
    The UFO Hearing - What Happened? What’s Next? - Guests : Ross Coulthart & Bryce Zabel

    enAugust 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Significant moments in their respective fieldsKroger offers 30,000 mealtime options and savings, while UFO hearings reveal veterans and investigators' testimonies on unexplained phenomena

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, along with everyday low prices and various savings opportunities, making it a worthwhile shopping destination. Meanwhile, in a different realm, the UFO discussion revealed the extraordinary testimonies of veterans and investigators, shedding light on unexplained phenomena and the potential for government transparency. These events mark significant moments in their respective fields, with Kroger providing culinary inspiration and the UFO hearings unveiling intriguing mysteries.

    • Historic Pentagon Hearing: Ensuring Transparency and AccountabilityA historic Pentagon hearing ensured transparency and accountability through sworn testimonies, appropriate seating, and accurate information sharing, despite attempts to alter perceptions.

      The hearing at the Pentagon was a historic event, as witnesses testified under oath about important matters. The speaker, who helped organize the event, shared that it was a fight to ensure transparency and that everyone involved was under oath. The seating arrangement was also significant, with appropriate positions for witnesses and their representatives. The speaker emphasized the importance of accurate perception and sharing information, as there have been attempts to alter the understanding of events. The hearing was well-attended, with an overflow room and people coming from around the world. The speaker also acknowledged that people may have been intimidated by her presence and apologized for getting the open seat. Overall, the hearing was a significant step towards transparency and accountability.

    • Historic UFO Hearing: A Proud Moment for JournalistsJournalist Ross Coulthart witnesses history unfold as Navy personnel testify about UFO sightings, with one journalist honored for bringing the story to light.

      The hearing about potential UFO sightings and encounters at the US Navy was significantly attended, but some congressmen had other commitments. Despite this, the hearing drew more media attention than any other event this year. For journalists like Ross Coulthart from Australia, it was a proud moment to witness the unfolding of what could potentially be a significant historical event. The relationship between journalists and their sources is a delicate one, and the responsibility of shepherding them to go public with information can be a stressful experience. Dave Grush, one of the key figures in the hearing, was honored for his courage in coming forward with his testimony. Coulthart felt a strong sense of history unfolding as he watched the proceedings from Australia, believing that Grush would be remembered as a hero and a patriot for his role in exposing a potential criminal scandal. Despite some light-hearted moments, the gravity of the situation was not lost on those involved.

    • Reflecting on UFO recording with Dave GrushJournalists discussed concerns of interference, protected Grush during recording, and acknowledged importance of bringing UFO story to light, while acknowledging contributions of others and expressing concerns about monitoring and privacy.

      The speakers in this conversation were reflecting on their involvement in the UFO story involving Dave Grush, and the decision they made to secretly record him before his NewsNation interview. They discussed their concerns about potential interference from the intelligence community and their efforts to protect Grush and ensure the recording was made. The speakers acknowledged the importance of their roles in bringing the story to light, but also acknowledged the contributions of others involved. They also shared their concerns about potential monitoring and the need to keep their communications with Grush private. In essence, this conversation highlights the complexities and potential risks involved in investigative journalism, as well as the determination and collaboration required to bring important stories to the public.

    • Unexpected interview with David Grush reveals valuable historical informationThe team's belief in the authenticity of a seemingly off-the-cuff interview with David Grush is bolstered by their interactions with experts, individuals in the field, and their own research.

      The interview with David Grush, which was initially considered informal and not intended for broadcast, unexpectedly provided valuable historical information. The interview, which was recorded at Ross's house by Ross's son Jared, gave the team a sense of progress and authenticity. Despite speculation that Grush could be a government agent planting false information, the team, including Bryce, Ross, and George, collectively trust Grush's credibility based on their interactions with him. Bryce, as a journalist, trusts his instincts and believes Grush is genuine. Ross finds it implausible that Grush is a psyop operation due to the extensive research he had conducted for his book. The team's belief in Grush's authenticity is further supported by their interactions with experts and individuals in the field. Jared's film, "Teller's Camp," adds to the team's credibility as they navigate the uncharted territories of UFO and UAP research.

    • Intelligence Officer David Grush's Credibility and TrustworthinessDavid Grush, a trusted intelligence officer, maintains his integrity by not sharing classified information and is respected for his unwavering commitment to ethical lines.

      David Grush is a highly respected and trusted intelligence officer with access to top-secret information in the United States. He has gained the trust and respect of various military personnel and scientists, some of whom have had firsthand experience with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or crafts. Grush has never shared classified information with anyone, including Ross, George, or Bryce, and is known for his unwavering commitment to not crossing ethical lines. His credibility is backed by his colleagues in the UAP task force, who have given him the assignment to investigate special access programs. Despite attempts to discredit him, there is no evidence that Grush has provided any classified information or had any improper motives.

    • Witness leaves lawmakers frustrated and intrigued during hearingThe need for transparency in government clashes with national security concerns, highlighting the importance of proper channels for handling sensitive information and upholding constitutional oversight responsibilities.

      During a congressional hearing, a witness, unable to disclose classified information due to legal risks, left lawmakers frustrated and intrigued. The inability to answer certain questions had a greater impact than if he had answered straightforwardly, fueling their desire for more information. It's a complex situation where the need for transparency clashes with national security concerns. The average viewer might not understand why the witness couldn't speak freely, but the congressional committee was determined to get to the bottom of things, despite the roadblocks. This situation highlights the importance of proper channels for handling sensitive information and the delicate balance between protecting sources and upholding constitutional oversight responsibilities.

    • Protecting Sources and National Security InformationJournalists must balance the public's right to know with the potential harm of revealing sensitive information, and face legal and personal risks for their decisions.

      Journalists have a significant responsibility to protect their sources and national security information, even if it means not publishing certain stories. The speaker shares personal experiences of handling sensitive information and the potential consequences of revealing it. They emphasize the importance of making measured decisions about what gets published and the potential legal and personal risks involved. The speaker also differentiates between journalists and individuals like Julian Assange, who are not journalists but rather facilitators of information theft. The discussion underscores the importance of journalistic ethics and the potential consequences of reckless publication.

    • Balancing National Security and Public InformationVeteran journalists navigate complex judgement calls to balance national security and public information, considering motives, potential harm, and legitimacy of secrets.

      Navigating the line between protecting national security and informing the public is a complex and nuanced process for journalists. George and Ross, as veterans in the field, have had to make judgment calls on a case-by-case basis. They've had to consider the motives of sources, potential harm to individuals or the country, and the legitimacy of secrets being kept. For instance, George once had a 140-page report on UFO encounters that he wanted to release, but he held back due to the potential negative consequences for those involved. The line between what should be kept secret and what should be made public is not always clear-cut, and making the wrong call can have serious consequences.

    • Congressional Hearing on UFOs: A Significant EventThree high-level military witnesses, Dave Fravor, Ryan Graves, and Dave Grush, testified about their UFO encounters at a recent congressional hearing, bringing new documentation and credibility to the phenomenon, and paving the way for further investigation.

      The recent congressional hearing on UFOs, featuring witnesses like Dave Fravor, Ryan Graves, and Dave Grush, was a significant event due to the high level of documentation, credibility of the witnesses, and the role it played in bringing UFOs into the mainstream. However, there was some confusion due to the media's focus on Grush as a whistleblower, leading some to believe that only he had new information. In reality, all three witnesses provided valuable insights, with Fravor and Graves setting the baseline for the hearing and Grush bringing new information as a protected whistleblower. The hearing was a crucial step in shedding light on the UFO phenomenon and paving the way for further investigation.

    • Military Witnesses Share UFO Encounters: First Stepping Stone to Truth-TellingTwo military witnesses testified about their UFO encounters, marking the first step towards public disclosure. Challenges lie ahead, including handling classified info and verifying claims, but progress is expected within the next year.

      The recent testimony of David Fravor and David Graves about their encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) is not an isolated incident. The speakers on this podcast have had personal connections with these witnesses for years and have played a role in bringing their stories to light. This was not an accident, but an invitation for further truth-telling from within the military and intelligence community. The hearing was the first stepping stone towards a private and public exposition of witness revelations. However, there are challenges ahead, such as the oversight committee's ability to handle classified information and the verification and corroboration of the witnesses' claims. The speakers are hopeful that within the next 6 months to a year, everything David Grush says will be fully verified and corroborated. The process of acquiring and sharing information is crucial in bringing these issues to the forefront.

    • UFOs and the cover-up of illegal guardianshipCongress acknowledged the misuse of the Atomic Energy Act to conceal UFO-related info, possibly criminally. Multiple legacy UFO programs exist, involving recovered alien craft and bodies.

      The UFO issue is not just about clearance or access to information, but about illegal guardianship and a cover-up that has already been acknowledged by key members of Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The legislation he passed explicitly states that the Atomic Energy Act was misused to conceal information, possibly criminally. Multiple legacy UFO programs, some of which involve reverse engineering of recovered alien craft and bodies, have been operating for generations across multiple agencies. While some people in positions of authority have knowledge of these programs, they are cautious about speaking publicly about it due to the sensitive nature of the information. The media's lack of coverage of this significant revelation is surprising.

    • Government Insider Confirms UFO Exploitation ProgramsA government insider revealed multiple ongoing, multi-agency UFO exploitation and reverse engineering programs during a congressional hearing, shocking politicians and signaling a new era of transparency in UFO discussions.

      There is acknowledgement from a government insider, Dave Grush, that there are multiple ongoing, multi-agency UFO exploitation and reverse engineering programs. This revelation was made during a congressional hearing, where the shock and agreement among politicians, including AOC and Matt Gaetz, highlighted the significance of this moment. Grush also mentioned the existence of potentially thousands of special access programs related to UAP. The political reactions and the bipartisan agreement on the need for transparency suggest a new era in the discussion of UFO phenomena. This is a significant development for those who have long been interested in the subject and have been waiting for official confirmation. The world is indeed changing, and the UFO issue is no exception.

    • Confirming the existence of non-human intelligence to the publicA trusted figure acknowledging non-human intelligence existence is needed to shift the conversation and increase public belief, despite the challenge of maintaining national security and classification concerns.

      Despite the progress made in acknowledging the existence of non-human intelligence interacting with humanity, as evidenced by the recent Congressional hearing, there is still a significant need for confirmation from authoritative figures to convince the public. The public demands tangible evidence and proof, and until then, they remain skeptical. The challenge lies in finding a way to confirm the existence of this non-human intelligence to the public while maintaining national security and classification concerns. The speakers emphasized the importance of disclosure, but acknowledged that the public may be expecting more than what is currently feasible. Instead, they advocated for confirmation, which would involve a trusted figure coming forward and acknowledging the existence of non-human intelligence, even if not all the details can be shared. The speakers also acknowledged the difficulty in convincing even their own family members and friends, highlighting the need for a high-profile confirmation to shift the conversation and increase public belief.

    • Discussion on Lazar's UFO claims and ongoing reverse engineering programsRegardless of Lazar's credibility, there are ongoing reverse engineering programs in various countries, with potential societal and governmental implications.

      The discussion revolves around the credibility of Bob Lazar's claims about UFOs and reverse engineering programs at Area 51. While some believe Lazar, others dismiss him. However, the speaker argues that regardless of one's stance on Lazar, there is an incontrovertible reality of crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs ongoing in various countries. The speaker shares his personal experience and knowledge of such programs, emphasizing the need for journalists to reevaluate information and not blindly trust sources. The speaker's main concern is the existence of these programs and the potential implications for governments and society.

    • Official Testimonies on UAP/UFOs in CongressOfficial sources, like Dave Grush, have shared UAP/UFO experiences in Congress. The importance of official confirmation and societal decision-making on handling UFO reality is emphasized. A truth and reconciliation commission or high-ranking official confirmation could be the next steps.

      There are individuals involved in reverse engineering of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or UFOs in various countries, including Australia, and the speaker is particularly intrigued by the testimony of official sources, such as Dave Grush, who have shared their experiences in Congress. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of official confirmation and the need for a societal decision on how to handle the UFO reality. He suggests that the next step could be a truth and reconciliation commission or a high-ranking official coming forward to confirm the existence of UFOs. The speaker expresses frustration with the lengthy process of obtaining official confirmation.

    • The pursuit of UAP truth: From investigation to potential disclosureWhile progress has been made in UAP research, full disclosure of extraterrestrial life or advanced technologies remains elusive. Advocates push for transparency, but those in power maintain control through various tactics.

      While there have been significant strides in the investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), full disclosure to the public about the existence of extraterrestrial life or advanced technologies remains elusive. Confirmation of these phenomena, rather than a formal disclosure, seems to be the more likely next step. However, those in power have a vested interest in keeping these secrets and have employed various tactics to maintain control. Despite this, advocates for transparency continue to push for answers and public awareness, with the help of media and congressional involvement. The quest for confirmation is a noble goal, but it will require persistence and possibly even confronting those who have been guarding these secrets for years.

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    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The Baghdad Phantom, AlienCon, And The UFO Silver Bullet

    The Baghdad Phantom, AlienCon, And The UFO Silver Bullet
    Jeremy and George break down reactions to their release of images of a mysterious object dubbed The Baghdad Phantom. Analysts from the U.S. Air Force deemed it to be a genuine UAP. Assorted "twitfologists" tried but failed to debunk the Phantom. The duo also discussed dynamic new statements from two men who previously worked as the Dept. of Defense's top UFO hunters. Jay Stratton and Travis Taylor told attendees at the recent AlienCon event in Pasadena further details about their investigation into the 2019 West Coast UFO swarm events. And Jeremy revisted his challenge to specific members of Congress about why they should question a particular military General regarding "the UFO Silver Bullet", a reference to alleged reverse engineering of alien spacecraft. GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Witness to a UFO - In The Middle of Battle in Ukraine

    Witness to a UFO - In The Middle of Battle in Ukraine
    Ross and Bryce are back with a look at recent developments, including the ODNI's short-lived saucer logo, the return of the International UFO Conference (Bryce will be speaking!), the Defense Authorization Act, and the fact that Florida's Senate race will yield a pro-UAP Senator regardless of the outcome. But the bulk of this episode is their conversation with John Chapman. The retired British Army soldier decided he'd seen enough carnage from Ukraine, and took his considerable skills to the front lines. There, while battling Russian forces, he and his men saw a UAP. John describes the circumstances that brought him to Ukraine, the situation that night and what he remembers about the object that he says was only about 1,000 feet in the sky. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Man Who Filmed The Tic Tac UFO - Guest : CDR Chad Underwood

    The Man Who Filmed The Tic Tac UFO - Guest : CDR Chad Underwood
    A congressional National Security subcommittee will hear testimony this week from a trio of highly credible witnesses whose previous statements in recent years about UFO incidents and programs have generated global headlines. UFO diehards are already complaining about the hearing, days before a single syllable of testimony has been delivered. Is this going to be “old news”? Has the world-famous TIC TAC UFO case been debunked? In this episode, Jeremy and George describe why this hearing should be considered historic and take a fresh look at the TIC TAC UFO case as seen through the eyes of a key eyewitness who played an essential role in documenting the dramatic events involving the Nimitz Carrier Group. GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Extra: A taster of American Friction

    Extra: A taster of American Friction
    The brand new podcast from the makers of The Bunker. Bewildered by the US Presidential Election? Don’t worry, American Friction has got you. Every Friday Chris Jones, Jacob Jarvis and Nikki McCann Ramírez of Rolling Stone join expert special guests to count down to America’s most rancorous election in generations.  Get the full episode and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major platforms.  Follow us on social media:  Twitter Instagram  TikTok Written and presented by Chris Jones, Jacob Jarvis and Nikki McCann Ramírez. Audio editor: Simon Williams. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. Executive producer: Martin Bojtos. Artwork by James Parrett. Music: Orange Factory Music. THE BUNKER is a Podmasters Production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices