
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Putin's escalation in Ukraine and nuclear threatsPutin's nuclear readiness announcement is a major escalation in the Ukraine crisis, causing alarm and uncertainty, with potential unpredictable consequences.

      During this week's Pod Save America, the hosts discussed various news topics including the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, where President Biden will deliver the state of the union amidst Putin's invasion and nuclear saber rattling. Putin's announcement of putting his nuclear forces into special combat readiness caused alarm, and while the specifics of this action are unclear, it is a significant escalation in the conflict. The Biden administration has responded with sanctions, but Putin seems determined to continue his assault on Ukraine. The hosts emphasized the seriousness of this situation, as any mention of nuclear weapons is a major concern. The lack of insight into Putin's thinking and potential unpredictability adds to the uncertainty and potential danger.

    • Preserving Power and Image at HomePutin's actions towards Ukraine are not only about winning the war but also about maintaining power and image at home. His use of nuclear threats and military force has surprised many and increased tensions, potentially leading to an accidental nuclear conflict.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin's actions towards Ukraine are not just about winning the war, but also about preserving his power and image at home. His willingness to use nuclear threats and military force has surprised many and increased tensions, putting an accidental nuclear conflict closer in reach. On a positive note, Ukraine's leadership and the bravery of its people have been impressive, and the international community's response, including economic sanctions and military support, has been stronger than expected. However, concerns remain about continued escalation, the risk of civilian casualties, and the potential for more aggressive tactics. The situation is fragile, and the consequences for innocent people on both sides could be devastating.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Consequences Beyond GenerationsThe Russia-Ukraine conflict's consequences extend beyond generations, and while Putin's actions are irrational, diplomacy, sanctions, and financial actions can be effective alternatives to military intervention, acknowledging the complexity and potential risks is essential.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, even if it ends now, will have devastating consequences for the world and potentially last for generations. People's admiration for the bravery displayed in Ukraine should not overshadow the reality that the situation is not a movie, and the outcome depends on Putin's actions. Despite the widespread acknowledgment that Putin's actions are irrational and that isolating him is a worthy goal, there is a lack of honest discussion about the potential consequences of this escalation. The economic sanctions and diplomatic actions taken so far have been effective in pushing back on the invasion, but there is a limit to what can be done without military intervention, which could lead to a larger conflict. The moral dilemma lies in whether to intervene or watch in silence, but the options are not limited to those two extremes. The Biden administration's defiant defense of non-military options has shown that diplomacy, sanctions, and financial actions can be powerful tools. It is crucial to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the potential risks involved, rather than resorting to simplistic narratives.

    • Avoiding binary choices in international crisesPresident Biden emphasizes democracy and unity in Ukraine crisis, acknowledges importance of defending voting rights, but faces challenges due to rising gas prices.

      Journalists covering international crises, such as those in Syria, Afghanistan, and now Russia, need to avoid framing the discussion as a binary choice between military intervention or inaction. A no-fly zone, which has been suggested by some as a middle ground, would actually involve shooting down Russian planes and destroying their anti-aircraft weapons, leading to a potential war. President Biden is handling the Ukraine crisis by emphasizing the importance of democracy and unity in the face of threats, and highlighting the leadership shown in rallying a global response. In his State of the Union address, he should also acknowledge the importance of defending voting rights and living by democratic values. Despite Biden's efforts, rising gas prices could make his actions unpopular, making it a challenging issue for speechwriters to address.

    • Addressing American concerns about the Ukraine crisisAcknowledge concerns, clarify goals, demonstrate leadership, and show resolve in implementing sanctions to defend democracy against autocracy.

      When delivering a speech on the Ukraine crisis to the American people, it's crucial to acknowledge their current concerns and perspectives. According to recent polls, a large percentage of Americans are closely following the news, care about the issue, and support Ukraine and the steps the administration has taken. However, there are still questions about why it's in America's best interest to be involved and some dissatisfaction with how the situation is being handled. Therefore, the speech should address these concerns by clearly stating the goals and reasons for U.S. involvement, demonstrating leadership, and showing resolve in implementing sanctions. It's also essential to put the administration's actions in context and acknowledge the potential economic costs of the crisis. Overall, the speech should aim to meet the audience where they are, answer their questions, and provide a stirring oration about the importance of defending democracy against autocracy.

    • U.S. Response to Ukraine Conflict Concerns AmericansMany Americans worry about financial impact, believe admin isn't tough enough, but desire quick resolution and lack acknowledgement of trade-offs may limit complex policy response.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the Biden administration's response to it are causing concern among Americans, with a significant number worried about the potential financial impact and believing the administration hasn't been tough enough. However, the public's desire for a quick resolution and the lack of acknowledgement of trade-offs could make it challenging for the administration to have a sustainable and sophisticated policy response, especially if the situation in Ukraine worsens. Furthermore, the use of propaganda and simplistic attacks by political figures, including some Republicans, can hinder the ability to have an honest and nuanced conversation about foreign policy. Even some Putin apologists have started to shift their stance, but the overall environment is one that seems to be drowning in misinformation and bad faith attacks.

    • Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Putin's American SupportersSome US political figures and their audiences admire Putin's authoritarian rule, but attempts to sway public opinion have been hindered by the invasion's impact on civilians. Biden's Supreme Court nominee faces attacks on LGBTQ+ kids, potentially impacting future court cases.

      The Russian invasion of Ukraine has exposed the complex and varied motivations of Putin supporters among certain political figures and their audiences in the United States. While some may use criticism of Putin as a political tool, others genuinely admire his authoritarian rule and wish for similar policies in the US. Despite a small percentage of Americans holding favorable views of Putin, some right-wing media personalities have attempted to sway public opinion. However, the images of the invasion's impact on civilians have significantly hindered their efforts. Meanwhile, on a separate note, President Biden's nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court has been met with excitement, but also with attacks on gay and trans kids, which may end up in the courts. Melissa Murray from the legal podcast "Strict Scrutiny" joins us to discuss the legal implications of these developments.

    • Biden's Nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson: A Legal Argument for Diversity and RepresentationPresident Biden's nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court goes beyond symbolism and is a legal argument for diversity and representation, affirming the constitutional use of race to remedy past exclusion and underrepresentation.

      President Biden's historic nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court goes beyond symbolism and represents a significant moment of constitutional meaning-making. Biden's defiant choice to nominate a black woman, despite conservative opposition, was not just a political statement but a legal argument that affirms the constitutional use of race to remedy past exclusion and underrepresentation. As the confirmation process unfolds, concerns about Republican attacks on Jackson's record, such as her background as a public defender or her Ivy League education, seem unlikely to stick. However, it is important to recognize that these attacks are part of a larger political strategy to undermine her nomination and may require vigorous defense. Ultimately, the confirmation process will serve as a testament to the enduring importance of diversity, merit, and the rule of law in our judicial system.

    • New Supreme Court Justice Confirmed: Ketanji Brown JacksonKetanji Brown Jackson's confirmation marks a historic moment, but her impact on the court's ideology is expected to be minimal in the short term. Her ability to write dissents and build consensus make her a potentially effective justice.

      The confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court is seen as a historic milestone, and despite potential political attacks, her appointment is not expected to significantly change the ideological makeup of the court in the short term. Instead, her ability to write dissents and her experience as both a consensus builder and a solo decision-maker make her a potentially effective justice. Additionally, her background as a forensics champion, or "theater kid," is seen as an asset rather than a liability. Meanwhile, there are serious concerns about recent developments in Florida and Texas, including the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida and the ongoing power outages in Texas, which raise important issues of civil rights and public safety.

    • Florida and Texas laws challenge parental rights and LGBTQ+ communityBoth Florida and Texas laws aim to limit gender-affirming care for minors, potentially infringing on parental rights and constitutional protections for the LGBTQ+ community. The legal battles surrounding these laws could set important precedents for family rights and healthcare policies.

      The recent laws in Florida and Texas regarding gender-affirming care for minors raise significant constitutional questions, particularly around parental rights. The Florida law's potential vagueness and the apparent targeting of the LGBTQ+ community could lead to a complex legal battle. In contrast, the Texas law's expansion of child abuse reporting requirements to include gender-affirming care could face challenges based on constitutional analysis and existing legal precedents. Both laws are linked by the underlying principle of parental rights, but their implementation and potential impact on the LGBTQ+ community differ greatly. The outcome of these legal battles could have far-reaching consequences for families, healthcare providers, and the interpretation of constitutional rights.

    • Privatizing Disagreement with Democratic DecisionsThe Texas law against gender-affirming care for transgender youth is an attempt to enforce a conservative vision through deputizing private citizens, potentially causing collateral consequences like loss of custody or child endangerment suits.

      The Texas law banning gender-affirming care for transgender youth is not just about reporting requirements or child abuse; it's about chilling conduct, creating a culture of shame, and enforcing a particular conservative vision of what's appropriate through deputizing private citizens. This is a privatization move, similar to religious objection laws, where individuals seek to create their own private spheres when they disagree with the majoritarian norms. The anti-democratic aspect of this is the selective agreement to democratic decisions based on personal worldviews. The ultimate goal is to enforce these views, even if it means disregarding the democratic process and potentially causing collateral consequences like loss of custody or child endangerment suits.

    • Balancing Diverse Perspectives and Comprehensive Historical EducationOngoing debates question the balance between parents' influence and comprehensive historical education, with concerns over marginalized students' experiences and teachers' readiness to handle sensitive topics. Committing to improving education methods can lead to effective teaching of controversial subjects and inclusivity.

      The ongoing debates around education curricula and the role of parents in shaping what is taught in schools raise complex questions about the balance between diverse perspectives and comprehensive historical education. The speaker expresses concern that certain parents are gaining more influence over what gets taught, often ignoring the experiences of marginalized students. She also questions the readiness of teachers to handle sensitive topics and proposes that if we commit to doing it better, we can improve our ability to teach these subjects effectively. The speaker also touches upon the controversy surrounding the "Don't Say Gay" bill and the need for a more inclusive approach to education. Lastly, she acknowledges the significance of Ketanji Brown Jackson's appointment to the Supreme Court and encourages us to appreciate the achievements of those who come close to our goals. The political scene saw the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where several Republican figures, including Donald Trump, made their presence felt, with Trump continuing to hint at his potential 2024 presidential run.

    • Hardcore right-wing activists favor Trump for nominationDespite Trump's low-energy performance, hardcore right-wing activists continue to support him as the preferred Republican nominee, with Ron DeSantis showing relative strength. The party focuses on cultural issues and criticizes the Biden administration, with some calling for impeachment proceedings and sending illegal immigrants to Democratic strongholds.

      According to a recent straw poll at a hardcore right-wing activist event, Donald Trump remains the favored Republican nominee, with a strong approval rating among attendees. However, there are signs that some Republicans may be looking for an alternative, as evidenced by Ron DeSantis' relatively strong showing in the poll. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and tensions with Russia have not been a major focus for the Republican Party, with many preferring to focus on cultural issues and criticizing the Biden administration. Some prominent Republicans have called for impeachment proceedings against Biden and Harris, and there have been calls to send illegal immigrants to Democratic strongholds. The tone of the speeches at the event was characterized by a strong anti-Democratic sentiment and a focus on cultural issues. Trump's low-energy performance at a recent speech was noted, but overall, the event was seen as a show of support for the former president.

    • Republican Party's internal strife over extremist viewsThe Republican Party is grappling with the acceptance of extremist views within its ranks, as shown by Marjorie Taylor Greene's attendance at a white nationalist's event. The party leadership condemned her actions, but some argue that the party has tacitly welcomed such individuals over the years, risking its integrity.

      The Republican Party is facing internal strife over the acceptance of extremist views within its ranks. During the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at an event organized by white nationalist Nick Fuentes. Greene later claimed she was unaware of Fuentes' views, but many find her attendance at the event questionable. The GOP leadership, including Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, have condemned Greene's actions, but some argue that the party has tacitly welcomed such individuals through the years. The concern is that what was once considered fringe is becoming more mainstream, and the party needs to take a stronger stance against hate speech and extremist views to maintain its integrity. The CPAC event also highlighted the growing divide within the Republican Party, with some embracing controversial figures and others pushing for a more inclusive and moderate approach.

    • CPAC and Personal StrugglesPolitical debates and personal challenges coexist, with figures like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene raising controversy and Tommy sharing his emotional journey of losing a child during pregnancy.

      The political landscape, as represented by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), can be divisive and controversial, with figures like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene raising concerns due to their past actions and potential future leadership. Meanwhile, outside of politics, life can bring unexpected and devastating challenges. Tommy, a regular guest on the show, shared his personal experience of losing a child during pregnancy after a long struggle to conceive, and the profound impact it had on him and his wife. Despite the grief and anger, Tommy expressed gratitude for the support of his loved ones and the perspective gained through the experience.

    • Normalizing conversations about miscarriages and pregnancy lossesSharing experiences of miscarriages and pregnancy losses can help individuals cope and heal, encouraging open conversations is crucial, and supporting friends going through tough times matters.

      Discussing miscarriages and pregnancy losses, though common and traumatic, is a topic that is often overlooked and underdiscussed. The speaker, who has experienced multiple miscarriages, emphasizes the importance of normalizing these conversations, especially for men, who may feel less autonomous or unsure about how to express their feelings. He shares that the lack of open dialogue about these experiences can make it harder for individuals to cope and process their emotions, potentially leading to anger or frustration in everyday life. The speaker also expresses gratitude for the support he received from friends, family, and even celebrities who have shared their own experiences. He encourages listeners to reach out to their friends going through difficult times, acknowledging that it's the act of trying to help that matters most. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive community around pregnancy losses and encouraging open conversations to help individuals cope and heal.

    • Sharing personal experiences: valuable for growth and connectionBeing vulnerable and open about personal experiences can lead to growth and connection. Apologies and making things right can also make a big difference.

      Sharing personal experiences is not only helpful but also courageous, as well as a valuable lesson for personal growth. And, sometimes, the smallest things like providing good bagels can make a big difference. The guests on this podcast, despite being private people, founders Shamik and Hannah, bravely spoke out about their experience with a miscarriage, which resonated deeply with many listeners. Shamik admitted to bringing this "insulting" bagels during a difficult time, and although he's still trying to make up for it, the incident showcased the importance of understanding what people go through and the power of making things right. This episode also emphasized the importance of addressing and talking about difficult experiences rather than keeping them bottled up. Overall, the episode was a reminder that vulnerability and openness can lead to growth and connection.

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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

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    enJune 23, 2024

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    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Ukraine warns Russia may have placed explosives on the roof of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

    Day 496. 

    Today, we bring you updates from the front line, analyse Ukraine’s warning that Russia may have placed explosives on the roof of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, and discuss the contest to replace Jens Stoltenberg as head of NATO.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former Tank Commander & Telegraph Columnist). @HamishDBG on Twitter.

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    Find out more: https://www.thomsonfoundation.org/latest/new-safety-course-for-ukrainian-journalists/

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former NATO Commander).

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.