
    The Real Reason You Never Follow Through (And How to Fix It)

    en-usApril 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding motivation and overcoming obstacles for goal achievementTo follow through on goals, identify your motivators and address any obstacles with the help of a coach.

      Following through on goals requires discipline and consistent effort. The speaker highlights two types of people: those who are disciplined and able to focus on their goals, and those who get excited but eventually lose motivation. The latter group may even use willpower to start, but eventually grow tired and struggle with maintaining the habit. The speaker acknowledges that resources for creating sustainable change can be lacking, which is why they started their coaching program to help individuals build the lives they desire. Ultimately, the key to following through is to understand what motivates us and what may be holding us back, and to have the support and guidance of a coach to help us stay on track.

    • Understanding and utilizing our mind's tendenciesRecognize and manage urges to keep interests piqued, use natural tendencies to follow through on commitments

      Our minds have natural tendencies that, when understood and utilized correctly, can help us follow through on our goals instead of abandoning them. The mind is naturally curious and engages with new things, leading to a potential dopamine release. However, it also develops a tolerance to stimuli, making it essential to find ways to keep our interests piqued. The key is not to fight against our mind's desires but to use them to our advantage. For instance, when watching a video like this, the urge to switch off may arise. Instead of giving in to this urge, recognizing and managing it can teach us valuable lessons about following through. By understanding these principles, we can make the most of our natural tendencies and effectively overcome the challenges of following through on our commitments.

    • Learning to tolerate and 'surf' on top of urgesUrge surfing is a technique used to withstand cravings and train the mind to get bored of them, ultimately helping individuals overcome addictions.

      Our minds have a natural tendency to get bored and develop tolerance to things, including pleasurable experiences and addictive substances. This can lead to a decline in enjoyment and a desire to move on to something new. However, instead of fighting this tendency, we can use it to our advantage through a technique called urge surfing. Urge surfing is a method used in addiction psychiatry to help individuals withstand cravings and ultimately, have the urge or craving fade away. By learning to tolerate and "surf" on top of the urge rather than giving in, we can train our minds to get bored of the urge and move past it. This evidence-based technique has been successful in helping people overcome addictions to various substances, including alcohol, heroin, and cocaine. So the next time you find yourself facing a craving or feeling bored with a particular activity, try practicing urge surfing to help you stay focused and follow through.

    • Understanding the role of cravings in our mindsRecognize cravings as a natural desire for distractions, practice 'urge surfing' to refocus on tasks, and build mental resilience to follow through on goals.

      Our minds naturally develop a tolerance to cravings and shift to something else over time. This can be applied to people struggling with addiction or those finding it difficult to follow through with tasks. When we're trying to focus on a task, the real challenge isn't staying on task, but rather our mind's desire for something else. Our minds crave distractions, and understanding this can help us recognize and address the root cause of our struggles with follow-through. By recognizing the desire to switch tasks as a craving, we can practice "urge surfing" and ride out the craving until it passes, allowing us to refocus on the task at hand. Ultimately, understanding the role of cravings in our minds can help us develop the mental resilience needed to follow through on our goals and desires.

    • Riding out cravings with urge surfingAcknowledge cravings and let them pass without giving in to enjoy the natural fade-away of urges, practicing mindfulness to focus on tasks.

      Managing cravings involves a technique called urge surfing. This means acknowledging the urge and allowing it to pass without giving in. Our minds may try to persuade us with various dialogues, but underneath it all is a craving for dopamine. It's natural for cravings to fade away on their own, and by surfing on top of them, we can eventually return to the task at hand. Some people may find it easier to do nothing, but resisting a craving takes effort. Remember, no feeling lasts forever, whether it's joy or heartbreak. By practicing urge surfing, we can train our minds to naturally return to the task we want to focus on. If you find your cravings are particularly strong, don't be discouraged. The key is to acknowledge the urge and ride it out, rather than giving in and switching tasks.

    • Our minds can be a barrier to trying new techniquesRecognize when your mind discourages you from starting small, practice urge surfing with 25% of cravings, and be kind to yourself during the process.

      Our minds can be our biggest obstacle when it comes to trying new techniques for managing cravings or difficult emotions. When we encounter a technique that requires effort or change, our minds may try to convince us not to even try by focusing on the scenarios where we might fail. It's important to recognize this pattern and not let our minds discourage us from starting small. Urgere surfing, for example, is a skill that can help us manage cravings and difficult emotions, but it requires practice and patience. Our minds may try to resist engaging in the technique, but it's important to remember that we don't have to tackle our most powerful cravings right away. Instead, we can focus on the 25% of cravings or situations that we can handle with the new skill. And even during this video, if you've found yourself wanting to switch off, you've already practiced urge surfing without realizing it. So, remember to be kind to yourself and recognize that building new skills takes time and effort, but the payoff can be significant.

    • Recognizing and riding out cravings or urgesUrge surfing helps manage cravings or distractions by acknowledging and allowing them to pass without judgment or resistance

      Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique that helps us recognize and ride out cravings or urges, rather than trying to suppress or give in to them. It's about acknowledging the urge, allowing it to be present, and then letting it pass without judgment or resistance. This technique can be applied to various aspects of your life, not just during meditation. So, if you've successfully practiced urge surfing during the video, you can use the same strategy to manage cravings or distractions in other situations, such as work, relationships, or personal goals. By recognizing and surfing the urge, you'll be better equipped to stay focused and present in the moment.

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