
    The role metabolic syndrome has on cancer and your immune system - With Dr. Nasha Winters

    enSeptember 07, 2020
    What is metabolic flexibility and why is it important?
    How can one's diet influence their health outcomes?
    What strategies does Dr. Nasha Winters recommend for metabolic flexibility?
    How does individual genetics affect dietary responses?
    What role does hydration play in overall health?

    Podcast Summary

    • Metabolic Flexibility: Essential for Preventing and Managing Health ConditionsMetabolic flexibility is crucial for preventing and managing various health issues, including cancer and chronic illnesses. Strategies and tests can help improve metabolic flexibility, as emphasized by Dr. Nasha Winters in her book, 'The Metabolic Approach to Cancer'.

      Learning from this podcast episode is that metabolic flexibility is essential for both preventing and managing various health conditions, including cancer and chronic illnesses. Metabolic inflexibility, which can make it difficult to fast for extended periods, underlies these conditions. Doctor Nasha Winters, a leading expert in this area, emphasizes the importance of becoming metabolically flexible through specific strategies and tests. Her book, "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer," provides concrete guidance on this topic. This episode is not just for those dealing with cancer but also for anyone seeking to improve their health and prevent disease. The Resetter podcast, hosted by Dr. Mindy Pelz, aims to empower listeners by sharing the latest science and practical steps for tapping into their internal healing power.

    • Understanding the root causes of health issuesFocus on addressing the underlying causes, not just the symptoms, for effective health management. Consider toxicants, metabolic processing, and being in sync with nature.

      The approach to treating health issues, particularly cancer, should not focus on a single cause or cure. Instead, it's essential to consider the accumulation of factors contributing to the issue. This includes toxicants, metabolic processing, and being out of rhythm with nature. The analogy given is that of trying to pull weeds from soil, but instead, addressing the quality of the soil itself. Western medicine's current approach is described as a "miserable failure," and there's a need to explore what's happening beneath the surface. The speaker emphasizes that this is not a critique of healthcare professionals but a call to action to look deeper and understand the underlying causes.

    • Ignoring root causes can lead to advanced cancerFocusing solely on Western medical treatments without addressing underlying causes can lead to advanced cancer and missed opportunities for prevention

      The woman's decision to only remove a breast tumor without further investigation or treatment led to her cancer progressing to stage 4 four years later. The issue lies in the Western medical approach, which focuses on running labs to prepare for the next round of chemotherapy without considering the root causes or the impact on the patient's overall health. This approach can lead to a falsification of data and even increased mortality. Instead, a functional or holistic medicine approach would involve looking beneath the surface to address the underlying causes, such as elevated insulin, low vitamin D3, and a body fat composition above 25%. By ignoring these potential drivers of cancer, the woman missed an opportunity to prevent further progression and now faces a more complex and challenging situation. This highlights the importance of being curious and asking the right questions, rather than ignoring potential issues or putting a "sticker over them with noise." This issue is not unique to cancer, but applies to various health issues, including COVID-19, where addressing the root causes is essential to prevent future pandemics.

    • Understanding underlying health conditions for COVID-19 severityRecognizing and addressing risk factors like high neutrophil counts, low lymphocyte counts, high platelets, elevated LDH levels, liver disease, age over 52, and low ECOG score can help prevent or mitigate severe COVID-19 outcomes

      The focus on the COVID-19 pandemic should not only be on infection status, but also on identifying and addressing the underlying health conditions that put individuals at higher risk for severe complications. The 20% of people who experience serious symptoms, such as a cytokine storm, share similarities with cancer patients. These individuals often have high neutrophil counts, low lymphocyte counts, high platelets, elevated LDH levels, liver disease, age over 52, and a low ECOG score. By recognizing and addressing these risk factors, we can better support and care for those most vulnerable to the virus and potentially prevent or mitigate severe health outcomes. It's crucial to shift our focus from just infection status to understanding the underlying health conditions that make individuals more susceptible to complications.

    • Aging, lifestyle, genetics, and environment impact health and susceptibility to diseases like COVID-19Addressing underlying health issues like melatonin deficiency, blue light exposure, air pollution, vitamin D deficiency, and genetics can help build a strong foundation for our bodies to fight off diseases

      Our overall health and susceptibility to diseases like COVID-19 are influenced by various factors, including our age, lifestyle, genetics, and environmental exposures. As we age, our melatonin levels decrease, which can negatively impact our immune and inflammatory responses. Sitting in front of a computer screen late at night, exposed to blue light, can further exacerbate these issues. Air pollution and vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to low glutathione levels, which is essential for detoxifying our bodies. Some populations, such as those with Asian or Latin descent, may have genetic predispositions that increase their risks for certain health issues. COVID-19 has shown us that being part of the 20% of the population that is more susceptible to the virus may mean having a body that is already dealing with underlying health imbalances. Simple practices like proper hydration, good nutrition, and sunshine can help improve overall health. High-dose IV vitamin C has also been shown to be effective in preventing the need for intubation and ventilation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. It's crucial to address these underlying health issues to build a strong foundation for our bodies to fight off diseases.

    • Supporting our circadian rhythm, diet, and community for better healthSimple lifestyle changes like going to bed with sunset, waking up with sunrise, avoiding blue light before bed, and getting sun exposure can boost detoxification, melatonin production, and quench oxidative stress, improving overall health and resilience.

      Leading a lifestyle that supports our circadian rhythm, diet, and community can help us adapt to and overcome health challenges, including cancer and COVID-19. This approach, which can be thought of as a modern-day CDC, involves simple yet effective changes such as going to bed when the sun goes down, getting up when the sun comes up, avoiding blue light before bed, and getting outside for sun exposure and negative ions. These practices can help our bodies detoxify, upregulate melatonin production, and quench oxidative stress. By making these changes, we can improve our overall health and resilience, making it easier for our bodies to adapt to challenges. Additionally, for those who work shift work or have other challenges that disrupt their circadian rhythm, it's important to take extra steps to support our health, such as using melatonin supplements and minimizing exposure to disruptive technologies like Wi-Fi and cell phones.

    • Modern lifestyle risks and vulnerabilitiesExcess tech use, poor diets, and lack of nature exposure weaken our health, making us susceptible to diseases. Prioritize healthy habits, good air quality, and metabolic health to build resilience.

      Our modern lifestyle, particularly during the pandemic, poses significant risks to our health, especially for children and the most vulnerable among us. The excessive use of technology, poor diets, and lack of access to nature are contributing to the deterioration of our health, making us more susceptible to diseases like COVID-19. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy distance from devices, ensuring good air quality, and focusing on metabolic health. We must strive to upgrade ourselves and create an environment that supports our health and resilience. The article "Have we created the perfect human for this virus to invade?" highlights the need for self-reflection and the importance of addressing the root causes of our health issues rather than just pointing fingers. The speaker encourages testing to determine metabolic health and taking steps to maintain a healthy insulin and hemoglobin A1c level.

    • Improving Metabolic Health in Food Deserts and Reducing Food WasteAdvocate for healthy foods in food deserts, teach people to grow them, reduce food waste, assess metabolic health with insulin and HbA1c tests, and strive for metabolic flexibility by minimizing processed foods and extending periods without food.

      When we're sick or under stress, we may not make the best choices for our metabolic health, often reaching for comfort foods that further harm our system. In food deserts and areas with infrastructure breakdown, access to nutrient-dense foods is limited. To address this, we can advocate for bringing healthy foods into these communities, teach people how to grow them, and find companies that provide high-quality, dehydrated, nutrient-dense foods. We also need to reduce food waste by using every part of the produce and minimizing processed foods. Metabolic health can be assessed through insulin and HbA1c tests, and the ability to go without food for extended periods indicates metabolic flexibility. We must recognize the ease of access to food today and strive to improve our metabolic health by making better choices and reducing reliance on constant eating.

    • Metabolically broken individuals overconsume carbs, leading to health issuesConsume less than 50g carbs daily for improved metabolic functioning and optimized body composition. Simple strategies like increasing hydration, using cinnamon, and consuming more fats can help.

      Many people are metabolically broken and overconsume carbohydrates, leading to various health issues. To improve metabolic functioning and optimize body composition, it's recommended to consume less than 50 grams of total carbs a day for most people. This can help increase satiety and make it easier to go longer periods without eating. Simple strategies like increasing hydration, using cinnamon, and consuming more fats can also help. For those struggling to go extended periods without food, it's important to first assess and modify their daily carb intake. The creation of the PowerSync 60 fitness program, a revolutionary 60-day program for both men and women, is a testament to the importance of this approach.

    • Creating Accessible Hormonal Health through Community BuildingPromote healthier eating by building communities and sharing resources, making healthy choices accessible and affordable for all.

      The PowerSync 60 program was created with a focus on hormonal health and includes a customized meal plan, even offering the option to make your own nut butter as a cost-effective and healthier alternative to processed options. However, during a presentation to teachers in a community struggling with access to healthy food, Doctor Mindy realized that while these ideas are valuable, they may not be feasible for everyone due to financial constraints and time limitations. Instead, she encourages community building and resource sharing, such as using communal kitchens or co-ops to make and store healthy food options. This not only promotes healthier eating but also fosters a sense of community and connection. Ultimately, the goal is to make healthy choices accessible and affordable for all.

    • Returning to a communal approach for better health and communityPooling and sharing resources, forming deeper connections, and creating local networks can lead to sustainable and supportive communities that promote overall health and well-being.

      Prioritizing health and community are key to overcoming current health crises and addressing the root causes of issues like cancer and pandemics. This can be achieved by returning to a communal approach, where resources are pooled and shared, as seen in traditional tribal societies. This not only includes growing and exchanging food, but also forming deeper connections with neighbors and creating local networks through organizations like the Weston A. Price Foundation. By embracing this communal mindset, we can create sustainable and supportive communities that promote overall health and well-being. Examples of this can be seen in neighborhoods where people are exchanging goods and services, starting community gardens, and forming cooperatives for things like chicken raising and dairy shares. These actions not only benefit individuals, but also contribute to the overall health and resilience of the community.

    • Immunity Gardens: Community and Health During a CrisisCommunity gardens, or 'immunity gardens,' offer fresh produce and human connection during crises. Metabolic health is crucial, especially for cancer patients, and fasting can improve metabolic flexibility. Consider individual health before dietary recommendations, and avoid sugar and carbs for better health.

      The COVID-19 crisis has led to a resurgence of community gardens, which the speaker refers to as "immunity gardens." These gardens not only provide fresh produce for individuals and their communities, but also foster a sense of humanity and connection during challenging times. The speaker shares personal experiences of turning their own front yard into a vegetable garden and giving excess produce to neighbors. They also highlight the importance of metabolic health, especially for cancer patients, and discuss the potential benefits of fasting as a way to improve metabolic flexibility. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to consider individual metabolic health before making dietary recommendations, and that avoiding sugar and carbohydrates can help improve overall health.

    • The Benefits of Fasting for Cancer PatientsFasting can reduce inflammation, angiogenesis, and improve health outcomes for cancer patients. However, it should be approached carefully under a healthcare professional's guidance and not during chemotherapy.

      Consuming large amounts of sugar not only contributes to inflammation and angiogenesis, which worsens metabolic syndrome and cancer progression, but it can also lead to dangerous health consequences. A patient story of a woman who fasted for over two months and went into complete remission of two of her three cancers illustrates the potential benefits of fasting for cancer patients. However, it's crucial to approach fasting carefully and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. Additionally, no one should undergo chemotherapy without fasting, and various fasting options, such as intermittent fasting or medically supervised fasting programs, can be considered. Ultimately, reducing carbohydrate intake and focusing on healthy protein sources are essential for cancer patients seeking improved health outcomes.

    • Fasting as a 'scalpel' and Food Choices as 'maintenance'Fasting enhances therapeutic interventions and extends survival, while balanced food choices promote optimal health outcomes. New research explores the potential of diet and oxygen therapy in managing chronic illnesses.

      Both fasting and food choices play essential roles in managing health, especially for individuals dealing with chronic conditions or undergoing cancer treatment. Fasting can be seen as a "scalpel" for addressing health issues, while food choices serve as the "maintenance." Fasting can enhance therapeutic interventions and potentially extend progression-free and overall survival. However, it should be done under medical guidance. A balanced approach that includes regular fasting and healthy food choices is recommended for optimal health outcomes. New research suggests that diet and oxygen, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, may be two crucial tools often overlooked in managing chronic illnesses, including cancer and COVID-19.

    • Focus on both external and internal healthFind a diet that supports optimal health based on individual needs, not labels. Being metabolically flexible and adaptable is key to long-term health.

      For optimal health, it's essential to focus on both the external and internal aspects of our bodies. The speaker shares her experience with a machine that makes her feel younger, but emphasizes that this feeling is only temporary if the inside of the body is still in a state of oxidation due to poor diet. She also warns against using hyperbaric oxygen chambers for cancer patients who are not in a state of therapeutic ketosis, as it could increase oxidative stress and angiogenesis. The speaker encourages individuals to test and assess their dietary needs based on their unique body chemistry and epigenetic blueprint, rather than following strict dietary labels like vegetarian, vegan, or carnivore. She believes that being metabolically flexible and adaptable is key to long-term health, and that individuals should be aware of potential epigenetic hiccups that may make certain dietary interventions more or less effective for them. Ultimately, the goal is to find a diet that supports optimal health based on individual needs, rather than adhering to a specific label.

    • Understanding your unique nutritional needsExplore different diets, fasting strategies, and testing methods to adapt to your body's unique needs, staying flexible and open to new discoveries.

      Everyone's body responds differently to various foods and diets based on their unique genetic makeup and microbiome. This was highlighted in the discussion about a man who struggled with inflammation and inability to utilize fats appropriately due to consuming the wrong foods for his genetic match. His condition improved significantly when they increased his l-carnitine levels and shifted him to a grain-free, Mediterranean-style diet rich in fish and healthy oils. This concept of "n equals 1" in personalized nutrition was emphasized throughout the conversation, with the recognition that our food supply and dietary diversity have become limited. Therefore, it's crucial to explore different diets, fasting strategies, and testing methods like microbiome analysis to understand your body's unique needs and adapt accordingly. Remember, what works initially may not be sustainable long-term, so staying flexible and open to new discoveries is essential. Additionally, be aware that environmental factors, allergies, and other individual differences can impact your response to various foods and treatments. So, keep experimenting, listen to your body, and use tools like food diaries, pulse checks, and blood sugar testing to better understand your body's responses.

    • Exploring personal health through data and self-awarenessRecognizing patterns in health data and testing can lead to valuable insights, but individual experiences should be approached critically and open-mindedly. High carbohydrate intake may contribute to cancer risk, and incorporating detox support through vegetables and cofactors can be beneficial.

      Self-awareness and personal exploration through various methods, such as data collection and testing, can lead to valuable insights and improvements in one's health. The speaker's personal experience with recognizing patterns in their own health data and the impact of diet on their microbiome serves as a powerful example. However, it's important to remember that what works for one person may not be applicable to everyone, and individual experiences should be approached with a critical and open-minded perspective. When reflecting on cancer prevention, the speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing high carbohydrate intake and incorporating detox support through vegetables and other cofactors. Additionally, they encourage embracing the idea that difficult experiences, such as a cancer diagnosis, can serve as catalysts for personal growth and discovering one's purpose.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Your Health: Choices Start with Your WaterPrioritize your health by making informed choices, including checking the quality of your water, staying informed through books and podcasts, and taking breaks to unwind.

      Taking care of your health involves making conscious choices, starting with the water you drink. It's essential to ensure you're not consuming contaminated water from your city supply. A good water source is crucial as the substances in water can accumulate in your body over time. Beyond this, maintaining a healthy diet and staying informed through books and podcasts can help you make educated decisions for your well-being. The discussion also highlighted the importance of being proactive about your health and not relying on others to provide you with crucial information. The example of a local neighborhood receiving a letter about contaminants in their water underscores the importance of taking action and not being complacent. In terms of recommended resources, the speaker mentioned a book coming out in November and a podcast by Peter Attia. Additionally, she mentioned her enjoyment of the shows "Schitt's Creek" and "I'm Sorry" for providing a much-needed break from the seriousness of her work. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize your health by making informed choices and not relying on others to do it for you. This includes being aware of the quality of the water you drink, staying informed through various resources, and taking breaks to unwind and enjoy lighter entertainment.

    • Test, assess, address, don't guess, and start healing process earlyTake proactive steps to prioritize health and prevent chronic and acute illnesses by testing, assessing, addressing health issues early, and not waiting for a diagnosis or crisis.

      We all have the power to prioritize our health and wellbeing, even before facing a diagnosis or major health crisis. Dr. Nasha's message, which she calls the "big C's," is to test, assess, address, don't guess, and start the healing and regenerative process as soon as possible. This can apply to various aspects of health, including preventing chronic and acute illnesses. Dr. Nasha emphasized the importance of not waiting and taking action now, as she has seen the positive impact of this approach in her own life and through her work. Additionally, she shared her upcoming books, "Metabolic Approach to Preventing Chronic and Acute Illness" and "Pandemic Proof," which will provide more information on this topic. To learn more about Dr. Nasha and her work, follow her on her website, drnasha.com, or on Facebook through the Doctor Nasha Inc or Metabolic Appraoch to Cancer pages. She is also building a hospital, Believe Big Institute of Health, which will offer standard of care oncology and integrative oncology under one roof, with a focus on addressing health issues from the ground up.

    • CDC's Influence and Personalized Health ApproachesThe CDC's influence can impact health advice, and personalized approaches to diet, fasting, and detoxing based on one's unique circumstances are crucial for optimal health. Community support is essential in making healthier choices and living a healthy life.

      The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can be influenced by money and politics, and it's essential to apply health advice individually based on one's unique circumstances. The concept of the "n of 1" emphasizes that each person's lifestyle, physicality, and chemistry require personalized approaches to diet, fasting, and detoxing. Moreover, the power of community in supporting health and wellness cannot be overstated. The speaker admired how the guest spoke about the importance of community in living a healthy life and disarming excuses that prevent people from making healthier choices. The speaker also emphasized the importance of collaborating and coming together as a community, whether physically or online, to support each other in our health journeys. The guest's upcoming book and institution are also highly anticipated.

    • Empowerment through Health EducationRead 'Tripping Over the Truth' for cancer insights, adopt a ketogenic diet, use tools like Cart Manager for meal planning, and prioritize real, whole foods for optimal health.

      Inspiring story of a health influencer who advocates for information and empowerment in making healthy decisions. She mentioned her favorite book, "Tripping Over the Truth," which provides a perspective on cancer treatments, and recommended it for those going through similar experiences. The influencer emphasized the importance of removing unhealthy foods and adding organic ones, following a ketogenic diet, and using tools like Cart Manager to help plan meals. Above all, she embodies humility and genuine concern for others' well-being. Her approach to health and wellness is about education, making informed decisions, and prioritizing real, whole foods.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep250

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep249

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep248

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and author of the New York Times bestsellers “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself” and “Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer.” His groundbreaking research has  led to the development of more than 40 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases including diabetes, blindness, heart disease and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachael Ray and Live with Kelly & Mark, and he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, O Magazine and more. He is President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and he is leading global initiatives on food as medicine. For the latest cutting-edge food as medicine science, check out Dr. Li's YouTube Channel.

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    * Warning: Dr. Mindy uses some explicit language, so listener beware ;)

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep245

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep244

    Considered one of the most impactful speakers of his generation, he reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard-hitting videos and unprecedented engagement. He started creating YouTube videos with his words of wisdom and courage, pushing others to find their inner strength.

    While Trent seemingly achieved his childhood dream, his NFL career ended prematurely, inevitably giving him the space and determination to re-evaluate his values and life’s purpose. As a way to hold himself accountable, Trent picked up his mobile phone and began recording two-minute video segments of his daily progress and posting them onto social media. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages resonated with millions around the globe.

    In the years that followed, Trent founded the RehabTime Organization, a nonprofit with a mission to serve a worldwide community by demonstrating that change starts from within— through the development of faith, mindset, self-care, relationship building, and leadership.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver discusses the importance of education and empowerment for women during menopause. The conversation covers debunking myths about cognitive decline, embracing menopause as a period of strength, and making gradual lifestyle changes. This episode advocates for improved menopause education in medical training and better support for women's unique health needs as they age.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep243

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist from Tulane University. She is also a Certified Menopause Specialist through The Menopause Society. In 2021 Dr. Haver left traditional practice and opened Mary Claire Wellness, a clinic dedicated to caring for the menopausal patient. Dr. Haver has amassed over 5 million followers across social media by posting advice for women going through menopause.  Dr. Haver is the author of the New York Times #1 Bestselling Book, The New Menopause and the national bestselling book The Galveston Diet.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Related Episodes

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    #212: Metabolic Flexibility: A Lifestyle Approach with Brandon DaCruz

    Where to find Rachel:

    To learn more and apply to work one-on-one with Rachel, visit her website: https://www.metflexlife.com/apply

    Join Rachel’s weekly newsletter: https://www.metflexlife.com/newsletter

    Check out Rachel’s NEW podcasts below

    MINIFLEX on Spotify or Apple Podcast

    MUSCLE SCIENCE FOR WOMEN on Spotify or Apple Podcast

    Connect with Rachel on social media:

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    About Rachel:

    Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Author, Podcast Host, and founder of MetFlex Life.

    Rachel received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel completed the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes, which is published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine.

    Rachel is a former Collegiate Triathlete and Athletic Trainer and she has worked with a variety of individuals throughout her career that include Division I collegiate athletes, WNBA stars, and some of the top bodybuilders in the world.

    Currently, in her day-to-day coaching business, Rachel guides her clients to becoming the best, most confident version of themselves. She has a passion for educating those dedicated to optimizing their physical and mental well-being while improving long-term health and fitness goals. In her group coaching membership, The Flex Fam, Rachel has helped women all across the world learn how to ditch the restrictive, all-or-nothing mindset and instead thrive through the power of metabolic flexibility.

    How to Hack Your Metabolism and Power Your Energy – Michal Mor, Ph.D. : 962

    How to Hack Your Metabolism and Power Your Energy – Michal Mor, Ph.D. : 962


    …you’ll learn about the critical role metabolism plays in your body’s energy and performance. Important new science findings about human metabolic health shows how you can change your metabolism. To help you make these changes, this episode gives you practical tips and tools for measuring your metabolism and ways to manage it effectively.

    Guest Michal Mor, Ph.D., co-founded Lumen with her twin sister, Merav Mor, Ph.D., and three long-time entrepreneur friends nearly a decade ago. As Chief of Metabolic Health & Science, Michal’s background includes degree studies in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Physiology with an emphasis on cardiac arrhythmia. 

    The Lumen founders set out to close the gap of what existed in the science and something people could actually use to manage their metabolic health.

    Both Michal and her twin, Merav, were multiple-year Ironman participants. Athletic performance—and how to improve it—influenced their work with metabolism. Four years of research and development plus more years of validation studies and beta test users went into developing Lumen.  

    Lumen is a hand-held device that accurately measures your metabolism through the breath. It uses a CO2 sensor and flow meter to measure the CO2 concentration in your breath, indicating if your body is in carb or fat burn.

    “So, this ability to shift between them, it's not only good for athletic performance it's also improving our quality of life,” Michal says. “It enables us to enjoy life to our fullest potential. It's about longevity. It's about being able to achieve our goals, not having those mood swings. This is so much more than improving athletic performance.”

    Lumen has accumulated a metabolic measurement database with over 20m measurements. These insights have shown how lifestyle habits affect metabolism and the body more than previously thought possible. Listen on to learn how with just one breath in the morning, you can set your metabolism course for the day and then monitor it throughout the day.

    SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LISTENERS: https://lumen.me, use code Asprey50 to get $50 off a Lumen device


    Experience the High Life with Infrared Therapy: https://higherdose.com and use code HUMAN10 for 10% off your entire purchase.

    Capture Life Force Energyhttps://leelaq.com, use discount code DAVE10 to get 10% off sitewide

    Business Growth With SEO: https://www.stephanspencer.com, get a FREE consultation

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    How do you Stop Snacking?

    How do you Stop Snacking?
    To learn more about The Flex Fam Membership, visit https://theflexfam.com/ Join Rachel’s weekly newsletter: https://www.metflexlife.com/newsletter

    In this episode, Rachel discusses practical ways to help prevent snacking and reduce cravings.

    Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Podcaster, and founder of MetFlex Life. She is also the author of the international best-selling book, "21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge."

    Rachel received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel completed the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes, which is published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine.

    Currently, in her day-to-day coaching business, Rachel guides her clients to becoming the best, most confident version of themselves. She has a passion for educating those dedicated to optimizing their physical and mental well-being while improving long-term health and fitness goals. Her most popular course, Keto for Women, has helped women all across the world learn how to ditch the restrictive, all-or-nothing mindset associated with keto and instead thrive through the power of metabolic flexibility.

    You can connect and learn more about Rachel's work by visiting her website www.metflexlife.com 

    Social Links:

    Primary Programs:

    Interview With Cancer Expert Keith Bishop | How Nutrition Plays an Important Role in Cancer Prevention & Treatment

    Interview With Cancer Expert Keith Bishop | How Nutrition Plays an Important Role in Cancer Prevention & Treatment
    In this interview, Keith Bishop, a retired pharmacist and cancer expert, shares his journey into studying cancer and nutrition. He discusses the importance of nutrition in cancer prevention and treatment, particularly for breast cancer. 
    • Nutrition plays a crucial role in cancer prevention and treatment.
    • Cooking methods, such as browning and blackening, can produce chemicals that increase the risk of cancer.
    • Fasting can help reduce blood glucose levels and improve overall health.
    • Green tea has numerous health benefits and can help prevent cancer.
    • Making gradual changes to diet and portion sizes can lead to long-term improvements in health.
    Connect with Keith on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prevailovercancer/
    His wbesite: www.PrevailOverCancer.com

    MASTERCLASS on 2/22/24 at 11am EST - Navigating Life Afer a Cancer Diagnosis: The 3 things I wish I knew sooner: www.jendelvaux.com/masterclass 

    Join the RESET & RISE Community  HERE 

    EMAIL ME: coachjennyd@gmail.com


    Pique Tea: Favorite Tea:  https://www.piquetea.com/?rfsn=5818415.d1d969a&utm_source=affiliate