
    The Subversion Is Now Out In The Open (Ep 1732)

    enMarch 24, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Blurring Lines Between Tech, Corporations, Government, and Media Threaten Our RepublicThe dangerous relationship between big tech, corporations, government, and media is openly working against individual freedoms and truth, compromising data security and threatening our constitutional republic.

      We are living in a time where the lines between big tech, corporations, government, and media are blurring, leading to a dangerous symbiotic relationship that threatens our constitutional republic. This relationship is openly working against individual freedoms and truth, as seen in the banning of voices like Tucker Carlson from social media platforms for stating biological facts. The situation is escalating rapidly, with the Republic on life support and the threat of data security being compromised through legislation like the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. It's essential to stay informed and take action to protect individual freedoms and data security before it's too late.

    • Oligarchy in American Politics: A Threat to Democratic ValuesSome individuals and institutions prioritize their own interests, forming an oligarchy that aims to control the US as a landmass, suppressing liberty and freedom, and evaporating the constitutional republic. BlackRock's investment power is criticized for furthering this agenda.

      The current state of American politics is concerning, with some individuals and institutions, including Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and BlackRock's Larry Fink, appearing to prioritize their own interests over democratic values. The speaker argues that this group, which includes the wealthy, powerful elites, big tech, big corporations, and big government in the media, forms an oligarchy that aims to control the United States as a landmass rather than a country, suppressing liberty and freedom, and evaporating the constitutional republic. Fink's BlackRock, in particular, is criticized for using its investment power to force companies into making decisions that align with the liberal agenda, furthering the oligarchy's goals. The speaker calls for the creation of alternatives in the parallel economy, government, and media to challenge this power structure.

    • Collaboration between entities to reshape capitalism through initiatives like the Great Reset and ESG practicesEntities are working together to centralize power, potentially eroding individual liberty under the guise of addressing climate change and misinformation

      Various entities, including big corporations led by Larry Fink, big tech companies like Google and YouTube, and big governments, are working together to reshape capitalism through initiatives like the Great Reset and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices. This collaboration aims to centralize power, diminishing individual liberty and empowering a more powerful liberal government. The climate agenda is a significant vehicle for this change, as control over energy sources and health decisions can lead to significant influence. Critics argue that this push for centralized power is being disguised as efforts to address climate change and misinformation, but the potential consequences are the erosion of individual freedoms and the consolidation of power among a select few.

    • Entities pushing for societal controlPowerful entities aim to centralize control over healthcare, energy, economy, and more, suppressing dissent and individual freedoms, leading to less prosperity and more gov't control

      Certain powerful entities are working towards centralizing control over various aspects of society, including healthcare, energy policy, and the economy. Their ultimate goal appears to be the implementation of a social credit system, inspired by China's model, where only those who align with their agenda are allowed to fully participate. This system aims to suppress dissent and individual freedoms, ultimately leading to less prosperity and more government control. It's important to understand the motivations behind these actions to effectively address the situation.

    • Ideological subversion: Changing American perceptions without espionageThe KGB's ideological subversion strategy focuses on changing perceptions through media and propaganda, making up 85% of their efforts, and it's crucial to be aware of this tactic and seek factual information for sensible conclusions.

      Ideological subversion is a process used by external entities to change the perception of reality of Americans to such an extent that they can no longer come to sensible conclusions in the best interests of themselves and their country. This process, which makes up 85% of the KGB's efforts, is open and legitimate, and does not involve espionage. Instead, it focuses on changing perceptions through media and propaganda. For instance, the ease of access to GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss through LifeMD is presented as a life-changing solution, while the importance of American-made, family-owned products like Henry Repeating Arms is downplayed. It's crucial to be aware of this tactic and strive for sensible conclusions based on factual information.

    • Foreign powers manipulate through 'useful idiots' in tech, media, etc.Stay informed and critically evaluate info from diverse sources to avoid falling for propaganda campaigns promoting harmful agendas.

      Outside forces, such as Russia, use "useful idiots" in the form of big tech, corporations, media, and even government entities to promote agendas that could potentially harm the United States. These agendas, like pushing for the U.S. to move away from oil and gas or promoting a "great reset," can be disguised as progressive ideas or solutions. The use of crises as opportunities to implement these agendas is a common tactic. It's essential to be aware of these potential manipulations and critically evaluate information from various sources to avoid being influenced by propaganda campaigns.

    • Discussions about a government entity for green investments and allegations of corruptionCritics raise concerns over potential conflicts of interest and misuse of power with discussions of a new government entity for green investments and allegations of corruption within the Biden administration.

      There are ongoing discussions about the establishment of a government entity to facilitate investments in green infrastructure, which coincides with the push from influential figures like Larry Fink of BlackRock for more green energy investments. Critics argue that this could potentially create a conflict of interest and a "grift." Additionally, there are allegations of corruption within the Biden administration, specifically related to the January 6 Capitol incident, which some believe is being used as a pretext to target Republicans before the midterms. These developments have sparked concerns about transparency and the potential misuse of power.

    • Powerful elites and institutions blur linesThe January 6 committee investigation showcases the blurred lines between government, big tech, media, and corporations, with the powerful benefiting from their connections and the rest facing consequences.

      The line between government, big tech, media, and corporations has become increasingly blurred, with those at the top benefiting from their connections and the rest of us getting left behind. This was highlighted in a discussion about the January 6 committee investigation and the involvement of a former CIA inspector general, David Buckley, who signed a letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation but is now leading the investigation. Additionally, it was noted that Biden donors and close friends have been awarded federal contracts and White House positions. These examples illustrate the symbiotic relationship between the powerful elites and the institutions they control, creating an oligarchical system where the rules seem to favor those at the top. It's important to stay informed and aware of these developments to protect individual rights and promote fairness and equal opportunity.

    • German MP Criticizes Canadian PM for Human Rights ViolationsGrowing dissatisfaction with leaders disregarding democracy and individual freedoms is evident as German MP's bold critique of Canadian PM receives widespread applause. Concerns about vaccine negative effects add to the call for freedom and liberties.

      People and politicians are pushing back against those who seek to impose a two-tiered society and restrict individual freedoms. A recent incident at the European Union Parliament saw a German member, Christine Anderson, publicly criticizing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his human rights violations and disregard for democracy. Her bold speech received widespread applause, signaling growing dissatisfaction with such leaders. Additionally, the vaccine efficacy discussion highlighted concerns about negative effects of the vaccine on the double boosted population. These developments indicate that the tide is turning against those pushing for a great reset or new world order, and that the call for freedom and liberties is gaining momentum.

    • Google Podcasts app is discontinued, but listeners have alternatives. Political landscape shifting.Google Podcasts app is ending, but listeners can find content on other platforms. Political parties face challenges, and there's criticism of gov't attempts to solve problems with same causes as solutions, like gas rebate checks for inflation.

      The Google Podcasts app is being discontinued, but listeners can still enjoy content on various alternative platforms. Additionally, political tides are shifting, with the Democratic Party facing challenges in several key battleground districts and decreasing approval ratings for President Biden. The speaker also emphasized the ongoing struggle against the growing power of big government, tech, corporations, and media, and criticized the government's attempts to solve problems by introducing the same causes as solutions. The unbroken leg fallacy was discussed as a prime example of this phenomenon, and the speaker criticized the Democrats for proposing gas rebate checks to address inflation caused in part by government policies.

    • Powerful entities manipulating the massesRussia exploiting US energy policy, FBI's ideological investigations, and mysterious plane crash raise concerns about power misuse and transparency

      The symbiotic relationship between powerful entities and those they manipulate can lead to detrimental policies for the masses. The discussion touched upon the Russian government's exploitation of this dynamic to further a self-destructive US energy policy. Furthermore, the FBI's repeated violation of its own rules during investigations of politicians, candidates, and media raises concerns about ideological conformity and potential misuse of power. Lastly, the mysterious plane crash with the unusual descent rate adds to the list of suspicious events, fueling the need for transparency and further investigation.

    • Unusual plane crash with halted descent raises speculation of pilot actionsThis plane crash incident raises concerns about pilot actions and emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in aviation safety. The public's growing awareness and engagement can contribute to ongoing dialogue and investigation for safer transportation systems.

      There have been unusual circumstances surrounding a recent plane crash, with the plane appearing to halt and then resume its descent based on flight radar data. While it's important to note that this is just speculation, some experts believe this could indicate deliberate actions by the pilots. Regardless, this incident highlights the need for transparency and accountability in aviation safety. Additionally, the speaker expressed optimism about the public becoming more aware and vocal about issues like this, with people refusing to accept a two-tiered system. He encouraged viewers to engage with him on social media and submit questions for his podcast. Overall, this discussion underscores the importance of ongoing dialogue and investigation in ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of our transportation systems.

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    Istniejący od kilku lat portal Parler, który grupował amerykańską prawicę – także zniknął z sieci. Wystarczyła decyzja trzech firm: Apple i Google skasował aplikację ze swoich systemów, a Amazon – wyrzucił serwis ze swoich serwerów.

    To samo może spotkać każdego człowieka i każdą firmę. Algorytmom nie spodoba się coś, co udostępniamy w sieci – i po prostu skasują nasze konto, odbierając możliwość kontaktu z odbiorcami i klientami. Spotkało to polską fundację zajmującą się przeciwdziałaniu uzależnieniom. Facebook uznał, że mówią o narkotykach, więc je promują. W jednej chwili organizacja straciła kontakt ze światem.

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    The Consumer Privacy Movement and Brand Safety Challenges with Big Tech

    Richard Kramer, Founder of Arete Research and Brendan Eich, CEO of Brave Software, discuss the challenges with the current “data donation agreement” that Big Tech has created related to user information and identity, along with the brand safety concerns advertisers are now facing. 


    We also discuss:

    • The benefits of informed consent for limited purposes. 
    • Online identity and its impact on advertising technology.
    • Brand safety considerations that advertisers must pay attention to.
    • Brave’s unique privacy-by-default principles and what that means for users. 
    • The future of GDPR and CPRA and enforcement of those laws. 


    Fill out our anonymous survey to provide feedback on The Brave Marketer Podcast. The first 50 listeners to fill this out will redeem a $20 coupon for the Brave Swag store!


    About Richard:

    Richard is the main founder of Arete, the pioneer of the independent equity research space , which he formed in 2000 prior to the Wall Street scandals of 2001-2003). 


    For over 20 years  Richard has focused on the wider mobile internet space, including smartphones, digital consumer products, advertising technology and other internet services. He is a frequent and highly-rated speaker at industry conferences, known for his frank dissection of industry hype and willingness to offer critical as well as positive comments on leading tech companies. 


    Prior to founding Arete, Richard was for four years #1 ranked technology analyst in Europe at Goldman Sachs, and prior to that, worked for Nortel and at a prestigious Columbia University economics think tank.


    About Brendan:

    Brendan Eich is the co-founder and CEO of Brave Software and the Basic Attention Token. Brendan previously served as CTO, then CEO of the Mozilla Corporation. Prior to that, he co-founded the Mozilla project and foundation. While at Mozilla, Eich helped launch the award-winning Firefox web browser. Brendan is also the inventor of JavaScript, the Internet's most widely used programming language.

    This week’s Brave Pick of the Week is BitPay. Check out their website here.


    About this show:

    Brave is at the forefront of a new online privacy frontier and has unique insight into the future of marketing and advertising in a cookieless world. If you're an agency, brand marketer or entrepreneur challenged by the changes in ethical advertising, consumer privacy and buyer expectations, this podcast will provide a backstage view of how influential marketers at top brands and agencies are responding to what's next.

    Music by: Ari Dvorin

    Hosted by: Donny Dvorin