
    They Got Busted Trafficking In COVID Fear (Ep 1962)

    enMarch 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Liberals use fear to manipulate civil libertiesAccording to Dan Vongino, liberals exploit fear to limit civil liberties, as seen in COVID and lockdowns. Protect privacy with ExpressVPN, understand motivations behind policies.

      According to Dan Vongino, liberals use fear to manipulate people into giving up their civil liberties. This theory, which Vongino calls the "Walking Dead Theory," was further explored on his show, with proof emerging regarding its relevance to COVID and lockdowns. Additionally, Vongino emphasized the importance of online privacy and recommended ExpressVPN as the best VPN on the market due to its commitment to user privacy and speed. Furthermore, Vongino expressed his admiration for Auburn basketball coach Bruce Pearl and encouraged listeners to understand the motivations behind liberal policies to make informed choices.

    • Discussing use of fear to control during COVID crisisPoliticians use fear to manipulate and coerce compliance with restrictive policies, underscoring the importance of critical thinking and awareness.

      Fear is a powerful tool used by those in power to control and limit individual freedoms. This was highlighted in a leaked conversation between the United Kingdom's Minister of Health, Matt Hancock, and Damon Poole, where they discussed using the fear of the new COVID variant to get people to comply with restrictions and give up their civil liberties. Fear is a common tactic used by liberals to manipulate and coerce people into accepting policies that limit their freedoms, as seen in the "Rahm Emanuel never let a crisis go to waste" theory. This discussion underscores the importance of being aware of how fear is used to control and manipulate public opinion and individual choices.

    • Acting as if we have the virus in high-risk areasStay cautious and follow safety measures in high-risk areas, as the new COVID-19 variant spreads rapidly and the origins of the virus are still debated. Prioritize safety and skepticism towards information from authorities.

      We should all act as if we have the virus, especially in high-risk areas, to help control the spread until the vaccine is widely available. The new variant is spreading rapidly, making it challenging to keep the virus under control without the vaccine. It's important to be cautious and skeptical of information from authorities, as there have been instances of misinformation. The origins of COVID-19 are still a subject of debate, and some believe it may have originated from a lab leak. New evidence has emerged suggesting that Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned a study to disprove this theory. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize safety measures and maintain a healthy dose of skepticism towards information from authorities.

    • Fauci Email Controversy and Preordained ConclusionsThe Fauci email controversy highlights the importance of scientific integrity and objectivity in research, as the predetermined conclusions of funding agencies or individuals can compromise the credibility and reliability of findings.

      The Fauci email controversy raises questions about the impartiality of scientific research when the funding agency or individuals involved have a predetermined conclusion they want to prove or disprove. The emails suggest that Dr. Fauci and his NIH boss Collins had strong beliefs about the origin of COVID-19 and prompted a researcher to write a paper with the goal of disproving the lab leak theory. This behavior contradicts the fundamental principles of experimental science, which dictate that researchers should not have a preordained conclusion before conducting the study. The incident underscores the importance of maintaining scientific integrity and objectivity to ensure the credibility and reliability of scientific findings.

    • The Overpopulation Myth DebunkedDespite media and political agendas, there's enough space for all humans to live comfortably, and vaccines don't ensure protection against COVID-19. Be cautious of population control measures and ensure a good night's sleep with Helix Sleep.

      The belief in overpopulation as a major issue threatening the world's resources and society is a myth. This misconception, fueled by media and certain political agendas, has led to fear-mongering and even recommendations for euthanasia due to demographic imbalances. However, research shows that there is enough space for every human on Earth to live comfortably, debunking the overpopulation myth. Additionally, vaccines do not guarantee protection against COVID-19, and the push for population control through euthanasia is a dangerous and deadly charade. It is essential to critically evaluate information and not be swayed by fear tactics or agendas. For a good night's sleep, consider Helix Sleep, which offers customized mattresses based on individual body types and preferences, ensuring a restful and rejuvenating slumber.

    • Russell Brand challenges MSNBC on biases in mediaMedia outlets can have biases, and it's essential to question the news we consume and be aware of potential biases in reporting

      The media, regardless of the outlet, can exhibit biases and may not always deliver unbiased news. During a discussion on a podcast, Russell Brand challenged John Heilman on MSNBC's claims of Fox News not being real news. Brand pointed out the similar biases present in MSNBC and criticized them for not covering American heroes like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. He also gave examples of instances where MSNBC and other outlets spread false information, such as the Steele Dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop story. Heilman, in response, had no substantial defense. This exchange highlights the importance of questioning the news we consume and being aware of potential biases in the media. The current promotion from Helix Sleep offers listeners up to 20% off mattress orders and two free pillows, making it an excellent opportunity to improve your sleep. Visit helixsleep.com/Dan to take advantage of this deal.

    • Media accused of prioritizing organization interests over truthMedia should strive for truth and impartiality, individuals should prepare for emergencies.

      The media, specifically MSNBC and CNN, have been accused of lying to the public and serving the interests of their organizations over truth and transparency. An example given was Ali Velshi's reporting during the George Floyd riots, where he downplayed the unrest while standing in front of a burning building. The speaker emphasized the difference between his independent show and their employment-based roles, and also criticized Bernie Sanders for seeming confused about the left's shift from equality to equity as a goal. The takeaway is that the media should strive for truth and impartiality, and that individuals should prepare for potential disasters by stocking up on emergency food and supplies.

    • Equality vs Equity: Understanding the DifferencesForcing equal outcomes through government intervention can lead to unequal treatment, and individuals should be responsible for their own debts and loans.

      The terms "equality" and "equity" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Equality refers to equal opportunities, while equity implies a guaranteed outcome. During a discussion, it was pointed out that if someone works hard and earns more than another person, but is then required to give a portion of their income to ensure both have the same income, it can create a sense of unfairness. The speaker criticized Senator Bernie Sanders for promoting the concept of equity, yet not being able to clearly define it during an interview. The speaker argued that forcing outcomes through government intervention can lead to unequal treatment, and that individuals should be responsible for their own debts and loans. A poll was mentioned that showed a majority of student loan forgiveness recipients were likely to spend their extra money on non-essential items, which was criticized by the speaker as an example of irresponsibility and a reason to question the wisdom of student loan forgiveness. The speaker urged persuadable Democrats to consider the implications of these policies and the potential for unequal treatment.

    • Myth of Wealthy Not Paying Their Fair Share DebunkedDespite popular belief, the top 1% paid 42% of income taxes in 2020 while earning only 22% of national income. Increasing taxes on wealthy may decrease revenue due to their response to move money out of country or invest in tax-exempt assets.

      The argument for increasing taxes on the wealthy to ensure equity and redistribute wealth is based on fear and envy, rather than factual evidence. The data from the IRS shows that the top 1% of earners paid 42% of the country's income taxes in 2020, while earning only 22% of the national income. The bottom 50% of earners, on the other hand, earned 10.2% of the income but paid only 2% of the income taxes. The idea that the wealthy are not paying their fair share is a common narrative, but the numbers tell a different story. Additionally, historical evidence shows that when tax rates on the wealthy are significantly increased, they often respond by moving their money out of the country or investing in assets that are not subject to high tax rates. This can actually decrease tax revenue in the long run. Instead of focusing on fear and envy, a more productive conversation would be had about how to encourage economic growth and opportunity for all.

    • Economic growth leads to increased tax revenueDespite some political dishonesty, economic growth remains a crucial factor in generating tax revenue. However, false claims, like Joe Biden's about his civil rights involvement, can perpetuate racial divisions.

      Raising economic growth leads to increased tax revenue, a fact that may be surprising for some leftists. However, the discussion also touched on the issue of dishonesty in politics, specifically regarding Joe Biden's claims about his involvement in the civil rights movement. Despite these claims being discredited by fact-checkers, Biden continues to make them. The irony lies in the fact that the civil rights movement involved fighting for equal rights regardless of skin color, while Biden's false claims contribute to perpetuating divisions based on race. The speaker expressed his disappointment and disgust towards Biden's actions. Additionally, the conversation shifted to a lighter note with a promotion for Omaha Steaks and their semi-annual sale.

    • Media and Biden's Civil Rights ClaimsSpeaker expresses frustration over media's handling of Biden's controversial civil rights claims, accusing him of stolen valor and gaslighting, while emphasizing the importance of truth and accountability.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding President Joe Biden's claims about his involvement in the civil rights movement. The speaker expresses frustration over the media's handling of this issue and feels that Biden's actions constitute stolen valor. The speaker also touches upon the concept of gaslighting and censorship in relation to the media and the parallel economy. In essence, the speaker is emphasizing the importance of truth and accountability, and criticizing the media for their handling of controversial issues. The speaker also shares a proud moment about his daughter's academic achievements.

    • Consider leaving biased financial servicesBe aware of potential political biases in financial services, and consider alternative sources for information. Stay informed and join the daily live chat on Rumble.

      The speaker is urging listeners to consider leaving certain financial services due to potential political biases, using his own experience and the recent situation with Donald Trump Jr. as examples. He also warns about the overuse of labels like "racist" and "fascist," which he believes could desensitize people to real instances of these harmful ideologies. The speaker encourages listeners to be aware of this issue and to stay informed through alternative sources like Paralleleconomy.com. He also invites listeners to join the live chat on Rumble every day at 11 AM Eastern time.

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