
    The Science of Gifting and Getting Mentors w/ John Ruhlin

    en-usOctober 26, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in personal growth despite financial constraintsRob's investments in coaches John Bergoff and Hal Elrod led to valuable personal and professional growth, even when it seemed financially impossible at the time. Building a strong network and learning from successful individuals can lead to opportunities and connections.

      Achieving goals requires dedication and investment, even if it seems financially impossible at the time. Rob Dial shared his experience of hiring coaches John Bergoff and Hal Elrod when he was a struggling cutco rep, despite the high cost. These investments proved to be invaluable in his personal and professional growth. Additionally, having a strong network and learning from successful individuals can lead to valuable opportunities and connections. Rob mentioned how he has had only a few big names on his podcast, including John Rulin, Hal Elrod, and John Bergoff, due to the knowledge and value they bring. Lastly, unexpected connections can arise through shared networks and experiences, as Rob discovered when he met David Gonzalez and learned about John Rulin's unique business cards.

    • The power of thoughtful gifts in relationshipsGiving thoughtful gifts can leave lasting impressions and strengthen relationships personally and professionally.

      Giving thoughtful and timely gifts can significantly impact relationships, both personally and professionally. The speaker shared a personal experience where he sent a gift to a potential business partner, and the moment of receiving the gift left a lasting impression. He had been inspired by a mentor who practiced radical generosity and found that taking care of the inner circle led to success in all areas of life. The power of gifting was further emphasized when the speaker mentioned an instance where a mentor's gift to his wife led to a successful business connection. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of making people feel special and appreciated through the simple act of giving a gift.

    • 8 words: Building strong relationships for growthTreating people with respect and kindness inspires reciprocity, leading to valuable mentorships and opportunities through authentic connections.

      Building strong relationships, especially with those closest to key influencers, can have a significant impact on personal growth and professional development. By treating people with genuine respect and kindness, and offering value without expecting anything in return, the law of reciprocity comes into play. This psychological phenomenon, which has been observed throughout history, inspires people to give back when they receive, often exceeding the initial gesture. Building networks based on giving and authentic connections can lead to valuable mentorships and opportunities.

    • The Power of Consistent GivingConsistently going above and beyond in business or personal relationships can create a sense of obligation and appreciation, leading to long-term benefits.

      Giving more than expected, whether it's in business or personal relationships, can have a profound impact. And this doesn't just mean doing it once, but consistently going above and beyond. For instance, in business, employees who invest in themselves and their relationships can have a significant impact on their careers. A classic example of this is the story of a mentor who received a large gift from his potential client, which not only made an impression but also led to a valuable business relationship. This is a powerful reminder that the act of giving can create a sense of obligation and appreciation that can lead to long-term benefits. Whether you're an employee or a business owner, the act of giving can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities.

    • Personalized gestures lead to strong bondsInvesting time and resources into genuine relationships can lead to valuable opportunities and mutual growth

      Going the extra mile in building relationships through personalized and meaningful gestures can lead to significant returns. This anecdote about a mentor who received a personalized experience as a gift illustrates how a $7,000 investment led to opportunities worth millions. The mentor, a well-known figure in business and speaking circles, was deeply moved by the experience and felt valued. This led to a strong bond between them, resulting in opportunities such as being included in books and coaching high-level executives. By investing time and resources into genuine connections, we communicate the value of relationships and create opportunities for mutual growth.

    • Honoring someone's time is a valuable gestureGiving time, resources, or money to others fosters a mindset of abundance and deepens connections

      Honoring someone's time is a valuable and meaningful gesture, especially towards those who are successful or have more resources than us. This simple act acknowledges their worth and can create a deeper connection. Furthermore, giving to others, whether it's time, resources, or money, can help break the cycle of scarcity and foster a mindset of abundance. The speaker's personal experience of observing a radically generous mentor led them to understand that giving leads to receiving and that this is a fundamental aspect of how the world operates.

    • Impact of GenerosityGenerosity, no matter the size or cost, can create positive cycles of connection and joy for both the giver and receiver.

      Generosity, no matter the size or cost, can have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. The speaker shared a personal experience of sending small gifts and seeing the ripple effect of kindness years later. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining a generous mindset, even during difficult times, as it can lead to stronger relationships and potential future benefits. The speaker's group coaching program includes a "do good" challenge, where participants go out and give to others, often resulting in a sense of joy and fulfillment for both parties. Ultimately, the act of giving, whether it's with a strategic business approach or a simple act of kindness, can create a positive cycle of generosity and connection.

    • Stories of generosity changing livesActs of kindness, even small ones, can lead to significant impacts and opportunities for both giver and receiver

      Generosity, even when it comes with no financial gain, can have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. The speaker shares personal experiences and stories of how giving, even a small amount like a $100 bill, can change someone's life. These acts of kindness can serve as a turning point, leading people to new opportunities and directions. The Bible encourages being a joyful giver, emphasizing the benefits for the giver rather than the receiver. The speaker's mentor, Tom Hill, encourages keeping a crisp $100 bill in your wallet to look for opportunities to give. One example shared is of a man who was given $100 at a NASCAR event, which helped him during a difficult time in his life. Another story is of the author of "The Shack," who received $100 at the right moment, which allowed him to print and distribute his book, leading to its massive success. These acts of generosity, no matter the size, can have ripple effects and create meaningful connections.

    • Surround yourself with supportive people and practice generosityIntentional gifting to like-minded individuals can expand and strengthen networks, leading to personal growth and deeper relationships.

      Both having a strong network of supportive and motivating people and practicing generosity through gifting can significantly impact personal growth and relationship building. The people we surround ourselves with shape who we become, and a network of like-minded individuals can push us to be better versions of ourselves. Additionally, gifting, especially to those on the periphery of our relationships, can help us stand out and build deeper connections. By showing generosity and appreciation, we can leapfrog others and gain opportunities that may not have been available otherwise. The quote "the people you surround yourself with determine who you are" rings true, and intentional gifting is a powerful tool to expand and strengthen our networks.

    • Building Meaningful Relationships through GenerosityGenerosity, whether random or intentional, can help build meaningful relationships and make lasting impressions. By investing time and resources into understanding others' interests and needs, and providing value before asking for anything in return, you can earn their attention and potentially turn a casual acquaintance into a valuable connection.

      Building meaningful relationships through thoughtful and generous actions can significantly increase the chances of getting in front of hard-to-reach individuals and making a lasting impression. This can be achieved through random acts of generosity or by investing time and resources into understanding the other person's interests and needs. By going the extra mile and providing value before asking for anything in return, you can earn their attention and potentially turn a casual acquaintance into a valuable connection. This approach requires authenticity, persistence, and a willingness to invest time and resources, but the potential rewards can be substantial. Remember, people are more likely to remember and respond positively to those who are top of mind, and meaningful gestures can help keep you there.

    • The Power of Giving Leads to Opportunities and RelationshipsGiving, even small gifts, can lead to significant opportunities and relationships, especially in business. Everyone is human and wants to connect, regardless of wealth or status.

      The power of giving, even small gifts, can lead to significant opportunities and relationships, especially in business. The speaker shared personal experiences of gifting leading to connections with major clients like professional sports teams, despite initial feelings of being out of league. He emphasized that regardless of wealth or status, everyone is human and wants to connect. Looking ahead, the speaker aims to expand his business by speaking on larger stages, creating his own branded products, and investing in other companies, while prioritizing family life.

    • Understanding the power of effective giftingThe 'Giftology' book offers insights on enhancing gifting practices, avoiding worst gifts, and using ancient practices for effective gifting, benefiting individuals and businesses alike.

      The "Giftology" book by John Rulin offers valuable insights for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their gifting practices, regardless of their size or industry. The book, available on Amazon in various formats, provides a free PDF download of the top 10 worst gifts to avoid and offers tips on effective gifting. The book has helped people improve their personal relationships and has been useful for small businesses trying to differentiate themselves from competitors. The principles in the book, based on ancient practices, can benefit individuals from all walks of life, from sales reps to CEOs. Gifting is an essential way to show gratitude and appreciation, and Rulin's playbook provides practical strategies for making the most of a limited budget. Ultimately, the book emphasizes the importance of giving without expecting anything in return, as it can lead to personal growth and positive impacts on others.

    • Sharing generously leads to receiving tenfold in returnSharing ideas and answering questions can lead to personal growth and inspiring others. Connect with MWF Motivation on social media to stay informed and inspired.

      Giving generously often leads to receiving tenfold in return. This was expressed by a podcast guest who shared his personal experience of feeling this effect in his life. He appreciated the opportunity to discuss new ideas and answer questions that he hadn't considered before. The guest emphasized the importance of sharing this message with others and encouraged listeners to follow MWF Motivation on Instagram and Facebook to stay connected. The podcast's mission is to help as many people as possible, so if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend.

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    The Mindset Mentor
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    In today’s bonus episode, I’m excited to introduce Mindset Mentor+! For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor+. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you. Visit www.mindsetmentor.com to join us today with a special founding member discount. I can’t wait to see you there!

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 18, 2024

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