
    This is a National Disgrace (Ep 1138)

    enDecember 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Impeachment Process: Hoax or Necessity?Some view the current impeachment process as a hoax, while others see it as a necessary check on the president's power. The meaning of impeachment has been debated, with past actions and conflicting witness accounts adding to the confusion.

      The current impeachment process against the president is being viewed as a hoax and a standard political tactic by some, as the line between impeachable offenses and partisan politics appears to be blurred. Dan Bongino expressed his concern that the meaning of impeachment has been devalued, citing examples of past administrations and actions that were not impeached, despite clear evidence of wrongdoing. The interview with Lisa Page, a key figure in the Russia investigation, was mentioned as an example of how the impeachment process is being mishandled, with witnesses providing conflicting accounts and no concrete evidence of wrongdoing. The use of NetSuite was also emphasized as a crucial tool for businesses to make informed decisions based on accurate financial data.

    • Political Commentator Calls for McConnell's Recusal in Impeachment TrialSome see the impeachment trial as a hoax due to lack of evidence and perceived bias. A call for McConnell's recusal is met with skepticism, as public support for Trump and the economy are strong. Criticism of a former FBI lawyer's testimony adds to the political charge, with no real intention of removing Trump.

      The ongoing impeachment trial against President Trump is seen by some as a hoax due to the lack of substantial evidence and perceived bias among some senators. Jackie Spire, a political commentator, has called for Mitch McConnell's recusal, but not for other senators running against Trump in the next election. Spire believes that a mistrial should be declared, but her call is met with skepticism as public support for Trump and the economy are on the rise. Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer, was criticized for her testimony on MSNBC for being dishonest and spinning the truth. The trial is viewed as a political charge with no real intention of removing Trump from office.

    • Lisa Page's concerns over politicization and transparencyDuring a discussion, Lisa Page expressed her concern over the politicization of her messages and the Justice Department's handling of sensitive information. Despite her past role in the Trump-Russia investigation and her own text messages, she believed the release of these texts was unnecessary and damaging to institutional norms.

      During the discussion, Lisa Page expressed her concern over the politicization of her messages and the Justice Department's handling of the investigation into President Trump. She believed that the department was betraying its institutional norms by releasing sensitive information to the public. However, Page's criticism is ironic given her role in the FBI's handling of the Trump-Russia investigation, which included an affair with her colleague and text messages expressing her disdain for Trump. The release of these texts by the Department of Justice was seen as a response to congressional oversight, but Page felt it was unnecessary and damaging. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government, particularly during politically charged investigations. It also serves as a reminder that those in positions of power and authority must uphold the trust of the public and avoid actions that could undermine their credibility.

    • Investigating potential collusion between Trump campaign and RussiaDespite election outcome, thorough probes into campaign-Russia ties are crucial for national security.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was an ongoing investigation into potential collusion between individuals associated with Donald Trump's campaign and Russia. The discussion highlights the importance of thoroughly investigating such allegations, even if the person under investigation does not ultimately become president. The use of the term "insurance policy" was an analogy for the necessity of pressing forward with the investigation, regardless of the outcome of the election. The investigation was based on information suggesting contacts between Trump campaign advisor Carter Page and Russian intelligence officers, as well as Papadopoulos' alleged interaction with an Australian diplomat regarding Russian interference in the election. The FBI's decision to investigate was based on the belief that they had enough probable cause to request a FISA warrant on Page. However, criticism was directed towards the FBI for potentially withholding information from the president and for making assumptions about the meaning of certain phrases in the context of the investigation.

    • FBI's backup plan for Russian collusion investigationThe FBI's 'insurance policy' wasn't a cover-up, but a backup plan after initial investigations came up empty. The IG report didn't prove lack of political bias, but lack of direct evidence.

      The FBI's actions regarding the Carter Page FISA warrant and the "insurance policy" were not an attempt to cover up Russian collusion, but rather a backup plan after the initial investigations came up empty. The "insurance policy" referred to the Papadopoulos meeting and the subsequent alteration of information from the CIA to make his contacts look nefarious. It's important to clarify that the IG report did not state there was no political bias in the FBI's investigation, but rather that they couldn't find direct evidence of it. The misconception arises from people like Roswell Rachion parroting false information. Additionally, a product endorsement for Wax RX ear cleaning system was included in the discussion.

    • IG report found no political bias in Trump investigationsThe Inspector General's report debunked claims of political bias in investigations into former President Trump, but acknowledged potential motivations of gross incompetence or intentionality.

      Despite claims from some individuals and conspiracy theories suggesting political bias in the investigations into former President Trump, the Inspector General's report found no such evidence. Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, did acknowledge the possibility of either gross incompetence or intentionality as motivations for the investigations. However, Horowitz did not explicitly rule out political bias as a factor, but did not make that conclusion. The report itself stated there was no political bias. It's important to clarify the facts and separate misinformation from the truth. For those interested in signed copies of Dan Bongino's book "Exonerated," they can be found at premierecollectibles.com/exonerated. Additionally, there was recent news regarding a FISA court rebuke of the FBI due to the IG reports' information, but it's important to remember that the investigations found no political bias.

    • FBI misrepresented facts to Pfizer courtThe FBI's deceit in the application process undermines trust and integrity within the system, emphasizing the importance of truthfulness and accuracy.

      The Pfizer court, in a rare move, publicly rebuked the FBI for misrepresenting facts in the application for a warrant to surveil the Trump campaign. The court emphasized that the FBI agent is responsible for ensuring the facts in the application are true, and the judge makes a decision based on those submitted facts. The FBI agents' deceit is a significant breach of trust and integrity within the system, and the court's public rebuke underscores the importance of truthfulness and accuracy in the application process. The overwhelming blame lies with the FBI agents who swore out the false information.

    • FBI's handling of investigations questioned againThe IG report's criticism of the FBI has raised concerns, but past instances of false information usage have shown little consequence. Proposed restructuring of law enforcement agencies addresses accountability, but creating a powerful criminal agency raises concerns.

      The FBI's handling of important investigations, such as those involving Trump and the dossier, has been called into question once again. The IG report's criticism of the FBI has been met with grave concerns, but little action. Previous instances, like Devin Nunes' memo, have shown that the FBI knew they were using false information yet continued to act on it. The speaker suggests a major restructuring of law enforcement agencies, proposing three separate agencies for criminal work, counterintelligence, and inspections. However, concerns about creating a powerful criminal agency persist. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for accountability and reform within the FBI.

    • The current segmented model of federal law enforcement is ineffectiveOne powerful, all-encompassing law enforcement agency with an equally powerful oversight division could lead to more professional and effective law enforcement, reducing corruption and malfeasance.

      The current segmented model of federal law enforcement, with its various agencies like the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service, is not effective in preventing corruption and oversight. The speaker suggests that having one powerful, all-encompassing law enforcement agency, like the NYPD, with an equally powerful inspections division for oversight, would lead to more professional and effective law enforcement. The speaker argues that the size of an agency is irrelevant and that the "you don't know what we do here" effect, where different divisions of an agency operate in isolation, can lead to corruption and malfeasance. The speaker acknowledges that there have been issues with powerful law enforcement entities like the NYPD, but argues that the current segmented model is not working and needs to be reevaluated.

    • Transparency in government agencies' activitiesClear communication and transparency in government agencies' actions can build trust and prevent misconduct. Diversifying investments, especially in cryptocurrencies, can lead to better financial outcomes using platforms like eToro.

      Transparency and communication between federal agencies and the public are crucial in building trust and preventing potential misconduct. The lack of transparency in the FBI's activities has led to confusion, skepticism, and even conspiracy theories. If the workings of different agencies were more clear to the public, there would be less hesitance to trust their actions. Furthermore, the importance of diversifying investments, particularly in cryptocurrencies, was emphasized. eToro was highlighted as a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to copy the trades of successful crypto traders, reducing the need for extensive market knowledge or strategy development. Transparency and effective tools for investment can lead to better financial outcomes.

    • Media double standards towards Supreme Court justices on cable newsCNN's Brian Stelter criticized Justice Gorsuch for promoting his book on Fox News, but his criticism is hypocritical as he has also promoted content on CNN involving Supreme Court justices. The larger issue is the ongoing discussion about Spygate and its potential damaging consequences for the country.

      Double standards exist in media, particularly when it comes to Supreme Court justices appearing on cable news shows. Brian Stelter, a CNN host, criticized Justice Gorsuch for promoting his book on Fox News, while he had previously promoted a documentary on Ruth Bader Ginsburg on CNN. However, Stelter's criticism of Gorsuch is hypocritical, as he himself has promoted content on CNN that involves Supreme Court justices. The larger issue at hand is the ongoing discussion about Spygate and the revelation that the Obama administration spied on political candidates. Stelter, with solid sourcing, insists that this is a significant issue that goes beyond what meets the eye and will have damaging consequences for the country. The implication is that the Obama administration's actions will paint them in a negative light, and Stelter expresses concern despite his political differences with the former president.

    • Democrats identified unpredictable candidates as Pied Pipers and resorted to spying on themDuring the 2016 US presidential campaign, Democrats targeted unpredictable candidates Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson for intelligence operations under the guise of sharing national security info.

      During the 2016 US presidential campaign, the Hillary Clinton team identified Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson as "Pied Piper" candidates due to their unpredictability. The Democrats believed that Hillary Clinton would have an easier time defeating these renegade candidates compared to more established ones. However, since they couldn't predict these candidates' moves, they resorted to spying on them through their intelligence partners, such as the UK. This spying was conducted under the guise of sharing national security information. The revelation of this spying scandal, which was leaked through WikiLeaks, shows that the Democrats were more concerned about the unpredictability of these candidates than the established ones, leading to an unprecedented intelligence operation.

    • UK intelligence may have shared opposition research with US during 2016 campaignAllegations suggest UK intelligence shared false intel on Trump campaign, leading to FBI investigation and potential cover for earlier spying

      There are allegations that the UK intelligence may have shared opposition research with the US during the 2016 presidential campaign, which was then presented to the FBI as legitimate intelligence. This research reportedly targeted individuals associated with the Trump campaign, such as George Papadopoulos, who had previously been part of the Ben Carson campaign. The FBI's opening of a case based on this information was used as a cover to justify the earlier, potentially illegal spying activities. The Papadopoulos conversation, which was the only confirmed evidence of Russian collusion, was described as "nonsense." The FBI's pursuit of this lead was referred to as an "insurance policy" in case their initial spying efforts were discovered. Ultimately, the investigation shifted to Carter Page, who was also a target of the initial spying operation, and resulted in a bribe charge against him, which was the only criminal allegation in the Steel Dossier.

    • Encouraging listeners to stay informed and engagedDan Bongino expressed disappointment about America's state of affairs but remained hopeful, encouraging listeners to stay informed and engaged through his YouTube channel, podcast, and social media.

      Dan Bongino expressed his disappointment about the current state of affairs in America but remained hopeful with a fighter in the White House. He encouraged his listeners to subscribe to his YouTube channel, listen to him on Markleman's show, and follow him on Twitter for continuous updates. Bongino's show covered a range of topics, including the sad day in America, the importance of having a fighter in the White House, and a call to action for his audience to engage and stay informed. Despite the heavy topics discussed, Bongino maintained a positive and determined tone, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and engaged in the political process. Overall, Bongino's message was one of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

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