate looks into the business, public sector and private sector needs for educated employees in this era of technological change. So, we also touch on what effect artificial intelligence will have on education in Britain and elsewhere in the world, and whether Britain will have the skills to compete.

    The team also consider whether actually obtaining educational knowledge is necessary in an era when one can simply Google everything in an instant. The team also ask if hand writing will become obsolete in the coming decades.

    So, once again Carlton and Fergus go to places that most podcasts hosts don't do, yet still manage to make the show entertaining, interesting and educational.

    Don’t forget to subscribe never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

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