
    About this Episode

    At this point, we've all seen it, heard it, gathered our thoughts about it. Here's my perspective. Some of it anyway. 😃

    Recent Episodes from Ascending with TiffTALKS22

    "I Apologize...Sincerely"

    "I Apologize...Sincerely"
    Did you know that there are components to a healthy apology? Well there are and they can make all the difference in how or IF you're able to heal the broken relationship. You can speak the words "I'm sorry", but they are never enough to heal the relationship if certain words AND BEHAVIORS don't accompany them. Broken trust is a very difficult dynamic to recover from. And often, the longer the situation is allowed to fester, the more difficult it will be to repair. Let's get into it. PRESS ▶️

    Why You Attract Or Attach To Certain Relationships?

    Why You Attract Or Attach To Certain Relationships?
    Have you noticed a pattern of attachment in your personal relationships? Believe it or not, it's likely DIRECTLY connected to your childhood, whether you consider it good or "bad". In this episode, we dig into the HOW and what you can do to fix it,and of course that comes with my own personal experiences. It may not completely heal you of these issues, but awareness IS THE CATALYST for healing. ❤💛~Tiff

    My Birthday Truth

    My Birthday Truth
    Birthdays are "supposed" to be happy & celebratory energy.... right? In this episode, I discuss what changed that for me in recent years AND how I'm healing to get BACK to that happy space. Healing is SUCH a circular journey! Thank you to anybody who reached out to me to wish me happy birthday, love was felt and appreciated.❤ PRESS PLAY. ⚠️This one got a little emotional.

    Let's Talk Angel Numbers!

    Let's Talk Angel Numbers!
    This episode is all about that number you repeatedly see. It has to have meaning right? Indeed it does. Let's talk about it.

    I apologize in advance for the abrupt ending of the recording. You guys know I'm no editor. 😏 But I was only going to extend an invitation to join my Facebook Group, "Ascending with TiffTALKS22". We can discuss anything you hear in the podcast OVER THERE. Hope to see you. Now PRESS PLAY▶️

    Clear Out The Clutter!

    Clear Out The Clutter!
    The title of this episode,"Clear Out The Clutter!" is a common phrase that many of us hear and say often. But there may be MUCH more to this term than we realize. In this episode, we discuss the deeper meaning of the phrase, how it affects our spiritual journey, and how to DO IT. PRESS PLAY.▶️
    Ascending with TiffTALKS22
    enOctober 26, 2021