
    There Should Be No Mercy For The Bad Guys # 950 (Ep 950)

    enApril 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Democratic Candidates Criticizing Capitalism while Being WealthyDespite criticizing capitalism, some Democratic presidential candidates enjoy financial success, highlighting the importance of economic freedom and individual labor.

      During this episode of the Dan Bongino Show, the host expressed frustration towards wealthy Democratic presidential candidates who criticize capitalism while being financially well-off themselves. He emphasized the importance of economic freedom and individual labor, using the example of Beto O'Rourke's estimated net worth of $9 million. The show also featured a promotion for Freedom Project Academy, an accredited online school with traditional values and classical curriculum. Additionally, there were mentions of articles discussing book deals and wealth among 2020 Democratic candidates, which can be found on the Appangino.com website. The episode concluded with a call to action for listeners to take control of their children's education by checking out Freedom Project Academy.

    • Democratic Candidates Criticized for Wealth and Policy HypocrisySome Democratic presidential candidates, including Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker, face criticism for advocating wealth redistribution while possessing significant personal wealth. Critics suggest they should donate a substantial portion to the government to align with their beliefs.

      During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that some Democratic presidential candidates, including Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker, are criticized for being hypocrites due to their wealth and advocacy for redistribution of wealth. The speakers suggested that if these candidates truly believe in their proposed policies, they should donate a significant portion of their wealth to the government. The candidates mentioned have net worths ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. The criticism of these candidates as "frauds" and "hypocrites" highlights the perceived disconnect between their personal wealth and their political positions.

    • Public Figures Should Practice What They PreachPublic figures should align their personal lives with their public advocacies to maintain authenticity and build trust with their audience.

      Hypocrisy in public figures can be disappointing, especially when they advocate for certain policies while not adhering to them in their personal lives. The speaker shares an experience from his past where he felt like a rookie police officer with a bullseye on his back. He then reflects on his admiration for actor Matthew Modine, who is known for his environmental activism and riding a bicycle in New York City, despite the heat. The speaker then criticizes Senator Bernie Sanders for owning three homes and buying one of them in cash, implying that Sanders is either a criminal or extremely wealthy. The speaker questions Sanders' authenticity in advocating against wealth inequality while possessing significant personal wealth himself. The speaker concludes by suggesting that Sanders' response to criticism of his home purchase may be that it would save lives if he didn't buy it in cash. Overall, the speaker's message is that public figures should practice what they preach and live in accordance with their values.

    • Discussions on free speech, government intervention, and journalists' roleFormer FBI Director Jim Comey defends political speech despite potential misinformation, while Bernie Sanders faces criticism for fear tactics in advocating for universal healthcare.

      During a recent interview, CNN's Christiane Amanpour questioned former FBI Director Jim Comey about the "lock her up" chants during the 2016 election and whether such language should have been classified as hate speech. However, Comey argued that it wasn't the government's role to play in shutting down political speech, even if it's misleading or demagogic. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues to insist that people will die without Medicare for All and universal healthcare, sparking criticism from some for using fear tactics. Overall, these discussions highlight the complexities and debates surrounding free speech, government intervention, and the role of journalists in shaping public discourse.

    • Comparing Political Unrest to Pink Floyd's 'The Wall', Warns of Consequences for Ignoring Opposing ViewsSpeaker compares political turmoil to a scene from Pink Floyd's 'The Wall', urges respect for opposing views, criticizes perceived journalistic bias, and discusses former FBI Director James Comey's concerns and a piece by Victor Davis Hanson.

      During a recent discussion, the speaker expressed concerns about the state of American politics and journalism. He drew parallels between mass arrests at a Trump rally and a scene from the movie "Pink Floyd the Wall." The speaker also criticized what he perceived as a bias in journalism towards liberal ideologies, and warned of potential consequences if opposing political views were not respected. Additionally, the speaker discussed former FBI Director James Comey's concerns about investigations into his behavior and potential liability. The speaker also promoted a piece by Victor Davis Hanson regarding the Russian collusion hunt and urged listeners to read it. Lastly, the speaker endorsed Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product, emphasizing its real food ingredients and health benefits.

    • Comey under investigation for false testimony and mishandling classified infoFormer FBI Director James Comey faces scrutiny for his role in investigations, false testimony, and alleged leaks. Republicans demand accountability, and investigations continue.

      Former FBI Director James Comey is facing serious scrutiny for his role in various investigations, particularly his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the alleged leaks from the FBI during his tenure. He has testified falsely multiple times and is under investigation for his involvement in these matters. The Republican party is determined to hold those who have broken the law accountable, and there will be no mercy for those who have lied or mishandled classified information. The public should stay informed as these investigations unfold. Additionally, a jar of Field of Greens from Brickhouse Nutrition is highly recommended.

    • Conservatives Demand Equal Justice in PoliticsConservatives demand accountability for wrongdoing, feel disillusioned by perceived favoritism towards the elite, and prioritize justice in the 2020 election, while expressing concern over the influence of George Soros.

      The speaker, who has a deep connection to the conservative base, emphasizes the intense anger and frustration within this community regarding the perceived unequal application of justice in politics. They believe that those involved in wrongdoing, regardless of political affiliation, must be held accountable. The speaker also highlights the sense of disillusionment among working-class Americans who feel the justice system favors the elite. This issue is seen as a top priority for the conservative base in the upcoming 2020 election. The speaker urges for a commitment to pursuing justice without mercy or favoritism. Additionally, the speaker mentions the growing concern over the influence of figures like George Soros in politics.

    • George Soros's influence extends to law enforcement and mediaGeorge Soros's Democracy Integrity Project provided info to FBI and media, raising concerns about donor influence and potential weaponization of law enforcement and media against political opponents

      Liberal megadonor George Soros's influence extends beyond funding liberal groups, reaching into law enforcement and media outlets. His group, the Democracy Integrity Project, has admitted to providing information to the FBI and media outlets like Reuters. Soros's funding to this group was over three times more than Hillary Clinton's campaign's payment to Fusion GPS for similar services. This raises concerns about the weaponization of media and law enforcement by liberal donors, while conservative groups lack such direct access. It's important to note that donating to political causes is not illegal, but the extent of Soros's involvement in investigating Trump and feeding information to government entities is a cause for concern, as these entities should serve the people, not a specific donor.

    • Connections between political figures, organizations, and RussiaThe Atlantic Council, linked to Russia investigations, received funding from George Soros' Democracy Integrity Project, which produced a report suggesting Trump-Russia collusion. The report was authored by a former Atlantic Council employee.

      There are deep connections between various political figures, organizations, and individuals, including those linked to Russia, the Democratic Party, and the Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council, in particular, has been involved in analyzing hacking activities and has received funding from sources associated with George Soros, whose Democracy Integrity Project then funded a report suggesting collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians. This report was produced by a former journalist, Neil Barnett, who previously worked for the Atlantic Council. The intricacies of these connections and the potential implications are complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to maintain a critical perspective on the information being presented. Additionally, the use of products like the Teeter inversion table, which helps decompress the spine and relieve back pain, can be a valuable addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Teeter Inversion Tables: Get $150 off, Free Shipping, Free Returns, and a 60-day Money-Back GuaranteeTeeter Inversion Tables offer significant discounts, free shipping, free returns, and a money-back guarantee. The new SCX model has a high rating on Amazon.

      Teeter Inversion Tables, specifically the new 2019 Teeter FitSpine SCX model, are highly rated with a 4.6-star average on Amazon, and customers can currently get $150 off, free shipping, free returns, and a 60-day money-back guarantee by ordering from teeter.com/Dan. The discussion also touched on political matters, including allegations against Joe Biden regarding inappropriate physical interactions with women. The liberal vs. conservative perspective on handling such allegations was discussed, with conservatives advocating for due process and evidence, while some liberals believe women should be believed without question. This could potentially create an image problem for Biden, especially considering the ongoing investigations into his ties to Ukraine.

    • Challenges for Joe Biden's Campaign due to Allegations of Inappropriate Behavior towards WomenDespite liberal and conservative perspectives, Biden's alleged inappropriate behavior towards women and invading personal space could cause problems for his campaign, emphasizing the importance of respecting personal boundaries for politicians.

      Joe Biden's presidential campaign may face challenges due to allegations of inappropriate behavior towards women and his tendency to invade personal space. These behaviors have been criticized under both liberal and conservative standards. From a liberal perspective, women's accounts of his actions should be believed, making Biden's accusers' claims damning. From a conservative perspective, evidence is paramount, and Biden's behavior towards women, such as unwanted touching and smelling their hair, constitutes evidence of inappropriateness. While these issues may not be catastrophic for his campaign, they could create significant problems given the societal emphasis on respecting personal boundaries. It's essential for politicians to be mindful of their actions and maintain a respectful distance from others to avoid causing discomfort or offense.

    • Politician's Critique of COVID-19 Handling and ObamacareThe speaker criticizes politicians for not following COVID-19 safety protocols and argues against the financial sustainability of Obamacare's community rating and guaranteed issue components, urging younger people to advocate for reform

      The speaker expresses frustration with the current political climate, specifically regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). According to the speaker, politicians like Joe Biden should maintain a safe distance from others due to the pandemic, but some are not taking sufficient precautions. The speaker also criticizes the Affordable Care Act, arguing that its community rating and guaranteed issue components are unsustainable due to the disparity in healthcare costs between older and younger individuals. The speaker believes younger people are being unfairly burdened by subsidizing older Americans' healthcare expenses. The speaker urges younger people to understand the financial implications of Obamacare and encourages them to advocate for its reform.

    • Obamacare's community rating and guaranteed issue policies cause economic imbalanceObamacare's economic imbalance arises from younger people subsidizing older Americans' healthcare costs due to community rating and guaranteed issue policies. The lack of an individual mandate worsens the issue by allowing people to wait until they're sick to purchase insurance.

      Obamacare's community rating and guaranteed issue policies create an economic imbalance, resulting in younger people subsidizing older Americans' healthcare costs. This system, as explained by Dan Bongino, doesn't make sense economically, and it's misleading to claim that Obamacare primarily addresses preexisting conditions, as states had protections for that before the federal program. The lack of an individual mandate further exacerbates the issue, allowing people to wait until they're sick to purchase insurance, ultimately costing the system significantly more. Trump's criticism of this situation is correct, while the Republican criticism of it is misguided. If the truth about Obamacare's community rating and guaranteed issue components were more widely understood, it would likely make more sense to the American people.

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