
    There’s No Price on Your Peace of Mind

    en-usSeptember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Be clear-eyed and realistic when considering a home purchaseUse mortgage calculators, aim for a monthly payment under 25% of take-home pay after taxes, and consider additional costs when buying a home.

      When it comes to buying a home, it's important to make informed decisions based on realistic financial planning. Mary and her husband learned this the hard way when they realized that a potential home payment would consume over half of their monthly income. John and Jade advised them to use mortgage calculators and aim for a monthly payment no more than 25% of take-home pay after taxes. They also emphasized the importance of considering additional costs, such as earnest money, closing costs, and moving expenses. The couple's experience serves as a reminder to take the time to gather all necessary information and communicate effectively with each other before making a significant financial commitment. In essence, it's crucial to be clear-eyed and realistic when considering a home purchase.

    • Understanding financial readiness for major life purchasesAssess financial situation, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions based on personal finances, not external pressures or economic conditions.

      Making decisions based on facts and being financially ready is crucial when it comes to major life purchases like buying a house. John and Jade emphasized the importance of not letting external pressures or comparisons dictate your decisions. They also highlighted the current economic reality of increasing debt and the need to address it proactively. The key is to assess your financial situation, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions. As John put it, "You'll get there when you get there." It's essential to understand that the good time to buy a house is when you are financially prepared, not based on external factors like interest rates or economic conditions. Additionally, Jade shared her experience navigating the media gauntlet and emphasized the importance of living in reality and making changes to improve your financial situation.

    • Contact your student loan holder and communicate effectivelyIdentify loan holder, don't ignore correspondence, and consider temporary payment reduction while intensely focusing on debt snowball strategy

      If you're struggling with student loan payments, the first step is to identify who holds your loan and communicate with them. Don't ignore correspondence. Next, understand that student loan representatives may suggest plans based on their understanding, not yours. If your payments are too high and causing financial hardship, consider lowering them temporarily while intensely working a debt snowball strategy. However, this should be a short-term solution, not a long-term plan to delay repayment. Always approach student loan management with a clear intent to pay off the debt.

    • Taking Control of Your Student LoansPrioritize student loan repayment for financial freedom, protect against ID theft, and view yourself as your own hero in the debt repayment journey.

      Despite the complexities and challenges surrounding student loans, it's essential to prioritize paying them off to achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. The speakers shared their personal experiences and emphasized the importance of not letting the system's complexities hinder your progress. They encouraged listeners to view themselves as their own heroes and take action towards debt repayment. Additionally, they warned about the risks of ID theft and tax refund fraud, urging listeners to protect themselves with comprehensive ID theft plans. Overall, the message was clear: don't wait for someone else to solve your financial problems; take control and make freedom and peace a reality.

    • Follow a specific order to achieve financial securityStart by saving $1000, eliminating debt, building an emergency fund, and investing, to secure your financial future

      Financial security starts with saving and eliminating debt before investing and buying a house. The speakers emphasized the importance of having a solid emergency fund and paying off all debits except for a mortgage. They suggested following a specific order of financial steps, starting with saving $1000, then eliminating debt, building an emergency fund, and finally investing and buying a house. They encouraged listeners, especially those making a good income, not to feel comfortable until they were debt-free. The speakers shared that most people who followed their financial plan were debt-free within a few years.

    • Sacrifices today for greater rewards tomorrowMaking financial and lifestyle sacrifices can lead to significant benefits in the future. Prioritize goals and values to make informed decisions that align with long-term vision.

      Starting early on financial goals, even if it means making sacrifices, can lead to significant benefits later in life. This was emphasized in a conversation between Bianca and the show's host, Dave Ramsey. Bianca shared her current financial situation, with savings for a new home but significant car debt. She asked for advice on whether to sell the cars and pay off the debt faster to buy a house sooner. Ramsey posed a thought-provoking question: Are the cars worth not having a home? He suggested that if the cars are a priority, it would take longer to buy a house. However, he acknowledged that there's no wrong path and it ultimately depends on personal values. Another topic discussed was the importance of physical health in achieving professional success. Ramsey warned against relying on "fake it till you make it" mentality and emphasized the need for genuine enthusiasm and energy to excel in one's career. He also promoted Balance of Nature, a company that provides nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable powders to help people maintain their physical health. In summary, the key takeaway is that making financial and lifestyle sacrifices today can lead to greater rewards in the future. It's essential to prioritize goals and values to make informed decisions that align with one's long-term vision.

    • Unexpected expenses and emergency fundsUnexpected expenses can test your financial resolve, but prioritizing debt repayment and rebuilding your emergency fund is key to maintaining progress on the path to financial freedom.

      Unexpected expenses can disrupt your financial progress, but having an emergency fund in place can help mitigate the damage. In the conversation, a caller named Kaylee was in the process of following the Ramsey Baby Steps towards building an emergency fund, but faced an unexpected expense of $9,000 for a home repair. She was unsure whether to use her emergency fund or make interest-free monthly payments. The financial experts advised her to prioritize paying off the debt and starting over with building her emergency fund. Although it was a setback, they emphasized that this is a common experience on the journey to financial freedom and encouraged her to stay committed to the process. The experts also reminded her that if she didn't have the emergency fund, she could have accumulated significant credit card debt instead. Therefore, it's essential to view unexpected expenses as opportunities to reinforce the importance of having an emergency fund and to treat it like a priority.

    • Unexpected expenses can derail financial progressStay committed to financial goals despite unexpected expenses and avoid turning to debt as a quick fix.

      Having an emergency fund is crucial for financial stability and peace of mind. The speaker shares his personal experience of making an agreement to pay off a debt but encountering unexpected expenses that threatened to derail their progress. He emphasizes that these setbacks are not signs of failure, but rather opportunities to dig deep and find creative solutions. The speaker encourages listeners to stay committed to their financial goals, even when faced with challenges, and to resist the temptation to turn to debt as a quick fix. He also shares stories of individuals who have made sacrifices to prioritize freedom from debt over material possessions. Overall, the message is one of perseverance and the importance of staying committed to financial goals, even in the face of adversity.

    • Affordability and Long-Term Financial SecurityEnsure home affordability and avoid sacrificing long-term financial security by not letting mortgage payments consume more than half of take-home pay. Consider real estate as a long-term investment and evaluate affordability and future circumstances before purchasing.

      Having an emergency fund and saving enough for a home are crucial financial goals. However, it's essential to ensure that the home is affordable based on income and that the mortgage payment doesn't consume more than half of take-home pay. The speaker shares his experience of saving for a home in an expensive area and the importance of not sacrificing long-term financial security for current desires. He emphasizes that real estate is a long-term investment and encourages people to consider their affordability and future circumstances before making a purchase.

    • Making Conscious Decisions About Your Living SituationConsider personal values and affordability before buying or renting a home, prioritize hard conversations, and address anxiety and stress indicators to create a sustainable living situation.

      It's important to make conscious decisions about your living situation and not buy or rent something you cannot truly afford. The speaker shares personal experiences of couples facing the challenge of balancing career goals, desired lifestyle, and financial stability. He emphasizes that ultimately, individuals must have hard conversations with their families and prioritize their values. The culture may blame external factors, but the responsibility lies with us. Anxiety and stress are often indicators that our lives are unsustainable, and it's crucial to address these issues before they escalate. The speaker encourages readers to consider his upcoming book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," as a practical guide to creating a safe and healthy home environment. This book offers a plan for change, similar to "Total Money Makeover," and is available for pre-order at RamseySolutions.com.

    • Woman's Journey to Debt Freedom with Three KidsDespite past challenges and current debt, a career change and debt repayment plan can lead to financial stability and future investments.

      Despite having a significant amount of debt and a challenging past, it's possible to work towards becoming debt-free and building a better financial future. A woman in her 50s shared her story of accumulating debt during a home schooling period, a horrific divorce, and starting from scratch with three children to raise. She's currently making good money but has debts totaling around $125,000. Her plan is to be debt-free by 2026 while also pursuing a career change to real estate. While maintaining or increasing her income during this transition is crucial, getting out of debt opens up opportunities for an emergency fund and future investments.

    • Focus on debt repayment and affordable housingClear debt, sell expensive assets, prioritize savings, and consider condos before large purchases.

      It's important to prioritize debt repayment and consider more affordable housing options, like a condo, before making large financial commitments. Renee, who is 58 and broke despite making a good salary, was encouraged to focus on clearing her debt as soon as possible, sell her expensive car, and put her IRS debt first. The speakers emphasized the importance of financial reality checks and the power of small actions, like subscribing to their show, to help spread their message and reach those in need. In response to a question about mortgage payments versus saving for a second child, the advice was given to ensure having three to six months of savings and investing 15% before making a house purchase.

    • Financially preparing for a new babySave up for expenses, negotiate hospital cash payouts, consider gov refunds, avoid using emergency funds, and handle refunds wisely for peace of mind and cost savings

      Preparing financially for a new baby involves saving up a significant amount of money to cover expenses and potentially even negotiating with hospitals for cash payouts. By doing so, one can avoid using emergency funds or incurring unnecessary debt. Additionally, it's important to be aware of potential financial implications of government refunds, such as student loan relief, and ensure that any received funds are handled appropriately to avoid owing unexpected debts. Overall, being intentional and proactive with financial planning can lead to peace of mind and cost savings during the exciting and sometimes costly experience of having a new baby.

    • Trust but verify when dealing with financial institutionsVerify payment methods with servicers and focus on debt freedom through budgeting and saving

      It's important to trust but verify when dealing with financial institutions, especially when it comes to student loans. A listener was advised to cash a check and pay off a $10,000 student loan debt, as the servicer had requested. However, the listener was hesitant due to concerns about the check expiring and potential consequences if the servicer didn't have a record of the deposit. The financial expert suggested calling the servicer to clarify the situation and ensure that there wasn't a misunderstanding between different departments. The expert also emphasized the importance of being debt-free and sticking to budgets to achieve financial freedom. Another topic discussed was the Smart Conference, a weekend event where attendees could focus on achieving their goals in various areas of life, including money, emotional health, mental health, career, and relationships. The conference offered motivation, information, and inspiration to help attendees create plans to improve their lives. The expert also encouraged listeners to save money and budget for important moments in life.

    • Staying true to financial commitments and avoiding debtNot letting temporary desires lead to debt and being debt-free brings peace of mind and financial freedom, including saving on the 'sleep tax' of worrying about it.

      Confidence in financial decisions and staying true to commitments are crucial for financial freedom. In the discussion, Pete emphasized the importance of not letting temporary desires lead to debt, using the example of a car dealership trying to sell a car to a buyer without cash on hand. He also highlighted the opportunity cost of carrying debt, which includes the "sleep tax" of worrying about it. The couple, Pam and her husband, were encouraged to pay off their debt and stand firm in their financial choices, as they already had significant assets and resources. The conversation underscores the idea that being debt-free and in control of one's finances brings peace of mind and freedom.

    • Money decisions impact relationshipsEffective financial planning requires open communication and mutual trust in relationships

      Financial decisions, no matter how seemingly beneficial in isolation, should not be made without considering the impact on the relationship. In the discussion, Pam and her husband's disagreement over combining finances highlights the importance of open communication and unity in a marriage. While Pam's financial independence was important to her, her husband's reluctance to combine funds created a sense of disconnect and resentment. It's essential to remember that money decisions can have emotional consequences and should be made with mutual agreement and understanding. The hosts emphasized that while financial goals are important, they should not come at the expense of relationship intimacy and unity. They encouraged couples to prioritize open communication and mutual trust to build a strong foundation for their financial future.

    • Rebuilding a Marriage Takes Hard Work and HonestyTo rebuild a marriage, excavate issues and start anew with honesty and hard work, rather than trying to rebuild the same relationship.

      A healthy and fulfilling marriage requires mutual respect, understanding, and hard work. In the conversation between the speaker and the therapist, it became clear that there was a significant issue in their marriage, stemming from feelings of resentment and a perceived lack of appreciation for each other's contributions. The speaker felt that her spouse had not worked as hard as she had and had become complacent, while he felt misunderstood and discounted due to his privileged upbringing. The therapist emphasized that these beliefs, whether true or not, were preventing intimacy and creating a cycle of one-upping and one-downing. To move forward, the couple was encouraged to seek the help of a marriage counselor and be honest and bold in their therapy sessions. The ultimate goal was to build something new, rather than trying to rebuild the relationship as it was before. The therapist used the analogy of the Twin Towers, emphasizing that it was impossible to rebuild using the same materials that had caused the collapse. Instead, the couple needed to excavate the issues and start anew. It's important to remember that every relationship goes through challenges, and seeking help and working together is crucial for growth and healing.

    • Setting up a child's financial future with a will and a trustA will is a first step, but a trust offers more control and flexibility for managing and dispersing assets over time. Consult a lawyer for pricing and guidance, and communicate clearly with the child about the inheritance and its conditions.

      Both a will and a trust are important for setting up a child's financial future, but a trust offers more control and flexibility in managing and dispersing assets over time. A will is a necessary first step, but a trust can help prevent an 18-year-old from receiving a large sum of money all at once. The cost of setting up a trust varies depending on individual circumstances, but it's recommended to consult with a lawyer for pricing and guidance. Clear communication with the child about the inheritance and its conditions is also crucial. The inheritance can be dispersed in a responsible way based on milestones in the child's life, such as college expenses, first home down payment, or having children. Ultimately, the decision on how to manage and distribute the inheritance is up to the parents. It's essential to have a will in place as soon as possible, and resources like Mama Bear Wills can help make the process more accessible.

    • Setting up a trust and choosing a trusteeEstablishing a trust and designating a trusted individual as trustee ensures children's well-being and future, while focusing on grieving instead of practicalities.

      Establishing trust and finding someone you trust to take care of your children and finances in your absence is crucial. The speaker shared his experience of setting up a trust and choosing a trustee he trusts implicitly. He emphasized the importance of trust and not trying to control every variable, as there is no way to fully prepare for the emotional burden of losing a child or being away from them. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having good friends who are willing to step in and help raise your children if something were to happen to you. He encouraged listeners to do their due diligence in finding a trustee and setting guidelines, but not to get too fixated on every variable to avoid making themselves nuts. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the privilege of being able to focus on grieving and being sad instead of worrying about practicalities like food, shelter, and education. It's essential to have a will and trust in place to ensure your children's well-being and future.

    • Understanding the Difference Between Guilt and ShameGuilt is a response to past actions, while shame is a deep-rooted belief about oneself. Learn from past mistakes without letting shame consume you.

      Guilt and shame are different emotions, and it's essential to distinguish between the two. Guilt is a natural response to past actions, while shame is a deep-rooted belief about oneself. In the context of the discussion, a woman shared her experiences of destructive financial behaviors in her marriage and how she and her husband have been working to overcome debt. Her husband's decision to sell his beloved Jeep to help pay off their credit card debt caused her guilt, but she was reminded that his love for her outweighs material possessions. The woman also recognized the importance of addressing the root causes of her spending habits and focusing on providing emotional stability for her children instead of material possessions. Ultimately, it's crucial to acknowledge and learn from past mistakes without letting shame consume us.

    • Navigating Motherhood and Career: A Constant BalanceFind balance in motherhood and career by prioritizing what matters most and constantly evaluating and adjusting.

      Raising children while pursuing a career comes with its challenges and feelings of guilt, but it's essential to find balance and prioritize what matters most in each season of life. The speaker shared her personal experience of missing out on her children's events due to work commitments but found comfort in knowing that she was making a positive impact on others. She emphasized the importance of constant evaluation and adjustment to ensure that all aspects of motherhood are being addressed. Additionally, unexpected experiences, like meeting Meatloaf, can bring joy and create cherished memories. Ultimately, the journey of being a mom is a constant readjustment and rebalance, and it's essential to value the experience as a whole, including the good and the bad.

    • Communicate vulnerably about financial and relationship issuesHaving heartfelt conversations about financial and relationship issues, seeking professional help if necessary, and temporarily separating finances can protect a family's financial future.

      When dealing with financial and relationship issues in a marriage, direct and vulnerable communication is key. If one partner is struggling with excessive spending, it's important to have a heartfelt conversation about the impact it has on the family and the spouse's personal well-being. Even if the couple has had previous conversations about budgeting and spending, it may be necessary to approach the topic in a more intimate and vulnerable way. If the issue persists and puts the family's financial stability at risk, seeking professional help from a counselor may be necessary. Ultimately, protecting the family's financial future may require temporarily separating finances until the spending issue is addressed.

    • Communication is key to financial harmonyBeing open and honest about financial matters can prevent stress and protect relationships, while hiding debt or expenses can lead to damaging consequences.

      Open and honest communication is crucial in maintaining a healthy and unified relationship, especially when it comes to financial matters. The discussion highlights the importance of being direct and bold in addressing financial issues and taking protective measures to secure one's financial future. It also emphasizes the potential consequences of hiding debt or not being transparent about financial obligations. Ultimately, the decision to separate bank accounts and work towards being a two-income family was made as a means of protecting the family and alleviating the stress caused by financial instability. It's important to remember that financial infidelity, whether it be through debt or hidden expenses, can be just as damaging as physical infidelity and requires the same level of honesty and commitment to repair. If you're struggling with financial stress in your relationship, consider seeking the help of a financial counselor or therapist to work through the issues together.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes and is not financial advice. We do not provide recommendations or endorse any decision to buy, sell or hold any security. We cannot be held responsible for any actions listeners may take and investors are encouraged to seek independent financial advice.

    Copyright 2023 Many Happy Returns

    The bonus secrets of Financial Times readers

    The bonus secrets of Financial Times readers

    This bonus season, will the UK’s top earners invest their payouts tax-efficiently into pensions and Isas, or use them to pay down debts? In this episode, Money Clinic host Claer Barrett and FT communities editor Lucy Warwick-Ching discuss key findings from nearly 3,000 responses to the FT’s annual anonymous bonus survey. They are joined by Nimesh Shah, the tax expert and CEO of advisory firm Blick Rothenberg, and financial planner Adam Walkom, partner at Permanent Wealth Partners and author of Plan For Happy. Even if you’re not lucky enough to receive a bonus this year, learning what other FT readers plan to do with theirs provides some valuable – if enviable – financial insights. 

    Read Claer and Lucy’s full breakdown of this year’s FT readers’ bonus survey, Pay out or doughnut? FT readers’ bonus secrets

    For more tips on how to organise your money, sign up to Claer's email series 'Sort Your Financial Life Out With Claer Barrett' at FT.com/moneycourse

    Follow Claer on social media @Claerb and contact the Money Clinic team via money@ft.com

    Want more?

    Check out Claer’s column, A dating app with credit scores: what’s not to love?

    Listen to more episodes on bonuses and tax, such as Should I save, spend or invest my bonus?, When is a tax cut not a tax cut? The Autumn Statement digested, and more.

    Presented by Claer Barrett. Produced by Tamara Kormornick and Persis Love. Our executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound design by Breen Turner, with original music from Metaphor Music. Cheryl Brumley is the FT’s global head of audio.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Don’t Believe the Lies – YOU Are the Hero of Your Story!

    Don’t Believe the Lies – YOU Are the Hero of Your Story!
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    The AMAZING POWER of Paying Off Your Mortgage with Andy Hill

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    It would be a dream to be debt-free. With the uncertainty of the future and what might happen, it’s always best to work under the assumption that you won’t always have money coming in monthly from your nine to five. For this episode, I’ve invited Andy Hill, from Marriage, Kids, and Money. In this episode, Andy shares with us his budget strategies to level up your ability to pay off debt, and mind tricks you can do to ease the burden of those monthly payments. Andy has always had a passion for being a family man, so when he and his wife decided to fully pay off their mortgage debt as soon as they possibly could, he found that he gained so much more time and money to spend with them. So much so that he was able to blog and podcast it as his full-time career, even being featured on CNBC, and NBC news! If you’re ready to take that next step and regain your financial freedom, then be sure not to miss out on this episode! Today we’ll discuss  Andy’s background Set up goals when you’re paying off your mortgage Reduce expense when paying off your mortgage  Reviewing your progress  Andy’s mortgage-free life Andy’s favorite book  What wealth means to Andy Connect with Andy:  Website  Marriage Kids and Money Podcast Facebook  Twitter Instagram  YouTube  Check out Andy’s mortgage payoff calculator by clicking this link. Interested in Andy’s favorite book? Click this link to check it out.  ============== Free Guides: Check out the free guide on where to put your money in what order!  Here is the free How to Ask for A Raise ebook!  Get Access to the 75 Day Challenge  Sponsors:  Thank you to Better Help for sponsoring the show! Check them out at  Thanks to Policygenius For Sponsoring the show!  Thanks to Mint Mobile for supporting the show! Cut your phone bill to $15 by clicking the link! Thanks to Ladder for Sponsoring the Show Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate for as little as $10 by clicking the link! Thank you to Hello Fresh for sponsoring the show! Go to Hello Fresh and use code PFP16 for 16 free meals and 3 free gifts.  Thank you to Ourcrowd for sponsoring the show! Check out our latest YouTube videos:  4 Ways Real Estate Can Make You a Millionaire- Is it the Right Choice for You? How to Master Budgeting: 4 Tips for Success! 5 Reasons Why Health Is Wealth Here are even more podcast episodes you will love: How to Protect Your Wealth From the Crazy Rise of INFLATION! (and Hyperinflation!) The Stairway to Wealth 2.0 (The Order You Should Put Your Money in!) What You Should Do With Your Money By Age (Accelerate Your Wealth!) The 10 Commandments of Salary Negotiation (Increase Your Income!) 14 Ways to Set Your Kids Up To WIN Financially  Make sure to follow us on our other platforms:  Podcast  Websites Dollar After Dollar Master Money  Twitter Instagram  YouTube  Check out these useful resources that can help you:  Best Place to Open a Roth IRA  My Favorite Free Net Worth and Budget Tool Best Online Bank Get a $10 Free Bonus with Acorns Best Bank and Debit Card for Kids Get $5 Free Bitcoin at Coinbase Best Personal Finance Books My Recommendations  Learn more about your ad choices by visiting Megaphone. Got even more questions? Feel free to send me a message on my Instagram.   ============== DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. This Podcast is for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am sharing my opinion.  AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices