
    The Secret To Better Sleep: Tips To Optimize Your Routine w/ Todd Anderson

    enMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Importance of Sleep for Health and PerformanceOptimizing sleep quality can enhance athletic performance, hormonal health, and overall well-being. Factors influencing sleep include meal times, hydration, alcohol consumption, bedroom temperature, and technology use before bed.

      Sleep is a crucial aspect of overall health and wellness, and optimizing sleep quality can have significant impacts on various aspects of life, including weight loss, hormone balance, and energy levels. Todd Anderson, a sleep optimization expert and NFL conditioning coach, emphasized the importance of sleep during his appearance on the Pursuit of Wellness podcast. He shared insights on various factors that can influence sleep quality, such as meal times, hydration, alcohol consumption, bedroom temperature, and technology use before bed. Todd's personal experience with sleep optimization began in college, where he recognized the importance of sleep for athletic performance and hormonal health. He later deepened his knowledge on the subject through research and collaboration with sleep psychologists. Sleep is often overlooked as a health priority, but Todd emphasizes that it is the most impactful thing one can do to improve their quality of life.

    • Maintaining optimal sleep function requires both quantity and qualityEnsure proper proportions of deep sleep and REM sleep for quality rest, stay hydrated, and create intentional sleep habits to enhance overall function.

      Both quantity and quality of sleep are important for optimal function, especially for brain health. The speaker emphasized that it's not about having more of one type of sleep at the expense of another, but rather having the right proportions. Quality sleep includes different sleep stages, such as deep sleep and REM sleep, and disruptions to these stages can make it difficult to reach the deeper parts of sleep, affecting overall function. The speaker also mentioned that hydration and intentional habits, like avoiding interruptions to sleep, are key to maintaining good sleep quality. The entrepreneur behind Dream Recovery started the company to provide a better mouth tape solution after being disappointed with existing options and recognizing the need for refinement in the market.

    • Hydration and meal timing impact sleep qualityFront-load hydration, allow a 3-hour gap between dinner and bedtime, manage stress, and consider healthy product choices for better sleep and overall health.

      Being intentional about hydration and meal timing can significantly improve sleep quality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of front-loading hydration in the first half of the day to reduce nighttime bathroom trips. Additionally, allowing a three-hour gap between dinner and bedtime can help the body digest food, produce growth hormones, and calm down before sleep. These habits can contribute to better overall health and longevity. The speaker also mentions that chronic stress can negatively impact health more than various substances, so managing stress levels is crucial. Lastly, the speaker encourages considering the ingredients in everyday products like toothpaste and making healthier choices.

    • Eco-friendly alternatives for household itemsBite toothpaste tablets and Earth Breeze Eco Sheets are eco-friendly options for toothpaste and laundry detergent, respectively. They are sulfate-free, palm oil-free, glycerin-free, and come in refillable and lightweight packaging. Prioritizing sleep can also benefit personal health and weight loss goals.

      There are eco-friendly alternatives to common household items that not only benefit our personal health but also the environment. Bite toothpaste tablets are a sulfate-free, palm oil-free, and glycerin-free option that comes in a refillable glass jar and reduces plastic waste. Earth Breeze Eco Sheets are an ultra-concentrated, liquidless laundry detergent that is dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic, and eco-friendly, with lightweight packaging and flexible subscriptions. Additionally, prioritizing sleep can significantly impact our overall health, including reducing caloric intake and optimizing hunger hormones, making it a crucial factor when working towards weight loss goals.

    • Personal transformation journey towards better physical health and appearanceMaking long-term changes towards better physical health and appearance requires a strong motivation, inspiring people around, and discipline. Progress may be slow, but it leads to significant long-term outcomes.

      Setting a plan for improving physical health and appearance can be a significant challenge, especially when dealing with mental health issues and low motivation. The speaker shares a personal experience of reaching a rock bottom moment, which sparked a 9-month transformation journey. This journey was not only about physical appearance but also about regaining discipline, purpose, and positive self-image. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having inspiring people around and being willing to make changes with a burning motivation. While the longer the weight loss process takes, the better the long-term outcomes, having a strong motivation and implementing changes can lead to significant progress. The speaker also acknowledges that everyone wants to feel good about their appearance and that aesthetic goals are valid as long as they are healthy.

    • Embracing a new identity for long-term weight loss successShift in identity and lifestyle is necessary for sustainable weight loss. Meeting people where they are and offering support helps overcome emotional barriers to starting a fitness routine.

      Weight loss requires a fundamental shift in identity and lifestyle, rather than a temporary goal to be achieved and then abandoned. This transformation can be initially daunting, but it becomes sustainable as individuals come to value their newfound health and wellbeing over old habits. It's crucial to meet people where they are on their weight loss journey, recognizing the unique challenges they face and offering empathy and support. The emotional barriers to starting a fitness routine, especially for moms, can be significant, but the rewards are worth the effort. Ultimately, embracing a new identity as a healthy, active person is the key to long-term success.

    • Alcohol disrupts REM cycles, impacting emotional regulation and moodAlcohol may provide a false sense of sleep, but it harms REM cycles, negatively affecting emotional health. Try Hungry Root for personalized, nutritious groceries with a 40% discount and free veggies for life using the code POW.

      Alcohol may give you the illusion of a good night's sleep due to its sedating effects, but it significantly reduces the quality of your rest by disrupting your REM cycles. This can negatively impact your emotional regulation and mood stability. On a brighter note, discovering Hungry Root has been a game-changer for one listener's healthy living journey. This service is perfect for those with specific dietary needs, offering personalized grocery deliveries with simple recipes and essential supplements. The listener shared her excitement for Hungry Root's gluten-free and dairy-free corn tortillas, which have become a staple for her taco nights. By taking a short quiz, Hungry Root tailors your order to your personal health goals and preferences, ensuring a week's worth of nutritious groceries. The listener highly recommends Hungry Root for its commitment to whole, trusted ingredients and convenience. Currently, The Pursuit of Wellness listeners can enjoy 40% off their first delivery and free veggies for life by visiting hungryroot.com/pow.

    • The importance of heart rate variability for health and longevityRegular alcohol consumption can decrease heart rate variability, affecting sleep quality and overall health. Be intentional about drinking and consider the potential impact on HRV and well-being. Personalized HRV improvement is more important than comparison to others.

      Heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of the nervous system's relaxation, is crucial for health and longevity. A higher HRV indicates a more relaxed nervous system and better preparedness for stress. Regular alcohol consumption can significantly decrease HRV, affecting sleep quality and overall health. However, occasional drinking, especially in social settings with meaningful relationships, can be balanced and even beneficial. It's essential to be intentional about drinking and consider the potential impact on HRV and overall well-being. HRV is a personalized metric, and improving one's baseline is more important than comparing it to others. Alcohol's effect on HRV varies from person to person, and endurance athletes often have high HRV due to their exceptional cardiovascular condition.

    • Sauna before bed improves heart rate variability for better sleepUsing a sauna before bed can enhance heart rate variability, promote deeper sleep cycles, and contribute to overall relaxation. Aim for a temperature around 180 degrees Fahrenheit, stay for 15-20 minutes, and follow with a cold plunge.

      Using a sauna before bed can significantly improve heart rate variability (HRV), leading to better sleep. This occurs because heating up the body expands blood vessels and rushes blood to the extremities, allowing the core body temperature to cool down faster and enter deeper sleep cycles. A cool bedroom also plays a role in this process by further dropping the core body temperature. However, it's important to note that going too hot in the sauna can have negative effects and should be avoided. The relaxation achieved through this routine also contributes to the increase in HRV, reflecting the body's level of relaxation. Women tend to have higher HRV than men, and a lower resting heart rate is also common. The sauna protocol can vary, but aiming for a temperature around 180 degrees Fahrenheit and staying for 15-20 minutes, followed by a cold plunge, is a popular approach.

    • Traditional saunas vs Infrared saunas: Which is better?Traditional saunas, with consistent heating and extensive research, offer superior health benefits compared to infrared saunas, while cold water dips and optimal bedroom temperatures can enhance the overall experience.

      Traditional saunas, which have been the focus of numerous long-term studies leading to impressive health outcomes, should be preferred over infrared saunas due to their consistent heating mechanism. Traditional saunas heat the air around the body, while infrared saunas heat the body directly by vibrating molecules, but studies primarily focus on traditional saunas. Infrared saunas are a cheaper and more convenient option, but their effectiveness may not be as well-researched or proven as traditional saunas. Additionally, during a sauna session, dipping in cold water between hot periods can help keep blood vessels dilated and improve the overall experience. The optimal bedroom temperature for sleep is between 65 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and keeping feet warm can help increase blood flow and promote faster cooling and sleep.

    • Exploring the benefits of mouth taping during sleepMouth taping promotes nasal breathing, reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, producing nitric oxide, expanding airways, and contributing to better oral hygiene.

      Using mouth tape while sleeping can have numerous benefits for your health and well-being. The discussion highlighted that some people are initially hesitant to try it due to its unusual concept. However, once they give it a chance, they often become devoted users. Mouth taping helps promote nasal breathing, which is essential for optimal health as our noses are meant for breathing, and mouths are meant for eating and talking. By harnessing the power of nasal breathing, we can reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and even put an end to arguments. Additionally, nasal breathing helps produce nitric oxide, a vasodilator that expands airways and allows for better oxygen intake. It also makes us more tolerant to carbon dioxide, enabling us to use more oxygen at the cellular level. Furthermore, mouth taping can contribute to better oral hygiene as an open mouth becomes acidic, and dentists are starting to embrace this practice. Overall, mouth taping is a simple yet effective tool for improving various aspects of our health, and it's worth giving it a try.

    • Sleep Conditions and Habits Impact Oral Health, Facial Structure, and Brain DevelopmentMindful sleep habits and conditions can enhance oral health, improve facial structure, and boost brain development. Using a nose breathing technique, positioning mouth correctly, using eye masks, and maintaining a cool temperature can promote better sleep and overall health.

      The conditions and habits we expose ourselves to during sleep can significantly impact our oral health, facial structure, and even brain development. The acidity in our mouths when we breathe through it instead of through our nose can lead to tooth decay and bad breath. The position of our mouths while we sleep can also affect the shape of our jaws, potentially leading to health issues. Additionally, our brains are incredibly responsive to the subconscious cues of our environments. For instance, using an eye mask can help signal to our brains that it's time to sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Temperature regulation is also crucial for a good night's rest, and silk pillowcases and sleep masks can help keep our bodies cool and retain moisture. Overall, being mindful of our sleep habits and the conditions we create for ourselves can have a profound impact on our health and wellbeing.

    • Boost exercise performance, reduce stress, and enhance sleep with nasal stripsUsing nasal strips to expand nasal passages can improve exercise performance, reduce stress, and promote better sleep quality

      Improving nasal breathing through the use of specialized nasal strips can lead to better exercise performance, reduced stress, and improved sleep quality. These strips work by expanding the nasal passages, allowing for easier breathing and keeping the body at lower stress levels. Additionally, taking care of oneself and prioritizing sleep hygiene, including the use of blue light blocking glasses, is becoming a trend and can have a significant impact on overall well-being. However, it's not just about the tools we use, but also about being conscious of the content we consume and the mood it puts us in before bed. It's important to remember that protecting our sleep and going to bed in a low-stress state is crucial for optimal health.

    • Exploring the Impact of TV Shows, Sleep Apnea, Melatonin, CBD, and Sleep Requirements on Overall HealthTV shows, sleep apnea, melatonin, CBD, and sleep requirements all influence overall health. Sleep apnea can lead to long-term health issues, while excessive melatonin intake can have negative effects. Women need slightly more sleep and REM sleep than men, and interventions for sleep apnea include weight loss, nasal strips, and sleeping positions.

      Both mental and physical health are important for overall well-being. The discussion touched upon various topics, including TV shows, sleep apnea, melatonin, CBD, and sleep requirements for men and women. The Bear, a high-stress show, was compared to Ozark, and the importance of addressing sleep apnea was emphasized due to its long-term health consequences. Melatonin, while naturally produced from darkness, can have negative effects when taken in excessive amounts. THC, on the other hand, suppresses REM sleep and can lead to emotional instability and vivid dreams upon discontinuation. Women require slightly more sleep and REM sleep than men due to their natural anxiety levels and the brain's adaptive response. The impact of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on sleep is still uncertain, and there are numerous interventions for addressing sleep apnea, including weight loss, nasal strips, and sleeping positions.

    • Impact of Environment and Habits on Sleep QualityKeep devices out of bedroom, maintain consistent sleep schedules, control light exposure, and invest in sleep aids for optimal sleep quality. Small sacrifices today can prevent severe health issues later.

      Both our environment and personal habits significantly impact our sleep quality. Electromagnetic waves and energies from devices can disrupt sleep, so it's recommended to keep Wi-Fi routers and phones out of the bedroom. For shift workers, consistency in sleep schedules is crucial, and controlling light exposure is essential. Long-term consequences of irregular sleep patterns can be severe, so investing in sleep aids like masks and blackout shades is worthwhile. Remember, the small sacrifices in consistency today can lead to substantial health issues later on. To find more information and resources, check out Dream Recovery's website and social media channels. Don't hesitate to reach out to the expert, Todd, with any sleep-related questions. Prioritize your sleep, and it will pay off in the long run.

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    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 10, 2024

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition
    Ep. #105 I’m here today on the Pursuit of Wellness as a thirty year old! This milestone fills me with excitement and confidence as I embrace this new chapter. With a supportive community by my side and a harmonious balance between work and play, I'm ready to share the wisdom gained in my twenties and the aspirations shaping my thirties. Whether you're navigating your twenties or thirties like me, join me on this insightful episode as we explore growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of wellness. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/POW Head to eightsleep.com/pow and use code POW to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia Topics Discussed 02:13 - Not being dictated by your skin or what other people think 04:17 - Dong the things you want to do 05:36 - Letting go of obsessing 07:19 - Enjoying the health and wellness journey 09:25 - Being vulnerable in relationships 16:30 - Ditching doom scrolling and spending less time on social media 18:00 - Trusting your intuition 19:39 - What Mari is bringing into her thirties 26:16 - Excitement for the new decade
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    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship
    Ep. #104 Imagine waking up every day feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck—that was Daisy Keech’s reality, battling mold toxicity and relentless acne. In this episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Daisy shares her journey from the soccer field to health clinics, discovering issues like candida and a detoxification gene mutation. Moving to Los Angeles, Daisy found solace away from the Hype House’s party culture, leading to a fulfilling career in real estate and home renovation. She candidly discusses her ongoing skincare struggles, experimenting with various treatments and coping with the emotional toll. Amid serious health discussions, we also enjoy lighter moments about matcha, Bloom products, and a humorous take on a potential mold cleansing program. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Daisy's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Bite is offering our listeners 20% off your first order. Go to trybite.com/POW or use code POW at checkout to claim this deal.  Right now, my listeners can receive 40% off Earth Breeze just by going to earthbreeze.com/pow to cut out single-use plastic in your laundry. This week from June 3rd - June 9th you can get 20% off on all Stainless Steel Cookware. Plus, if you visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take 10% on all other products. Again, visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout for Caraway Home products and an automatic 20% off Stainless Steel Cookware. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Show Links: The Candida Diet CLEARSTEM LYMA Laser Illuminare Makeup King Coffee Topics Discussed 02:43 - Daisy’s wellness journey  08:22 - The Candida Diet 12:49 - Sugar sensitivity and brain fog 13:58 - Fat loss and glute growth   16:54 - Personal growth and self-discovery journey  21:32 - Life transformation through real estate development 29:38 - Choosing the right partner  32:50 - Ance, skincare, and self-value 40:15 - Tallow skincare trends and experiences  43:41 - Skin reactions to makeup products 45:28 - Reactions to mold  47:41 - What’s next for Daisy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 03, 2024

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi
    Ep. # 103 This week, we're catching up after my big 30th birthday bash in Mexico! From life lessons learned in my 20's to tackling estrogen dominance and detoxing, we're dishing out all the juicy details. Plus, we're serving up some nutrition tips for all the ladies out there. Stay tuned for insights on gut health, skincare, and a rapid-fire Q&A session!  Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Fi's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Listeners of my show can save $250 by going to mylifeforce.com/pow that’s mylifeforce.com/pow. Give Lifeforce a try and find out what the healthiest version of yourself is capable of Save 15% and get free shipping on your Starter Kit when you use code POW at www.branchbasics.com Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet Show Links: Acre Resort Inositol Powder  Sol & Sky Sunscreen Topics Discussed 01:07 - I’m officially 30!  03:39 - Birthday trip to Mexico  06:51 - Life Lessons from my 20s  07:46 - Estrogen dominance 10:37 - Detoxing estrogen  15:21 - Nutrition & recipe tips for women   18:41 - Getting to the root of my acne  24:14 - Gut issue treatment  29:37 - Having compassion for myself  32:01 - Antibiotics  33:13 - Ozempic updates  35:02 - Rapid Fire Q + A 43:16 - Horsegirls 44:21 - Sunscreen Recommendations
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enMay 30, 2024

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    032 | What It's Like To Lose Your Menstrual Cycle

    032 | What It's Like To Lose Your Menstrual Cycle

    There was a time in my life when I thought it was normal and OK to not have a regular period.  In fact when I realised that a regular cycle comes every 30 odd days I was shell shocked. 

    I didn't get a regular cycle until I was around 32 ish, and that was a combination of having Polycystic Ovaries and engaging in training and situations that led to low energy availability.

    It took a few years of constant focus to heal both my HPO and HPA axis to restore good health and cycle. 

    This is not an uncommon story.  Menstrual cycle dysfunction is common in both recreational exercisers and athletes.  It's just not talked about often. 

    Olivia sought help for her Menstrual cycle dysfunction over ten years ago, but poor advice from her doctor meant she felt disempowered to follow the advice and so continued living life as normal.

    It's only now, that she's made a concerted effort to heal.

    In today's episode, Olivia and I candidly share our experiences with Hypothalmic Amenorrhea.

    We discuss our health struggles, what it meant for us and how we started the healing journey to restore our cycles.

    This is important listening - the more awareness we can bring to this topic, the more helpful we can be to our clients.




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    Are you subscribed?  If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode.   And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review.  These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to info@nardianorman.com and you can also DM at my  Instagram page.

    Oliva can be found on IG here