
    The Real Reason Why The Media Wants to Stop the Trump Rally (Ep 1279)

    enJune 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Tries to Silence Trump Rally with ProtestsMedia uses protests to silence opposing views, DACA ruling may bring changes, Legacy Box preserves old memories

      The media and liberal forces are desperately trying to stop President Trump's rally in Tulsa, using every weapon in their arsenal including identity politics and the "hecklers veto" tactic. The hecklers veto refers to the Alinsky left's strategy of silencing opposing views through protest and disruption. Meanwhile, the DACA ruling could potentially open an opportunity for President Trump to make significant changes in the country. Additionally, Legacy Box offers a simple solution to digitally preserve old home movies and photos, making them accessible and easy to share for generations to come. So, this Friday's Bongino Show brings important political analysis and a practical tip for preserving family memories.

    • Suppressing free speech under the guise of public safetySome groups use public safety concerns to justify suppressing free speech and vetoing rallies they don't agree with, while the media's inconsistent reporting fuels public opinion and limits certain groups' First Amendment rights.

      Certain groups are using public safety concerns as an excuse to suppress free speech and veto rallies they don't agree with. The media, meanwhile, has been inconsistent in reporting on protests and rallies during the pandemic, with some implying that only Trump rallies pose a health risk. This tactic is being used to sway public opinion and limit the ability of certain groups to exercise their First Amendment rights. It's a concerning development that undermines the principles of free speech and equal protection under the law. The media's role in shaping public discourse and holding those in power accountable is crucial, and it's important that they report on events fairly and accurately.

    • Media's Role in Political Rallies: A Threat to Social Justice or Free Speech?The media's portrayal of political rallies can fuel division and discourage attendance through disinformation, threats, and labeling attendees as public dangers or racists. It's crucial to focus on the message and ignore the media's attempts to provoke engagement.

      During the discussion, a president's rally was deemed a risk to social justice while disregarding social distancing measures. Thousands of healthcare professionals supported the demonstrators' cause. Michael Steele, a Republican, urged people to stay home, while CNN encouraged attending rallies. The media was accused of using disinformation, threats of violence, racial and identity politics, and the hecklers' veto to discourage Republicans. The tools in the media toolbox aim to label Republicans as public dangers and racists. Despite the media's attempts to stop the Trump rally, the solution is to ignore them and not engage with their content.

    • Media uses fear tactics and racial issues to discourage rally attendanceDespite media efforts, large number of RSVPs reported for political rally; Criticism of selective historical application and painting attendees as insensitive or racist

      During the discussion, it became clear that the media's approach to discouraging people from attending a political rally in Tulsa involved using fear tactics and bringing up historical racial issues. However, the effectiveness of these methods was questioned, as a large number of RSVPs were still reported for the event. The speakers also emphasized the importance of learning from history but criticized the media for selectively applying this principle to certain events and individuals. Ultimately, the subtext of the media's messaging was seen as attempting to paint the rally and its attendees as insensitive or racist.

    • Mayor's Emergency Declaration Cancels Trump Rally in TulsaMayor's emergency declaration and curfew canceled Trump's rally due to concerns over violent behavior from organized groups. Criticisms include punishing peaceful rally-goers and allowing violent anarchists to enter the city.

      The cancellation of President Trump's rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma was due to a declared civil emergency and curfew by the Republican mayor. The decision was made under pressure from law enforcement agencies, who warned of potential violent behavior from organized groups planning to travel to the city. The mayor's actions have been criticized for punishing peaceful rally-goers and allowing violent anarchists to enter the city. The rally was seen as a potent weapon for the President, who feeds off the energy of his supporters. The media is also reportedly terrified of the potential for unrest and violence at these events. The situation highlights the ongoing tensions and polarization in American politics.

    • Media's negative portrayal of Trump rallies based on bias and desire for controlMedia's negative coverage of Trump rallies is driven by bias and a desire to control access, impacting local news monopolies and the president's campaign energy.

      The media's negative portrayal of President Trump's rallies and energy from crowds is based on anonymous sources and a desire to keep him quiet and in the White House. This creates a local news monopoly when the president travels, as the press pool, who dislike him, control the access to coverage. However, the president thrives on the energy from crowds and feeds off it for his campaign. The media's attempts to silence him and create a monopoly on coverage are driven by their dislike for him and the impact his energized presence has on the public.

    • Local media provides fair and contrasting perspectives during political eventsLocal media coverage can impact voter perception and engagement, and data mining and targeted voter outreach are crucial components of effective political campaigns.

      Local media coverage can provide fair and contrasting perspectives during political events, which the mainstream media may try to monopolize and control. This local coverage can create a significant impact, especially in terms of voter perception and engagement. Additionally, data mining and targeted voter outreach are crucial components of effective political campaigns, making it essential to reach voters who are likely to participate in elections. The contrast between different candidates' campaigns can be devastating, and the media cannot avoid covering it.

    • Supporting Political Campaigns with Data, Volunteers, and DonationsEngaging in democracy requires sharing data, volunteering time, and donating money to political campaigns. Trump rallies offer a valuable source of new supporters and donors.

      Data and volunteers are crucial for political campaigns, especially during rallies. Giving your data, such as email and cell phone number, allows campaigns to contact you and engage with you, which is essential for democracy. Volunteers are also necessary for various tasks like poll working and door-knocking. Trump rallies provide an excellent pool of new volunteers and donors, making these events valuable for campaigns despite the cost. Money is another essential factor in politics, and even small donations can make a significant impact. We the People Holsters, which start at just $39, can help individuals carry their firearms safely and effectively. Ultimately, it's essential to support candidates financially and volunteer your time if you want to make a difference in the political process.

    • Importance of a well-fitted holster for carrying firearmsWe the People Holsters provide a comfortable fit with precision molding and adjustable design, ensuring customer satisfaction and American manufacturing.

      During the discussion, the importance of a well-fitted holster for carrying firearms was emphasized. We the People Holsters were highlighted for their precision molding and adjustable design for a comfortable fit. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction and American manufacturing was also emphasized. Additionally, there was a segment about John Bolton and his book, with speculation about his motivations for writing it and his past statements on deception for national security. The question was raised if Bolton is currently lying to damage Trump before the election, as he himself had stated in the past that he would do so if he believed it was for the greater good. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of security, truth, and the role of government in protecting national interests.

    • Media headlines can be misleading, racial animus a common themeMedia headlines may not accurately reflect events, double standards in regulation can lead to inconsistent outcomes, seek reliable sources for information

      The media's sensational headlines often do not accurately reflect the events they report, with racial animus being a common theme. In the discussed example, a CBS headline about a man being killed after opening fire on deputies was found to be misleading, as the man was wanted for serious crimes before the confrontation. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's recent ruling on DACA highlighted the issue of double standards in regulation, with President Obama's creation of the program being deemed illegal but the attempt to reverse it facing similar criticism. The inconsistency and politicization of these issues underscore the importance of reading beyond headlines and seeking out reliable sources of information.

    • President Cannot Immediately Undo Unlawful Executive OrdersThe Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration must follow proper procedures to rescind DACA, setting a precedent for future executive orders and potential legal challenges

      The Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration must follow the legal process to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, even though the Obama administration initially implemented it without following the proper procedures. This means that a president cannot immediately undo an unlawful executive order without going through the lengthy regulatory hoops. The ruling could potentially lead to more executive mischief and years of legal challenges if a future president reverses an order. The court's decision acknowledges that both the Obama and Trump administrations failed to follow the rules, but only the Trump administration is being held accountable for trying to correct the illegality. The practical consequence is that the current status quo remains in place, and DACA recipients can continue to reside in the United States for now.

    • New Rules Allow for Controversial Executive OrdersThe current administration can issue executive orders on controversial issues like gun rights, taxes, healthcare, education, and pro-life legislation despite potential legal challenges, as new rules allow for such actions without legislative approval.

      According to the discussion, the rules have changed, and executive orders can be issued without legislative approval, even if they are controversial. These orders can be challenged in court, but they may take years to be overturned. Therefore, the suggestion is for the current administration to issue executive orders on issues such as national reciprocity for carrying firearms, cutting the top tax rate, repealing Obamacare, implementing national school choice, and advocating for national pro-life legislation. These orders may face legal challenges, but the belief is that the new rules allow for such actions.

    • Discussing the current political climate, goals, and Twitter's treatment of President TrumpPursue big goals, stand up against perceived injustices, and consider alternatives to biased platforms like Twitter

      During the show, Dan Bongino discussed various topics including the current political climate, the importance of having big goals, and Twitter's treatment of President Trump. Roberts, a guest on the show, mentioned that the country may collapse but the courts don't seem to care. Bongino encouraged listeners to dream big and pursue their goals, using Ashford University as an example of a place where one can learn and make their dreams a reality. He also criticized Twitter for their perceived bias against President Trump, labeling his tweets as "manipulated" while allowing similar content from others to go unchecked. Bongino disclosed his financial stake in Parler, a Twitter competitor, and encouraged listeners to join the platform as part of the fight against Twitter's perceived bias. Overall, the show emphasized the importance of pursuing one's goals and standing up against perceived injustices.

    • U.S. Electric Grid Vulnerable to EMP Attacks from ChinaThe U.S. electric grid is at risk from EMP attacks causing widespread damage, potential deaths, and requiring urgent action from individuals and the government.

      The electric grid of the United States is under threat from potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks by countries like China. Such an attack could result in widespread damage to transformers, communication systems, and even cars, potentially leading to millions of deaths due to lack of food and refrigeration. Despite this known threat, progress in fortifying the grid has been slow due to a standoff between electric companies and the federal government over who should bear the billions of dollars in investment costs. However, President Trump is reportedly taking the issue seriously and working on countermeasures. It's crucial for individuals and the government to prioritize and address this threat to prevent catastrophic consequences.

    • Prioritizing the security of our electric gridInvest in hardening up our electric grid for national security and engage with Dan Bongino on Parler and YouTube for updates on taking back control of social media platforms.

      The security of our national infrastructure, specifically our electric grid, should be a priority. Dan Bongino emphasized that we can invest in hardening up our electric grid, just as we spend money on other projects. He highlighted the current situation as a clear national security issue. Additionally, Bongino encouraged listeners to join Parler and subscribe to his YouTube channel. While these actions may seem unrelated, he will explain their importance in the coming weeks. It's essential to prioritize the security of our infrastructure and engage in efforts to take back control of our social media platforms.

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