
    The Sunday Read: ‘Lost in the Deep’

    enNovember 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • A deeply emotional and spiritual quest to find a lost WWII aircraft carrierThe search for the USS Wasp was about more than just history, it was about honoring the sacrifices of the crew and reconnecting with the past.

      The search for the USS Wasp, a World War II aircraft carrier, was not just a technological and scientific quest, but also a deeply emotional and spiritual one. The story of the lost ship and its crew, including Lieutenant Commander John Joseph Shea, who wrote a heartfelt letter to his young son before leaving for the battlefield, resonated with the author, Ed Caesar, on a personal level. The letter, filled with American values and fatherly love, touched Caesar as a father and a son who had experienced the loss of a father at a young age. The quest to find the USS Wasp was about more than just reclaiming history; it was about honoring the sacrifices of the men who served on board and reconnecting with the past.

    • A father's love and legacy endureA father's guidance and values shape his son, while the search for a lost ship demonstrates the importance of determination and accuracy.

      A father's love and guidance can extend beyond time and distance, even in the face of great adversity. The letter from the father to his son before going off to war expresses values and expectations that the father hopes will shape his son into a good man. Meanwhile, the search for the USS Wasp, the ship where the father was last stationed before his disappearance, demonstrates the importance of accuracy and determination in navigating the vast and deep ocean. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the search continues, just as the father's love and legacy endure in the heart of his son.

    • Deep Ocean Exploration by Paul AllenBillionaire Paul Allen's passion for underwater exploration led him to invest in a retrofitted oil rig for wreck hunting, discovering several notable ships and contributing to scientific knowledge.

      The deep ocean, specifically the abyssal zone, is a profoundly inaccessible and largely unexplored realm characterized by extreme depth, pressure, and darkness. This profound inaccessibility has resulted in scientists knowing more about the surface of Mars than the deep ocean floor, which covers over half of the Earth's surface. Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, was driven by his interests in underwater exploration and World War 2 history to invest in the Petrel, a 250-foot oil and gas maintenance vessel retrofitted for wreck hunting. The Petrel, with its advanced underwater vehicles and highly skilled crew, has made significant discoveries, including the remains of several notable ships, including the USS Lexington, USS Juno, and the USS Indianapolis. Allen's investment in the Petrel, which cost millions for the vessel, equipment, and crew, was a testament to his passion for exploration and his vast wealth. Despite his significant philanthropic efforts, Allen's net worth continued to grow, making him one of the richest people in the world at the time of his death.

    • Deep-sea exploration: Unpredictable and time-consumingEffective planning, adaptability, and teamwork are crucial for successful deep-sea expeditions, despite unpredictable challenges like equipment repair, bad weather, and unforeseen delays.

      Deep-sea exploration, even with advanced technology and experienced personnel, can be unpredictable and time-consuming. During an expedition to locate a sunken American aircraft carrier, the Wasp, the team, led by Robert Kraft, had limited time to search due to the nature of underwater missions. The crew, which included a separate exploration team called ATU, faced various challenges such as equipment repair, bad weather, and unforeseen delays. The navigator, Lieutenant Commander John Greenslade, played a crucial role in the mission but faced a harrowing experience during the sinking of the Wasp. Greenslade's ability to provide precise coordinates for the ship's position before abandoning it proved invaluable for the search. The team's discussions, known as Speculation Club, involved careful analysis of historical records and data to pinpoint potential target locations. The unpredictability of deep-sea exploration underscores the importance of thorough planning, adaptability, and effective teamwork.

    • Navigating the Complexity of Shipwreck LocationsReliable location data and expertise are essential for finding shipwrecks. Trusting credible sources and collaborating with experts can significantly aid the process.

      The sinking behavior of a ship is complex and influenced by various factors such as current, air pockets, buoyancy, and damage. Despite the uncertainty about how much ships deviate from their sinking point underwater, accurate location data is crucial for finding wreckages. Trusting reliable sources and considering their expertise is essential. For instance, a carrier's navigator might have more experience and credibility than a destroyer's navigator. The involvement of experts, like retired admirals, can significantly aid in interpreting historical documents and making informed decisions. The quest for locating lost ships, like the Wasp, requires patience, collaboration, and a deep understanding of naval history and technology.

    • Encountering challenges during underwater debris search with AUVsSearching for underwater debris with AUVs is unpredictable and complex, with various factors causing aborts and requiring human intervention. Success requires a combination of advanced technology and human expertise.

      The search for underwater debris using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) can be unpredictable and challenging, with various factors causing the drones to abort and requiring human intervention. The team, while searching for the wreck of a ship that sank 76 years ago, encountered several issues with their AUV, including it aborting and returning to the surface. The reasons for these aborts can range from sensing obstacles, loss of battery, or programming malfunctions. Retrieving the AUV in rough seas and at night adds to the complexity and risk for the crew. Despite these challenges, the team persisted and eventually identified two patches of debris, potentially indicating the location of the wreck. The excitement of discovering possible evidence of the wreck was tempered by the knowledge that further investigation would be needed to confirm the discovery. The search for underwater debris is a complex and unpredictable process, requiring a combination of advanced technology and human expertise.

    • The USS Indianapolis search: A mission to honor American military historyPaul Allen's team remained dedicated to finding the USS Indianapolis wreck, using up resources and facing setbacks to honor American military history and pay tribute to those lost.

      The search for the USS Indianapolis wreck, led by Paul Allen's Petrel team, was filled with anticipation, discovery, and disappointment. The team, feeling the absence of their late boss, continued their mission to honor American military history. Despite using up three of their limited battleship shots and encountering setbacks, they remained dedicated to their goal. The elusive wreck of the USS Indianapolis, a significant naval nightmare in American history, continued to evade them, but their determination remained unwavering. The importance of the discovery went beyond entertainment for Allen, who was deeply connected to military history due to his father's service in World War 2. The search was a way to honor the sacrifices of those who served, and the team's discoveries were kept confidential to prevent further exploration and potential damage to the sites. The team's journey was filled with uncertainty and intrigue, as facts from official records sometimes proved misleading. Despite a setback with a crew member's illness, the team's spirit remained high, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and dedication to uncovering historical truths.

    • The enduring impact of personal stories and emotional bondsThe stories of brave individuals, like John Shea from the USS Wasp, continue to inspire and resonate deeply, transcending time through human connection and empathy.

      The stories of the brave individuals involved in the sinking of the USS Wasp during World War II, like John Shea, continue to resonate deeply even when the physical artifact itself is lost. Shea's heroism and the poignant letter he wrote to his son, Jack, inspired generations and became a national sensation long before his legal declaration of death. The tale of the Wasp and its crew, filled with vulnerability, old-fashioned wisdom, and human connection, serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of personal stories and the emotional bonds that transcend time. The sinking of the Wasp and the stories of its crew, like the experiences of soldiers in World War One battlefields, continue to live on, inviting empathy and connection with the past.

    • Uncovering the Past: A Deep Dive into the Search for the USS WaspThrough a combination of historical research, advanced technology, and perseverance, a team successfully challenged established beliefs and uncovered new evidence in the search for the USS Wasp, leading to a potential reconsideration of previous navigational records.

      The search for the USS Wasp in the depths of the ocean required a deep dive into the past and a willingness to challenge established beliefs. The surface held no clear answers, but beneath the waves, important discoveries were made. The team encountered challenges, from technical issues to encounters with marine life, but they persevered. Their findings suggested that previous navigational records might be inaccurate, leading them to reconsider the location of the ship's sinking. Despite the setbacks, they remained determined and eventually uncovered new evidence that pointed to a previously unexplored area for further search. The process of discovery required a combination of technology, historical research, and a willingness to question assumptions.

    • Discovering the USS Wasp: A Connection to the PastThe discovery of the USS Wasp, a sunken World War II aircraft carrier, brought closure and emotional connection to families of the 1900 sailors who served on it. The wreck's preservation allowed for detailed inspection, revealing the past and honoring the lives lost.

      The discovery of the USS Wasp, a World War II aircraft carrier, brought a sense of closure and emotional connection to the families of the 1900 sailors who served on it. The moment of discovery was a mix of triumph and sadness, as the team realized the significance of the lives lost and the stories that were now being brought to light. The preservation of the wreck in the deep ocean allowed for a detailed inspection, revealing the extent of the damage from the explosions that sank the ship. The families of the sailors were thrilled by the news, finding it a meaningful way to connect with their history and the values of the past. The discovery served as a reminder of the importance of honoring the past and the lives of those who came before us.

    • A wasp in a letter brings closure and renewed connection to the pastThe discovery of a wasp in a century-old letter brought closure to a family mystery and encouraged them to rediscover their military heritage and the continuity of values across generations.

      The discovery of a wasp in a letter, written over a century ago, brought closure and a renewed connection to the past for the Shea family. Christine shared how her father, Jack Shea, had lived in accordance with the values expressed in the letter, despite the family's belief that the wasp's final resting place would remain a mystery. The discovery not only put the past to rest but also encouraged Claudette, Jack's widow, to revisit their family history. In the earliest records, they found a note written by Jack as a boy, expressing his aspirations to become a soldier. This discovery further highlighted the family's deep-rooted military heritage and the continuity of values across generations. In essence, the wasp's discovery provided a meaningful connection to the past and a reminder of the importance of preserving family history.

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