
    What Is Babel X And Why Is The FBI Using It? (Ep 1883)

    enOctober 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI's AI-powered social media surveillance tool raises privacy concernsThe FBI's use of Babble X for social media surveillance highlights the importance of safeguarding online privacy and the potential risks of data misuse. Businesses can leverage Shopify for intuitive features, trusted apps, and powerful analytics. Election issues continue, with allegations of FBI interference.

      The FBI is using a social media surveillance software tool called Babble X, which is an AI-powered software that trolls social media for specific content. The agency signed a $27 million contract for its use, raising concerns about privacy and potential misuse. This comes as a reminder that our online activities are not as private as we might think and the importance of securing our data with tools like ExpressVPN. Additionally, there was a discussion about Shopify, a global commerce platform that offers intuitive features, trusted apps, and powerful analytics, making it an attractive option for businesses. Lastly, there was an update on the ongoing election issues and a mention of a whistleblower's allegations of FBI efforts to interfere in elections.

    • FBI Monitors Social Media Platforms on a Large ScaleThe FBI is using surveillance software to monitor social media platforms, including non-essential ones, to identify potential election crimes, raising concerns about privacy, free speech, and potential political bias.

      The FBI is using surveillance software to monitor social media platforms on a large scale, including those not strictly necessary like Reddit, Discord, Snapchat, TikTok, Weibo, Acoon, Gab, and Parler. The FBI's contract for this software, which includes 5,000 licenses, began in March 2023 and will cost around $5 million in the first year. The software, called Babblex, is used to identify potential election crimes, including misinformation, and the FBI is reportedly sharing this information with big tech companies for censorship. This raises concerns about privacy, free speech, and potential political bias. The FBI's past failures to identify disinformation that negatively impacted their liberal masters, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story and the Russia collusion hoax, further fuel these concerns.

    • FBI Monitors Social Media for Election MisinformationThe FBI is monitoring social media for potential election misinformation and collaborating with tech companies. Whistleblower concerns question the constitutionality and potential censorship of conservative content.

      The FBI's Public Corruption Intel Unit in Washington D.C. is monitoring social media for potential election misinformation, with the information being shared with Social Media Exploitation (SOMEX) teams in the field. Agents are reportedly being temporarily assigned (TDY) to San Francisco to liaison with big tech companies. Kyle Serifin, an FBI whistleblower, raises concerns about the constitutionality of the FBI monitoring free speech without evidence of a crime. He also questions if the SOMEX teams are working with big tech to censor conservative content. The speaker calls for a congressional commission to investigate these matters, including the FBI's use of Babblex and the role of big tech in election interference. It's crucial for citizens to vote and bring others with them to make their voices heard.

    • Concerns over corruption in federal law enforcement and mediaSenate candidate Ron Johnson raises concerns about potential corruption in the FBI and George Soros' influence on media, with upcoming Twitter takeover by Elon Musk causing panic among liberal establishment figures.

      There are concerns about corruption in federal law enforcement and the media, and Ron Johnson, a Senate candidate, has been a long-time advocate for addressing these issues. The FBI and George Soros have been identified as having questionable relationships and potentially censoring content. The upcoming takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, who has committed to a free speech mission, has the liberal establishment and those with ties to Soros and the FBI reportedly panicked. This highlights the need for transparency and accountability in these institutions.

    • Left vs Right: Free Speech vs CensorshipThe left advocates for censorship while conservatives support free speech. The left's reaction to Elon Musk's Twitter takeover highlighted this divide, with some expressing fear of unrestricted speech. The conversation also touched on privacy and data security, with a recommendation to switch to Start Mail for protection.

      The left's reaction to Elon Musk's Twitter takeover and the potential return of free speech on the platform has highlighted a fundamental difference between the left and right's values. While conservatives support free speech, the left tends to advocate for censorship. This divide was evident in the panic and fear expressed by some on the left at the prospect of unrestricted speech on Twitter. Additionally, the discussion touched on the issue of privacy and data security, with a recommendation to switch to Start Mail's private email service to protect personal information from being accessed or sold by big tech companies. Another topic that was briefly mentioned was the potential benefits of engaging with opposing viewpoints, with the example given of the Crasson Steens, liberal brothers known for their debates with conservatives. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of free speech and privacy, and the potential consequences of allowing big tech and government agencies to have unfettered access to personal information.

    • Debates on Free Speech and Censorship on Social MediaThe New York Times raises concerns about the impact of controversial figures on social media, but platforms have editorial control and there are alternatives for purchasing firearms with quality and warranties.

      There are ongoing debates about the role of free speech and censorship on social media platforms, particularly in relation to high-profile figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump. The New York Times, as a media outlet, has raised concerns about the potential consequences of allowing controversial figures back on these platforms. However, it's important to note that these platforms have already stated that they use various means to exert editorial control and are not simply unmoderated spaces. The fear and panic around the potential for free speech on alternative social media sites is also evident in recent media coverage. Meanwhile, there are various options for purchasing high-quality firearms, such as Henry Repeating Arms, which offer durability, craftsmanship, and a lifetime warranty. You can start by ordering a free catalog at henryusa.com.

    • Media bias in electionsMedia can influence elections by spreading false information and bias, emphasizing the importance of fact-checking and voting for honest candidates.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly contentious, with authoritarian figures and the media attempting to suppress alternative platforms and influence elections. The speaker highlights the case of Kerry Lake, a Republican candidate for governor in Arizona, who was falsely accused of a break-in at her opponent's office. Despite the lack of evidence, the media ran with the story, demonstrating a clear bias and failure to do their journalistic duty. This behavior is seen as an effort to sway the election in favor of the Democratic candidate. The speaker praises Carrie Lake for her ability to handle such situations and emphasizes the importance of voting to support candidates like her.

    • Tracking mail-in ballots and supporting conservative causesVoters in PA should monitor their mail-in ballots and companies like Patriot Mobile promote conservative values while potential data security threats loom with the Durban Marshall Bill and the Biden admin faces objections over voter outreach efforts, while crime concerns rise among Democrats.

      It's important for voters in Pennsylvania to track their mail-in ballots and ensure they are counted. Meanwhile, conservative values are gaining momentum through companies like Patriot Mobile, which supports conservative causes and candidates. However, data security is under threat with the potential passage of the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, which could shift consumer spending to less secure payment networks. The Biden administration's alleged effort to use taxpayer dollars to get out the vote for Democrats has been met with objections and blocked information requests from Republicans. Lastly, the crime issue is causing panic among Democrats as it becomes a major concern for voters.

    • Liberal cities downplay crime issue, Speaker's personal robbery experienceCrime is a major concern, especially in liberal cities. Ignoring it or labeling it as racist doesn't solve the problem. Vote in upcoming elections to make a difference.

      Crime is a significant issue, particularly in liberal cities, and the left is trying to downplay it. A personal story of a house robbery served as a backdrop for this discussion. The speaker expressed his disdain for the liberal city phenomenon of crime and criticized the New York Times for trying to spin the issue as racist when Republicans bring it up. The speaker also warned that if people don't vote in the upcoming elections, things will get worse. The Biden administration was accused of being dishonest, with the speaker providing examples of the President's false claims about economic growth and inflation. The overall message was that crime is a pressing concern that should not be ignored or dismissed as racist.

    • President Biden's Economic Claims DebunkedDespite President Biden's claims, real wages have decreased, economic growth has not significantly improved, and inflation remains high. Some of his statements about past achievements and current gas prices were also inaccurate.

      During a recent speech, President Joe Biden made several claims about the economy, inflation, and gas prices, but many of these statements were inaccurate or misleading. For instance, real wages have decreased since he took office, economic growth has not significantly improved under his administration, and inflation remains high. Additionally, Biden falsely claimed that gas prices were over $5 when he took office and that the average price of gas is $3.39, when in reality it is $3.82. Furthermore, some of his past claims about his academic and personal achievements have also been debunked. It is essential for political leaders to provide accurate information to the public.

    • Joe Biden's Past Statements and Accomplishments Scrutinized for InaccuraciesVoters should fact-check Joe Biden's statements and evaluate his leadership honestly, as some of his past claims have been debunked.

      Joe Biden's past statements and accomplishments have been subject to scrutiny and have been found to contain inaccuracies. For instance, his claims about his football career and academic achievements have been debunked. These instances call into question the veracity of his statements and raise concerns about his honesty. It's important for voters to consider this information when evaluating his candidacy and making decisions about his leadership. Additionally, it's a reminder that fact-checking and holding public figures accountable for their words and actions is crucial in maintaining trust and transparency in politics.

    • Pressing issues threatening individuals and economyBorder crisis, rising insurance premiums, and a struggling economy could worsen without attention. Stay informed and participate in all elections to help address these challenges.

      Several pressing issues, including the border crisis, rising insurance premiums, and a struggling economy, could worsen if not addressed. A senior Guatemalan official warns of migrant caravans preparing to flood the US border ahead of the midterms. Insurance premiums are predicted to spike due to inflation not being factored in earlier. The GDP number released yesterday was disappointing, with consumer spending and private investment decreasing, and productivity experiencing a significant decline. It's crucial to address these issues, or they could negatively impact individuals and the economy as a whole. Additionally, it's important to stay informed and participate in all elections, including those for judges, to help make a difference.

    • Republican control of Congress could impact executive orders, confirmations, and immigrationIf Republicans win control of Congress, they may issue more executive orders, push for confirmations, and see an increase in border illegals. Hunter Biden's interaction with a Chinese agent might not significantly impact the election outcome, but it could be a topic for public questioning if Republicans take control.

      Following the November 8 election, if Republicans win the House and Senate, there could be a surge of executive orders, a push for confirmations, and an influx of illegals at the border. Regarding Hunter Biden's interaction with a Chinese Communist Party agent, it may not be a game changer unless Republicans take control of Congress and can question them publicly. Dan Bonjito, a political figure, insists he didn't lie during his campaign, despite losing in a Democratic-leaning district. He encourages people to advocate for liberty and freedom, even if not everyone agrees, as it's important to stand up for one's beliefs. There are concerns about people moving from blue states to red states and potentially changing the political landscape. Efforts are being made to increase jujitsu content on local platforms. Ultimately, individuals should focus on their actions and the fight for freedom and liberty, rather than the outcome.

    • Rumble's Growth and Dan Bongino's ExcitementDan Bongino appreciates his audience and encourages them to tune in to his show and subscribe to his podcast for free on various platforms. He's also working to bring an FBI whistleblower back into the story, and is excited about the growth of Rumble, which continues to expand rapidly.

      Rumble, the platform Dan Bongino mentioned, is experiencing significant growth. New musicians have joined, and as more people join and load content, the platform continues to expand at a near geometric rate. Dan expressed his appreciation for his audience and encouraged them to tune in to his show on Fox News and subscribe to his podcast, which is free on Apple, Spotify, and Rumble. He also mentioned his efforts to bring the FBI whistleblower back into the story. Overall, Dan conveyed his excitement about the growth of Rumble and the upcoming content he has planned for his audience.

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