
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the nuances behind Johnson & Johnson's vaccine efficacy ratesDespite lower efficacy rates compared to Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson's vaccine offers significant protection against severe disease and contributes to overall pandemic response.

      While the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, the third COVID-19 vaccine to receive emergency use authorization by the FDA, has been reported to have lower efficacy rates compared to Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines, it still offers significant protection against severe disease. In the latest episode of 16 Minutes, the a16z bio team, including general partner Jorge Conde and bio editorial partner Lauren Richardson, discussed the mixed news surrounding the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. While Johnson and Johnson reported 85% efficacy in preventing severe disease, headlines reported 66% efficacy overall and 72% in the US. Experts have expressed varying opinions, from disappointment to caution about comparing the vaccines. The team provided frameworks to help understand the nuances behind the numbers and the importance of considering the context of the clinical trials and the overall impact on public health. The ongoing innovation in vaccine development and distribution is crucial in addressing the pandemic, and the team continues to provide in-depth analysis on a16z.com/vaccines.

    • Differences in vaccine efficacy could be due to varying virus variants and populations testedClinical trial results for Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines differ due to varying efficacy against different virus variants and populations where the vaccines were tested. These factors impact the total efficacy seen in real-world scenarios.

      The differences in clinical trial results among the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines could be due to varying efficacy against different SARS CoV 2 virus variants and the populations where the vaccines were tested. The vaccines were designed based on dominant variants circulating earlier in the pandemic, but new variants have since emerged and become more prevalent. Additionally, the clinical trials had different endpoints, making direct comparisons challenging. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines aimed to prevent any symptomatic COVID infections after two doses, while Johnson & Johnson aimed to prevent moderate to severe COVID after one dose. These factors could impact the total efficacy seen in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the distribution of variants and populations where the vaccines were tested also plays a role. For instance, the Moderna vaccine was tested only in the US, while Pfizer had a more global study, and Johnson & Johnson had a significant portion of its trial in South Africa, where a critical variant was first observed. These differences in study design and population distribution make it essential to consider the context when comparing the vaccines' efficacy.

    • Measuring vaccine effectiveness through symptomatic illnessThe US government set the benchmark for vaccine effectiveness based on preventing symptomatic illness, but it's important to remember that this doesn't necessarily mean the vaccines aren't effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, or death.

      The benchmark for measuring the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, such as the one produced by Johnson & Johnson, varies between preventing symptomatic illness and preventing infections. When the US government set the benchmark, they focused on preventing symptomatic illness due to its ease of measurement and higher occurrence rate. However, it's important to note that symptomatic illness is not the same as severe illness, hospitalization, or death. While setting the benchmark for symptomatic illness allowed for quicker assessment of vaccine quality, some argue that measuring infection prevention could have been another limiting factor. Therefore, when evaluating the J&J vaccine numbers in comparison to other EUAs, it's crucial to keep in mind that these studies have different benchmarks and that the focus on symptomatic illness does not necessarily mean that the vaccines are not effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, or death.

    • Three Covid-19 vaccines exceed expectationsAll three Covid-19 vaccines offer high efficacy rates against symptomatic illness, surpassing the flu vaccine's typical effectiveness. Prioritize based on personal concerns and convenience.

      All three Covid-19 vaccines that have received emergency use authorization have exceeded the benchmark for reducing symptomatic illness, with efficacy rates in the seventies, eighties, and nineties. This is remarkable, considering that in a typical year, the flu vaccine is only 40-60% effective. While there's been discussion about 100% protection against death and hospitalization, the statistics have been revised slightly downward. The first vaccine offered to you is the best choice, but if multiple options become available, consider what you're prioritizing. If your main concern is severe disease or death, all three vaccines seem effective. If preventing symptomatic disease is your priority, Pfizer and Moderna may be more effective, but have slightly more adverse events. Convenience is also a factor to consider. We've achieved this within a year, which is a remarkable feat.

    • Discussing the importance of vaccine accessibility and distributionThe J&J vaccine's robustness, ease of storage, and distribution make it a valuable option in the ongoing fight against COVID-19, despite ongoing discussions about its efficacy.

      The efficacy data from clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines, including the J&J DNA-based vaccine, should be considered preliminary. The ongoing mutation of the virus and its potential endemic status mean that these vaccines' effectiveness is not the final answer. Another important factor is the accessibility and distribution of the vaccines. The J&J vaccine, which is a single-dose DNA-based vaccine that can be stored with standard cold storage techniques, is more accessible and affordable than the mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, which require ultra-low temperatures and advanced refrigeration technology. This accessibility is crucial for protecting more people with a given supply. The ongoing discussion about vaccine efficacy also highlights the importance of considering multiple factors when choosing a specific vaccine, not just the headline numbers. The J&J vaccine's robustness and ease of storage and distribution make it a valuable option in the ongoing fight against COVID-19.

    • Understanding the differences and importance of COVID-19 vaccinesWhile all COVID-19 vaccines are effective, it's crucial to recognize their differences and the importance of getting broadly protected against the virus, as it's likely to be endemic and new variants may emerge. More research is needed to fully understand their real-world effectiveness, impact on diverse populations, and ability to combat emerging variants.

      While all COVID-19 vaccines currently available are effective, they are not identical. It's crucial to separate the hype from the facts and recognize the importance of getting broadly protected as soon as possible, especially since SARS CoV 2 is likely to be endemic and new variants may emerge. Scientists, governments, and industry have collaborated to create these vaccines at an unprecedented speed, but more research is needed to fully understand their real-world effectiveness, impact on diverse populations, and ability to combat emerging variants. The vaccines are not a one-time solution, but rather the beginning of a long-term process of protecting ourselves from this virus.

    • Effective Communication: Building Strong RelationshipsEffective communication leads to improved understanding, increased productivity, and stronger bonds through active listening, clear messaging, empathy, respect, authenticity, and awareness of nonverbal cues.

      Key takeaway from our discussion today is the importance of effective communication in building strong relationships, both personally and professionally. We've explored various aspects of communication, from active listening to clear and concise messaging, and how these skills can lead to improved understanding, increased productivity, and stronger bonds. Effective communication also includes being empathetic and respectful towards others, which can help foster a positive and inclusive environment. It's important to remember that communication is a two-way street, and that we all have a role to play in making sure that conversations are productive and meaningful. Additionally, we've touched on the importance of being authentic and genuine in our communications, as this can help build trust and credibility with others. It's also crucial to be aware of nonverbal cues, as they can often convey more meaning than the words we speak. In summary, effective communication is an essential skill that can help us build stronger relationships, increase productivity, and foster positive and inclusive environments. By practicing active listening, clear messaging, empathy, respect, authenticity, and awareness of nonverbal cues, we can all improve our communication skills and make a positive impact on those around us.

    Recent Episodes from a16z Podcast

    Cybersecurity's Past, Present, and AI-Driven Future

    Cybersecurity's Past, Present, and AI-Driven Future

    Is it time to hand over cybersecurity to machines amidst the exponential rise in cyber threats and breaches?

    We trace the evolution of cybersecurity from minimal measures in 1995 to today's overwhelmed DevSecOps. Travis McPeak, CEO and Co-founder of Resourcely, kicks off our discussion by discussing the historical shifts in the industry. Kevin Tian, CEO and Founder of Doppel, highlights the rise of AI-driven threats and deepfake campaigns. Feross Aboukhadijeh, CEO and Founder of Socket, provides insights into sophisticated attacks like the XZ Utils incident. Andrej Safundzic, CEO and Founder of Lumos, discusses the future of autonomous security systems and their impact on startups.

    Recorded at a16z's Campfire Sessions, these top security experts share the real challenges they face and emphasize the need for a new approach. 


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    Find Kevin Tian on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevintian00

    Find Feross Aboukhadijeh on Twitter: https://x.com/feross

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    The Science and Supply of GLP-1s

    The Science and Supply of GLP-1s

    Brooke Boyarsky Pratt, founder and CEO of knownwell, joins Vineeta Agarwala, general partner at a16z Bio + Health.

    Together, they talk about the value of obesity medicine practitioners, patient-centric medical homes, and how Brooke believes the metabolic health space will evolve over time.

    This is the second episode in Raising Health’s series on the science and supply of GLP-1s. Listen to last week's episode to hear from Carolyn Jasik, Chief Medical Officer at Omada Health, on GLP-1s from a clinical perspective.


    Listen to more from Raising Health’s series on GLP-1s:

    The science of satiety: https://raisinghealth.simplecast.com/episodes/the-science-and-supply-of-glp-1s-with-carolyn-jasik

    Payers, providers and pricing: https://raisinghealth.simplecast.com/episodes/the-science-and-supply-of-glp-1s-with-chronis-manolis


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    The State of AI with Marc & Ben

    The State of AI with Marc & Ben

    In this latest episode on the State of AI, Ben and Marc discuss how small AI startups can compete with Big Tech’s massive compute and data scale advantages, reveal why data is overrated as a sellable asset, and unpack all the ways the AI boom compares to the internet boom.


    Subscribe to the Ben & Marc podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/benandmarc


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    Predicting Revenue in Usage-based Pricing

    Predicting Revenue in Usage-based Pricing

    Over the past decade, usage-based pricing has soared in popularity. Why? Because it aligns cost with value, letting customers pay only for what they use. But, that flexibility is not without issues - especially when it comes to predicting revenue. Fortunately, with the right process and infrastructure, your usage-based revenue can become more predictable than the traditional seat-based SaaS model. 

    In this episode from the a16z Growth team, Fivetran’s VP of Strategy and Operations Travis Ferber and Alchemy’s Head of Sales Dan Burrill join a16z Growth’s Revenue Operations Partner Mark Regan. Together, they discuss the art of generating reliable usage-based revenue. They share tips for avoiding common pitfalls when implementing this pricing model - including how to nail sales forecasting, adopting the best tools to track usage, and deal with the initial lack of customer data. 


    Learn more about pricing, packaging, and monetization strategies: a16z.com/pricing-packaging

    Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurrillDaniel

    Find Travis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/travisferber

    Find Mark on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mregan178

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    California's Senate Bill 1047: What You Need to Know

    California's Senate Bill 1047: What You Need to Know

    On May 21, the California Senate passed bill 1047.

    This bill – which sets out to regulate AI at the model level – wasn’t garnering much attention, until it slid through an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 32 to 1 and is now queued for an assembly vote in August that would cement it into law. In this episode, a16z General Partner Anjney Midha and Venture Editor Derrick Harris breakdown everything the tech community needs to know about SB-1047.

    This bill really is the tip of the iceberg, with over 600 new pieces of AI legislation swirling in the United States. So if you care about one of the most important technologies of our generation and America’s ability to continue leading the charge here, we encourage you to read the bill and spread the word.

    Read the bill: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB1047

    a16z Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    The GenAI 100: The Apps that Stick

    The GenAI 100: The Apps that Stick

    Consumer AI is moving fast, so who's leading the charge? 

    a16z Consumer Partners Olivia Moore and Bryan Kim discuss our GenAI 100 list and what it takes for an AI model to stand out and dominate the market.

    They discuss how these cutting-edge apps are connecting with their users and debate whether traditional strategies like paid acquisition and network effects are still effective. We're going beyond rankings to explore pivotal benchmarks like D7 retention and introduce metrics that define today's AI market.

    Note: This episode was recorded prior to OpenAI's Spring update. Catch our latest insights in the previous episode to stay ahead!



    Link to the Gen AI 100: https://a16z.com/100-gen-ai-apps

    Find Bryan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kirbyman

    Find Olivia on Twitter: https://x.com/omooretweets


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    Finding a Single Source of AI Truth With Marty Chavez From Sixth Street

    Finding a Single Source of AI Truth With Marty Chavez From Sixth Street

    a16z General Partner David Haber talks with Marty Chavez, vice chairman and partner at Sixth Street Partners, about the foundational role he’s had in merging technology and finance throughout his career, and the magical promises and regulatory pitfalls of AI.

    This episode is taken from “In the Vault”, a new audio podcast series by the a16z Fintech team. Each episode features the most influential figures in financial services to explore key trends impacting the industry and the pressing innovations that will shape our future. 


    Listen to more of In the Vault: https://a16z.com/podcasts/a16z-live

    Find Marty on X: https://twitter.com/rmartinchavez

    Find David on X: https://twitter.com/dhaber


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    A Big Week in AI: GPT-4o & Gemini Find Their Voice

    A Big Week in AI: GPT-4o & Gemini Find Their Voice

    This was a big week in the world of AI, with both OpenAI and Google dropping significant updates. So big that we decided to break things down in a new format with our Consumer partners Bryan Kim and Justine Moore. We discuss the multi-modal companions that have found their voice, but also why not all audio is the same, and why several nuances like speed and personality really matter.



    OpenAI’s Spring announcement: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

    Google I/O announcements: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-io-2024-100-announcements/


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    Remaking the UI for AI

    Remaking the UI for AI

    Make sure to check out our new AI + a16z feed: https://link.chtbl.com/aiplusa16z

    a16z General Partner Anjney Midha joins the podcast to discuss what's happening with hardware for artificial intelligence. Nvidia might have cornered the market on training workloads for now, but he believes there's a big opportunity at the inference layer — especially for wearable or similar devices that can become a natural part of our everyday interactions. 

    Here's one small passage that speaks to his larger thesis on where we're heading:

    "I think why we're seeing so many developers flock to Ollama is because there is a lot of demand from consumers to interact with language models in private ways. And that means that they're going to have to figure out how to get the models to run locally without ever leaving without ever the user's context, and data leaving the user's device. And that's going to result, I think, in a renaissance of new kinds of chips that are capable of handling massive workloads of inference on device.

    "We are yet to see those unlocked, but the good news is that open source models are phenomenal at unlocking efficiency.  The open source language model ecosystem is just so ravenous."

    More from Anjney:

    The Quest for AGI: Q*, Self-Play, and Synthetic Data

    Making the Most of Open Source AI

    Safety in Numbers: Keeping AI Open

    Investing in Luma AI

    Follow everyone on X:

    Anjney Midha

    Derrick Harris

    Check out everything a16z is doing with artificial intelligence here, including articles, projects, and more podcasts.


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    a16z Podcast
    enMay 16, 2024

    How Discord Became a Developer Platform

    How Discord Became a Developer Platform

    In 2009 Discord cofounder and CEO, Jason Citron, started building tools and infrastructure for games. Fast forward to today and the platform has over 200 million monthly active users. 

    In this episode, Jason, alongside a16z General Partner Anjney Midha—who merged his company Ubiquiti 6 with Discord in 2021—shares insights on the nuances of community-driven product development, the shift from gamer to developer, and Discord’s longstanding commitment to platform extensibility. 

    Now, with Discord's recent release of embeddable apps, what can we expect now that it's easier than ever for developers to build? 


    Find Jason on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasoncitron

    Find Anjney on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnjneyMidha


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    And the virus is persisting: A downward trend in the U.S. caseload has stalled, and concern about the impact of variants is growing. Yet inoculations are on the rise, and the F.D.A. has approved Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine, the third to be approved in the U.S.

    Today, we check in on the latest about the coronavirus.


    Guest: Carl Zimmer, a science writer and author of the “Matter” column for The New York Times. 


    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily.

     Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

    Who will pay for the next Covid vaccines?

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    For further reading:

    Investors ditch vaccine stocks after Joe Biden says ‘pandemic is over’

    Joe Biden’s Covid-19 tsar warns millions risk losing access to treatment

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    On Twitter, follow Jamie Smyth (@JamieSmythF) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Teens Ask, We Answer: What's Up With COVID Vaccines?

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    Do you have questions about the coronavirus and the pandemic? Email shortwave@npr.org.

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