
    They Are Putting Trump’s Life in Danger (Ep 2029)

    enJune 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • America as a Police State and Connected IssuesThe speaker expresses concerns about America's adherence to constitutional ideals, mentions potential connections between ongoing global events and the Biden administration, and endorses Tommy John Underwear.

      According to the speaker, America is not living up to its constitutional ideals and is instead operating as a police state. He believes that people are being set up and that the ongoing situation involving China, Taiwan, and the Biden administration are all connected. Additionally, the speaker strongly endorses Tommy John Underwear, emphasizing its comfort and convenience. The speaker also mentions that it's Pride Month and encourages listeners to display their American flags. A potential evacuation of American citizens from Taiwan by the US government is also discussed, and the speaker is convinced that this is related to the ongoing Biden bribery investigation and China's monitoring of news.

    • Political Climate of Division and Suspicion in the USConcerns of global conflict due to US political strife, FBI's handling of Biden documents, and potential crackdown on conservatives.

      There are concerns about the current political climate in the United States, with allegations of corruption against President Joe Biden and the government's handling of the situation leading to a deeply divided country. Some believe that China is watching this strife and could potentially make a move that could lead to global conflict. The FBI's delay in turning over documents related to Biden is seen as an attempt to divert attention from the bribery allegations against him and instead focus on indicting former President Trump. The FBI and DOJ are viewed with suspicion and mistrust, and there are fears that they may use civil unrest as an excuse for a crackdown on conservatives and MAGA supporters. It is important for individuals to exercise caution and not be baited into violent confrontations, while also exercising their constitutional right to peacefully protest. The media, including CNN, is seen as setting up a narrative for potential civil disturbances surrounding Trump's court appearance.

    • Growing Concerns for Political Safety in the USThe US political climate resembles authoritarian regimes, threatening safety of political opponents like Trump, with media downplaying or justifying such actions, social credit scores, and targeting on social media.

      The political climate in the United States is increasingly resembling authoritarian regimes like China, where political opponents face threats and attacks with seemingly little consequence. The speaker expresses concern over the safety of former President Trump, who they believe is in real danger due to a lack of adequate security and potential political pressure. They also criticize the media for potentially downplaying or justifying such actions against political opponents. The use of social credit scores and targeting of political opponents on social media platforms is mentioned as further evidence of this concerning trend. The speaker urges action in the 2024 election and expresses uncertainty about their own future in the country. The indictment of Trump is seen as a distraction from more serious issues, such as Biden's paperwork production and China's observation of the situation.

    • Senator Graham raises concern over inconsistent handling of investigations into political figuresPerceived double standard in investigations of political figures, specifically regarding classified info, is a concern for many Americans.

      There's a perceived double standard when it comes to investigations into political figures, specifically regarding the handling of classified information. Lindsey Graham, a Republican Senator, raised this point during a weekend interview, expressing concern over the lack of investigation into Democratic figures like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden for similar or even more serious alleged offenses. Graham's comments came in response to the ongoing investigation into former President Trump's handling of classified documents. While opinions on Graham and his motives may vary, the substance of his argument remains: the inconsistency in applying justice across political lines is a concern for many Americans.

    • Allegations of mishandling classified documents by Trump and BidenWhile Trump had the authority to declassify documents, Biden did not at the time he took them. Criticisms of selective justice and handling of investigations fuel concerns about a two-tiered system of justice.

      There have been allegations of mishandling of classified documents by both former President Trump and President Biden, but the rules and circumstances surrounding their actions differ. While Trump had the authority to declassify documents under the Presidential Records Act, Biden did not have that power at the time he took the documents. Additionally, there have been criticisms of selective justice and the handling of investigations, specifically citing the handling of Hillary Clinton's email server and destruction of devices. These criticisms have fueled concerns about a two-tiered system of justice and civil unrest. It's important to note that these are allegations and ongoing investigations, and the facts and circumstances of each case are unique. The debate highlights the complexities and nuances of the issues and the importance of accurate reporting and fact-checking.

    • Handling of sensitive information by political figuresFBI criticized Clinton for 'extremely careless' handling of top secret info, but response to mishandling of classified info varies, leading to loss of trust in gov institutions

      The handling of sensitive information by political figures, such as Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State, has raised serious concerns about the mishandling of classified information. FBI Director Jim Comey criticized Clinton and her team for their "extremely careless" handling of such information, which included emails with top secret and later upgraded confidential information. However, the response to such incidents has varied, with some figures facing investigation and others escaping prosecution. This inconsistency has led to a loss of trust in government institutions, including the FBI and DOJ, and has fueled a perception that political considerations may influence the application of justice. This issue, along with the broader context of past investigations and allegations, contributes to a growing skepticism towards the government and its ability to handle sensitive information and uphold the law impartially.

    • Skepticism towards government informationAmidst eroded public trust in gov't info, UFOs and crises like Taiwan's evacuation plans may be met with skepticism, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for potential emergencies.

      With the increasing distrust towards government information, even extraordinary revelations like UFOs or potential crises like Taiwan's evacuation plans may be met with skepticism and disbelief. China's actions and the U.S. government's handling of various issues have eroded public trust, leading individuals to question the authenticity of information. This skepticism is evident in the public's response to the UFO revelation and the potential Taiwan crisis. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential emergencies, such as food shortages, due to geopolitical tensions.

    • New Details Emerge on Biden Documents DiscoveryBiden's former assistant revealed new information about the discovery of classified documents in Biden's office, contradicting the initial narrative and raising questions about their handling.

      The discovery of classified documents at President Joe Biden's office in November 2022, which was initially reported as being found in a locked closet, was preceded by a request from Biden's White House counsel to retrieve documents from the same location in May 2022. This new information, revealed by Biden's former assistant, contradicts the initial narrative and raises questions about the handling of these documents. Additionally, there is an ongoing investigation into an audio recording of Donald Trump discussing potentially classified documents, which could pose a significant challenge for his defense in the ongoing indictment case. Despite the conflicting narratives and ongoing investigations, it's important to remember that both sides of the story should be considered, and nothing coming from the government should be taken at face value.

    • Skepticism towards government information and George SorosStay informed, be skeptical of government info, fact-check, and question sources. George Soros's influence on political issues is a valid topic for discussion.

      The speaker expresses skepticism towards information from the government and warns his audience about the influence of George Soros in funding political issues. He also encourages his listeners to order Omaha Steaks for Father's Day and shares a joke about a TNN breaking news story. However, he emphasizes that criticisms of him for discussing Soros are not anti-Christian, but fair game. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and questioning sources of information. Additionally, he promotes Omaha Steaks as a special Father's Day gift and encourages listeners to check out Sean Farris's TNN breaking news story about Donald Trump. Overall, the speaker encourages his audience to be informed, skeptical, and to enjoy a good steak for Father's Day.

    • Soros Family Transfers Power to Younger Generation Amidst Political ScrutinyThe Soros family, led by liberal billionaire George Soros, is transferring control of their empire to the younger generation, with Alexander Soros recently meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris, raising concerns about potential political involvement during the upcoming election.

      George Soros, a well-known liberal billionaire and major donor to leftist causes, has handed control of his empire to his 37-year-old son, Alexander. This transfer of power comes as the Soros family's influence in politics, particularly in the Democratic Party, is under scrutiny. Alexander Soros recently met with Vice President Kamala Harris, an interaction that was conspicuously missing from her public schedule. Critics argue that the Soros family wields significant influence in the Biden administration, and the timing of this transfer of power raises questions about potential involvement in politics during the upcoming election. The media has historically downplayed criticism of Soros and his network, but the increasing transparency of Alexander's role may change the narrative.

    • Soros's Open Societies Foundation and Controversies in UkraineGeorge Soros's Open Societies Foundation has faced controversies in Ukraine over election interference and business interests, with investigations into groups like Democracy Integrity Project and Anti-C, and potential connections to the FBI and Biden administration.

      George Soros's Open Societies Foundation has been involved in various controversies, particularly in Ukraine, where his funding of groups like the Democracy Integrity Project and Anti-C has raised questions about interference in elections and business interests. In 2017, Soros donated one million dollars to the Democracy Integrity Project, which was later involved in the Spygate fiasco. In 2016, Ukrainian prosecutors investigated Anti-C for possible misuse of funds, and after the prosecutor looking into Biden was fired, the US embassy sent a letter expressing no concerns about Soros's group. These events suggest a complex web of connections between Soros, the FBI, and the Biden administration in Ukraine. The full story is detailed in Matt Palumbo's book "Follow the Money."

    • UFO disclosures pierce through decades of government secrecyRecent UFO disclosures, from various sources, have revealed potential space-time warping and left the public questioning authenticity and motivations behind their release

      There have been recent revelations about UFOs and their potential connection to warping of space-time, which have gained attention despite decades of government denials. These disclosures, coming from various sources including whistleblowers, scientists, and government officials, have led to speculation about their authenticity and possible motivations behind their release. Some believe it could be a coordinated effort to release the information gradually to avoid panic during a time of national distress when trust in the government is low. Others see it as a disinformation campaign. Regardless, these revelations have pierced through a near-century of government secrecy, leaving the public to decide between the possibility of extraterrestrial life and advanced technology or a massive disinformation campaign. It's a significant development that warrants further investigation and discussion.

    • Engage with Dan Bongino's showJoin live chat, follow on Apple and Spotify to support and connect with Dan Bongino's show

      Dan Bongino encourages his audience to engage with his show in various ways. This includes joining the live chat every day at rumble.com/Bongino, starting at 10 am ET, and causing trouble with him and Justin. He also asks viewers to follow the show on Apple and Spotify to help keep them on the charts and reach a larger audience. By doing these things, listeners can connect with Dan and his team, contribute to the conversation, and support the show. Remember, it's all free, so there's no excuse not to get involved! Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode.

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