
    The Silver Gonads of Santa Claus in the mouth of a Gelding Foal

    enDecember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Adapting to unexpected challengesFind joy in unexpected moments and appreciate the simple things in life, even during adversity

      Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and sometimes we must adapt and find creative solutions to overcome them. The speaker shares an experience of being trapped by ice on his driveway and having to crawl across it to get to the shop for dinner. This humbling experience brought back childhood memories and taught him to appreciate the simple things in life. He also discovered the beauty of Tommy Tiernan's Epic West, a TV show about the West of Ireland, which he highly recommends. Despite the cold and initial discomfort, the speaker found joy in the experience and the opportunity to slow down and observe the world from a new perspective. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of staying calm and resourceful in the face of adversity and finding joy in unexpected moments.

    • RTE player improvements lead to seamless streamingRecent improvements to RTE player result in ad-free and crash-free streaming, but the speaker critiques the limitations of television as a medium for engaging, unedited conversations

      The RTE player, Ireland's national broadcaster's streaming service, had a notoriously poor performance for years, causing frustration for users. However, recent improvements have been made, and now the platform works seamlessly without adverts or crashes. Despite this positive experience, the speaker critiques the television medium as a whole, expressing disappointment that a conversation between him and Tommy Tiernan, which was recorded for a documentary, was heavily edited, reducing their engaging 70-minute discussion to just a few minutes. The speaker laments that such content may never be released in its entirety as a podcast, highlighting the limitations of television as a medium that struggles to adapt to the modern infrastructure and viewer preferences.

    • Struggling with modern audience preferencesTraditional TV struggles to accommodate longer, unedited conversations, potentially wasting valuable content, while the internet's infrastructure for funding and producing such content is needed to meet today's audience demands.

      The traditional television industry is struggling to keep up with modern audience preferences for longer, unedited conversations. The speaker laments the heavy editing and strict guidelines that come with television funding, which results in valuable content being wasted. They suggest that if the unedited conversation between Tommy Tiernan and Blind Boy Boat Club had been treated like a high-budget podcast, it could have garnered millions of views. The speaker argues that the infrastructure for funding and producing content for the internet, which allows for longer, uninterrupted conversations, is needed to meet the demands of today's audiences. The speaker expresses frustration that this change hasn't yet occurred, despite the clear desire and potential for it.

    • Struggles of Traditional TV Industry with Long-Form Content and Creative FreedomThe TV industry needs to adapt to longer formats and creative freedom to remain competitive as podcasts and YouTube gain popularity, offering more space and time for complex topics.

      The traditional television industry is struggling to keep up with the changing media landscape, particularly when it comes to long-form content and creative freedom. The speaker shared his experience of making a documentary for the BBC, which was subjected to strict editing and time constraints, resulting in important content being left out. He noted that podcasts and YouTube, which offer more freedom and longer formats, are gaining popularity and surpassing the reach of traditional TV shows. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having space and time to discuss complex topics like mental health, which is not feasible in the fast-paced world of television. He concluded by encouraging TV executives to adapt and commission more relevant content while preserving budgets. The speaker's own podcast has been more successful than anything he's made for TV, and he believes that a TV budget could produce high-quality podcast-like content if given the chance. Overall, the traditional TV industry needs to adapt to the changing media landscape and embrace longer formats and creative freedom to remain competitive.

    • Twitter's toxicity and Elon Musk's impactTwitter's shift towards toxicity concerns users, Elon Musk's ownership and stance on 'woke' ideologies add to the issue, users consider transitioning to more positive platforms like Instagram, reevaluating personal definitions of success in today's world.

      Twitter, once a credible platform for important figures and independent creators, has become increasingly toxic and unreliable due to recent policy changes and the rise of unwanted content in users' feeds. The speaker expresses concern over the platform's shift towards a more divisive and radicalizing environment, driven in part by Elon Musk's ownership and his stated opposition to "woke" ideologies. The speaker plans to transition to using Instagram as a primary social media platform due to its more positive community. Additionally, the concept of "having your life together" was discussed, with the speaker questioning the relevance of traditional markers of success, such as a stable job, mortgage, and family, in today's society. The speaker suggests that individuals may need to reevaluate their personal definitions of success and what it means to "have it all together" in the modern world.

    • Redefining the meaning of having one's life togetherSocietal expectations for success no longer align with current realities, leading to feelings of failure among millennials despite their best efforts. It's time to redefine what it means to have one's life together in today's world.

      The societal expectations and benchmarks for having one's life together, which were relevant 20 years ago, no longer align with the current economic and social realities. This misalignment has led to a generation, particularly millennials, feeling like failures despite doing their best to adhere to traditional markers of success such as having a stable career, owning a home, and starting a family by their thirties. The system no longer supports these goals, and it's time for a collective conversation about redefining what it means to have one's shit together in today's world. The continued use of outdated terminology like "young people" to describe those in their thirties further highlights the need for this conversation. Millions of people are being set up for disappointment and frustration, and it's not fair to label them as failures when the system is the one that's broken.

    • Living authentically and valuing self-worthBe true to yourself, understand emotions, practice kindness, and focus on self-worth, not external markers, for a fulfilling life.

      Having your "shit together" is not about meeting external societal expectations, but rather living authentically and valuing your self-worth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself, understanding and accepting emotions, and practicing kindness, regardless of societal achievements or possessions. They also highlight the challenges faced by millennials compared to previous generations, making it unrealistic to measure success solely based on external markers. Instead, focusing on living authentically and striving for self-worth is a more flexible and achievable goal for everyone.

    • Deregulation and Privatization: Causes of Job Insecurity and Unaffordable HousingDeregulation and privatization have led to industries and essential resources being run poorly and inaccessibly, causing job insecurity and unaffordable housing for many. Unions and policy changes prioritizing people's well-being are crucial solutions.

      The current state of job insecurity and lack of affordable housing for many people is a result of years of deregulation and privatization. This shift towards prioritizing profits over worker rights and public services has led to industries and essential resources being run poorly and inaccessibly for large portions of the population. The speaker emphasizes the importance of unions and advocacy for policy changes to prioritize the well-being of people and communities over profit. The cultural perception of adulthood and the challenges young adults face in achieving stability, particularly in the areas of housing and employment, are also significant factors contributing to feelings of instability and lack of "having their shit together."

    • Being extra in health care, gift-giving, and creative pursuitsExtra efforts in health care, gift-giving, and creative pursuits can lead to substantial benefits, such as managing out-of-pocket costs, celebrating special moments, and maintaining independence.

      Being extra can be beneficial, especially when it comes to health care and celebrating special occasions. UnitedHealthcare's Health Protector Guard fixed indemnity insurance plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, help manage out-of-pocket costs without usual requirements and restrictions. At 1800 Flowers, every product is made with love to help celebrate life's special moments. Supporting podcasts like The Blind By Podcast, which is the speaker's full-time job, allows creators to maintain independence and produce authentic content. The podcast also offers live shows in various locations throughout the year. The speaker is currently writing a new collection of short stories after taking a break to focus on music. In essence, being a little extra in health care, gift-giving, and creative pursuits can lead to significant benefits.

    • Discovering Inspiration through Reading Other AuthorsWriters find inspiration by reading authors whose styles resonate with them, igniting imagination, exploring possibilities of fiction, setting scenes, and refining writing through editing.

      Writers find inspiration and reconnection with different aspects of their craft by reading other authors whose styles resonate with them. For instance, when seeking to reconnect with her voice, the speaker turns to Kevin Barry, whose Limerick-specific observations and use of language align with her own. To ignite her imagination and explore the possibilities of fiction, she reads Flann O'Brien, Virginia Woolf, and Ted Chiang. When setting scenes, she looks to James Joyce, Artessa Moshfegh, and Ernest Hemingway for their mastery of description and simplicity. Lastly, when editing or seeking a more logical and calculated approach, she turns to John McGahern for his subtle tension and exploration of emotions beneath the surface. Overall, reading other authors can serve as a source of inspiration, guidance, and growth for writers.

    • Using the internet as a non-conventional path to successNeurodivergent individuals can find success through unconventional means, like self-publishing online, while neurotypical individuals may benefit from traditional networking and submission methods.

      Non-conventional paths to success are valid, especially for neurodivergent individuals. The speaker shares their experience of using the internet to bypass traditional networking methods in comedy and publishing, but acknowledges the potential backlash and feeling of being an outsider. For neurotypical aspiring writers, building connections through local writers groups, submitting work to journals, and networking are recommended. However, for neurodivergent individuals who may struggle with these methods, self-publishing online can be a viable alternative. It's important to understand that everyone's journey to success looks different and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Embrace your unique path and keep pushing forward.

    • Embracing Failure for Creative SuccessView failures as learning opportunities, take risks, and support peers' successes for creative progress

      Embracing failure and not being afraid to try are crucial for creative success. The speaker emphasizes that everyone experiences rejection and failure at some point, but it's important to view these experiences as learning opportunities rather than defeats. He encourages taking risks, even if it means facing public humiliation, and being happy for others' successes to fuel your own progress. The speaker also advises against begrudging others and becoming a hater, as this toxic energy can prevent creativity and goal achievement. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach creative pursuits with a mindset of resilience, learning from failures, and supporting peers' successes.

    • The holiday season can bring back old emotional patternsBe mindful of emotional responses during the holidays and consider affordable luxury brands like Quince for ethical and cost-effective fashion choices.

      The holiday season can bring us back to our childhood homes, which may trigger old emotional patterns that we thought we had left behind. It's important to be aware of this possibility and to remember that it's normal to regress emotionally in familiar environments. However, it's also possible to maintain our sense of self and to communicate effectively with our families. Another takeaway is the importance of affordable luxury. Paige mentioned Quince, a brand that offers high-quality fashion at a fraction of the cost of similar brands. Quince partners with factories that prioritize safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing, making it a great choice for those who want to look good and feel good about their purchases. So, this holiday season, be mindful of your emotional responses to familiar situations, and consider exploring affordable luxury options like Quince for your wardrobe.

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