
    There is An Abundance of Opportunity | A 2016 Keynote

    enSeptember 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Underestimating Communication Shift's ImpactFocus on attention, adapt to emerging platforms like Instagram stories to effectively sell, build brands, and engage audiences.

      We are experiencing a massive communication shift, and everyone in this room, including ourselves, is underestimating its impact. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to this shift to effectively sell, build brands, and engage audiences. He encourages focusing on attention, as it's a valuable commodity that moves quickly, and staying updated on emerging platforms like Instagram stories, which can significantly impact businesses. VaynerMedia is hiring creators to join their team and help navigate this evolving landscape.

    • Adapting to changing digital landscapesStay agile and adaptive in the face of changing digital landscapes and consumer behaviors to grow your business

      In today's digital world, attention is a precious resource and breaking through the overwhelming amount of content to capture it is a significant challenge. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of recognizing when a platform or strategy is no longer effective and being willing to adapt and invest time and energy into new channels. He encouraged the audience to focus on providing value to their end users rather than just promoting their own interests. The real estate industry, in particular, was highlighted as an area where individuals could distinguish themselves by becoming the "digital mayor" of their town and embracing digital transformation to grow their business. However, Vaynerchuk acknowledged that making these changes requires hard work and a willingness to step out of comfort zones, which many may not be prepared to do. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of staying agile and adaptive in the face of changing digital landscapes and consumer behaviors.

    • Embrace media company mindset for business success on social mediaInvest in digital marketing and adopt a media company mindset to effectively reach potential customers on social media, particularly Facebook, where organic reach is decreasing and competition for attention is high.

      In today's digital age, every business, regardless of its nature, needs to adopt a media company mindset. By doing so, the content you produce and share on social media platforms fundamentally changes, allowing you to bring value to potential customers and establish yourself as a go-to source for information about your town. This shift can lead to increased attention and marketing opportunities, particularly on Facebook, which is currently the most effective platform for reaching a large audience. Moreover, the organic reach of social media content has been decreasing, and businesses need to invest in paid advertising to effectively reach their audience. In fact, with the increasing competition for attention, it's essential for businesses to allocate a significant budget towards Facebook advertising. In essence, the digital landscape presents a unique opportunity for businesses to establish themselves as media entities and capture the attention of potential customers. By embracing this mindset and investing in digital marketing, businesses can thrive in today's fast-paced, ever-evolving digital world.

    • Adapting to shifting consumer attentionTo remain competitive, businesses must optimize their marketing efforts for social media platforms and mobile devices where consumers increasingly spend their time.

      As technology advances, the way people consume media and give their attention is changing rapidly. In the past, platforms like Google AdWords and email marketing were effective because they were new and underutilized. However, as more people began to use these platforms, attention became more difficult to capture. Today, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are where people spend a significant amount of their time, making them the new remote controls of our lives. As a result, it's essential for businesses to adapt and optimize their marketing efforts for mobile devices, as that is where consumers will increasingly be found. The speaker's career has been built on his ability to recognize and capitalize on these shifts in attention, and businesses that fail to adapt risk being left behind.

    • Mobile-first approach for real estate businessesLeverage Facebook and Instagram for real estate sales by producing content, using strategic hashtags, and utilizing Facebook's strong ad product.

      Businesses, particularly those in the real estate industry, should prioritize a mobile-first approach to their web and social presence due to the growing importance of platforms like Facebook and Instagram for reaching potential customers. During the talk, it was shared that a friend had successfully sold several homes through Facebook Live, demonstrating the transactional value in these environments. Instagram, in particular, was highlighted for its deep attention from key demographics, including female decision-makers in home transactions. The speaker recommended producing more content on Instagram and using strategic hashtags to increase discoverability. Additionally, Facebook's strong ad product was emphasized, with the suggestion to use Facebook video content to drive down the cost of conversion on non-video content. Overall, the speaker encouraged businesses to take a more detailed and strategic approach to leveraging these platforms for sales and growth.

    • Stay Competitive in a Digital WorldEmbrace technology, learn new skills, and adapt to stay competitive in business and personal life.

      If you're not digitally native and adapt to new technologies, you risk losing your business. The speaker emphasized the importance of learning skills like Facebook video creation, Instagram hashtag culture, and even using tools like Google and YouTube, despite any excuses like lack of time or not growing up with the technology. He urged the audience, especially those retiring in the next 10 years, to stay competitive and not let complacency hinder their growth. The speaker highlighted how even successful businesses have been disrupted by technological shifts, and the need to adapt is crucial. He encouraged everyone to spend time learning and exploring new tools and platforms, even if it's outside of their comfort zone.

    • The Power of DisruptionStay informed about new technologies and trends to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing business landscape

      The business landscape is constantly evolving, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. The speaker shares a personal story about how Uber disrupted the traditional taxi business, leaving his father's Russian friends' businesses in ruins. He emphasizes that this disruption happened within the last 20 years, a relatively short period of time. The speaker also predicts that virtual reality (VR) will have a similar impact on the internet in the future. He encourages the audience to stay informed about new technologies and trends, such as Snapchat, to prepare for the long business marathon ahead. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that even the most successful businesses can be disrupted, and those who are unwilling or unable to adapt may face significant consequences.

    • Consistent effort and long-term perspective are key to successSuccess requires dedication, persistence, and a long-term perspective, even when results may not be immediate.

      Success in today's marketplace requires both hard work and patience. The speaker emphasized that understanding the shifting landscape of technology and consumer behavior is crucial, but ultimately, it's the dedication and persistence in putting in the work that will lead to success. He shared examples of how he had consistently put out content for years before seeing significant growth, and how important it is to stay the course even when results may not be immediate. He also highlighted the importance of work ethic and patience as the two pillars for success, which have been proven to be effective long before the internet era. In summary, the key takeaway is that success is not about talent alone, but a combination of consistent effort and a long-term perspective.

    • Leveraging Facebook for Effective MarketingFacebook offers cost-efficient marketing compared to traditional methods. Small businesses should invest in learning how to use Facebook ads effectively to reach audiences before costs rise.

      Facebook is currently a more effective and cost-efficient platform for marketing compared to traditional methods like direct mail. The speaker, who has seen significant success with Facebook advertising for Wine Library, urges businesses to invest time and resources into learning how to use Facebook ads effectively. He warns that as more large companies enter the Facebook advertising space, costs are likely to rise, making it essential for small businesses to educate themselves and become media companies to reach their audiences. The speaker also mentions the growing popularity of podcasting as a local marketing tool, emphasizing that reaching a large, national audience is not necessary for success. Overall, the speaker encourages businesses to adapt to the current cultural shift towards digital marketing and take advantage of the opportunities it presents.

    • Embracing digital platforms for modern word-of-mouthRecognize technology's role in word-of-mouth, adapt to digital platforms, and make a commitment to embracing change for stronger connections and opportunities

      The power of word-of-mouth marketing has evolved with technology. While some may view technology negatively, it's important to recognize that it has become the infrastructure of modern word-of-mouth. Younger generations will be making decisions and sharing information differently than previous generations, and it's crucial for businesses to adapt. The speaker emphasized the importance of embracing digital platforms, learning from them, and making actions align with words. He encouraged the audience to make a "religious decision" about the importance of digital rather than a tactical one. The speaker's personal experiences and observations showed that technology can bring people closer together and create opportunities, despite initial reservations. Ultimately, it's about understanding the changing world and adapting to it.

    • Maximize your reach on Instagram and SnapchatAgents should use both platforms to reach diverse demographics and build a strong online presence, tailoring content for each audience and utilizing social media during daily tasks

      Real estate professionals should utilize both Instagram stories and Snapchat to reach a wider audience and connect with potential clients. While there is only so much time in a day, it's essential to understand the demographics of each platform and cater content accordingly. Instagram stories may be more effective for selling high-end homes to older audiences, while Snapchat may be more beneficial for reaching younger, wealthier buyers. Instead of focusing on just one platform, agents should make the most of both to build a strong online presence and engage with their community. Additionally, utilizing social media during everyday tasks, such as knocking on doors, can help maximize potential connections and opportunities.

    • Respecting Customers' Personal Space in Text MarketingBusinesses should respect individuals' hesitancy to share their cell phones for text marketing and use creative methods to build genuine connections instead.

      Individuals value their cell phones as a personal space and are hesitant to share it for text marketing. Instead, businesses can use creative methods like saving customers' door photos to keep track of their contacts. Gary Vaynerchuk, during a podcast episode, emphasized the importance of respecting this boundary and focusing on building genuine connections with customers. He encouraged listeners to leave reviews and subscribe to the podcast to stay updated on valuable insights for personal success. The episode's featured review praised Gary as a mentor for future generations.

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    Episode #9

    I remember when I was getting started in the self-employed, business owner world, two of the main motivators for me were:

    1. To earn money with less time invested from my side.
    2. To have more spare and free time. 

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    I was probably lucky somewhat to get out of it, but now let me tell you in this episode how I did it. 

    Press *play* right now and listen in. 


    By the way, I'm holding a free web class online that you should come and join too if you like this podcast. 

    It's more of the same, but better and more in depth. 

    Click here to register - And find out when the next web class is scheduled for. 

    Talk soon, 


    P.S. And one more thing while you're here...

    If you are enjoying this podcast. Please:

    1. Subscribe now and get the new episodes automatically when I load them up. 


    2. Connect with me and say hello at:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrcraigmarty 

    Website:    https://craigmarty.com 

    1 Prediction That Came True

    1 Prediction That Came True

    Episode 13 (The lucky one). 

    Welcome again to the CraigMarty.com podcast.  

    This is a quick episode for business owners who love to stay up to date and read or watch information on new tech and new gadgets and things like that. 

    My point here is that it’s usually a black hole for your time and effectiveness. 

    If you’re a mechanic and you need to know what the new specifications for the new motor Ford are releasing this year, that’s different. That’s not what I’m talking about on this episode.

    Press *PLAY* now and tune in. 


    Question for you: Have you ever spent $50 - $100 or maybe even more on Facebook Ads, but never got a real customer from it?  Yes?

    Maybe you got a couple of likes...but likes don't pay you money. 

    When Facebook Ads become available, I started trying to get some leads and sales on there too...but I didn't get it work for a loooong time. 

    Fast forward to 2021 and I've written a book on it. See the book and the details of what comes with it HERE >

    Talk soon, 

    Craig Marty





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    - Join My FREE Facebook Group to grab the documents mentioned: facebook.com/groups/remodel.your.marketing

    - If you want to schedule a call to see how we can help your local business or agency, visit alliebloydmedia.com/book.

    - Watch the video of this episode and others: MarketingInkPodcast.com

    - Grab my Facebook Ads Ultimate Jumpstart Pack: alliebloydmedia.com/facebook-ad-pack

    - Book a call to learn more about my 12-month mentorship or agency services: alliebloydmedia.com/local-call