
    They’re Plotting To Interfere In Another Election (Ep 2037)

    enJune 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Plans for interference in 2024 US electionStay informed and prepared for potential election interference in 2024, as there are concerns it may happen again. Be vigilant against manipulation and stay ahead of the news cycle.

      According to Dan Bongino on his show, there are plans for interference in the 2024 US election by those who have attempted it before. This is a serious concern, and Bongino is urging his audience to stay informed and prepared. The topic of Russian interference was a recurring theme in the show, with Bongino expressing his belief that this will be the narrative for the next election. He encourages his listeners to stay ahead of the news cycle and to be vigilant against potential manipulation. Additionally, Bongino took a brief detour to promote Tommy John underwear, highlighting their comfort and effectiveness in keeping the wearer cool. Overall, the message is one of caution and preparedness in the face of potential election interference.

    • Allegations of Russian interference in US elections and Hunter Biden's laptopFormer intelligence official Jim Clapper admitted having no regrets for labeling Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinfo, despite it being authentic. The standard of evidence for Trump's collusion differs from Biden's, and the politically charged nature of Russian interference allegations persists, with critics labeled and accusations flying.

      There are allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia, and concerns about Russian interference in the 2024 election. Jim Clapper, a former intelligence official, signed a letter claiming Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, but now admits he has no regrets. The standard of evidence against Trump for collusion is different from that for Biden, despite similar circumstances. Clapper and other critics are accused of being "discredited goons and hacks," and "communists" by some, while Durham, who investigated the matter, is criticized for not testifying publicly. The situation highlights the politically charged nature of allegations of Russian interference and the differing perceptions of evidence and motivations.

    • Speaker's frustration towards uninterviewed accusersSpeaker criticizes use of unproven allegations, urges importance of debunking false narratives, and warns against making baseless accusations.

      During this discussion, the speaker expressed his frustration towards certain individuals who have publicly made accusations but refused to be interviewed. He vowed to continue exposing these individuals, labeling them as "disgraceful human beings" and "human garbage." The speaker also criticized the use of unproven allegations and the "dipsy-doo-flip-a-roo" standard of evidence in political discourse. He warned that the Democrats are likely to repeat certain narratives, such as accusing Trump of handing over Ukraine to Russia, and urged the importance of being able to debunk these allegations. The speaker used the examples of Eric Swalwell and the Paul Manafort-Constantine Calimnic story to illustrate the dangers of making unproven allegations and the difficulty of proving oneself innocent.

    • Allegations against individuals and events in Russian collusion investigation have been debunkedDespite ongoing accusations, some claims related to Russian collusion have been proven false, such as the involvement of Paul Manafort's associate as a Russian spy and the Trump Tower meeting being set up by Clinton's campaign.

      The individuals and events being investigated for alleged Russian collusion during the 2016 U.S. presidential election have been subjected to repeated accusations and allegations, some of which have been debunked. For instance, Paul Manafort's associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, was identified as a sensitive intelligence source for the U.S. State Department under the Obama administration. However, this information was not included in the Mueller report, despite Democratic figures like Adam Schiff continuing to suggest that Kilimnik was a Russian spy. Additionally, the Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was set up by individuals working for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Schiff's criticism of the Trump Tower meeting is hypocritical, as he himself has been linked to Russian pranksters. These examples illustrate the need for a critical and fact-based approach to political discourse and investigations.

    • Speaker criticizes Adam Schiff and endorses Blackout CoffeeSpeaker criticized Adam Schiff for alleged Russian connections and endorsed Blackout Coffee, a company supporting conservative values. Also mentioned Corey Bush's controversial spending on personal security and the release of Durham's report on FBI misconduct.

      During a discussion, the speaker expressed strong criticism towards Adam Schiff, a U.S. Congressman, accusing him of soliciting information from Russians and being a "disgusting piece of human garbage." The speaker also endorsed Blackout Coffee, a company committed to conservative values. Additionally, the speaker mentioned an incident involving Corey Bush, a member of "The Squad," who reportedly spent large sums on personal security while advocating for defunding the police, and the release of Durham's report revealing alleged FBI misconduct. The speaker's tone was critical and passionate throughout the discussion.

    • Policing Reforms and Political TargetingPerceptions of bias in policing and concerns over political targeting persist, with some figures criticized for lacking constructive solutions. The FBI faces scrutiny for potential political biases, while media figures amplify narratives without proper vetting, leading to confusion and misunderstandings.

      There is a perceived issue with policing, specifically in the context of political targeting and reforms. Cory Bush's criticism of Republicans for trying to reform policing has been attacked, with some arguing that she hates the police without providing constructive solutions. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the FBI and potential political biases within its ranks. The discussion also touched upon the role of media figures like Ken Delanian and NBC in amplifying certain narratives without proper vetting. The overall sentiment expressed was that there is a lack of understanding and allegiance to basic principles among certain political figures, leading to confusion and misunderstandings on key issues.

    • Discussing Innovation Refunds and Windshield WildInnovation Refunds helps businesses claim tax refunds, particularly the Employee Retention Credit, with no upfront charge and over $5 billion in total refunds. Windshield Wild is a windshield cleaning device that cleans both sides at once, keeping windshields clean in rainy conditions.

      During the discussion, the importance of two distinct products was highlighted: Innovation Refunds and Windshield Wild. Innovation Refunds is a company that helps businesses claim tax refunds, particularly the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), which is essentially a refund of taxes already paid. They've assisted thousands of businesses in various industries, including construction and hospitality, with over $5 billion in total refunds. The process is simple, with no upfront charge, and they only get paid when their clients receive their refunds. Windshield Wild, on the other hand, is a windshield cleaning device that uses a paddle on the outside and magnetic paddles on the inside to clean both sides of the windshield at once. It's fast, efficient, and keeps windshields clean in rainy conditions. Both Innovation Refunds and Windshield Wild were praised for their effectiveness and positive impact on their respective industries. However, the conversation also touched on the political landscape, with a focus on the passing of a resolution in Congress and the reaction of Representative Adam Schiff. Despite his past scandals, Schiff was celebrated by his colleagues, highlighting the deep division in American politics.

    • Politicians Spreading Misinformation Disregarding FactsDespite fact-checks and evidence, some politicians continue to spread falsehoods, demonstrating a disregard for truth and intellectual depth.

      There are political figures who continue to spread misinformation, disregarding fact-checks and evidence. The discussion revolves around a disgraced congressman who has been caught in lies about a weaponization scheme and deficit reduction claims, which have been debunked numerous times. Despite this, the politician continues to post these falsehoods, demonstrating a disregard for truth. Furthermore, there is an example of a Senate hearing where an activist struggles to answer a basic question about biological differences between men and women. The speaker's point is that liberals, including politicians like Biden and Schiff, continue to spread debunked lies, indicating a lack of intellectual depth and a reliance on misinformation.

    • Women's underrepresentation in male-dominated sportsDespite capable performances, women are largely absent from heavyweight boxing championships, UFC titles, NBA, NFL due to historical norms. Testing the hypothesis of co-ed sports may provide insights.

      There is a lack of representation of women in traditional male-dominated sports at the highest levels. During a discussion, it was pointed out that no women have won heavyweight boxing championships, UFC titles, or played in the NBA or NFL. The idea was raised that if a woman could outperform a male player in these sports, teams would sign her. However, it was acknowledged that this doesn't exist yet. The conversation also touched on the topic of women's specific sports and the importance of having them. The speakers suggested testing the hypothesis by banning women's sports and having women play in men's tournaments. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding transgender issues in sports and the backlash from certain communities. In conclusion, the lack of representation of women in traditional male-dominated sports remains a significant issue.

    • Identity politics can lead to disastrous consequences for communitiesThe pluralistic democratic experiment can lead to destructive identity politics, pitting groups against each other for limited resources. The left must uphold meritocracy and civil liberties for all to prevent competition and cannibalistic behavior, especially regarding vaccine and COVID-related issues.

      The pluralistic democratic experiment, which draws people to the U.S. based on mutual respect and reciprocity, can lead to self-destructive identity politics when certain groups are pitted against each other. This dynamic, fueled by fear and manufactured panic, can lead to long-term disasters for communities. Instead, meritocracy and civil liberties for all should be upheld to prevent competition for limited resources and the resulting cannibalistic behavior. A notable issue that will continue to challenge the left is the vaccine and COVID-related identity politics. An example of this is the conflict between trans individuals and Muslims, with each group feeling their interests are being threatened. The left's approach of playing racial politics and protecting select groups with limited resources will eventually lead to competition and cannibalism. A recent incident involving Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine proponent, and his unwillingness to debate RFK Jr. about vaccines, highlights the importance of evidence-based discussions and avoiding spreading inaccurate information. The left must focus on facts and open dialogue to overcome identity politics and move towards a more unified and equitable society.

    • Critic turned supporter: Dr. Hotez's changing stance on COVID-19 vaccinesDr. Peter Hotez initially expressed safety concerns about COVID-19 vaccines under the Trump administration but later reversed his stance after political climate changed. Emails reveal officials knew about breakthrough cases yet assured public of vaccine effectiveness.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Peter Hotez, a public health expert, criticized the fast-tracking of vaccines under the Trump administration due to safety concerns. However, he later reversed his stance once the political climate changed and a vaccine was authorized for emergency use. Emails have since emerged suggesting that officials knew about breakthrough cases of COVID-19 even as they pushed for vaccine mandates and assured the public that the vaccines would prevent transmission. Hotez's inconsistent stance and the revelation of misleading information from public health officials raise questions about their motivations and the integrity of the vaccine rollout process.

    • Reacting to the Titanic Submersible DisappearanceEmpathy and respect for all lives is crucial, regardless of background or circumstances. Callous and insensitive remarks are harmful and should be condemned.

      The discussion revolved around the controversial reaction to the disappearance of a submersible carrying wealthy tourists to the Titanic wreck site, with some individuals expressing callous and insensitive remarks. The speaker strongly condemned such attitudes, emphasizing the importance of empathy and respect for all lives, regardless of their background or circumstances. The contrasting coverage of this incident and another tragedy involving migrants was also criticized for perpetuating divisive narratives. The conversation ended with a reminder to join the radio show for updates and to submit questions.

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